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FairyCrystal 04-06-2023 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Oh I am absolutely CERTAIN that is the case . Maybe she was sent to you in the first place because spirit knew she would be going home and Bailey will look after her.And it's strange too that this is the second conversation I have had today about rose quartz/ pink granite been relevant in a tribute/ memory of a loved one.

Thank you for that. Feels like wonderful confirmation of my own intuitive feeling!

This is the pink rose I put with Quan Yin beginning of the afternoon. The rose quartzes are all deep pink, but the direct sunlight makes them look pale which they aren't.

Dude111 04-06-2023 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
My little Rosie, the kitten, has had an accident this afternoon and she didn't survive..

Oh my,I am so sorry!!

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Dude111
Oh my,I am so sorry!!

Thank you. It's so sad. I'm glad the little one didn't suffer. The woman said she was gone instantly.

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 09:04 AM

It's a lovely memorial you created for her Fairy.

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 09:22 AM

I feel like posting a photo of the new kitten. I sure have not forgotten the other one and I'm thinking of painting her.
But the new one deserves a place of her own.

I was a bit in a twist as I want to name the new one Roosje but it also seemed weird to do that after what happened.
Last night I was talking to my cousin about it, a tremendous cat lover, and she said, it can also be a beautiful tribute.
I hadn't looked at it that way. I will, however, add a 2nd name to it to make a distinction between the two.
It's going to be Roosje Carina. That name will be on her cat passport from the vet's. Carina means `little belovedĀ“.

In a way the new kitten looks remarkably like Roosje, and yet she looks entirely different. Kind of peculiar.
She's 4,5 weeks old, born 5 days later than Roosje.
This is Roosje Carina:

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 09:29 AM

Ah she's beautiful.
When my twin died at birth I was given her chosen name as my middle name and it was the greatest gift my parents ever gave me.

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Ah she's beautiful.
When my twin died at birth I was given her chosen name as my middle name and it was the greatest gift my parents ever gave me.

Wow, that is beautiful!!
Thank you for sharing that with me.

And yes, I'm happy with this little sweetheart.
When I looked at the litter, in a large wooden encasing, most of the kittens were snoozing, but she wasn't. I spotted her, the only calico and the one I'd gone to see, and she looked right back at me. It felt like we had an immediate connection.
When I gently picked her up she briefly rested her head against my face as if to show me we indeed had a connection. As if to indicate, "this is good!"
Even the woman was wow-ed by that gesture.

I spent some 30 mins there, and the last time I picked her up before going home she bit my finger? LOL.
Clearly she was done with being picked up, haha.
I admit I was taken aback by that for a bit but I think she just wanted to play as her siblings had woken up. When I put her down she started playing a bit so I doubt it meant anything other than that.

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 10:02 AM

Aww, I always say we don't choose our pets but they choose us.
Sounds to me like she has chosen you !

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 10:52 AM

It does, doesn't it?!
And thank you for your feedback.
I know this is good, but I'm still a little off-kilter because of what happened to the other kitten.

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
It does, doesn't it?!
And thank you for your feedback.
I know this is good, but I'm still a little off-kilter because of what happened to the other kitten.

Oh gosh , I know how you are feeling, and that is very natural.
Just take each day at a time with your feelings and emotions and go with the flow of what that brings .
When my son and his wife bought their little kitten two years ago it was after their baby girl passed away and my son , in his grief wanted to give his wife something to cuddle.
But the kitten , in those first few weeks was very very poorly but luckily he pulled through. It would have been just too cruel if they had lost him also. I believe that he was sent to them from heaven .

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