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JustBe 11-09-2022 05:53 AM

I think you have to look at yourself as an interconnected interplay of life as yourself determining through what you are and potentially can be and become to build understanding of death.

Birth is (I suppose you could say) a calling to life. The interplay of life as it is at that moment brings you to life. It’s dependent upon more than your earth landing or choice to be born. It’s an orchestrated weave of all life that has been, that is and becoming, moving through the whole. Perhaps death is the same?

Perhaps also, what you become open too as the ‘whole’ lends you to see yourself as the potentials within it all, so naturally you move through life with more choices as you understand yourself in those potentials.

I guess in this view life is pre determined through the whole. So what that life consists of is really an unveiling ongoing. When it ends it too , it is predetermined through the whole. The whole can shift at any moment, so in this view I guess predetermined is a shifting arrangement too. What that arrangement becomes will be what the whole creation moving as one determines.

What determines one life over another in relation to its life experience and death?

As an empathic sensitive I’ve gained deeper awareness of how to live in this life through others suffering and experiences. In some ways each one of those has given me an awareness of deeper understanding of myself and they’ve helped breathe new life into me.

So in this view, we can live through the examples and experiences of others both as a way to open to more life in us, or as a way to confine ourselves to a more limited life experience.

Anyhow there is always more through the infinite flow of our interconnected life experience, so it’s up to each of us ‘aware and open’ to support and help each other, because without this our lives and the whole cannot thrive as one. We are dependent on each other even as we might think we are not. What you can’t see, still exists as part of this holographic interconnected relationship called life.

Just some flowing thoughts dropped in..

hazada guess 11-09-2022 06:15 AM

Re Miss Hepburn's post #10............:laughing1:

Native spirit 11-09-2022 09:52 AM

Through out our lives we have so many Exit points some are passed without realising that we had them.
My best friend was in hospital with covid no one could see her because of covid regulations,
Her son kept me informed with how she was she came close to Death at least twice,
I knew it wasn't her time so every night i would out of body to be by her bedside, i held her hand and was speaking to her,
when her mother and grandmother stood either side of her, they were telling me to call her back. they said if anyone can its you ,
A couple of weeks later she was taken of critical care.
she asked the nurse where i was she said no one was here. she said my friend was here she called me back.

That was one Example of an exit point. a week later she learnt she was going to be a grandmother for the third ,
she later told me i was ready to go but i didn't want to leave her kids then i heard you calling me back.


Geeta 11-09-2022 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Starman
Can we just say it was their karma to die that way.

Karma is nothing but an integral part of life and death cycle, one's own karma (a direct result of on one's free will) decides what one's death will be like and what the next life will be like.
This world have seen the ascended masters, who knew how they are going to die and have predicted what their next birth will be like.
So yes it is predestined, only the higher souls / ascended masters truly know their soul's journey on the earth plane. The souls struggling to reach the higher plane don't have the capacity (yet) to digest that knowledge about themselves.

Starman 11-09-2022 08:03 PM

So I have learned a few things in starting this thread, one being about “exit points.” I have been talking with people in my zoom meditation group and most of them were familiar with exit points and also pre-life planning; both which seem very plausible to me.

An exit point says that a person has more than one appointed time to die. I think of Debbie Reynolds who was heart broken after the death of her daughter and said that she wanted to be with her daughter, the next day she died. Medically it was said that she had a stroke, her son said she died from a broken heart, but could it also have been a choice to die and be with her daughter.

There have been a few times in my life when I consciously pulled myself back from the brink, else my soul would have left this physical life without me doing anything to prompt its leaving. Exit points say that should life become too overwhelming we have embedded exit points to depart and go back to spirit. I have many times had a spontaneous out-of-body experience related to an overwhelming event that I was having; which may have been a potential exit point.

There is also a strong belief in many that us humans design a blue print for our lives before we are born. But I also hold the belief that not every soul reincarnates, some consciously merge with the source while others choose to remain in the afterlife. Those that do reincarnate, or incarnate for the first time, develop a preplanned outline for their earthly journey before they are born.

I do believe in fate and that many things in our lives are predestined, and I don’t see any free-will; I just see reactive and proactive behavior; even karma is a reaction to an action, the same can be said of proactive behavior. Most people go through their entire life reacting to life and no response at all is still a response. Our existence is about responding or not responding to stimuli. Stimuli which most likely has been predetermined.:smile:

lostsoul13 11-09-2022 08:08 PM

Suicide, murdering was all predestined..

Dying in your sleep was predestined..

Some people got it easy. Others suffer terribly.. but will reap the rewards and silver linings!!

lostsoul13 11-09-2022 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
she later told me i was ready to go but i didn't want to leave her kids then i heard you calling me back.


What an amazing story!

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