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-   -   i only see white auras. why is this? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=25509)

Yamah 18-11-2011 05:57 AM

wonderful WhiteWarrior! Keep practicing and eventually you should reach certainty.

WhiteWarrior 19-11-2011 12:35 AM

I am often trying my third eye, but I have not meditated in a few months since it didn't give any results at the time; I never reached that 'upper level'. Much has happened since then; perhaps it is time to try again.

res 05-12-2011 08:43 AM

Hi Jamelius777,
I can relate to alot of this but found out that what i was seeing was just the negative energy that is absorbed by an object. If i was staring at a persons mouth and moved to their eyes i would see white behind them. As i moved up to look at the Aura more of the negative could be seen.

I do beleive in the aura 100% as i work with energy but i am unfortunate enough to have been fooled for a while into thinking i could see them with my physical eyes. Not to say that other do not have this talent, and i am jealous ;-)

Try this, colour in a solid circle about 5cm in diameter with green highlighter. Put a black dot in the centre and also a dot at the very top of the circle. Stare at the dot in the centre for 1 min and then stare at the dot at the top. Just above the circle you will see an aura of the colour energy that was absorbed by the circle, which is the negative opposite of the colour green that was reflected back to your eye. You should see pink but im not sure if this is the same for someone that is colour blind...hmmm?

mattie 05-12-2011 09:28 AM

A Whole Lot Of Direction To Others

Originally Posted by Yamah
...For those of you who don't know, don't answer.

My OH my!!!

Determining whether others' replies are valid or not is giving a considerable amount of direction. Are we to PM you a reply to get clearance to see if it merits posting? ROFL.

Others should post whatever they want.

mattie 05-12-2011 09:37 AM

LOL. 'Dpm' isn't supposed to be the title. This posted before I could correct a typo. The title is supposed to be, 'Don't Be Overly Concerned About How Others See Energy'

Don’t feel that you’re deficient if you see energy fields in a way that is different than others. Some see colors while others don’t. This could have many reasons for this including the energies of the person seeing them. We really don’t know enough about this to say that seeing colors is more advanced or that seeing them as white or another way is better. It is nice to know how others see energies, but don't feel like you're doing something wrong if you don't see them in exactly the same way.

When I’m looking at tree & cloud energy signatures, often the area of the energy field that is in the sky will show w/ the energy field area color clearing, w/ it being a stronger color of the sky.

Aquarian 05-12-2011 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by mattie
My OH my!!!

Determining whether others' replies are valid or not is giving a considerable amount of direction. Are we to PM you a reply to get clearance to see if it merits posting? ROFL.

Can't speak for Yameh but here's how I do it:
1. Assume that somebody knows what they're talking about.
2. Ask myself "What evidence do I have for my opinion?"
3. Rate my evidence:
- If it came from God Himself, that's a 5.
- If it came from Yogananda, that's a 4.
- If it came after deep meditation where I was able to raise my vibration clearly beyond all interference and I was able to get instant answers to any questions, that's a 4.
- If it came from Brennan, that's a 3.
- Everything else is a 2.
- If I want to believe it or are afraid of it, that's a 1.

If all the evidence I need to justify my opinion (usually several sources) isn't a 3+ I'm not posting authoratively.


Others should post whatever they want.
Yeah and screw the consequences!

Never mind if you mess someone's head up with bad advice. Don't worry about crowding out comments from people who actually have some evidence for what they say. Who cares if you're under the influence of dark forces.

Post away!

res 06-12-2011 01:30 AM

Sorry this is off topic but is valid all the same. We are all surrounded by influence and advice from those around us. There will always be shades of black and white and we cant stop any of them from expressing themselves. The key for me is to not be dogmatic by following one teaching but rather adopt parts from each that resonate with me and form a belief structure that suits me and my purpose personally. If i research enough about anything that someone advises me to do i come to my own understand, which leads me to the truth. There is a certain amount of responsibility that i place on myself when considering advice as i believe more emphasise should be given to our right to 'choose to receive advice' and filter out the darker shades. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink as they say. Thats what works me personally but may not for others :-)

What is the meaning of aura anyway? I interpret it as a visual anomoly which may be spiritual (etheric/third eye) or scientific (physical/eyes) in nature. I get physical migrianes with aura and i can assure you there is nothing spiritual about them :-(.
Are the auras you are all seeing third eye related to the sub consciounce, physical eye related to full consciousness or maybe a merging of both consciousness's and how can you tell?

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