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minxoto 10-12-2017 08:19 PM

About the power of positivity.

Isn't that the same as abuse of negativity?

O 11-12-2017 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by minxoto
About the power of positivity.

Isn't that the same as abuse of negativity?

Its whatever you want it to be :smile:

O 11-12-2017 11:54 AM

O 18-12-2017 01:52 PM

prasannatrust 19-12-2017 05:25 AM

O 19-12-2017 09:52 AM

boshy b. good 19-12-2017 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Olivia13

That's very important.

_ _ _
_ _ _

Completeness fills us up. That is Completeness.

O 01-01-2018 12:19 PM

O 05-01-2018 11:23 AM

"On December 6th, 2013 I joined Kennedy's incredible cause. This video captures that unforgettable moment in time.

I want to thank Leanne Hubbard, Anne Edmonds, Rodney Cummins, and www.johnsearsmedia.com for helping me turn this vision into a reality. But none of this would have been made possible if it weren't for the courage, strength, and dedication of the beautiful Kennedy Hubbard; to you Kennedy, continue being the true hero you are. "

Mirrors - Justin Timberlake | Damien Escobar Live Performance


O 13-01-2018 04:28 PM

"Trouper the Raccoon had a rough start to life as a victim of animal cruelty. His life quickly changed for the better when he was brought to Miss Dot, a wildlife rehabilitator. Now, he finds peace in Jackie Evancho songs!

As a tiny cub, Trouper was attacked on a golf course. Since then, he has struggled with neurological issues that affect his ability to walk, smell, eat, and see. But Trouper isn’t giving up and neither is his handler, Miss Dot.

After a friend called Dorothy “Dot” Lee for help, she took the baby raccoon into her care. But after several days, it didn’t appear he would make it. Miss Dot was prepared to euthanize him, worried that he was suffering. But that’s when a miracle happened and the raccoon received his name “Trouper”.

While working with Trouper, Miss Dot found that there were certain things that soothed him. One of those was listening to music. Though he enjoys many different styles, his favorite singer by far is Jackie Evancho. He even has a favorite song, “Come What May”.

Now 7 years old, Trouper is on a mission to help other animals. As an ambassador for the Wildlife Education Project (WEP) , Trouper is working to teach younger generations how to respect animal wildlife. Through classroom visits and speaking engagements, Trouper and Miss Dot are sharing their story through Trouper & Friends Fan Club in hopes of encouraging others to follow their lead to put a stop to animal cruelty.

Trouper finds peace through his music. It is this way that he connects with the world. After hearing his story, many other vocal talents have stopped by for a jam session with Trouper. These next amazing videos show how happy Trouper is to be surrounded by love and music!

One of Trouper’s other favorite songs is “Amazing Grace”. He has his own cd player with headphones to listen to his music when he feels anxious. (Miss Dot holds him and helps him keep them on!) He also enjoys having music played when he’s roaming the house and working on his mobility exercises.

It’s amazing how Trouper responds to music. Seeing him relax and happily take the hand of those who are singing is so sweet! Miss Dot explains that he is able to feel the vibrations of the notes and connect with what he cannot see.

Trouper knows that he has hold of our heart strings! His story is an inspiration to respect all and never give up on yourself or others. Well done, Miss Dot!"



O 15-01-2018 11:59 AM

O 15-01-2018 11:59 AM

O 20-01-2018 11:40 AM

O 21-01-2018 02:39 PM

People form human chain to rescue stranded dog from water canal.


O 22-01-2018 12:25 PM


O 23-01-2018 12:19 PM


O 24-01-2018 12:05 PM



O 25-01-2018 12:06 PM

O 28-01-2018 04:36 PM


"While plants are commonly used to decorate a home or office, or brighten up a yard or garden, many plants can
actually improve the flow of positive energy into a space. Certain plants are able to purify the air, while others can
provide a sense of well-being, peace and even stress relief. Getting rid of negative energy around you is an important
step to regaining your health and happiness. Use these plants to promote positive energy that will benefit you and the
people around you:

1. Peace Lily
The peace lily is believed to provide a means of prospering spiritually, mentally and physically. It improves the flow of
energy in the home by purifying the air and neutralizing harmful indoor gases. This plant grows well in shaded or dark
environments, such as an office or in a corner. Placing them in the bedroom will promote a sense of tranquility and
restful sleep.

2. Jasmine
Jasmine attracts positive energy and helps to strengthen relationships and build romance. Its sweet and pleasant smell
can help soothe a stressed mind and provide energy. This plant should be placed near a south-facing window when indoors.
In the garden, it should be placed in the north, east or northeast area.

3. Rosemary
Rosemary promotes physical and mental well-being while purifying the air to keep your home free of harmful toxins.
The smell of rosemary can instantly lift your mood, reduce fatigue, fight anxiety, improve memory and treat insomnia.
Rosemary also brings inner peace. Keep rosemary in a sunny spot and be careful not to over-water it.

4. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena braunii)
Lucky bamboo has been used in Asia for thousands of years as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. According to
feng shui, the vertical shape of lucky bamboo represents the element wood, which influences our life energy, vitality and
physical activity. Lucky bamboo is a low-maintenance plant. Place it in the corner of a room that has low lighting, away
from direct sunlight, and keep it in a glass bowl with about 1 inch of distilled or purified water.

5. Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)
The money plant is also known as golden pothos, hunter’s robe, ivy arum and silver vine. According to feng shui, this plant
produces a positive energy flow that attracts good luck and fortune. It can be grown as either a trailer or a climber. Place this
plant in front of a sharp corner or angle to help reduce anxiety, stress and negative thoughts. The plant’s shoot should point
upward to bring you health and prosperity

6. Orchid
According to feng shui, the orchid attracts positive energy while improving the energy of the home and also the lives of the
homeowners. The orchid has long-lasting flowers that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and has a sweet and pleasant
fragrance that serves as a mood-booster. Orchids release oxygen at night, so the bedroom is a good place to keep an orchid.

7. Aloe Vera
The Aloe Vera plant bears good luck and positive energy. It can also be used for its many healing benefits. Place it in indirect
sunlight or artificial light and water it regularly. It can’t tolerate standing water, so make sure it has proper drainage. The
energy that the Aloe Vera plant releases can fight off bad luck and negative vibes.

8. Holy Basil
Holy basil is believed to clear the air of negative energy and attract positive vibrations to the environment. It is one of the few
plants that emit oxygen 20 hours a day while also absorbing harmful gases from the environment. Holy basil is a powerful
antioxidant with antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Growing basil is thought to have a spiritual healing
effect, especially when the plant is placed in a north, east or northeast area of the home or garden. This plant should receive full

9. Chrysanthemum
The chrysanthemum represents purity and honesty, and its believed to have healing powers. It also works to purify the air and
remove toxins from the home. The chrysanthemum promotes well-being and symbolizes a long life. Place this plant in areas
where tension is generated to provide a sense of calmness.

10. Sage
Sage contains incredible cleansing qualities that help rid the air of negative emotions such as anger and fear. It promotes the
flow of positive energy in your home, and it can also be used for its many medicinal purposes. Don’t place sage in areas that
are very dry or have low humidity.

11. Areca Palm
The leaves of this plant have a gracious flow that will soften the energy of a home or an office space. It also works wonders
for air purification, removing all harmful toxins from the air for a clean and pure living environment.

12. English Ivy
English ivy not only brings beauty to a small space, it’s also hailed as one of the best air-filtering houseplants. It removes
unwanted toxins from the air to promote a safe, serene and stress-free home."

O 29-01-2018 02:31 PM



O 29-01-2018 02:47 PM

"As a singular being, the power you hold to heal is immense. Your internal structure is the mirror to the entire collective consciousness and your galactic family enjoys and delights in your ability to manifest physical energy. What many of you forget is that your physical energy is the currency by which the essence of your being is Healer, Manifestor, Creator. Through your singular experience here you are expanding worlds, creating worlds, honoring history and holding the space for collective healing. Enjoy this time on earth. Your personal transition is the anchored in rebirth of a new history here. Its interesting how you segment your timelines. You call one your spiritual journey or spiritual quest and another your personal experience. We are here to tell you that the personal experience is the spiritual quest. The healer that you are holds meaning in every action and interaction in which you exchange energy. So many of you are placing your assignments outside of yourselves, and you do such beautiful work with others, are of service in the collective consciousness. But where are you of service to yourself? Where are you using your energetic currency to re-write your own history? Do you realize when you do this, you affect the history of others in expansive and iconic ways? That is what we come to help you remember. The timelines you create for yourself and the way you maneuver through those timelines is the mirror by which collective energies manifest into experience. You are all intertwined in the magic and wonder of collective consciousness in physical form. Feel the joy and relief in this statement for a moment. Let it’s meaning wash over your soul. You are the One. You have always been the One."
-Micheila Sheldan (download from Council Of Light)

O 06-02-2018 12:24 PM

O 06-02-2018 12:26 PM

O 10-02-2018 11:30 AM

O 10-02-2018 11:31 AM

O 12-02-2018 12:18 PM

O 19-02-2018 05:33 PM

O 20-02-2018 09:37 AM


O 20-02-2018 12:35 PM


O 24-02-2018 03:32 PM


O 26-02-2018 12:41 PM

O 04-03-2018 07:40 PM

"Often times when we are approaching a planetary alignment, we believe that a raise in frequency or our healing comes at the hands of our cosmic neighbors, or other races assisting us. This morning, The Ancients (a collective of Mayan elders) came in to explain that we are the ones who choose, create and decide...our hands hold the paint brush....

"As you are at the cusp of another leap in human consciousness, we are wishing to give you some indication of the speed of transfer by which this incoming alignment will take you. Many of you perceive that the multi-dimensional universe and its helpers –races of beings who are here to support your ascension – are the ones who decide where you will go, how fast you will get there, and what will be the results. This is not the case at all. As a matter of fact, we delight in the fact that you are the creators of your own reality and have been gifted with the free will to design your own evolution to your liking and at the speed of your preference. We, as collective neighbors, would never intrude on your property in this way. Because we know that, although many of you wish for us to solve the earth’s problems, you came with a higher intention to create to your choosing. You believe that wiping clean the problems of the earth would give you a blank canvas by which to create the new. This is not how energy works. You are constant creators. In every moment your perceptions, beliefs and vibration are mixed together in a beautiful color ready to be applied onto your human paint brush. Your energetic action is the strokes of the brush, painting the canvas. The painting occurs in each moment. There is never a moment in which there is no creation, there is never a blank canvas. What you are doing as an individual and a collective is painting the mural of your existence. This mural exists throughout the universe in energetic imprints of beautiful color. Your paintings of the past do not have to color your future and they do not have to be wiped clean. They are evolving you and giving you a basis for creating the new. The power you hold as creators is so strong, it defies the universal decision to over-ride your creations. These alignments come because YOU planned them. You decided to align with them energetically when you arrived here in physical form. The timing of your ascension has always been up to you and all others you call a part of your collective. It starts within each of you and emanates out into one collective mural that could never be held in one museum of art. It is so big, so expansive, if you were to see, you would not believe the beauty, the color, the arrangements of the brush strokes. When you stand back from a painting this large, you can see the whole picture. When you hone in on the brush strokes, the pixels, the textures, you see the individual experiences that create a magnificent piece. When you are using your brush wisely to create your own reality, it has an effect on this collective work of art. And although we are enamored by its beauty, we would never dare pick up the brush. This is your gallery. This is your creation."

The Ancients"
-Micheila Sheldan

O 26-03-2018 07:28 PM

O 04-04-2018 11:39 AM




O 18-04-2018 10:15 AM

O 20-04-2018 10:23 PM

O 21-04-2018 12:11 PM

O 30-04-2018 09:04 AM

Spirit bird 02-05-2018 10:37 PM

This one was always one of my favorites:

O 04-05-2018 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit bird
This one was always one of my favorites:


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