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-   -   Anyone know how to turn karma into something positive? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=143364)

CosmicWonder 25-03-2022 03:51 PM

Yes that way it’s possible @Traveler :)

lemex 25-03-2022 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
My karma is usually neutral lately.

How can I now turn it for the positive? I can’t give others healing, as that can cause bad karma (no one asks for it, so I’d have to force it which is bad) and I can’t do nice things as these don’t seem to add to karma at all. So what can I do?

It is also lengthy. Don't look for immediacy. It is like a conversation going on. Your body may be saying rest because do we take in energy as well. It is also a learning curve, is there a teacher. I've noticed, unless I missed it (and missing), what of spiritual practice of mediation. I know if I could heal I would (want) do it all the time and be angry if I didn't.

CosmicWonder 25-03-2022 05:20 PM

Hii lemex,

Yes that could very well be. I only spend some slight thoughts about karma and patience.

I wonder what makes us believe in karma anyways. What triggers us to such an understanding of the world around us?

Much kindness,


Miss Hepburn 25-03-2022 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
I wonder what makes us believe in karma anyways. What triggers us to such an understanding of the world around us?

May I butt in? :tongue: If you have never read or believed in what the masters have written for 1000s of yrs...no problem.
-Steal something, see what happens.
-Be rude to people for a week, see what happens.
-Be wonderful to everyone for a week, see what happens.
-Plant corn ...see if tomatoes come up.
-Give away money, see what happens.
-Eat junk for a month, see what happens.

Seeing is believing...it's the best teacher. :glasses9:

Izz 25-03-2022 06:05 PM


How can I now turn it for the positive?

In practical terms, perhaps:

- Smile at strangers
- Give some unconditional warmth to strangers
- Increase charity (resources) with no strings attached

CosmicWonder 25-03-2022 06:32 PM

Hii Miss H.,

Couldn’t agree more. Totally true lol.

Hii Izz,

Yes, seems very valid. Only thing is that unconditional warmth shouldn’t be forced, or it will result in creepiness

Much kindness,


Gem 26-03-2022 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
You make the choice to define it in your reality as negative and in your reality negative it is.

I liked the article you posted earlier, but too many Indian words was hard to understand.

It's a pretty complex subject because like the article said, kamma is fundamentally about the volition, and what we rate as 'good or bad' relates to goodwill and ill-will. That's not an arbitrary classification and it takes honesty to discern the difference. Due to truthfulness being essential in matters of will, it is a moral issue, and you can a take a negative volition as learning, but pretending ill-will is goodwill is a deception.

Bambo 26-03-2022 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Traveler
Karma is simply getting back the energy you give out. Like attracts like, so to speak.

Ya I guess thats a good way to describe it....

Greenslade 26-03-2022 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
Usually a bad experience results in naming it negative, while a healthy and constructive event leads to positive

Which is what I said a little while back, 'naming' is defining and it becomes your reality. It's called namma-rupa or name and form, so when you name something you give it form.

You decide which is what, welcome to the creation of your reality.

Greenslade 26-03-2022 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
I wonder what makes us believe in karma anyways. What triggers us to such an understanding of the world around us?

Look in the mirror, ask yourself the reasons you believe what you believe. And be honest with yourself or you'll never find that answer.

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