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EarthAngel 06-09-2017 08:26 PM

I'd like to get started up with yoga to help me.

That video you posted #23 Kris looks like it could be really beneficial thanks!

kris 15-09-2017 05:17 PM

You're welcome. Hope it helps you.

AmberLarson 17-11-2017 02:21 PM

First of all, I feel myself fresh after yoga. Also, yoga helpt to understand your body and mind better, what influences on your life positive. And, also, it helps, when you have problems (just do it, and you will realize that your problems aren't so big and your piece is more important).

Dalma 30-11-2017 08:25 PM

Yoga is not a sport. Yoga came from sanskrite word yuj mean union. Yoga is the union of the soul with God. Is liberation or moksha from reincarnation cycles.
Classic yoga or raja or ashtanga yoga have 8 limbs- yama, niyama, asana,pranayama, prathyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi. To be able to practice asana u must follow first yama and niyama. u must change urself first, that mean to be pure in thoughts and body ( celibacy, vegetarian diet, no anger, no hate, etc). Yoga is the path to enlightment, not a sport. Namaste

Altair 21-06-2018 09:53 AM

It is complete..
Yoga deals with body, mind, and soul.. The body gets stronger, more flexible, more restful.. The mind becomes more restful, one becomes aware of negative traits more easily and becomes more disciplined.. The connection with soul becomes more possible because of the importance of relaxing body and mind and healthy living..

I have found yoga to be the most *complete* spiritual path I have come across.. it's not just a bit of this and a bit of that.. it's rather elaborate on all aspects..

SpiritualLobster 24-06-2018 01:52 AM

How do you motivate yourself to do it regularily? Thats my problem.

Danlaude 26-03-2019 10:47 PM

Mahamudra Pose
Namaste everyone,
They say Mahamudra pose has great benefits such as removing Kapha disorders, tuberculosis, constipation, enlarged spleen and prolonged fever, however I have Crohn's Disease and I just started doing it for a few days, it seems my symptoms got worse. Anyone know if it is contraindicated for Crohn's and if there is another pose to heal, help or alleviate Crohn's Disease?
Thank you

TrueCrazyLion 24-08-2019 11:12 AM

I went to Yoga classes for a few months at one point, back in late 2006 when a friend was teaching it, and I found that Yoga gave me a profound sense of relaxation - not in any specific way, just overall peacefulness and peace of mind.

I miss it a lot, and keep meaning to get back into it.

bluemoon 17-04-2020 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by kris
The following are the eight limbs(angas) of ashtAnga yoga (yoga of eight limbs).

(1) yama - moral restraint - these have to do how we deal with others. The moral restraints are non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, spiritual living and non-possessiveness.

(2) niyama - ethical observances - these have to do with how we develop our personal lifestyle. The observances are cleanliness (internal and external), contentment, effort, study (of ourselves and spiritual writings) and surrender to higher controller (Ishvara).

(3) Asana - posture - A proper posture is required to develop our bodies for concentration and meditation. Asanas were developed by hatha yogis for this reason. This is the part of yoga that is most known in the West.

(4) prANAyAma - controlledbreathing or voluntary breathing. It purpose is to focus the mind on yogi's goal and preventing it from wandering.

(5) pratyAhAra - resistance to sensory input or ability to withstand the onslaught of the senses.

(6) dhAraNA - concentration - the stilling of mind achieved through Asanas and pranayama is then to be followed by developing single-pointedness of purpose, that being understanding of ourselves.

(7) dhyAna - meditation - single-pointedness of the mind is directed towards mediation on ourselves, which leads a yogi to

(8) samAdhi - integration of personality.

Note: I have followed translations of Sanskrit terms following Edwin F. Bryant, R. C. Zaehner, and Nicholas Kazanas.


Who else has taken online classes because of the covid shut down?

amayaan 12-09-2020 05:10 AM

There are many benefits of yoga
Yoga increases flexibility.
Yoga increases muscle strength and tone.
Yoga improved respiration, energy and vitality.
Yoga helps in maintaining a balanced metabolism.
Yoga helps in reducing weight
Yoga improved cardiovascular health
Boost athletic performance

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