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Podshell 12-07-2015 11:42 AM


Considering cooking always destroys nutrients and always creates toxins, nothing should ever be cooked, not even slightly. If best health possible is a goal.
Digestion is always up to it. But problems can occur if the specific food item is not for the individual, or there is damage caused by previous wrong dieting or by something else.

One reason we cook things is that it makes foodstuffs paleatable, foodstuffs that we were not meant to eat or rather in large quantities, who eats spuds or carrots raw in large quantities?

One thing I remember when going raw was that in the beginning (for about one month) I felt my own stomach acid... Raw foods need stronger stomach acid, but as a result they also digest faster, and as another result whatever harmful organisms should come with the food, they are far less likely to survive the stronger stomach acid. It takes some time for the stomach to adjust.

True I believe the stomach will adapt but only to some degree

I eat some raw stuff and don' overcook foods.


You apparently don't know well enough what karma is. It is about learning lessons, one way or another. Even if someone does something bad, the lesson that comes from it does not have to be learned in a way that something, or the same thing, happens back to the person. There are more ways than one to achieve the same effect.
Karma represents opportunities. Denying and avoiding something is not using the opportunities. But there will come new ones for as long as you haven't learned from it. Repeatedly till you get it right, till you learn from it.

you seem to pick and choose what karma is temporarily ending up in the body of an animal that is to be eaten is not such a far fetched idea.


The soul is just as important as is the body. If you neglect your physical body you make a severe disservice to your soul and spirit. All bodies are connected, whole. Making a disservice to one is making a disservice to all.

So what about the animal bodies being destroyed for meat?


Of course Mercola does not realize the big picture, but neither do you. He neglects one side, you neglect another. But neither are there two sides, there're more. How about taking it all as a whole, to as big an extent you are aware? You have mentioned the "whole" before, I would suggest you take you own advice on this, and stop avoiding eating meat. Thus stopping doing harm do your physical body and through physical body to your other bodies.

I do not neglect the body like that


Having conversed some with you, I can see some damage you've caused yourself by avoiding eating meat and the corresponding dogma. Nor have you really much anything to say... As I do most of the "talking" and explaining... You are not one of those who can do well by avoiding eating meat. Nor have you enough awareness regarding all this to make such certain conclusion that you have made. Essentially, blind trust is what you have.
Your body is not built to sustain and work avoiding meat.
Given the human body, avoiding eating meat is severely limiting and/or hindering oneself.

I know the damage I caused myself by eating meat, the present problems are ale related

Ravenspirit 12-07-2015 12:21 PM

Actually nutritionally speaking there are some foods that actually improve with some cooking over eating them raw. Cooking veggies high in beta carotene, like carrots, and lycopene, like tomatoes, can help those nutrients be more easily absorbed by the body. Cooking potatoes can increase certain antioxidants. No offense, I'm not against eating such things raw, far from it, but it's not okay to just make blanket statements like that. It's just not true. Raw isn't always better. There are times when when cooking certain things can actually be better for you.

I personally think doing both is better all round. That way you get the benefits of both of eating the nutrients from veggies and fruits that are best consumed raw and also getting those that actually get better with cooking. Mind you I think regardless of which way it's consumed that starting with fresh fruits and veggies is definitely better. Nobody gets much nutritionally speaking from eating stuff that is a month old but to maximize things nutritionally a mix of raw and cooked fruits and veggies is actually more optimal. It's not an either or type situation.

nummi 12-07-2015 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenspirit
Actually nutritionally speaking there are some foods that actually improve with some cooking over eating them raw. Cooking veggies high in beta carotene, like carrots, and lycopene, like tomatoes, can help those nutrients be more easily absorbed by the body. Cooking potatoes can increase certain antioxidants. No offense, I'm not against eating such things raw, far from it, but it's not okay to just make blanket statements like that. It's just not true. Raw isn't always better. There are times when when cooking certain things can actually be better for you.

I personally think doing both is better all round. That way you get the benefits of both of eating the nutrients from veggies and fruits that are best consumed raw and also getting those that actually get better with cooking. Mind you I think regardless of which way it's consumed that starting with fresh fruits and veggies is definitely better. Nobody gets much nutritionally speaking from eating stuff that is a month old but to maximize things nutritionally a mix of raw and cooked fruits and veggies is actually more optimal. It's not an either or type situation.

My perspective is "attaining the best health possible" in present times with the present conditions.
So no. Because can do better than cooking.
And so, if cannot eat it raw then not supposed to eat it at all.

By cooking there is always significant nutrient loss and toxin creation, and other negative changes. Always. You don't get more after cooking, you get less. Not worth it.
What cannot be eaten raw are not supposed to be eaten in the first place.

It's not blanket statement, it's that you're simply not aware of some important things. Or health is not as important to you.

Cooking always also creates that which the body uses antioxidants for. So even if somehow there should be created more antioxidants, it makes no difference.

In raw potatoes there are resistant starches - the kind the body cannot directly use. But they are very good for gut health, because beneficial bacteria in the gut use them for their life and create fatty acids from these starches. In turn these fatty acids are necessary for good digestion and thus overall health. These starches are essentially the most important part of the potato. When cooking potatoes, these starches are almost entirely destroyed. These starches, by cooking, are converted into less complex ones, the kind body can easily break into sugars. The kind of sugar candida/yeast can easily feed off of.
Personally, specifically to feed my gut bacteria, I take potato starch. Potato starch is very easy to make. No heat involved.

Body does not recognize cooked foods. It doesn't really know what it is dealing with. While raw foods body does recognize. There are receptors in the body, and corresponding "chemicals" in the foods. When cooking, everything gets messed up. Body cannot learn what it is dealing with and thus it cannot ask for the right nutrient or vitamin based on what food is supposed to contain it.

Cooking also changes water in the food. Water's structure, and how much water there is. In the raw form everything is right. After cooking, all is messed up.
Cooking also creates a lot of useless mass the body can do nothing with.

There is a whole lot of more to cooking and what it does than just "it makes some things better". Overall, cooking does only bad.

Though this is about humans and we are different, but still. There are no other living creatures on this planet who cook their food. Now why is that? Because we can cook? Alright, because we can do it. But just because we can do it, should we? And considering what cooking does to a food, and thus to those who eat that food, should we really? I sure am not and will not, I don't want such harm to my body.

There is no "you get the benefits of both". If you cook, there is always nutrient loss and created toxins and other bad things that your body does not need nor want. Cooked foods also always digest slower and harder. Cooked foods also invite parasitic organisms.

Nobody gets much from stuff that is a month old? There are preserving methods. Like dry-aging, various ways of fermenting. Preserving in honey, or in salts, or in oils. Other ways. Things preserve and keep nutritional value high for more than just one month if done right. Even for many years.

It really is not an "either/or" type situation. Our bodies work best on raw only. Cooking has always harmful effects. Those harmful effects are not worth it. Plus cooking is not even needed to give the body all it needs.
My direction is the best possible health. So no place for cooking.

Nor am I talking about just fruits or vegetables. I'm also, and could say primarily, talking about eggs, fish, meat, fat, organs - because regarding these, people have in general so severely wrong conceptions. This's the worst thing about foods people generally make - cooking meats.

Podshell 12-07-2015 02:40 PM


We were clever enough to utilise cooking food as part of the digestive process, trouble is like other types of processing it is overdone in many instances.

If you were sticking rigidly to a natural diet would you not only eat local animals and vegetables?

Also regards the idea of only eating what the body needs, does that mean you get meat cravings all the time?

nummi 12-07-2015 07:30 PM

Doesn't it make you wonder why you have so little to say and explain? I provide reasons for my opinions and explain quite a bit, I don't just have opinions, I also need to know why I have them and whether they are correct, and say why I have them or where they come from. I also notice it is getting repetitious...

And wow... I don't think I've done one this long before, anywhere...


Originally Posted by Podshell
You brought that up as if the acid would deal with the problems.

No I didn't.


Of course but it is an indiication that that some peoples stomachs cannot digest as well as others.

You said that pills and drugs go through the system without being digested. I said the pills and drugs are designed to be hard to digest... as many are.
And those who take pills, they are sick in so many ways anyway.
But the most important is that no one should be taking pills in the first place... Thus this pill point is of no relevance here. Pills and drugs are not food.


No you do, you have experimented for twenty months on that particular diet, on mine it has been about fifteen yrs plus even periods before that.

And you made up your mind based on short-term effects and too little knowledge regarding all this. Plus the dieting you began practicing, it makes later discoveries and realizations very hard to come, because avoiding eating meat creates, among other issues, vitamin B12 deficiency. A vitamin crucial to thinking and effective brain activity. All the experiences that you had later you viewed through those initial conclusions made from too little awareness, accompanied by B12 and other deficiencies. And you're still holding the same opinions years later?

That you haven't figured it out in fifteen years... Doesn't this make you wonder?

The initial conclusions I have made, and many that came after are in the past, I don't hold many of those anymore, and many others are improved as I've found out more.
I've barely been two years at it, and I know volumes better than you... as has come out.


How do you know the source is based on short term effects? some are based on many peoples observations and years of trial and error.

I know because I am aware of people who too were for years meat-avoiders. And then, somehow, they noticed something was not right. They began searching for answers and solutions, thus ended up eating meat (and raw meat eventually), and they saw themselves finally getting better and then back to actual health. Based on what they have to say, and what they have found out through personal experience. Then comparing my own experiences with theirs, and testing it out, finding my own.
Reading, learning, experiencing - patterns emerge.

The people and observations you talk about are also, just like yours, based on those initial low awareness and short-term experiences and effects. Then coupled with the meat-avoidance, you get stuck with those initial conclusions because the deficiencies it causes makes it very hard to get out and move on.


Imagine meeting your future self who has spent years on a certain diet don't you think you may have something to say, well there will be people out there who have done what you are doing for much longer.

There are those who've done similar to what I do for longer than I have, for many decades even. I know what they have to say. Some of them, in some things, are somewhat wrong. Just because someone's been on something for so long, doesn't immediately make them right.

Many of them have also tried other dieting ways. The conclusion they make is that this type of dieting I have, is the best one. Because it corresponds to how our bodies are supposed to work. It is the "default" way of dieting. Everything else is wrong to various extents.
The "type" of dieting I have is about so: "giving my body everything it needs in the quantities it needs them and in the forms it needs them, without toxins, as close to it as is possible in current conditions". In other words I do my best.


Well yes but if you had to do it yourself would you? Is it a cop out to get someone else to kill the animal? For instance if I lived on an island farm I would protect the cows as they give milk which is very nutritious and many products can be made from it, they also provide manure for fertiliser and energy, the males would also provide transport and they could digest the foodstuffs I am incapeable of. So it would be unwise to kill these creatures, I would live off the milk products and what I could grow, if I got desperate I could fish and then at a last resort start killing the animals on the island.

Of course I would do it myself. But I don't have a herd of animals. Nor do I know how to sail a ship.
But I do have chickens, but for their eggs. And they are young, so years off of killing age.

Milk has negative side-effects. An adult is not supposed to consume milk. After weaning, changes take place regarding the consumption of milk. Plus, chickens are far easier to keep and their eggs are more nutritious than milk (or overall about the same), without negative side-effects (though some cannot tolerate egg whites, but are okay with yolks). Chicken manure is very potent.
Foodstuffs you, a human, are not capable of digesting, are not food for you in the first place. You're not supposed to be consuming them anyway.
Cow's digestive tract is different, they have more than one stomach. They are built to digest grasses and leaves. Humans are not.
But if the cow came closer to its end, or actually died. You wouldn't eat it?

You would fish only if you got desperate? On an island? Really? Fish are a very good and nutritious source of food. And you would only use it if you got "desperate"?
It is far likelier that you would end up on an island without cows, without even chickens, but there are fish...

Fish and eggs are easy to digest and highly nutritious.


Yes more addictive poisons does not mean the over advertising of meat is right.

They over-advertise only to get people deeper into the system of self-destruction. This is the reason, not the consumption of meat itself.
The ones behind all this mess wouldn't care less if it was meat or something else. They don't care for what we eat, what they care is how we are. How they want us is impotent things that follow every word they say, and toxins help make us as they want us.
It's not the meat, it's the toxins in the meat. Same with cookies and candies and all the other junk.
The "meat" they advertise, it isn't food. It is a tool of suppression, thus of control.


I think you are looking at it like vegetarians v meat eaters , I am looking at suffering which covers both...the people eating the stuff and the people and animals producing the stuff...I wouldn't like to be a factory chicken or a sugar plantation worker, given a choice though I would prefer the latter.

No. You are looking at it like this.
I've said many times there are those who can do well by avoiding meat. But only few people, not many. The same way there are those who can do well by eating only animals, and again only few, not many. The rest absolutely need both plants and animals, if they care about good health.

Also, considering that every single human is genetically an omnivore, such a thing as "vegetarian" or "vegan" doesn't really even exist. Those who do not eat meat are simply "meat-avoiders".

Factory chickens, sugar plantation worker. Why are you concentrating on those? It is obvious those are very bad practices. But that those are bad does not mean the killing of animals for food is bad, or that growing of plants and thus eating the plants is bad. Most humans need both, there is no choice as to what our bodies need. Yes you can choose not to eat one or the other, but with that you are only hurting yourself.


But that does not tally with our natural diet, ancient peoples did not eat meat at every meal, tribal people don't...and I can bet over all inuits do not kill as many animals as we do and they are doing it to survive.

Ancient people? Inuits, who go back thousands of years. Ancient people. Ate meat at every meal, those who are still living free and right to their ways still do.
Did you live in ancient times? No you didn't. But what is obvious from the little that has been gathered of those ancient times, is that people were living much older than are today and (also because) they knew far better about health and how our bodies are supposed to work. Since they knew even better than today, they knew exactly the importance of meat.
From the information that is available to us, it is also obvious from it that the less poisoned and the more nutritious the food, the less you will need to eat. I also know this from personal experience.

Cows and bulls are held as "holy" or "sacred" by many peoples. You want to know why? It's not because they didn't want to kill them, it's because they had a highly important role in their societies. For example, the fat of an old cow or bull who lived a whole and very good life, is highly energizing and satisfying. This is why they were so important and so highly regarded, because it was one of their main staples - meat. Even I see how important it is that animals live a good and long life, already from nutritional perspective alone.
Have you ever had the fat, especially back fat, of the beef, and raw? I have... the ancient people weren't dumb, they knew far better, they had far better. And many things I've refound in these times, then later reading over stories of ancient peoples and their ways, and musing over what I've read, accompanied by my own experiences. It all just makes perfect sense.
Ancient peoples ate meat, and not a little bit. Consider at least 50% of their diet meat.

You think killing animals for the essential nutrients they contain is not also for survival? Being sick of malnourishment is no way of living a life.

You want to know something interesting? There was once, long ago, a vegetarian society. Generation after generation. Incas, mayans, in those regions and at least some of those peoples. You know what their society turned into? Ritualistic cannibalism. Karma can be a b.itch... for good reason. And in the end, if no other way, then any meat is meat. Do you want to follow in their footsteps? I certainly wouldn't.
Karma - one way or another you will learn your lessons. Up to you how far you take it.


Yes but you are trusting your own opinions, I cant think of a similar creature like us that needs so much meat, I cannot even think of a carnivore that needs such an high amount of meat, watching a wildlife programme I recall the commentator saying great whites need a seal every three months to get by on (will have to do a search to confirm that when I get time)

I wouldn't say "trusting" as it's not exactly correct. Because I keep myself open to anything new that explains what I already know even better and extends my perception. I've improved my own opinions over and over.

Great whites? They live in the ocean...
They take in ocean water all the time - plankton.
They absorb minerals directly from the sea water.
Of course they won't need anywhere near as much through their mouths as do land animals.

Also, the meat almost all humans eat is poisoned and nutrient deficient (factory meat and such junk). Of course they will need to eat so much to meet their bodies needs.


No it isn't as the banana plant does not die, the banana fruit is meant to be picked and eaten, that is not an opinion it is a fact.

You said "because of the taste". Thus, of course it is exactly the same thing!


You do not know that we have eaten meat for as long as we have existed and no I don't think the eco-system has been disrupted as much as today..what I am talking about is a reason for human beings eating more meat, not the animals that already are natural meat eaters eating it.

I don't know with absolute certainty, but considering what I do know it is very safe to say with certainty that we have.

Those that are naturally in the wild, eat natural and nutrient rich unpoisoned foods. Humans generally eat nutrient deficient and poisoned foods, thus they'll need far more to meet the needs.


Well it has as the vegetation we grow has become adulterated and less nutritious so some turn to eating meat or more of it.

True, but still there are nutrients that are impossible to get in the needed quantities if not for eating meat.


The advertising by the meat industry brainwashes people into believing they need more meat than they actually do, they sell it for enjoyment rather than need

Sure, but this does not mean eating nutrient rich and unpoisoned meat is bad.


not everone does, and if micro-organisms are eaten some are happy in the gut and survive, the ones that die we can say that the deaths are accidental not deliberate as we have to eat something to survive.

Yes, absolutely everyone does kill every day.
Micro-organisms. Our bodies are under constant attack by micro-organisms that are harmful to us. Our immune system kills them all the time, constantly.
The air we breathe, the food we eat, they always contain micro-organisms, until they meet their end in us.

Sure, you can "survive" not eating meat. But what life is it if that's all you can do - just survive? Our lives are not just about surviving, we need to be able to live and progress and move on to higher existence. We cannot do this if we block the road by omitting ourselves what our bodies need.

One day, if we get high enough, sure, we can not eat meat, not even plants. We won't need any. We'd be killing no one for food. But first we have to get there. And right now, to one day be able to get there, we need meat as well.


With a much less developed nervous system, I don't think anyone would choose to kill a fellow animal as opposed to picking an apple or two.

Depends whether it is an herbivoure, frugivore, omniovre, carnivore, whatever else -vore.
Those who'd need what is in the meat of the fellow animal, those would rather kill it than pick an apple or two. An apple does not replace meat, it cannot.


You or I do not have a ful fund of knowledge but there are obviously bigger funds out there

True. But I do know and see better than you do. As is evident.

I go after the overlaying, underlaying, or general patterns, the connections, perspective, angles, etc. and use those to determine and see details on my own. In this sense don't really have to know much. Just get the "patterns", and the result is that you begin seeing on your own. Many people bury themselves in learning the details... for years and years, they are wasting their life.
Going for "patterns" first requires thinking on ones own, a lot of thinking, and its fun. Going for details first, and patterns never, is merely following and parroting others and it is so boring.
Though since people are indoctrinated, through schools, etc, to go for details and not look for patterns, so was I. Even in the so-called "alternative" most people still follow, don't think on their or do too little.


Yes you said I should do some research, I didn't level that silly remark at you, I am always researching , I just see yours as different from mine and something that others could help you with.
Yeah... bigger picture cannot fit into a smaller one. And smaller picture cannot see how the bigger one truly works.

Well if you research being influenced by old opinions that themselves were based on much unawareness and blindness, then new lessons from the researching are limited.


Originally Posted by Podshell
One reason we cook things is that it makes foodstuffs paleatable, foodstuffs that we were not meant to eat or rather in large quantities, who eats spuds or carrots raw in large quantities?

No one is supposed to eat them in large quantities in the first place. To cook them just so you could "shovel" them down your throat... is ridiculous.
And just because you don't notice the negative effects as well when cooked, doesn't mean there is none. You would notice the negative effects if you lived 100+, but wait... you won't because you ate them cooked your entire life in large quantities... That's right. Cooking cuts decades off an individual's lifetime. Because of the harm it subjects the body to.


True I believe the stomach will adapt but only to some degree

I eat some raw stuff and don' overcook foods.

Our stomachs are designed to digest raw foods only. It's the cooked foods the stomach has to adjust to. And once adjusted to cooked foods since birth onward, and then switch to all raw, there obviously has to be some adjustment, which takes a few months at least, to get back to the correct state it's meant to be in.


you seem to pick and choose what karma is temporarily ending up in the body of an animal that is to be eaten is not such a far fetched idea.

I don't pick and choose what karma is. I've said the same thing about karma here from the beginning since you brought it in.

And now you showed that you really have no idea what karma is.


So what about the animal bodies being destroyed for meat?

Animals are different from humans in this. In the sense that their spirit is on a collective level. Till they "evolve" one way or another to a point where individual spirits are formed. Many ancient peoples and their successors speak of animals spirits...

Soul is between physical body and spirit. Upon death, by however means, so does soul eventually "dissolve". Spirit is the eternal part, probably.

Eating an animal who is old and has had a long and happy life. An animal whose time is very near. And the absolute fact that our bodies need meat on this planet in these times in these conditions... What is there not to understand? Obvious is obvious.

I've been explaining myself so much... And you haven't really explained yourself much at all, and in fact have ignored so much of what I have explained. Or is the problem that you cannot understand what I have said? You wouldn't be the first to not understand...


I do not neglect the body like that

Yes you do. By avoiding something you do need - meat (eggs, fish, animal flesh, organs).

There is something in meat the body cannot get enough from elsewhere - vitamin B12. It is essential for the brain and nerves. You won't be able to think much or well without enough of it. And thus you won't be able to say much... You have already demonstrated difficulties in thinking. You have B12 deficiency.
You are neglecting your physical body. And you are the kind who cannot skip or bypass the physical body's needs to get to a higher level.

Would be great if you saw this yourself, but if not then not.


I know the damage I caused myself by eating meat, the present problems are ale related
It's possible that you caused damage by eating meat. Depends what kind your body needs, and how much it needs, and when it needs it. Wrong kind and/or too much and/or at the wrong time, and you will experience issues.
How much meat the body needs is a lot dictated by how much and what kind of physical exercise you do.

If you don't do much (heavier and physically more demanding) physical exercise, then egg yolks, fish, and animal organs should be the focus, as they contain higher concentrations of vitamins (B12) and minerals the brain needs. Otherwise the protein would be too much, and it would cause issues as the body couldn't use it for anything essential; it would get in the way.

nummi 12-07-2015 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Podshell

We were clever enough to utilise cooking food as part of the digestive process, trouble is like other types of processing it is overdone in many instances.

If you were sticking rigidly to a natural diet would you not only eat local animals and vegetables?

Also regards the idea of only eating what the body needs, does that mean you get meat cravings all the time?

It was not to utilize as part of the digestive process, as cooked foods digest slower and not as easily and have reduced nutritional value. I suspect it had to do with making us sicker, thus more easily controllable by "masters".

I eat primarily local things. But it's not about where the food comes from, it's more about what it contains. From survival point of view, when things would get messy on our planet, then it would be necessary to know how and what and to have local food available. I know how and what. Would be very bad to live in a city... death sentence.

I don't care for "primal" and such. I merely care for giving the body what it needs, without what it needs not. I don't label. Labels usually come with rules. Rules restrict.

No meat cravings, it never gets that bad as I don't let it. But hunger for meat when I need it yes. I also do physical exercise, heavier and more demanding, but not only, easier too - this exercising also requires more meat than would if did less physical exercise. But I don't exercise that much, I do it about correctly and just enough; no modern nonsense people generally do in gyms.
Sometimes I eat less meat, sometimes more. Depends how I need it. Today I've eaten quite little, overall perhaps one meal. Some fish and three eggs, some honey, some strawberries, half a medium summer squash, a little lacto-fermented buckwheat and barley, and about a tablespoon of potato starch.

Podshell 13-07-2015 09:29 AM

Not time to answer all your points at the moment but do you think farming animals is normal? Do you think preserving meat is natural? on one hand you say you try to do what is normal for the body but I don't know of any related creatures that do this and if they did it on the scale we did then it would look as if they had flipped.

you think eating meat at nearly every meal is natural for us , well I don't think hunter gatherers could do that and they still can't, many days could be spent obtaining meat so days would have been spent without, if you want what is normal then you would have to hunt it yourself burn off the calories and go days without.

Podshell 13-07-2015 09:51 AM

Oh and if you wish to know what karma is you will need to approach a person who has a much fuller fund of knowledge, for example Srila Prabhupada who is an accepted authority on the vedic literature, can you say you are more authoritive?



Comes back to my point about everone liking the taste of meat, which I don't think you understand, we can try to ignore karma for taste or sometimes what appears beneficial to be helping the body.

You talk about ancient systems but concoct your own ideas about them, it sums up my point really that there are people who know much more than us

Ravenspirit 13-07-2015 09:55 AM

Podshell for the record thought the question was not addressed to me I do crave meat. In fact in my life there have been times when I apparently needed it so bad that I found myself eating it rare or even raw in my sleep. No kidding. I walked in my sleep to the fridge and ate it raw. I do try not to eat it at every meal, but I do eat red meat several times a week. I actually get really weak when I don't. It's not just a psychological thing either. I need it physically. I have an autoimmune thing going on though and it's probably part of that. My blood cell and platelet counts can get very low. I know when I get anemic. I start craving my meat a lot more rare and I want tons more of it. My body knows what it needs and it definitely cannot get it from plants or pills. Been there, done that, and it really doesn't work...

Podshell 13-07-2015 11:06 AM

Fair enough.but the question was regarding how often the body craves for it or desires it , I don't think it would be as often as nummi eats it unless he has a similar health problem.

I feel we (both nummi and yourself) are on similar journeys healthwise as many problems with own bodies and diets in general have been noted...what I find a bit petty about nummis stance is that he sees it as some competition ' I know more than you' type of thing.....confrontational

That'll be the karma from all that meat:smile:

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