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Enlightener 19-01-2013 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Honza
I agree that claiming to be God is the most egotistical thing we can say, but it also holds a grain of truth. Because we are forced to be responsible for ourselves, to look after ourselves and to make sure we survive. There is no God 'looking after' us, we have to do it ourselves. We are forced to be our own God by the fact that there is no other God around to take care of things.

Also it is apparent that if God is everything then that includes all of us. Each and every one of us is a part of God - now whether one says I am a 'part' of God or whether one says I am 'all' of God becomes purely academic because God is total and complete - the whole. Just by being a 'part' of God you are directly married to the 'whole'.

I say "I am God" but I mean that I am a part. The saying "I am God" is the most direct way of strengthening oneself. Of becoming.



Enlightener 19-01-2013 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Amilius777
I understand everything you said. And I agree.

But with the incoming feminine energy of changing the planet's consciousness we need to retain the masculine energy of reason.

Reason is nothing when you have strength.


You see the Dark Ages or the past degenerate Age for the last 2,000 years was consumed in masculine energy of reason. There was no room for the feminine energy. We saw it slightly in adoration for Virgin Mary, worship of Kuan Yin, and others around the world. But we are passing into a more mental and feminine age which governed the world in the past.

In the past there were great civilizations that have become myths- Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Dwaraka, Kumari, and many more. They all existed in a very balanced consciousness. After the fall of all these great worlds came an imbalance of energy. At one time the feminine ruled and then eventually masculine is the most recent.

Why am I bringing this all up? What does it have to do with what we are saying? We have to realize why spirituality and reason need each other. I won't use the world "religion" because that means a whole other ****. We must realize that the essence of our Soul and the essence of God's Being are the same. This essence is a Consciousness and awareness. It is called so many different names like Christ-consciousness, Krishna-consciousness, etc whatever. The name doesn't matter. But the individual soul and the Individual God are two distinct entities. One exists on it's own, the other exists because the One exists. The Christians came up with the Trinity like the Hindus to make distinctions. The Trinity is all God. BUT the Father is first and the Source of the Trinity because the Source can exist on its own without souls.

The Source is Souls. It is Soullular energy, if I can put it that way. Have you ever listened to the silence of the Soul. Watched the vision of eternity. Danced for a lifetime and degraded again and again. This is you, you are this. Oneness Being Eternal.


That is why in this upcoming Age of energy we can not make the mistake of the last 2000 years. We need to accept this feminine power of emotion and combine it with reason. A lot of people want to just throw out reason and religion. But without form and reason there can be chaos.

Chaos is planned, always. There would be freedom and peace, brother, I can tell you that with dignity. There are men who seek to control Life, they are not good. The rest are fighting to free themselves of this. And there are many slaves, but more fighting than these.

Bless you dear brother.

Seawolf 20-01-2013 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Honza
Then surely that is the greatest gesture of Interfaith. If everyone is accepted as God and accepts themselves as God then we would have a one world religion, and a one world spirituality.

People think differently, therefore a one world religion is impossible. Unless a dictator forces it on everyone which is a possibliity and has happened before. If everyone believed the same it would a very sad and oppressive world imo. There is also the belief that everyone is right in their spiritual beliefs, regardless of how different they are from ours because everyone has their own path.

weallknowfrogsgoladida 21-01-2013 10:39 AM

If we are all God, then why Aren't we creating planets and earths and stars and flowers and butterflies and trees.. And you get the gist..

Honza 21-01-2013 02:18 PM

Because we are not all of him, we are just microcosms. But the reality that we are made of is God - in my opinion. God is the being who we all are. With limitations of course. We are limited God, not unlimited God.

weallknowfrogsgoladida 22-01-2013 12:23 AM

Don't they say with a hologram that each little microcosm reflection is exactly the same in blu print as the whole... If you theory were correct, I imagine it would be the same withGod, meaning that even the smallest part of the whole would have the same power and ability within it as the whole.. Somehow something doesn't gel. The other thing is, if we say that God is all knowing and all powerful which God would have to be in order to create a universe, then it would come to mean that even the smallest part of God would have to be aware of its function and role and able to help and act in union with the whole, otherwise it would no longer be all powerful and all knowing, hence my logic that we are not all God because we don not have the power of creation, it is fair to say that each one of us has absolutely no knowledge of how to create the universe. Hence, there must be a creator.. Of us. If anyone has figured out how to create the world and everything else seen around us, of course I would love to hear about it?

Amilius777 05-05-2013 04:47 AM

We are God in the sense of "spirit", we are not literally God.

The original transgression of "Adam" which was a necessary one was to show the fault and pride of one who puts themselves as God over God. Whereas we are meant to be as God with God.

God made us to know ourselves, to be ourselves, and yet one and same with God

Not that we are THE GOD, but gods or godlings.- all sharing the same divine DNA.

The Holy Spirit is the divine DNA, a divine person of the Trinity and is everyone's Higher-consciousness. In that way, through the Holy Spirit we are in essence God.

But we can never be God the Source, or "God the Father/Creator". If you believe you are, you have committed the truest sin- complete self-centeredness.

4you007 25-07-2013 09:09 PM

No we are not God we are the creature of God.
God do not die as humans and other creature.

Morpheus 28-07-2013 06:21 AM

St Paul declared:
"In Him we live and move and have our being."

Which he borrowed from a pagan tribute in Greece, to, "The Unknown God".

In merely this organic aspect, no, of course we are not God.
Yet, Jesus is called "The One" and He Himself stated we could do anything He did, and more. It's about transcension.
He called people, "gods", and related people with the angels.

God is everything, and all things are connected and unified in Him.


Originally Posted by Honza
I agree that claiming to be God is the most egotistical thing we can say, but it also holds a grain of truth. Because we are forced to be responsible for ourselves, to look after ourselves and to make sure we survive. There is no God 'looking after' us, we have to do it ourselves. We are forced to be our own God by the fact that there is no other God around to take care of things.

Here is the thing, Honza. When you start talking about preservation and survival, you are veering from the greater reality.
As Yogananda stated, "Death is only an experience wherein you are to learn a great lesson; You cannot die."

Buddha didn't state the same?

And, "there is no God looking after us" ? Really?
Everything is a known to Him. Past, present and future are all before Him, and are a known.
He told us also about our future.
Of course He looks after us.
Remember all the various accidents we see are only from one perspective, this world or, "Veil", in time and space.

Many believe that there are no accidents.

"Jesus also stated that not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father, and you are worth more than many sparrows."

the_crow 28-07-2013 06:39 AM

Big thoughts, big dreams, big desires, big expectations.
Where did the humility go?
If you want world peace, become peaceful.
If you want to save the world, save yourself.
If you want everyone to be 'nice', be nice yourself.
How you are is the only reasonable contribution you can make.
Overstep that mark and you become the problem you decry.

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