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Flexi-Girl 05-03-2023 06:26 PM

I often hear of in NDE accounts of an absence of time. Maybe our human brains can't perceive that absence of time, so we equate it with eternity in hell.

Flexi-Girl 06-03-2023 12:25 AM

I don't buy into an eternal hell. One would have to believe that God is beyond cruel psychopath to lock their beloved child for all time into unimaginable torture for mistakes they made while in this comparative blip of time. Some people have had harder lives, raised poorly, or followed the wrong people. There are bad and horrible people in this world but I don't believe anyone should suffer forever in the worst imaginable place. That doesn't include every other faith or lack of faith that isn't Christian. Are all Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Atheists and Zoroastrians destined to the pit of despair simply because they didn't accept Jesus? It might be easy to accept the Christ if you had been raised to believe way early in life, but not so for someone of a complete other path.

Bluto 06-03-2023 05:30 AM

I've read a few things about NDEs and life reviews lately, which I sort of pieced together.

I read an account of a man who - I forget the exact details - had a problem with his heart which meant it kept stopping. Consequently he had many NDEs, and claimed they were all different from one another. He had all the classic ones (life review, dead relatives, seeing a loving light, etc). But in some of them he ended up in a hellish realm where he witnessed people screaming and being tortured.

I also recently listened to an NDE account where a woman was faced with a basket of orbs during her life review. Each orb contained a trauma she'd been through, or a trauma she put another through. She had free will to pick and choose the orbs, but she had to pick them all to complete the life review. Where she'd caused another a trauma, she said she experienced it from their perspective - the pain, everything. If she'd deliberately sucked a spider into a vacuum or trod on a snail, she'd be the spider or snail and experienced the vacuum pipe or the big foot coming down.

This got me thinking, perhaps there is a hellish realm, but it's only temporary whilst we experience all the pain we've dished out, and once the karmic debt is repaid our souls are then cleansed, a soul lesson is fully complete and learned (presumably about love and empathy), and we move to the light, taking the lesson learned to the next life - which is how consciousness/God/source/the cosmos evolves.

I don't know. But I do find it disturbing how a good number of NDEers report seeing a hellish realm.

Miss Hepburn 06-03-2023 12:34 PM

My 2 cents
Hi Bluto,
I don't believe in a hell as described in the Bible -Lake of eternal fire...I know people will not like that thinking everything in the Bible is true and
that God is a very punishing Being. Not me, not from a God that is pure love.

But, I have read from believable sources about temporary, self-created, hellish 'places', like in the movie, ''What Dreams May Come'',
Robin Williams-which is based on Anthony Borgia's messages received from a friend on the Other Side -free online:
"Life in The World Unseen", btw.
Also in the movie, "The Astral City - A Spiritual Journey", based on Chico Xavier's messages.

Moral? Live a good life, be kind. Simple.
Recently in a youtube, found here some place, a Jeff Mara interview ---
a message was clear...
"It is more important how you make someone else feel than what you feel.''
Sweet. :)

Miss Hepburn 06-03-2023 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mora321
I have seen both my parents after death and they are in neither heaven nor hell.
Both are in developmental systems.

Yes. I know, my mother, also. (Had a lucid dream - and wow.)

This is coined the In-Between place we hang out in ---often thought to be Heaven, lol--after earth! :tongue:
But it's not.
It has been depicted and talked about often.

Aldous 02-04-2023 12:22 AM

To Hell and Back Died by Suicide NDE Hell Testimony Angie Fenimore

Aldous 02-04-2023 02:12 PM

I was wondering if some of these NDE stories are fake especially if they seem to be pushing a particular religion. In Angie Fenimore's video, for example, she claims she took a lot of pills and recovered, apparently without going to the hospital, which seems a little suspicious. No monitors means no proof of near or temporary death.

iamthat 02-04-2023 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Aldous
I was wondering if some of these NDE stories are fake especially if they seem to be pushing a particular religion. In Angie Fenimore's video, for example, she claims she took a lot of pills and recovered, apparently without going to the hospital, which seems a little suspicious. No monitors means no proof of near or temporary death.

I am curious why someone would bother faking a story of a near-death experience.

Some accounts may seem to push a particular religion, but that is not surprising. The astral realms are supposedly vast and varied, and we find ourselves somewhere which corresponds to our own vibrations.

So if someone is a committed Christian in daily life then they will find themselves in an astral environment which fits their Christian beliefs, surrounded by fellow Christians. And perhaps they are all singing hymns of praise, and maybe there is even a glowing astral thought-form of Jesus behaving exactly as Christians might expect Jesus to behave.

They do not consider that there might be similar such heavens for Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. Christians will not suddenly find themselves in the Muslim version of heaven. So when they return to their body their faith in their religion has been reinforced. And they do not realise that all these heavens are actually not very advanced places.

As for not going to hospital and there being no proof of death, so what! I have not seen the video but a near-death experience is a near-death experience. I do not regard clinical proof of "death" as necessary.


Aldous 03-04-2023 01:50 PM

How does reincarnation figure into this? BTW, I read something a long time ago about Jesus having a conversation with some one, I think it was Judas, where Jesus said that Hell was temporary.

AstralTraveller 03-04-2023 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by iamthat
I am curious why someone would bother faking a story of a near-death experience.

I agree with you! Some maybe fake, but I have to agree with most. I see the common things amongst them all. I do not let religion get in the way. All of the ones I see, talk of a higher being of some kind, whether it is Buddha, or Jesus, or Alah, doesn't matter. I heard them all talk about a beautiful place, or a scary place, it doesn't matter what they call it, that is enough to confirm the places existence. I have been to this lower realm or hell. I am not destined to go there I hope, but it is real. And no power in the universe can tell me differently. Why would I make up a story of going to Hell... it's not a badge of honour afterall. I also been to the higher realms, heaven or paradise or whatever you want to call it. It's real, and real beautiful. And like before, no power in the universe can tell me differently. Experience is my proof.

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