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-   -   Feeding pigeons - good or bad? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=22942)

Sarian 21-12-2011 03:20 AM

Damn humans...

I feel everything...even spiders. :-)

I deleted my post about seagulls because I realized it was about pigeons, but I would carry stale bread in my car just to feel the seagulls. :-) My pics in my photo section of the gulls I was tossing them bread.

Distortedsoundz 21-12-2011 03:38 AM

Don't we already kind of do that?


Originally Posted by psychoslice
Humans can be pest also, so should we feed them when hungry ?.

psychoslice 21-12-2011 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by Distortedsoundz
Don't we already kind of do that?

Yes of course, but I was referring to not feeding pigeons because their looked at as pest, from the front of the thread.

knightofalbion 21-12-2011 10:34 AM

Any kindness is good...

jazz 21-12-2011 10:35 AM

ahh bless ,,,we all need food even these flying rats as they r usually called lol ,, cus its not a beautiful garden bird like robin,thrush tit ,black bird etc does not mean that they should starve ... but on the other hand we would not put food out for rats would we ,,,so its a hard one really ,,,,if ur happy to feed them and there happy with u then dont let them down especially as they r getting to know u ,,,love lite and rainbows jazz

hawkmoth65 21-12-2011 07:07 PM

I have started to feed the birds in my garden again since the weather has turned colder,and view the feeding of wild birds as necessary at this time of year.Loss of the bird's natural habitat in the form of hedgerow removal,development of mature meadowland and deforestation are all causes of decline in certain species.

The Corn Bunting for instance has declined in the UK hugely in recent years due to 'over-efficient' farming methods,where very little harvested wheat is spilt or left behind on the harvested land.It isn't called the Corn Bunting for nothing.

But I digress.Studies have shown that feeding birds can help by enabling more birds to survive the winter months than would have done without the feeding,so feeding in gardens can make a huge difference.Goldfinches have become far more common with the availability of niger seed in feeders,and to see these charming little birds doing so well is brilliant.

So in answer to your original question Star,keep on feeding those pigeons.I get them too amongst the sparrows and starlings,they are all part of mother nature's plans :smile:

Oh and if anyone puts bread out,try to make sure it's wholemeal and moisten it first,otherwise it can swell up in their stomachs.

Oh and before I forget,if you can,leave a corner of the garden to go wild so that seeds are left in flower heads,birds love untidy gardeners.

Galios 22-12-2011 12:59 AM

Bad if they poo on u... D:

Greybeard 26-12-2011 07:39 PM

Pigeons are minions of the Devil.

You have never had to sleep under a bridge shared with pigeons. I have.

Greybeard 26-12-2011 07:46 PM

We aren't going to have a winter here (southeast Idaho) this year. Usually the world is all white this time of the year, but this year only the highets peaks have snow, and not much at that. Which is good for the elk, because they can stay up in the mountains and away from the hunters.

A bald eagle flew down and sat in the field not 50 yards from my daughter's house yesterday. What a treat to be able to see such a magnificent bird up close on Christmas day. I didn't have a fish in my pocket, so I didn't feed the eagle, and I'm not about to feed those &%**#! pigeons.

helygen 12-01-2012 10:38 AM

I don't feed the birds with shop bought seed etc. What I do is try to plant my garden to give natural food to whoever cares to call. Don't forget the importance of a drink too. aA water feature of some type can be a blessing to wildlife. I've a pond with a cascade the birds use for drinking and bathing. I've apple trees too and I leave some fruit on the trees for the birds. By the way I havent a large garden I just have to pick what I plant carefully.

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