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Pandora. 04-08-2015 11:46 AM

Thanks tealily, I didn't have a clue how to multi quote.

Reading for tealily: "Is tealily right in thinking that clearing her physical space is a top priority right now?"

This is a quickie ... as I've got a lot of work to do now! hahahaha

Rider Waite with reversals

3 of Pentacles reversed, 8 of Swords reversed, Page of Cups reversed

Okay. This is a tricky one.

As soon as I saw the 3 of Pentacles, I immediately thought how crammed and crowded that building is. There's barely enough room to swing a cat. So being reversed, I think it's telling you to make more room. How can you work, play, create, if you're cramped like a mouse in a shoebox?

The 8 of Swords reversed I think is pretty self-explanatory. You need to create enough space that you can move and live comfortably.

And lastly, the Page of Cups reversed seems to indicate to me that you've been stymied creatively lately and not feeling comfortable in your space. I mean, seriously, look at that poor fish crammed into that cup. Reversed, he's escaping!

So, yeah, go for it!

Last reading by Pandora Will we (my partner and I) hear from the council by Friday? (Some background may help - we're having dramas with our local council, who have told us we can't live in our shed and have to demolish it and we're still waiting to hear from them regarding a meeting we want to have with them).

ReSurrection 04-08-2015 12:19 PM

Reading for Pandora

Sadly i dont think u will hear from them by Friday but if you do sadly indont feel they will be pleasant....it looks like you have no reason not to live in your shed however They are just being mean and nasty about this so i do think they know they arent doing a nice thing And are aware that they are being bullies towards you but it looks like sadly they are behaving this way cause they feel they can :icon_frown: so i feel you may hear from them later on with the six od pentacles, but with the five of cups, especially five od swords And ten od swords that follows, they might get nasty and might make you feel like the world is coming to an end however that is just being dramatic i feel really they Wont fullfill their threats od moving you put but they are just being asses And verbally displaying their power

Last reading by ReSsurection.

Q- how would a sexual relationship between L and me be like if it ever does happen?

Asrai 04-08-2015 01:33 PM

Feedback for Rainbow Sprinkles:

Thank you! This reading was spot on. I am experiencing every one of the things mentioned.

For your reading your question was "How can I feel more solid and committed?"
I am using the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms (One of my favorites)
I got The Prison Waif for you.

It suggests that you have a tendency to think self-sabotaging thoughts that keep your from your highest good. You may think that you're doing all you can but you may need to pay closer attention to your thoughts. This card suggests getting out in nature more in order to become more grounded. Remember to take off your shoes.

Hopefully you can give some feedback on this as I didn't get any for my last reading, apparently it wasn't good enough. Thanks

Last reading by Asrai

How can I find my what my passion is?

ReSurrection 04-08-2015 01:46 PM

Hey Asrai I got skipped, I gave the last reading:tongue:

tealily 04-08-2015 02:14 PM

Hi Asrai,

Great to see more reader interpretation of the cards in your most recent reading! Although, you were meant to read for the last reader above you (Ressurection) rather than giving a return read for Rainbow Sprinkles (who has already received their follow-on reading, but now has two, luckyduck!) :smile:

If the next reader can be awesomesauce and read for BOTH Ressurection and Asrai to keep the flow, that would be great - otherwise I'll do this in ~12hrs to get us back on track :) :hug3:

55Degrees 04-08-2015 04:16 PM

Feedback for tealily


Originally Posted by tealily

Another proverbial stab in the dark - let me know if I'm way off.

I get the vibe something big has happened recently - not sure what it is but it feels tremendously unfair and that it may have left K with her head hanging. Two 9's in this spread - did something come to an end?

Though she may be 'going through the motions', I also get the impression that she may be working overtime or trying to stay busy in an attempt to avoid feeling emotions. Here is where you may be able to help: K is back in the real world (great!) but superbly unbalanced (not great). She might be neglecting her health, her friends, her hobbies... or doing all of these but so walled up that no-one can get close to her emotionally. Adjustment seems to be what she needs - adjustments plus coming to terms with any recent injustice.

Cards: Hermit reversed, Justice reversed, 9 of Pentacles reversed.

That was pretty well on the mark. K has just graduated from uni and is currently trying to find her place in the world. She says she feels as if she doesn't know where to go with her career direction and is working a job she hates just so she is earning money. She is very emotionally closed off, I feel the undertone of her 'sadness', its hard to describe it, but it feels like there is a well of emotion getting ready to overflow and she is trying hard to keep this under control.
She did do something out of character last week and this has worried me. Maybe it's time for some mummy/ daughter time to try and get her to open up more.
Thanks tealily it made sense and verifies my thoughts that she is struggling with the post-university transition.

Last reading by ResSurection and Asrai

Asrai 04-08-2015 04:40 PM

Sorry about that. It's a little confusing.

Awakened Queen 04-08-2015 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Asrai
Sorry about that. It's a little confusing.

This thread is confusing me too.

ReSurrection 04-08-2015 08:02 PM

we give a reading to the poster above us :tongue:

Awakened Queen 04-08-2015 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by ReSsurection
we give a reading to the poster above us :tongue:

The reading "by" is a bit confusing. Wouldn't it be "for?"

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