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Pandora. 04-08-2015 07:48 AM

This is a very interesting question.

"Is it likely that we'll find out what happened to flight MH370 by Sunday 9th August, midnight Greenwich Meridian time?"

Rider Waite, 3 cards, with reversals (yes, I know, boring and predictable).

The Moon reversed, Queen of Pentacles, Page of Cups reversed.

I will go with no, we won't find out what happened to flight MH370 by Sunday 9 August.

The Moon reversed to me is things not being as they appear, being deluded. Perhaps they initially thought they would have the answer from what was found on Reunion Island, but things aren't as expected. There's a lot of negative emotion with this card (to me, anyway).

The Queen of Pentacles looks like she's examining something, maybe the found plane part, to see if it is indeed from MH370.

The Page of Cups reversed could be someone who lets their imagination run away with them, they jump to conclusions without looking at the facts, they're too emotionally invested.

I think they will desperately want to have the answer, and have their hopes up, but nothing will be forthcoming by then.

Last reading by: Pandora Oops, I forgot to put in a question (again). Sorry. I have no idea what to ask ... how about something like "Will Pandora get more work coming in the next month?"

55Degrees 04-08-2015 08:40 AM

Reading for tealily


Originally Posted by tealily

I'd like to offer a time-based prediction question: "Is it likely that we'll find out what happened to flight MH370 by Sunday 9th August, midnight Greenwich Meridian Time?"

This question could be approached a straight yes-or-no, although with the right sort of spread you might be able to glean contextual information that gives more information as to the reason behind a yes or no.

I used Illuminati Tarot and a 5 card spread. Cards drawn The Moon, Judgement, Princess of Swords, King of Cups, The Emperor.

The short answer would be 'no.
There is still much the investigators don't know yet, and they do not have enough information/evidence to be able to get to the truth. Whoever the blame lies with is the main issue and the investigation is unable to clarify where that responsibility lies. There has been no claims by any terrorist groups accepting this responsibility and so the investigation is waiting for a breakthrough to find clear answers.

A new theory may be put forward that may at first appear a bit contraversial but has been considered valid and it may mean that it has to be handled sensitively and with diplomacy.

It seems that the investigation is being handled by a strong leader, someone who knows this job well, with plenty of experience and will lead the team to a result although he knows it that there will be many set backs until the breakthrough comes, and he is determined to find that breakthough

ETA must have posted at the same time as Pandora, so to avoid confusion, I won't ask a question as I cannot think of one


tealily 04-08-2015 09:00 AM

Feedback for Pandora and Pisces_Moon:

Cheers for the efforts guys! Guess we'll get real-time feedback on this one come Sunday/Monday :)

"Will Pandora get more work coming in the next month?"

RW tarot, four-card spread using reversals.

It's a yes, yes, and a double yes! In fact, have you received a new work opportunity like, today? Or any emails pertaining to one? (Ace of Swords) It feels like it has the potential to become something long-lasting (Ace of Pentacles); potentially something that may enable you to network with other people and expand somehow, perhaps diversification? (latter half of sentence is intuition rather than strict Tarot definition)

For advice, the energy is one of open-mindedness, creativity and joy (Page of Cups).

For some reason, 5 of Swords is coming up in the predicted outcome spread. This isn't to dash the pretty story above by any means, simply a foretold is forwarned type card so you are best equipped for the future. If there ARE more players coming into your worklife soon (work partners, clients, co-workers, whatever), be aware that there may be differing opinions on how the budding potential should be spread - and potentially a bit of alpha-male-esque infighting. My best advice is to be diplomatic but also research ahead of time and not to expect that everyone will want to play fair and let everyone have 'a fair go'/equal creative share; if you know where everyone's coming from and where they are likely to get grumpy, you can start working on your mediation tactics and potential solutions well in advance. Good luck! :)

Last reading by: tealily Happy for general reading or "Where should I focus my energies for August?" (taking a leaf out of Pisces_Moon's book :) )

55Degrees 04-08-2015 09:45 AM

Reading for tealily "Where should I focus my energies for August?"

I asked what you should embrace and what you need to release
Oracle of Shadows and Light
Embrace - Angel of Time
It looks like you need to set some time for yourself, you have been preoccupied with other things recently and August is time to slow down and catch your breath. Sit back a bit and let others take the reins for a while.

Release - Mildew Fairy August is the time to start ridding yourself of all those things gs that no longer serve you. Be it people, habits, attitudes, the things that are in your life that have no purpose, value or potentially toxic.

Overall August is a month to start focusing on re-energising your internal world.

next reading for pisces_moon. How can I best support K with her issue?

tealily 04-08-2015 09:58 AM

Feedback for Pisces_Moon

Sounds good, thank you :)

Reading for Pisces_Moon:


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
How can I best support K with her issue?

Another proverbial stab in the dark - let me know if I'm way off.

I get the vibe something big has happened recently - not sure what it is but it feels tremendously unfair and that it may have left K with her head hanging. Two 9's in this spread - did something come to an end?

Though she may be 'going through the motions', I also get the impression that she may be working overtime or trying to stay busy in an attempt to avoid feeling emotions. Here is where you may be able to help: K is back in the real world (great!) but superbly unbalanced (not great). She might be neglecting her health, her friends, her hobbies... or doing all of these but so walled up that no-one can get close to her emotionally. Adjustment seems to be what she needs - adjustments plus coming to terms with any recent injustice.

Cards: Hermit reversed, Justice reversed, 9 of Pentacles reversed.

Last reading by: tealily. As a follow-on from my last question, I've been doing an EPIC de-clutter of my house recently. Sometimes I'm so wound up to do it that I'll jump out of bed at 2am to put things into bags - "Am I right in thinking that clearing my physical space is a top priority right now?"

Pandora. 04-08-2015 10:11 AM

Feedback for Tealily:

Well, that was freaky!

When I read your reading, I thought ... no, no, I haven't received any new work. In fact everything is very lean at the moment, a bit of a drought, you might say, depressingly so.

Then I saw you drew the Ace of Swords, and read what you said about that. As I work in the legal field, (the Ace of Swords usually comes up as something legal for me) I thought, what the heck, I'll just check my email ... well, stone the crows, I got some new work in from a client I haven't done any work for in about 3 months!!! :icon_eek: I tell you, I could certainly do with that big pentacle at the moment!

I can't comment on the 5 of Swords as yet, but will keep you posted if something comes up that gels. At least I'll be forewarned. Thanks Tealily! :hug3:

Last reading by Tealily

tealily 04-08-2015 10:16 AM

YES!! I love it when my farfetched calls come true. Had a strong feeling it was an email - glad you checked and that there's a work offer on the table!

The alternate reading for the 5 of swords, now that I know you're in the law industry, is that you may return to active lawyer-ing, if that's something you're qualified for. It usually indicates verbal conflict with others to the point of making your opponent back off, but heck, that kind of sounds like defending a client in a court of law to me! :)

Last reading by tealily

Pandora. 04-08-2015 10:38 AM

That was a pretty awesome reading - I have to say. I'm still somewhat gobsmacked. Well done.

No, I'm not a qualified lawyer, lawyers and barristers are my clients, so no doubt there's a connection there somewhere. Guess I'll just have to wait and see! :dontknow:

Last reading by Tealily

Pandora. 04-08-2015 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pandora.
Feedback for Justme1981:

Thanks for the reading Justme1981.

I don't get the Ace of Pentacles, I'm afraid. If anything, it should be reversed! I'm struggling financially due to a number of factors, and if anything, we've actually lost a steady source of income recently. So unfortunately I can't see that I've benefited from a new start financially or in any financial direction.

The Tower relates to damage control and delaying the necessary destruction of something (quite literally), which is going to come about very quickly, so that is described quite accurately.

So those two cards accurately describe my present circumstances, though not sure they describe my personality, and I can't for the life of me place the Ace of Pentacles.

Thanks again, a good effort. Don't worry about being a newbie, I'm in the same boat. Everyone has to start somewhere!

Last reading for Justme1981

I tried to double quote, to include your original reading, but couldn't manage it.

I thought you may be interested to know that Tealily did a reading for me this evening, where the Ace of Pentacles came up. It came after the Ace of Swords and (much to my surprise) indicated a new lot of work that has just come in, literally in the last hour.

So maybe your Ace of Pentacles is more relevant that given credit for. I wonder if it may have indicated that some money would be coming in, that would take the edge of the stress of the Tower and the 8 of Wands.

Last reading by Tealily (I always forget to put this in!)

tealily 04-08-2015 10:58 AM

Hey Pandora - to quote as many times as you want within the one post, all you need to do is hit the "wrap" icon (it looks like a speech bubble with text in it - it lives at the top of the quick reply box with the other icons = bold, italics, underline, text colour, web link, insert image, wrap text) :) You'll need to copy and paste the text you want to quote though.

Otherwise you can manually write [ QUOTE ] [ /QUOTE ] around the text you want to quote, without the spaces of course :)

last reading by tealily

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