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Joe Mc 24-04-2020 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Phaelyn
I was thinking about how us humans make these machines, like take a tank for example, then we get inside of it and do things we could not do without the machine. We point the tank gun at a little house, push a button, and the tank totally blows up and destroys the little house. So we make machines and use them to do things we can't.

This human body is another machine we got into to do things we can't. (and made by us in the non-physical realm) With it's brain, appearance, memory, emotions, animal traits such as sex, hormones, and on and on, even the aging process is there and a part of the machine for a reason. It helps to create a story, to get the consciousness within ready to leave the body, as the body become broken in various ways as it ages.

So we are in this machine that is presenting a certain experience and reality, a context to live within, the thoughts and beliefs and all of that, relationships, but where am I going with this that relates to zen...!

Well ZEN is realizing none of this is me! All of it, or none of it...so say one recognizes this.... so the mouse gets off the treadmill....no more path, practices, teachings, teachers, something to seek, .... this is all content from this body and brain, this machine, designed to present all this stuff to hypnotize us to it's reality. But then we wake up.

We step completely out of the "game" manufactured by our brains/minds. So then what! Well life is mysterious and I'm still in the body. But it's like being in a new universe to explore. What really is water!? What is it's taste? Why is it transparent! Every moment becomes ...um......yea I don't know of any words.... it's just better... everything is better.... quiet, still, connected, harmonious....awe inspiring.... vast.... the sky starts right here at my feet and goes up without end.... infinite! Infinite yet I am here looking up... I am in the infinite!.......

A unique human is a myth. Someone somewhere is exactly like you, a few variations, but dang similar....so this self we think is important and unique...that we have created though thought and experience...ya not unique... not special, can be dropped, it was a good fit for awhile... it was a fascinating thing to create and work on, like a book we love, or like a room.... a room we elaborately decorated with painstaking detail...but still a room.... and outside our room which is me is a whole new world to explore and become acquainted with.

Made me think of this quote.

When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.

Shunryu Suzuki

I wrote this Haiku after sitting this morning. Thought I'd share it with you, hope you don't mind.

At dawn Buddha
By sunset it has gone
Sleeping once more

sentient 24-04-2020 08:02 AM

In the absence of the dual wall
unconditional love
awareness of other as self


Awareness of other as self
generating much warmth, joy and mirth
about individual differences


Every new gadget
bringing a new learning curve
driving one up the wall


sentient 24-04-2020 06:52 PM

Alan Watts’ talks - interesting and entertaining as always ….




Thanks for bringing up the subject of Zen Joe!


Joe Mc 25-04-2020 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by sentient
Alan Watts’ talks - interesting and entertaining as always ….




Thanks for bringing up the subject of Zen Joe!


Thank you Sentient for your valuable contribution, links and lovely verses. I'm glad I started this thread and thank you for saying so too. I'm hoping it can be a space for Zen, whatever your Zen is at the moment, whatever traditions you know about or come from or don't know about or don't come from! Alan Watts cool, think ill have a listen to that one later, thanks. :smile:

Phaelyn 25-04-2020 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Mc
Made me think of this quote.

When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.

Shunryu Suzuki

I wrote this Haiku after sitting this morning. Thought I'd share it with you, hope you don't mind.

At dawn Buddha
By sunset it has gone
Sleeping once more

As far as the most peace, the most contentment, the least conflict, it is found by living free of attachment or identification with, ones own mental content. And this mental content, has nothing to do with understanding and awareness. One knows more, not less, is aware of more, not less, if they are being willfully free of internal mental interpretation. But then even interpretation or choice remains but only as experiential choice through understanding applied to now, to what is present, never to what is imagined, not mental choice involving time. Choosing the state of peace, contentment, and no conflict in the now means to be aware of where my attention is and to understand in the now what results experientially from my attention being there.

Still_Waters 25-04-2020 07:14 PM

One of my favorite and, at one time, most puzzling Zen meditations was Yunmen's "dried ****stick". :D


(Note that 4 letters in the link were censored but that word is in virtually every translation of Yunmen's unorthodox Zen meditation. Replace the 4 letters inappropriately :biggrin: and you will be able to read the story.)

sky 26-04-2020 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Still_Waters
One of my favorite and, at one time, most puzzling Zen meditations was Yunmen's "dried ****stick". :D


(Note that 4 letters in the link were censored but that word is in virtually every translation of Yunmen's unorthodox Zen meditation. Replace the 4 letters inappropriately :biggrin: and you will be able to read the story.)

Thankfully Charmin flushes down the toilet :D

Joe Mc 26-04-2020 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Still_Waters
One of my favorite and, at one time, most puzzling Zen meditations was Yunmen's "dried ****stick". :D


(Note that 4 letters in the link were censored but that word is in virtually every translation of Yunmen's unorthodox Zen meditation. Replace the 4 letters inappropriately :biggrin: and you will be able to read the story.)

Yes im familiar with the s hit stick koan :biggrin:

Here are a few lines i penned this morning after sitting for a bit ...could be in response to the s hit stick koan ...thanks for the inspiration. :D

The azz*of the chair
Supports the azz of my body
The azz of my mind
Between cloudy weather
Iphone 6 or dslr
The ending of illness
The beginning of the end ….
…. I conclude that somehow
this is all in all an asses life
That through some miracle
I can appreciate ..even work with
Smile at sometimes.

* trying to beat the filter ..what an ***

Still_Waters 26-04-2020 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Mc
Yes im familiar with the s hit stick koan :biggrin:

Here are a few lines i penned this morning after sitting for a bit ...could be in response to the s hit stick koan ...thanks for the inspiration. :D

The azz*of the chair
Supports the azz of my body
The azz of my mind
Between cloudy weather
Iphone 6 or dslr
The ending of illness
The beginning of the end ….
…. I conclude that somehow
this is all in all an asses life
That through some miracle
I can appreciate ..even work with
Smile at sometimes.

* trying to beat the filter ..what an ***

I love what you wrote. I'm not surprised that you were familiar with this "Zen Meditation".

A while ago, I read the koans from the Gateless Gate and the Blue Cliff Notes. At that point, I mentioned to the head of a NY Ashram that I stopped reading Pantanjali's Yoga sutras. Her response was, "Of course. This starts where the Yoga Sutras stop." She then added, "You WILL order a copy of this book for me. " :D I did. :smile: Zen is awesome, but not necessarily for everyone.

I once stayed at the monastery of the Grand Zen Master of Korea in Gjungju. I asked him a question.

"I have never heard any stories about the Buddha getting angry. Do you know of any instances where the Buddha got angry?"

After a long pause, he looked at me and responded.

"I do not know what is in the mind of the Buddha."


Joe Mc 26-04-2020 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Still_Waters
I love what you wrote. I'm not surprised that you were familiar with this "Zen Meditation".

A while ago, I read the koans from the Gateless Gate and the Blue Cliff Notes. At that point, I mentioned to the head of a NY Ashram that I stopped reading Pantanjali's Yoga sutras. Her response was, "Of course. This starts where the Yoga Sutras stop." She then added, "You WILL order a copy of this book for me. " :D I did. :smile: Zen is awesome, but not necessarily for everyone.

I once stayed at the monastery of the Grand Zen Master of Korea in Gjungju. I asked him a question.

"I have never heard any stories about the Buddha getting angry. Do you know of any instances where the Buddha got angry?"

After a long pause, he looked at me and responded.

"I do not know what is in the mind of the Buddha."


Thank you .... yes it seems like such an 'open secret'. It seems to contain the sublimest contradictions and paradoxes that have ever been written and yet there is no contradiction or paradoxes at all. What a reply from that master lol :biggrin: perfect. :smile: thank you kind regards.

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