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angelic star 31-03-2017 03:26 PM

Reading for Belle, what is going on between D and me!

I will take your question

How does D feel ( seven of swords ) It feels like D's interest is only extended as an act of being defensive. It feels like he is wearing a mask, his true intentions are guarded and he is very guarded. there is some kind of energy he is extending here which might not be sincere.
How do you feel ( three of swords ) feeling hurt because someone's is not bring a great energy in for you. Some old wounds not yet healed. In either case both of you feel guarded defensive and not really sincerest feelings here.
Outcome. ( queen of cups) I feel you will find your peace and recovery out of this. You will find that you are able to feel easy where you are, and someone might make some adjustment so you are able to enjoy your independence and also feel healed, relieved where you are at. Newer experiences, more feelings of contentment. Feeling love and healing for the another person.

I hope this relates to you somehow, let me know if you want me to look more into this.

Sending smiles to you,

My question. will I be able to find a new job this year ?

Thank you, blessings

Belle 31-03-2017 06:22 PM

Wow thanks so much. that's enigmatically accurate - which sounds paradoxical but we function in a world of illusion and mask and it's an age old story of what will never be. He makes me feel truly complete and safe, no one else has ever done that but I have to cut him off.

Thank you so much. Onto the next gentleman!!!

Next question for angelic star: will I be able to find a new job this year ?

tealily 01-04-2017 05:38 AM

Reading for angelic star

7 of Cups, Empress, Magician

It's a YES! I feel like there are a couple of different jobs you are considering but one thing in particular you'd really like to do. Things feel quite 'fruitful' for you (Empress) so with a bit of ingenuity/lateral thinking, you may be able to land something you really like. The trick here seems to be creativity/thinking smart - if/when you land the job other people will say you're just lucky, but really it was because you literally tried everything you could think of to get the job! :)

Next reading for tealily

In what area is tealily just 'stop-gapping', and needs to address more seriously? (prompt: 5 of Pent rev)

angelic star 01-04-2017 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
Reading for angelic star

7 of Cups, Empress, Magician

It's a YES! I feel like there are a couple of different jobs you are considering but one thing in particular you'd really like to do. Things feel quite 'fruitful' for you (Empress) so with a bit of ingenuity/lateral thinking, you may be able to land something you really like. The trick here seems to be creativity/thinking smart - if/when you land the job other people will say you're just lucky, but really it was because you literally tried everything you could think of to get the job! :)

Next reading for tealily

In what area is tealily just 'stop-gapping', and needs to address more seriously? (prompt: 5 of Pent rev)

Haha sounds like me ^_^ People have told me m lucky but I put in a lot of effort which isn't always apparent on the outside :) Great news ! Thank you for the reading <3

Next reading for tealily

In what area is tealily just 'stop-gapping', and needs to address more seriously? (prompt: 5 of Pent rev

angelic star 02-04-2017 08:55 AM

Next reading for tealily

In what area is tealily just 'stop-gapping', and needs to address more seriously? (prompt: 5 of Pent rev

Queen of wands. It feels like you are too humble about yourself, or circumstances have humbled you, when you need to value your true worth. Your merit and personal power only grows when you learn to nurture it , value it more. Or else it just becomes one of those things, and you forget to look at it and draw upon it when it needs to. This card shows intensity. Something you are quite adept at but are not channeling well because you are too humble, nice easy about it. You need to value your own worth. Have more confidence and pride over yourself than being to humble about what you have, what you have is worth it.
Advice. Nine of Pentacles. Feeling good about your achievements. Knowing that you have come a far way and reclaiming personal power by feeling content and satisfied with yourself.
I feel the messages are that you are not taking yourself seriously and what you are adept at seriously. Once you understand your value and the contribution you make, reclaim your personal power, you will get better at what you do, because you will be valuing what you have and will have more incentive and energy inside to work towards your goals.

I hope this relates. Let me know :)

My question. Any messages that come through for me right now.

Thank you.

tealily 02-04-2017 11:21 PM

Feedback for angelic star

Ah, that could be me at work - not aided by the fact all other clinical coworkers are male and I'm clearly the one with least experience. I'll try to start reflecting on my successes at the end of each week more actively :)

Next reading for angelic star

Any messages that come through for me right now.

tealily 15-04-2017 10:02 AM

Reading for angelic star

* Happy tarot

3 of Wands rev
10 of Cups rev
Ace of Swords

I get the impression you feel like you can't hang with your family as often as you'd like? There are alternate ways though - eg perhaps if separated by distance try skype calls, if issues with time try text messaging/phone calls during driving etc :)

Next reading for tealily

Could I have a comparison of:

- What would the outcome be if I left my clinical job soon
- What would the outcome be if I stayed at my clinical job for now?

angelic star 15-04-2017 01:38 PM

@tealily. Thank you for taking the time to read for me. Spending time with family is not an issue for me. I see them everyday :) Thank you very much for the read.

Next reading for tealily

Could I have a comparison of:

- What would the outcome be if I left my clinical job soon
- What would the outcome be if I stayed at my clinical job for now?

55Degrees 15-04-2017 11:40 PM

Reading for tealily

Could I have a comparison of:

- What would the outcome be if I left my clinical job soon
- What would the outcome be if I stayed at my clinical job for now?

**DISCLAIMER** tealily has disclosed some details to me that lies behind her questioning therefore I was able to get more details from the cards.

Ok strangely the 8 of Swords showed up in both readings in different positions which is very revealing.

What would the outcome be if I left my clinical job soon
8 of Swords, Queen of Swords, Knight of Coins
The cards suggest you would believe you would be putting yourself in a bit of a tricky position and maybe you should have thought through where you're going to go from here. By leaving you believe it may be seen that you have hampered the chance to progress in your clinical career.
What looks likely to happen in the near future is that you are going to put a stop to the issues, no muss, no fuss just directly and to the point that 'this stops and it stops now!' Pointing out a few (uncomfortable) home truths as you wave goodbye.
Outcome being Knight of Coins, suggests that you may have to find some practical way of bringing in money and it may take time to see any rewards as income could come to a standstill

What would the outcome be if I stayed at my clinical job for now?
2 of Swords, 9 of Coins, 8 of Swords.
If you decide to stay you believe that maybe you shouldn't speak up, just ignore it and it'll not affect you, that it's a case of "damned if you do and damned if you don't" speak up.
What will happen in the near future will see you being isolated(?), I don't know if that's the right word, but definitely made to feel you're on your own, although in the short term this may suit you.
Outcome 8 of Swords, you're actually going to feel worse in the long term (notice the 2 of Swords and 8 of Swords are both blindfolded) so a definite sense of being isolated, even feeling that whatever you decide (speaking up or not) has made the situation worse for you. Say nothing and it continues, say something and it makes things worse.

Ouch, sorry.

Next reading for Pisces
New job is ace, what do I need to do to progress within the company

tealily 16-04-2017 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Ok strangely the 8 of Swords showed up in both readings in different positions which is very revealing.

What would the outcome be if I left my clinical job soon
8 of Swords, Queen of Swords, Knight of Coins
The cards suggest you would believe you would be putting yourself in a bit of a tricky position and maybe you should have thought through where you're going to go from here. By leaving you believe it may be seen that you have hampered the chance to progress in your clinical career.
What looks likely to happen in the near future is that you are going to put a stop to the issues, no muss, no fuss just directly and to the point that 'this stops and it stops now!' Pointing out a few (uncomfortable) home truths as you wave goodbye.
Outcome being Knight of Coins, suggests that you may have to find some practical way of bringing in money and it may take time to see any rewards as income could come to a standstill

Haha oh boy, none of the work-related readings I've received have looked promising so far, however I appreciate the forewarning. Yes, I would be very concerned about leaving within the next 12 months. I do plan on making some pretty serious changes to the way I interact with the rest of my team starting next week, which is sort of sad (I never thought it would be like this), but will be a better fit for the existing team.

If I did leave, it would be exactly as you described - sudden, and with some punchy parting lines to my boss.


What would the outcome be if I stayed at my clinical job for now?
2 of Swords, 9 of Coins, 8 of Swords.
If you decide to stay you believe that maybe you shouldn't speak up, just ignore it and it'll not affect you, that it's a case of "damned if you do and damned if you don't" speak up.
What will happen in the near future will see you being isolated(?), I don't know if that's the right word, but definitely made to feel you're on your own, although in the short term this may suit you.
Outcome 8 of Swords, you're actually going to feel worse in the long term (notice the 2 of Swords and 8 of Swords are both blindfolded) so a definite sense of being isolated, even feeling that whatever you decide (speaking up or not) has made the situation worse for you. Say nothing and it continues, say something and it makes things worse.
Yup with the isolation. Less asking the others for help, more trying to work independently. I don't like it because I advance clinically more with lots of ad hoc conversations, but as I don't feel 'safe' having those, I just won't. I'm currently trying to remind myself that this is just my first clinical job - I will continue to learn more at other jobs. This is simply the first rung on the ladder.

arrrgghhhhh this is not what I wanted from my first clinical job :(

The plus side is that one of my readings said that I'd continue enjoying my clients and would still accomplish a lot of my goals. It's just going to be a poo time as well :)

Next reading for Pisces Moon
New job is ace, what do I need to do to progress within the company

Clover 16-04-2017 01:42 AM

Next reading for Pisces Moon
New job is ace, what do I need to do to progress within the company[/quote]

Alright, a little rusty here, but here it goes. From The Universal Golden Tarot

Nine of Swords
Four of Pentacles

Nine of Swords is telling me that you want this really bad, success that is. Now that this opputunity has fallen into your lap, you don't want to screw it up, right? So much your kinda stressing out over it. Try not to manifest anxieties and worries to go further, relax. Thoughts become things, and may I suggest to try not to take these worries with you to bed. Breath.

Four of Pentacles is telling me your not going to get to victory on your own. Important that I stress: Team work, team work, team work is the way to success. Build allies( very important because your going to want people to have your back in the long term), build friendships, be open with communication with your peers, even if you don't like them.

Strength: I think this indicates resilience, your strong enough for this position, so keep pushing forward, most importantly, don't be afraid to be open with people either,including management.

Hope that was insightful in some way

Question for Clover: Do I HAVE to go to my big sisters Easter thingie tomorrow?? Haha I dont want to go, I did so many easter events. Do I HAVE to go?! *stomps feet*

tealily 16-04-2017 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Clover
Question for Clover: Do I HAVE to go to my big sisters Easter thingie tomorrow?? Haha I dont want to go, I did so many easter events. Do I HAVE to go?! *stomps feet*

Reading for Clover


Answer: Queen of Cups reversed initially strikes me as saying "your sister doesn't know how badly you don't want to go..." things may change if you actually just chat to her about it.

What you need to know: 10 of Cups suggests one of two things - firstly that if you go, it may end up to be a lot more pleasant being around family than you currently imagine, or secondly that no matter what you decide, they will be supportive of your decision.

Advice: 5 of Wands reversed. This suggests to me that it's worth taking the anxiety out of the situation. This doesn't need to be the worry-laden decision it is in your head. Call up someone and ask if you can opt out - or at least leave early :)

Next question for tealily

Q: How have I improved the most (in terms of my clinical job) in the past month?

55Degrees 16-04-2017 09:51 PM

Feedback for Clover


Originally Posted by Clover
Next reading for Pisces Moon
New job is ace, what do I need to do to progress within the company

Alright, a little rusty here, but here it goes. From The Universal Golden Tarot

Nine of Swords
Four of Pentacles

Nine of Swords is telling me that you want this really bad, success that is. Now that this opputunity has fallen into your lap, you don't want to screw it up, right? So much your kinda stressing out over it. Try not to manifest anxieties and worries to go further, relax. Thoughts become things, and may I suggest to try not to take these worries with you to bed. Breath.

Four of Pentacles is telling me your not going to get to victory on your own. Important that I stress: Team work, team work, team work is the way to success. Build allies( very important because your going to want people to have your back in the long term), build friendships, be open with communication with your peers, even if you don't like them.

Strength: I think this indicates resilience, your strong enough for this position, so keep pushing forward, most importantly, don't be afraid to be open with people either,including management.

Hope that was insightful in some way[/quote]

I'm definitely not stressing about it, however these past 2 weeks have been a nightmare of too much happening all at once and too little sleep. I do have my sights set higher, it's just a case of knowing what transferable skills and mindset they are looking for.
Team work is part of the job but as I'm at management level I need the team to work for me, I'm kind of 'outside of the group' but still a cog in the machine.
Having seen what the job entails at the next level I know I can do it, I get the feeling my boss already knows I'll be offered a promotion within the company at some point as she's already questioned me about it. I just need to work on making it happen (not too soon though as I like the site I'm currently at).
Thanks for your reading Clover.

Next reading for tealily

Q: How have I improved the most (in terms of my clinical job) in the past month?

Clover 17-04-2017 12:08 AM

@PM, Oh my, I am rusty, and a little too over confident there lol, but thanks for the feedback, the nine of swords makes sense now ( and funny how that energy makes its way to the reading). Four of pentz also makes sense with the 'outside of the group' you mention! I need to press more! nevertheless, congrats on the job, sounds like your in a good position! When I had done the reading last night. I also pulled the Fool Card with Strength ( to get more clarification) I struggled a bit with that but geared it more towards your on the winning end. Good luck!

@Tealily: Gracias for the reading! I ended up NOT going, why? because I didnt want to!! haha, but Queen of Cups reversed makes a lot of sense in this regard, maybe showing how detached from emotion I can become. I am a Earth sign, so Queen of cups is not an ideal representation of me unless I am on my fifth margarita. Ten of Pentx---your right! I think everyone came understanding of my position or 'excuses' ha. Kids had TONS of fun at her pool and hey, the focus was not on me but my sisters relationship with her Mother in Law, Pfff I dont have to deal with that stuff anymore... ha ha! :tongue:

P.s. I think this thread is getting very heavy to edit, you may want to start a new one, your choice

Next reading for tealily

Q: How have I improved the most (in terms of my clinical job) in the past month?

tealily 17-04-2017 01:37 AM

@ Clover - oh, how do you mean how to edit? (I just use quick reply and put in most of the tags manually, so assuming you mean a back end thing. Happy to start a new thread if you think it'll make things a lot easier :) )

Next reading for tealily

Q: How have I improved the most at my clinical job in the past month?

angelic star 17-04-2017 07:21 AM

So there is going to be a new thread ? Looking forward to that, I am going to miss this one :p

I will take tealily's question.

Next reading for tealily

Q: How have I improved the most at my clinical job in the past month?

Eight of Pentacles. It feels like there is focus and some amount of pressure on self , but at the same time a relief from some work that has been completed. Possible one accomplishment where your input was needed and it turned out to be positive. I am feeling a female co worker or female influence who feels particularly dumb founded around you because it is hard to point mistakes at you. It feels there is some caution, alertness and being careful and devoted to get the work done. It feels you have made progress there, one task stands out although some others are also still a work in progress. From most of the cards I picked for you in the past and even now, it feels like you have merit and you are good at what you do. There is progress ahead for you and it feels you have made some with some tasks this month as well. there is definitely stress but also that you need not worry about yourself because of all the pressure around you.
Ace of swords. Someone has taken notice of your work and the progress you have made and might try to measure up to it. Feels like you are doing fine :)
Being noticed by a co worker I feel is what comes up.
I hope this relates to you, let me know if this makes sense and let me know if I could look at anything more for you here.

Smiles your end, blessings

tealily 17-04-2017 08:14 AM

@angelic star - I'll wait for Clover's input before starting any new ones, so we'll continue to play here for now :)

Feedback for angelic star


Q: How have I improved the most at my clinical job in the past month?

Eight of Pentacles. It feels like there is focus and some amount of pressure on self , but at the same time a relief from some work that has been completed. Possible one accomplishment where your input was needed and it turned out to be positive.
Yes - I've steadily grown my caseload (I'm actually pitching to overtake one of the guys who has been there 1+ years in a few weeks) and my boss, who has a whopping 10+ years of experience on me, recently handed over one of his clients to me because he's reached a plateau with her but something I do works :icon_eek: Well done on picking that up!!


I am feeling a female co worker or female influence who feels particularly dumb founded around you because it is hard to point mistakes at you.
Hmm, the only other females in the clinic are the practice manager and other receptionist (who actually happens to be the boss's wife). I've been getting some good feedback from clients. Do you mean this comment in regards to "we're sure she's doing something wrong but hard to specifically call her out on it" or "wow, she's actually not really doing anything wrong"? If the latter, yes - both have commented that they don't need to chase me up as much for clipboards/forms/patient letters etc because I stay on top of those as I go (my male colleagues are not as organised, apparently!).


It feels there is some caution, alertness and being careful and devoted to get the work done. It feels you have made progress there, one task stands out although some others are also still a work in progress. From most of the cards I picked for you in the past and even now, it feels like you have merit and you are good at what you do. There is progress ahead for you and it feels you have made some with some tasks this month as well. there is definitely stress but also that you need not worry about yourself because of all the pressure around you.
Dear god, I certainly hope so! It's been such a challenging run, both clinically and emotionally. I am working really hard to try to catch up in terms of knowledge, but am also dealing with being in a "boy's club" and all the blunt insensitivity/questionable jokes included.


Ace of swords. Someone has taken notice of your work and the progress you have made and might try to measure up to it. Feels like you are doing fine :)
Being noticed by a co worker I feel is what comes up.
I hope this relates to you, let me know if this makes sense and let me know if I could look at anything more for you here.
re: "might try to measure up to it" - in a good way (eg a raise) or a bad way (eg competition?)

It'd be great to be noticed by my boss - however admittedly I fear retribution from my colleagues if I start doing better than they do >.<

Next reading for angelic star

angelic star 17-04-2017 08:28 AM

@ tealily Yes I did sense that in the ace of swords cards. Something noticing your progress and wanting to measure upto it in a competition kind of way. It does look hard I can relate to the feeling. Gosh I hate it you know, why cant people be happy for others o.o It is super stressful. You cannot let yourself down because of fear of retribution though. You are clearly good at what you do, makes sense why the cards are around being humble about oneself etc. Good luck to you.

Thank you for the feedback there dear, sending love and smiles to you <3 blessings

tealily 17-04-2017 08:53 AM

@angelic star, ah, I know exactly who this coworker is (I'll call him F1). He's had the longest tenure aside from the boss but is second from the bottom in terms of experience. He took an extended holiday around the time our other coworker started (who has 3 year's experience - will call him F2), so by the time F1 came back his caseload had decreased. Since then F2 overtook him easily in terms of bookings... then I came along and it looks like F1 will be 'lapped' again by a new employee (and this time, someone with less experience rather than more). He's also older than me, so he can't be feeling good about it so can definitely see him wanting to 'match up' asap.

(plus his ego isn't helped by the fact I covered a few of his clients whilst he was on holiday, and some of them notified the clinic they wanted to switch to my list...)

Waaaaaah. I've done nothing wrong. He's got a loyal, established caseload and if I overtake him for any reason the clinic will simply shift more of the new clients to him (because my books will be full). At the end of the day, F1, F2 and I will all have completely full books and the boss will add new employees... who will go through the exact same process. This is literally just one of those "circle of life" type things!!! Silly boy egos!

Next reading for angelic star

angelic star 19-04-2017 04:38 PM

@ tealily Yeah that's some of the frustrating things about work, life etc at times. There are those unpleasant moments, and people can be so closed in the head like being obsessed with small things for the sake of their egos. Things could work out so much better if people were more open minded and allowed people the freedom and space to do their jobs well. It's like they say about crabs you know, if you put two crabs in a bucket, and one crab tries to get out the another just pulls it back. That is what human beings do as well. The thought that someone might just be in better position is just too much of a threat.
I hope you are guided and are able to walk your highest path. I hope you feel safe and guided around work and I believe you will be just fine.
Take care tealily sending much love your end.

Next reading for angelic star.

tealily 20-04-2017 03:39 AM

General reading for angelic star


World rev, 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords rev (as advice)

These say to me: "incomplete", "trying to get away with things"/juggle a lot of things, and then encouragement from the cards to sort of let it all go a bit, perhaps try less hard and let go of some of these responsibilities (whether self-delegated or put on you by other people).

Does this resonate at all?

Next reading for tealily
Q: What's the best way to proceed if I wish to streamline my project list?

(I'm juggling a lot of things - I know I need to cut down/optimise. Advice on best way to start would be awesome :) )

angelic star 20-04-2017 10:19 AM

@ tealily thank you so much. It does relate. I am cutting off a lot of projects in my life that seem unnecessary to me right now. It does feel good. thank you for the reminder.

Next reading for tealily
Q: What's the best way to proceed if I wish to streamline my project list?

(I'm juggling a lot of things - I know I need to cut down/optimise. Advice on best way to start would be awesome :) )

Clover 23-04-2017 01:06 PM

Thank you for the memories and contributions. The new Tarot Practice Thread can now be found here

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