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-   -   I think Yahveh may be coming back. (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=33180)

psychoslice 28-09-2012 09:22 PM

It would be great if it was possible for him to come back, then he could fix all the mistakes he made before when he was here lol.

Occultist 29-09-2012 09:58 PM

He wont return until the Temple is rebuilt. It is not yet..

psychoslice 29-09-2012 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Occultist
He wont return until the Temple is rebuilt. It is not yet..

That is just a meterphor, when we build our true inner Being and realize our true Christ Self, this is when the so called God appears, its and inner Awakening, or Enlightenment, it has nothing to do with a future God or Savior coming to rescue us.

Occultist 30-09-2012 01:21 AM

I was meaning that for the people who follow the prophecy
The Third Temple, or Ezekiel's Temple (Hebrew: בית המקדש השלישי‎: Beit ha Mikdash hashalisi), is the future Jewish Holy Temple architecturally described in the Book of Ezekiel, a house of prayer for all people with a sacrificial service. It is noted by Ezekiel as an eternal edifice and permanent dwelling place of the God of Israel on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Currently where the dome of the rock is.
I know about Christianity beliefs also Psych but I wasnt in no way meaning a metaphore but i can see where that might get confusing.
But yes I am fully aware of Christian beliefs on the matter and the various beliefs within the Christian religion itself.
But I personally believe if that is the prophecy about there Temple being built then I have to respect that and agree that it has to be built.

Amilius777 02-10-2012 05:01 PM

I believe in what psycholice is saying but I also believe Christ as a person-Jesus will return. He might reincarnate through the process of birth and such or he may materialize at will. Who knows. He is a Master and knows how to transcend time and space. And on top of it he is God- The Christ. So I don't know what way or mode he is doing it. But I don't believe Jesus is coming back to kill the antichrist and save the physical world. That is just stupid! If there is an antichrist or another Hitler we humans can deal with him and kill him off ourselves before he wreaks the planet. Besides, the level of where Jesus is, he would not come back to kill anyone. This is out of character. But yes psycholice is right. The true Temple is ourselves. Jesus was trying to get his disciples to understand that the Temple they worshiped at was a great vessel and a place to worship God with others but the deeper temple is Man's body and self. And Jesus even predicted that the new temple is Man's own body. The Temple of Jerusalem is destroyed.

I bet once the world has evolved enough to allow the Christ Spirit to enter our being, I think there will be a literal Third Temple in Israel. I think life is synchronization and everything works in a circle. But we shouldn't wait for a physical third Temple to be complete.

I believe the Second Coming is both our attunement to the Christ Spirit, or Holy Ghost- whatever and the return of the personage Jesus Christ as he ushers in a newer and enlightened age. I don't think Jesus is going to return to make a perfect Earth. Such a thing is wrong. Free will and this planet's evolution is up to us. But once in a while God would send a prophet to uplift our energy to the next level. I think Christ's return will be an upliftment to the next level of consciousness, not the perfection of this world. Example- He will come and go and life will go on. People will still celebrate Christmas, people will still fight each other, people will still eat, drink, be merry, divorce, marry, etc but with a high level of consciousness. That is all. And if there is any evil force trying to stop it, we are the ones that can stop it by not allowing it to exist.

Occultist 03-10-2012 05:57 AM

God of the Bible has asked for many wars blessed his children in wars.
jesus himself wrecked a temple that was selling sacrafices and temple needs.
Samson and Galiath-King David and war-Samson killed
About 3000 at the time of his death, Judges 16:30, 1000 with a jawbone of an donkey, Judges 15:15 ...
God blessed him with this strenth to do so.
War-death-plagues is very much a part of the biblical God and or Jesus.

Scattered Sheep 03-05-2013 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Honza
This is very strange. Life on earth these days is very profane. It is cold and unspiritual. I AM seems to preoccupy everybodies mind. So why do I think that Yahveh is coming back?

Through the gloom and profanity I suddenly keep getting insights into Gods being. Into His purpose and into His compassion. These insights lead me to believe that ALL is God. The earth and the people are an extension of Gods being. They are His creation.

God seems to imply that everything was as it was meant to be. The coldness was intentional because He was away. He went away so that humanity could say I AM. But the limits of I AM have been reached. Any more and it would be dangerous.

So God is coming back to set the balance right. His intention is to slowly integrate all of us back into His self. Which will take many hundreds of years.

Is this all a dream? Or am I sensing something real? I don't know. But it excites me. I dream of Yahveh and His Kingdom. Christ seems like a puppet compared to Him.

Nothing compares to God! Amen.

Hi, you may be more right than you know, times are much darker than many are aware and a great evil is about to profane the Holy of Holies, keep your eye's open, something is about to happen, indeed YHWH is revealing Himself, again...watch...pray....and look up my friend..Shalom.

Scattered Sheep 21-05-2013 11:32 PM

Here is a good video about YHWH's name http://youtu.be/Im4AsYBjwFk

Honza 18-09-2013 12:51 AM

This feeling of Yahveh coming back has dissipated and been crushed by heavy I AM stomping around. Putting out Gods life. I cannot seem to have faith and life with God without help and so I am contemplating Christ again.

Yamah 18-09-2013 03:13 AM

I'm sorry to hear that, Honza. There are many other ways to reach God than through christ. If you'd like I can recommend a few books that may help you out instead.

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