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Michael K. 23-04-2024 06:15 PM

Blessings 1Greg2 for your input here, yes it can be seen as chasing a rainbow I
was trying to set out a way that can lead to the translation of being back into
SELF. But in truth as you point out we must all fin d our own way, I am just sharing my experiences.

regards michael

Michael K. 23-04-2024 11:51 PM

Blessing STILL WATERS, here is my reply to your question of how did this translation transformation process manifest in me personally? I am sorry
for the long response. I need to put a bit of background leading up to this
"partial translation" If it had been completed Still Waters I would not be here
writing this today. I started meditation daily in 1974 after I was healed on an
incurable illness by the Great Spirit, when I fell to the floor and surrendered
to GOD and asked for help, a great weight descended upon me and asked what
I know! I said nothing, then the voice said go to bed and be well.

Meditation drew me close the the SOURCE and daily I could feel its awesome
PRESENCE. After about a year of daily meditation I was in bed one night and
found myself spontaneously saying to GOD that i want to come HOME!
immediately a deep inner voice said "COME" with this both my legs and thighs
started moving quickly in an S shaped motion. the ceiling lite up in a white
light which started sparkling like frost, the the ceiling opened up and I could see stars.

Both my legs were moving so fast that they were blurred it was an impossible normal speed,then my legs started shining with a bright white
light which then began to sparkle like frost, then my toes on both feet
began to vanish, and gaps were appearing in my legs, It seemed I was
going to leave this universe feet first! It was at this point when my thighs
began to have gaps appearing that I began to feel anxious, and a thought
appeared in my mind, that I had not said goodbye to my mother, this
thought brought the whole translation sequence to a close, the ceiling
closed over and my legs slowed down and stopped.

This happened over forty years ago now, and its profoundness still amazes
me today, It seems that somehow at that time and place I let go of all and
in the saying of I want to come home, a massive magnetic connection was
made and I was being pulled into Absolute eternity FEET FIRST!

I hope this answers you question STILL WATERS

blessings michael.

Miss Hepburn 24-04-2024 12:02 PM

Great story, keep sharing your exps!! :smile:

:) Hi Greg, No chasing rainbows for me..sitting in stillness and silence simply makes
me more attuned to what is 'in' the Here and Now!.....LOL...
And there's plenty we miss hanging out in our 'average' day to day awareness on earth!

Michael K. 24-04-2024 01:37 PM

Blessings Miss Hepburn thank you for your input here,

regards michael.

Still_Waters 24-04-2024 03:30 PM



Originally Posted by Michael K.

I started meditation daily in 1974 after I was healed on an incurable illness by the Great Spirit, when I fell to the floor and surrendered to GOD and asked for help

Meditation drew me close the the SOURCE and daily I could feel its awesome

.. found myself spontaneously saying to GOD that i want to come HOME!
immediately a deep inner voice said "COME"

Yes. Your post did answer my question and, in many ways, it amazingly parallels my own transformative process.

Over 50 years ago (dating myself), I had a mind-boggling, life-transforming near death experience (NDE) during which I was in an "irreversible coma" for 3 days. The doctors had told the family that, in the unlikely event of survival, there would be severe brain and organ damage. My sister told me relatively recently that it was actually far more serious than an NDE as she recalls the crying and screaming when the medical staff came out to inform the family that I had actually passed away and that they should start making the funeral arrangements. (That's about as "incurable" a condition as one could imagine.)

Then, a "little while" later (she doesn't recall how long it was), a very happy but startled medical person came out to tell everyone that I had opened my eyes, and was fully alert and SYMPTOM-FREE. There was absolutely nothing wrong physically. They had no explanation.

At that time, I also had a clear recollection of all that had transpired during that "NDE", including an out-of-body experience, VERIFIABLE remote viewing of all that was going on both in the hospital and beyond, awareness of that indescribable "peace that surpasseth all understanding" state, and a clear understanding of the process of consciousness returning to the physical body as I sat up completely alert and well. In addition, there was a vision of a being of light communicating in complete silence. Although I misinterpreted the vision initially, it nonetheless served as a catalyst pointing me to meditation/transformation and the way back "HOME" (using your terminology).

Your story really resonated with me for reasons that are probably obvious by now. If you like, we can go into more details about the process of the "journey without distance" resulting in going back "HOME".

Michael K. 24-04-2024 04:00 PM

Blessings Still Waters than k you for sharing your most profound experience, yes indeed I would love to go into more details with you, I have many profound
experiences to share with you and others.

regards michael

Michael K. 24-04-2024 11:26 PM

This experience I have entitled "Before the universe was "I AM"
I had many experiences of being taken out of my body and moving into the astral body when I was sat down meditating. One experience was when I was
sat in my armchair in a half way hostel I worked in. where I suddenly pulled
out of my body with a tremendous invisible force and within a blink of an eye
I had moved far far across this universe, I noticed that light was appearing
motionless as though frozen.

As I sped by in what seemed a micro second I then saw nothing, but was just
aware of my being there in no-where placeless place . Then a voice deep
within me resonated and said that "before this universe was born" I AM!
I then realized realized that I was in a placeless place before this universe
was thought into being, There was no light, no darkness, no thing whatsoever
only the awareness of my being and looking out into NO THING NESS.

Then a voice said that this universe to be will be and become and life will
prosper . But to this ONE it will be born be expressed and gone in the blink
of an eye, but to life billions of years will come to pass.
Then the voice said return, with that a powerful force propelled me back
to earth, back through billions of years , and into my armchair with a
powerful jolt which hurt my solar plexus for several days.

blessings and regards michael

Still_Waters 27-04-2024 09:50 PM

"Before the universe was "I AM"


Originally Posted by Michael K.

Then a voice deep within me resonated and said that "before this universe was born" I AM!

I then realized realized that I was in a placeless place before this universe
was thought into being, There was no light, no darkness, no thing whatsoever
only the awareness of my being and looking out into NO THING NESS.

The third of the four Buddhist supramundane jhanas (absorptions) is indeed nothingness.

P.S. I've been so occupied lately with helping a friend who was recently discharged from the hospital that I missed the e-mail notification that there was another post to this thread. Pardon the delay in responding.

Michael K. 27-04-2024 10:57 PM

Blessings Still Waters thanks for your reply yes nothingness is the ALLNESS
of the ALL that "IS"
I have started a new post called Journey without distance.

regards michael

Still_Waters 28-04-2024 11:43 AM



Originally Posted by Michael K.

One experience was when I was
sat in my armchair in a half way hostel I worked in. where I suddenly pulled
out of my body with a tremendous invisible force and within a blink of an eye
I had moved far far across this universe,

The first (of four) Buddhist supra-mundane jhanas (absorptions) is infinite space as in traversing the universe. Your post seems to be addressing that experience.

The second (of four) Buddhist supra-mundane jhanas (absorptions) is infinite consciousness in which one becomes aware of infinite universes ... at which point one (meaning me personally if not others) realizes that it's pointless to explore them all and one starts to abide more in the here-and-now. :smile:

The third (of four) Buddhist supra-mundane jhanas (absorptions) is the NOTHINGNESS that we've already mentioned.

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