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Being 15-06-2015 07:06 PM

"Two thousands years later [after Christ] the cosmic life force will be finally discovered and made usable for mankind. It will overturn millennia of human thinking. It will fill gaps which are left gaping in old human knowledge full of errors. It will reveal God’s meaning which was made inaccessible by chemistry and bigotry alike. It will fill the cosmic space which was declared empty. It will establish the lawful harmony of the Universe. It will open up man’s souls to their own sources of faith and comfort. It will heal with great power and in simple ways. It will establish new ways of thinking, neither mystical nor mechanical, but alive ones, according to man’s place in the general scheme of things. This will be the way of the Life Energy"

Wilhelm Reich

Deepsoul 15-06-2015 08:47 PM

Bravo and so it begins..........

Deepsoul 15-06-2015 08:48 PM

Bravo and so it begins.........

Being 16-06-2015 05:19 AM

If only - This World won't change...

Being 17-06-2015 11:01 AM

When we are asked what we find the most important thing in our life, the most of us would be able to answer the question. We would, naturally, come up with different answers, but that is not the point; the point is that we are able to answer. But as long as we are able to answer, we remain detached from the higher levels of Consciousness. How is that possible?


Kupava 18-06-2015 12:54 AM

I enjoyed what a shaman sees in a mental hospital with regards to treating schizophrenic symptoms.

Read the myth of mental illness by Thomas szasz if you really want to realise what a joke psychiatry is,and yes I agree that that they exclude the spiritual completely which is problematic because the cause is spiritual.

hippocrates started the idea that it was a bodily malfunction prior to that everyone knew it was a spiritual issue,or awakening most outside the west still do and because of that they have much higher recovery rates for schizophrenia than the west.

Being 18-06-2015 06:20 AM

Thank you for the reply.


Originally Posted by Kupava
I enjoyed what a shaman sees in a mental hospital with regards to treating schizophrenic symptoms.

Yea. Very interesting to look into all the Shamanic & traditional healing areas.


Read the myth of mental illness by Thomas szasz if you really want to realise what a joke psychiatry is,and yes I agree that that they exclude the spiritual completely which is problematic because the cause is spiritual.

Have read it & i have a copy of 'Insanity - The idea & it's consequences'. i do however think that Szasz was too invalidating of what people actually experience.

i've read, researched & listened to a lot of anti/critical psychiatry material. i do think a lot of it becomes very polemical. There's very little in the way of people offering more practical solutions.

The spiritual/transpersonal is a very significant part of things, definitely.


hippocrates started the idea that it was a bodily malfunction prior to that everyone knew it was a spiritual issue,or awakening most outside the west still do and because of that they have much higher recovery rates for schizophrenia than the west.

Very largely true.

It's very hard & confusing to navigate this society/system with it all. For practical purposes i do accept the diagnosis & medication - i've been treated by psychiatry for 25 years, & been unable to get away from it all. i was sectioned/forced treated 4 times, spent a year in psychiatric hospital & have ended up dependent on medication for the past 17 years. It's very hard to more fully resolve & get away from it all.

Best compromise i have made is accepting an integral/holistic view in relation to everything - bio/psycho/social/spiritual [That we're mind, body, soul & spirit {within environment)]. That there are the Worlds of spirit, psyche & physical, the lower, middle & upper Worlds. Many models & ways of understanding reality & these experiences.

There are intimations of people trying to introduce more spiritual, holistic & humane approaches & understandings to the Western mental health system. For 10 years i've posted on-line trying to raise awareness of the spiritual dimension to mental health. Largely i have been met with a lot of attack, ridicule, denial, & misunderstanding. The materialistic view of mind is brain & it's all primarily a problem with the persons brain/biology dominates.

i find it very hard to see how there is going to be a genuine shift away from pathology, label & drug?

Being 18-06-2015 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Kupava
I agree that that they exclude the spiritual completely which is problematic because the cause is spiritual.

i think in the vast majority of cases the primary cause/aetiology is psychogenic/spiritual crisis. That reality consists of the spirit, psyche & physical. But i would say it is all interrelated/interdependent - i wouldn't deny that there is a physiological aspect/component to these experiences/conditions.

Seeing it all with a purely biomedical/scientific materialism/reductionism/determinism - that brain is mind, we're bags of meat - it must be a problem with physiology/biology - i think is insane.

However - How do 'we' change the system? & the dominance of the pharmacological/biomedical psychiatric Industry & scientific materialism?

i've battled for 10 years on line & made something like 50 thousand posts across multiple forums, & endless debates, trying to raise awareness on more comprehensive understandings & approaches - to little/no avail - it is pointless. People don't generally listen, seem incapable of understanding, & are generally totally conditioned into the mainstream culture/paradigms - much as everyone was when they all believed that the World was flat (& some people still do).

Being 19-06-2015 03:07 PM

Some interesting alternative information on healing from psychosis -


A series of talks are being given on this area that can be accessed here -



Being 21-06-2015 11:00 AM


i think it's good that a few are speaking out with a different story to the official/mass narratives around all these areas.

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