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tealily 02-10-2017 02:54 PM

@Leonine: Haha, I definitely see myself as being very creative and proactive - unfortunately I've also been heavily criticised for this as my ideas usually involve changing things, and apparently this is "unnecessary" at best, and "not meeting the company halfway despite all the efforts the company has made to accommodate me" at worst :D I'm no longer putting forth ideas. Ah well, the company's loss :D

Queen of Cups

A much softer, empathetic approach - for some reason I feel like the assignment or intention behind setting it is meant to be kinder than you currently perceive it to be.

Q: What is my greatest weakness in my current job?

55Degrees 02-10-2017 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Leonine
For tealily:

Q: What am I missing/not seeing, in regards to this assignment?

7 of Swords.
You're missing or not seeing an important piece of research in the right context.

Q. What do I need to tell K (work related)

tealily 02-10-2017 03:15 PM


2 of Wands rev

You need to tell her not to do it! O_O

Q: What is my greatest weakness in my current job?

Pandora. 02-10-2017 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by tealily

2 of Wands rev

You need to tell her not to do it! O_O

Q: What is my greatest weakness in my current job?

Page of Cups

You get too distracted (most likely playing Tarot, hahahaha!)

Q: How can I get more motivated?

55Degrees 02-10-2017 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pandora.

Q: How can I get more motivated?

Set your intention on a single task making sure you have everything on hand to tackle it.

Q. What do I need to focus on tomorrow

Pandora. 02-10-2017 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Set your intention on a single task making sure you have everything on hand to tackle it.

Q. What do I need to focus on tomorrow

Knight of Cups.
Focus on nurturing a relationship.

Q. How can I be more giving?

tealily 02-10-2017 10:22 PM

This is about fairness - but perhaps also about being able to more clearly see into people's motives (they may be kinder towards you than you expect; if you see this, you may be more likely to be 'giving' towards them).

Q: What's the next professional milestone I should reach for in my job?

Pandora. 03-10-2017 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by tealily
This is about fairness - but perhaps also about being able to more clearly see into people's motives (they may be kinder towards you than you expect; if you see this, you may be more likely to be 'giving' towards them).

Q: What's the next professional milestone I should reach for in my job?

10 of Swords. Okay then .... :icon_eek:
Perhaps you need to put an end to your current job situation before you look at doing anything else, as in, move on to another job entirely. A completely fresh start may be in order. :smile:

Q. Would it be wise for me to move interstate after selling where I am?

LoveFeathers 04-10-2017 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pandora.
10 of Swords. Okay then .... :icon_eek:
Perhaps you need to put an end to your current job situation before you look at doing anything else, as in, move on to another job entirely. A completely fresh start may be in order. :smile:

Q. Would it be wise for me to move interstate after selling where I am?

The World YES it will be very wise to travel to a new place, everything will work out however, wait until you have completed the sale.

Q. Should I take anymore action to improve this relationship?

Pandora. 04-10-2017 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by LoveFeathers
The World YES it will be very wise to travel to a new place, everything will work out however, wait until you have completed the sale.

Q. Should I take anymore action to improve this relationship?

Queen of Pentacles: Yes, I believe you should. You have a lot you are able to do to improve it if you sit down and really give it some constructive thought.

Q. Should I buy a new car in the next year or so?

LoveFeathers 04-10-2017 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pandora.
Queen of Pentacles: Yes, I believe you should. You have a lot you are able to do to improve it if you sit down and really give it some constructive thought.

Q. Should I buy a new car in the next year or so?

A. The sun Yes you should or maybe even two, it will be fun and you will be able to afford it.

Q. How do I express myself and my emotions more clearly

Pandora. 04-10-2017 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by LoveFeathers
A. The sun Yes you should or maybe even two, it will be fun and you will be able to afford it.

Q. How do I express myself and my emotions more clearly

2 of Swords: Stop being so defensive and open yourself up more.

Q. What should I focus on for the remainder of the day?

tealily 04-10-2017 08:54 AM

@Pandora - hahaha yup (re: needing to leave)

2 of Cups reversed: What you can end/halt/put a stop to, am thinking of subscriptions etc.

(also, hey! You were the one who taught me 2 of Cups can have a non-person relationship meaning :) )

Q: I was tentatively meant to have two phone interviews this week... but they've gone silent.
Will I have any job interviews over the phone this week?

Pandora. 04-10-2017 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
@Pandora - hahaha yup (re: needing to leave)

2 of Cups reversed: What you can end/halt/put a stop to, am thinking of subscriptions etc.

(also, hey! You were the one who taught me 2 of Cups can have a non-person relationship meaning :) )

Q: I was tentatively meant to have two phone interviews this week... but they've gone silent.
Will I have any job interviews over the phone this week?

Hahahaha! There wasn't a lot more I could add to the 10 of Swords ... Crikey, that was a long time ago. I had forgotten I'd mentioned the 2 of Cups more obscure meaning.

8 of Pentacles. Hmmm. You'll probably get a phone call whilst you're working.

Q. Will my appointments tomorrow be productive?

tealily 04-10-2017 10:27 AM

Emperor reversed: Hmm - well, you'll definitely be productive/decisive at some point, although whether it's because of the appointment (or because the appointment or waiting for it is so frustrating that you stalk out and decide to take matters into your own hands!) is yet to be determined :D

Q: What's something very positive growing in the future for me that I can't see yet?

(prompt for this was Ace of Coins. Dear god, I love being prompted to write questions guarenteed a nice response. Feel free to copy it if you're reading this! :) )

Pandora. 04-10-2017 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by tealily
Emperor reversed: Hmm - well, you'll definitely be productive/decisive at some point, although whether it's because of the appointment (or because the appointment or waiting for it is so frustrating that you stalk out and decide to take matters into your own hands!) is yet to be determined :D

Q: What's something very positive growing in the future for me that I can't see yet?

(prompt for this was Ace of Coins. Dear god, I love being prompted to write questions guarenteed a nice response. Feel free to copy it if you're reading this! :) )

Hahahaha! Love this question. I'm going to pinch it for mine. :biggrin:

Page of Pentacles (after 4 of Pentacles flipped out of the deck, which I ignored).

A new job with more money that you can use to save up for something major. :biggrin:

Q. Ditto. What's something very positive growing in the future for me that I can't see yet?

moonincancer 04-10-2017 05:07 PM

10.Unfinished Symphony (wisdom of the oracle)
Abundance and success coming your way but only if you tie up the loose ends on a project you have been working on and see it through.

My question Ditto! What is the positive thing lined up in the future that I can't see yet:)

Pandora. 04-10-2017 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by moonincancer
10.Unfinished Symphony (wisdom of the oracle)
Abundance and success coming your way but only if you tie up the loose ends on a project you have been working on and see it through.

My question Ditto! What is the positive thing lined up in the future that I can't see yet:)

Wow, that was very spot on, thanks Moonincancer. :smile:

4 of Cups.
There's an opportunity coming your way which will really lift your spirit, get you out of the doldrums and help you feel more emotionally happy.

Q. What can I do to help me sleep better?

tealily 04-10-2017 11:19 PM

@Pandora, whee! More money seems to have come up in multiple readings now. I struggle to believe it because I'm under the impression I'm already being paid a very standard wage for my experience level, but it would be exciting to receive more.

Also, I did end up getting a phone interview this morning :)

3 of Cups: I'm seeing a drink (try hot milk before alcohol!!!) but this could also indicate phoning a friend and feeling "connected" before you go to sleep.

Q: Describe how I typically come across in job interviews

FairyCrystal 04-10-2017 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by tealily
@Pandora, whee! More money seems to have come up in multiple readings now. I struggle to believe it because I'm under the impression I'm already being paid a very standard wage for my experience level, but it would be exciting to receive more.

Also, I did end up getting a phone interview this morning :)

3 of Cups: I'm seeing a drink (try hot milk before alcohol!!!) but this could also indicate phoning a friend and feeling "connected" before you go to sleep.

Q: Describe how I typically come across in job interviews

Ten of Pentacles:
Knowledgeable, confident, positive addition to a team. And you know and go for what you want.

Question: What are my chances of getting out of my benefit situation?

tealily 05-10-2017 12:26 AM

@Fairycrystal - yay!

7 of Pent
Without knowing more about what kind of benefits, I would say this is definitely feasible... but it seems to be more an issue of what YOU want to do, as in you may be feeling quite indecisive and weighing up pros and cons a lot.

Q: Will I be able to return to full-time work hours within the year?
A few factors here - health, negotiations with my boss etc.

Pandora. 05-10-2017 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
@Fairycrystal - yay!

7 of Pent
Without knowing more about what kind of benefits, I would say this is definitely feasible... but it seems to be more an issue of what YOU want to do, as in you may be feeling quite indecisive and weighing up pros and cons a lot.

Q: Will I be able to return to full-time work hours within the year?
A few factors here - health, negotiations with my boss etc.

3 of Cups. You'll have cause for a celebration which is pointing to a "yes".

Q. How long until I can start to reap some benefits financially?

angelic star 05-10-2017 05:54 AM


Q. How long until I can start to reap some benefits financially?

Seven of Pentacles

You already have the resources to start somewhere, and over time, bit by bit set your priorities and build a more stable foundation, very soon in the coming months.

Q. A message of positive encouragement.

Pandora. 05-10-2017 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by angelic star
Seven of Pentacles

You already have the resources to start somewhere, and over time, bit by bit set your priorities and build a more stable foundation, very soon in the coming months.

Q. A message of positive encouragement.

10 of Swords

Once you come to terms with a loss, there's potential for you to start anew, however, the key is accepting what's no longer working in your life, to enable you to embrace a positive new direction.

I'll have the same: Q. A message of positive encouragement. :smile:

tealily 05-10-2017 01:09 PM

Devil reversed

This card says LET GO - a portion of what's keeping you down in the dumps is let-go-able, and you'll feel much better once it's gone :)

Q: I have a bunch of fun things planned for tomorrow. Pick a card and guess what I might have on :D (even if it's just one of them)
alt Q: "What does tealily have planned for tomorrow?"

moonincancer 05-10-2017 06:18 PM

6 The lady and the Lord (green witches tarot/lovers)
A romantic outing in nature somewhere near trees and possibly animals, a picnic.

My question: A message of encouragement

Pandora. 05-10-2017 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by moonincancer
6 The lady and the Lord (green witches tarot/lovers)
A romantic outing in nature somewhere near trees and possibly animals, a picnic.

My question: A message of encouragement

I didn't read this properly and drew a card for tealily :redface:

So for tealily: message of encouragement
Queen of Pentacles. You already have the resources you need to get everything you want from life, success on all levels WILL be yours.

Moonincancer: message of encouragement:
7 of Pentacles. It's time to reflect on how much you've put into something, how much more you need to keep putting into something, discard what you don't need to put in to it, and once that's done, don't give up as you will reap the benefit in time.

Q. Will repainting the premises I'm going to sell be seen favourably by prospective buyers?

Clover 05-10-2017 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Pandora.

Q. Will repainting the premises I'm going to sell be seen favourably by prospective buyers?

Nine of pentacles, they will be very impressed, nods and all. In favor ,

Edited question = I found it!

Question: Is it a good time to take a trip/Vacation?

Pandora. 06-10-2017 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Clover
Nine of pentacles, they will be very impressed, nods and all. In favor ,

Edited question = I found it!

Question: Is it a good time to take a trip/Vacation?

6 of Cups. It's a good time to go somewhere that appeals to you and take some time to smell the roses and meet some like-minded people.

How productive will I be painting tomorrow?

moonincancer 06-10-2017 04:52 AM

Just wanted to let you know. Your reading makes perfect sense to me at this moment in time ! Thanks:)


Originally Posted by Pandora.
I didn't read this properly and drew a card for tealily :redface:

So for tealily: message of encouragement
Queen of Pentacles. You already have the resources you need to get everything you want from life, success on all levels WILL be yours.

Moonincancer: message of encouragement:
7 of Pentacles. It's time to reflect on how much you've put into something, how much more you need to keep putting into something, discard what you don't need to put in to it, and once that's done, don't give up as you will reap the benefit in time.

Q. Will repainting the premises I'm going to sell be seen favourably by prospective buyers?

moonincancer 06-10-2017 04:57 AM

All that glitters (wisdom of the oracle)
The painting will be productive as long as you don't try to follow others. Avoid false glitter.

Q. Am I likely to get a favourable response to my recent (paper) proposal?

tealily 06-10-2017 06:04 AM

The Sun (after 9 of Swords rev)

I think this is a yes, although there'll be some nervousness first.

Q: Will I be offered the job currently being advertised at NH?

Pandora. 06-10-2017 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by moonincancer
Just wanted to let you know. Your reading makes perfect sense to me at this moment in time ! Thanks:)

Thanks moonincancer. I'm glad it made sense and is hopefully helpful to you. :hug3:

Tealily's question:
Q. Will I be offered the job currently being advertised at NH?

10 of Wands.

There's a big chance you will, however, it will be a lot more work and you may wonder if it's the right decision to take it.

(I can see you muttering and spluttering a few choice words under your breath, wondering why on earth you decided to accept it, hahahaha!) :icon_eek:

Q. I've had a really bad back ache all day. Is it wise to take Anzac for a walk this evening, or will that make my back worse?

tealily 06-10-2017 09:47 AM

6 of Swords. I'm seeing you go anyway, more for the dog than for you - if the terrain is flat it may be acceptable sailing.

Q: What's the next thing I'm striving for?

Pandora. 06-10-2017 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
6 of Swords. I'm seeing you go anyway, more for the dog than for you - if the terrain is flat it may be acceptable sailing.

Q: What's the next thing I'm striving for?

Hahahaha! You're looking out for a male who isn't a moron, that is to say, someone who has their head screwed on, has future goals and has the potential for a relationship down the line.

Q. What talents do I have?

tealily 06-10-2017 11:23 AM

LOL so true.

Page of Swords rev - you're very good at escaping the grid and being hard to contact when you don't want to be! :D

Q: Am I likely to find the next thing I'm striving for within the year?

Pandora. 06-10-2017 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by tealily
LOL so true.

Page of Swords rev - you're very good at escaping the grid and being hard to contact when you don't want to be! :D

:icon_eek: :D I didn't realise you knew me so well, hahahahaha! Extremely true :D

Q: Am I likely to find the next thing I'm striving for within the year?

Ace of Wands reversed
Unfortunately, looks like you may have to strive a bit longer, although you've got it firmly in your head, it's not ready to manifest just yet.

What things can I do to help me feel relaxed?

moonincancer 06-10-2017 05:26 PM

You must have some connect with my guides! Right again. I just got a yes from the organizers. And after some nervousness on my part. Bang on.


Originally Posted by tealily
The Sun (after 9 of Swords rev)

I think this is a yes, although there'll be some nervousness first.

Q: Will I be offered the job currently being advertised at NH?

Next question posted by PANDORA: What can Pandora do to feel relaxed?

moonincancer 06-10-2017 06:53 PM

9 pentacles
Making your home a comfortable relaxing space and bringing some nature in, a few pots, a garden perhaps or hiking?

My question: Will this trip work out well?

Pandora. 06-10-2017 08:52 PM


The Devil

You're likely to find it a bit of a strain, cause you're be expected to conform fairly rigidly by someone who although seems nice, has rather a high opinion of himself and likes a certain level of control.

Q. What qualities in people do I like the most?

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