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daisy 03-02-2007 12:22 AM

hey a warm welcome nomad, my road was slow and long then one day everything seemed to happen at once, enjoy the walk absorb the views and conserve your energies, i'm sure it will all happen for you when the time's right xxx
btw you're not crazy but most of us have thought we are at some point or another

Nomad 03-02-2007 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by daisy
hey a warm welcome nomad, my road was slow and long then one day everything seemed to happen at once, enjoy the walk absorb the views and conserve your energies, i'm sure it will all happen for you when the time's right xxx
btw you're not crazy but most of us have thought we are at some point or another

Thank you for the welcome :smile:

I realise it is a road that never ends, and at the moment I am just sitting by the side of it wondering wether to carry on or pretend the road doesnt exist :D

However, "they" dont take no for an answer it seems...

daisy 03-02-2007 12:32 AM

are you absorbing anything by just sitting though? maybe you should get up and take a look around and one step at a time for now, and your quite right i believe this road doesn't end till we reach 'home' which is hopefully many years away for us allxxx
if it's meant to be it will happenxx

spiritalk 22-02-2007 07:28 PM

Indiana has one of the largest Spriitualism camps in the US. Is Indiana that large that it is 100 miles to any church? (several are available)

Where in Ontario, Canada? Toronto has several centres, as does other places. For some help locating a spot, let me know....we have a directory for just that purpose.

God bless, J

celtic_cutty 22-02-2007 07:53 PM

hi to you all..good to read your posts..as it encourages and gives faith to the likes of me that is struggling..I have always felt presences and the likes..especially as past 6 years..I get impatient and frustrated at times because I CANT PICK messages up..cant see for looking maybe..but cheers nomad for your posts..gives me faith knowing that others are finding the road rocky x

daisy 22-02-2007 11:46 PM

i'm sure it's not a smooth road for anyone, keep going onwards and forwards xxxx

janspirit 01-03-2007 06:01 PM

Hi Daisy

I got involved in a home development circle run by Joe, the president of a spiritualist church in Dec 1987. How I got involved with that was I went for an astrology reading with him (he was friends with someone I worked with at the time), and he said I had spiritual gifts to develop. Later on he invited me to join his circle.

I first went to a spiritualist church in April 87 after my mum passed - (this was a different one than the one ran by Joe) - and got a message from the medium.

I went to a few services at the church - and trained as a spiritual healer with them (at Joe's church). I also joined a group to go to Stansted Hall in 1988 which was v interesting - a week for mediumship development.

I do go to church now and again, and I have run home meditation circles myself - and may do this again in the future. I enjoy going to church, but I believe it's kind of a stepping stone on your path, if u know what i mean.

I am open to Truth and Light in all its forms.. and believe in religious tolerance.

love and light

janspirit x

Michael523 04-03-2007 08:52 PM

Hello Daisy,

After reading through all the responses, I fall into the area of growing up with my gifts. As for becoming a Spiritualist, that may be more of a hybrid topic and item for me, as I am still a base Christian (with strong ties and beliefs in God), but I also see many other avenues in life which sometimes fall outside of the norm for a religious faith.

Years of experience have shown me things, as I am sure other people have seen, that normal religious faiths can not explain. With those, I was hard pressed to not acknowledge things or at least think about them. Over the years, it has evolved and grown into what I like to think is a comprehensive faith.

For me, being spiritual is a way of life (and I know many people feel the same), more so than living by letter and wrote.

At any rate, thank you to everyone who posted a portion of their lives, and shared how they have navigated life to this point. It's always helpful to see others making it in life with a healthy mindset.


Ancestral 05-04-2007 11:38 AM

I grew up in a Spiritualist home but I did not become one until about a decade ago. I am empathic and that is growing to the point I am not sure if I feel that I am ready for it to grow or not. But a higher being decided I was otherwise it would not have grown. Life takes us down many paths and it is an interesting path to walk. I would not change anything in my life not even to erase the pain for the pain is a part of me. I do not go to church because I feel everywhere I am is where the Great Spirit is.

GaiaPrayer 13-04-2007 10:25 PM

Hello all. I too am a Spiritualist. I was raised in a Catholic home but thankfully my parents were very lenient with me in my early years. Nice to meet you all.:smile:

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