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Sojourner2013 15-04-2015 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Grace222
Amazing story. I'm so glad this happened for you and your son!

Thank you so much!

Sojourner2013 15-04-2015 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by John32241
. I mention telepathy as a consideration for you to reflect upon. The bond between mother and child is always very strong. Could you get him to his best possible place through that form of communication. That is If such a thing authentically Appeals to You.


Hi John,
Yes, I've known for a long time (since he was 2 y.o.) that he has abilities. Being non-verbal, our telepathic communication has grown to be keen. Having done dream interpretation over 25 years, I experience telepathy in my dreams all the time. I find that people, as they spiritually develop their innate abilities, will have more and more telepathy occur in their dreams.

Sojourner2013 15-04-2015 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Lengar79
Oh, my! What a great improvement! I'm glad to hear the elixir worked for your son! I can't even imagine how happy you must be feeling right now. I thank the Angels for going to your help. Big hugs and I wish you and your son all the best!

Lengar, the only word that can sum up how I'm feeling over the past two weeks is...stupefied. When he called me Mommy, I literally froze in my step and couldn't talk for a minute. Thanks for commenting!

Sojourner2013 15-04-2015 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Spiritrebel
I've been giving people in the Occult and New Age communities similar advice since the "epidemic of autism" started getting major publicity about ten years ago, and purely psychic healing methods seem to work better than the medications doctors prescribe.

Spiritrebel, I agree. I have not put my son on any kind of medication because I think that, this early in the game, it's a Band-Aid of sorts, but that more holistic approaches are the key here. He only takes a multi-vitamin, as there are a lot of foods that he won't eat. Other than that, I have only sought natural methods that acknowledge the "do no harm" concept. Thanks for commenting!

StormNexus 16-04-2015 02:16 AM

Again, I am so very happy for your son's verbal improvements. It is well-known in this "spiritual community" that blue is the color of the throat chakra, and that blue crystals may facilitate verbal communication.

Moving beyond crystals, I recently went to a workshop with a woman that discussed the ability to "reprogram" the parts of our minds that we want to change. She used an example of a child with Autism, and said the improvement was astounding over the course of a couple months. From no touching to hugs, from no verbal communication to talking with others... her website regarding this process is here: karenabowen.com/PSYCH-K.html perhaps you can find someone near you that could perform the subconscious reprogramming that she can do. I plan on meeting up with her in my own life, for help in gaining focus on my spiritual path in life.

God bless you, and good luck. I hope to read more regarding your son's miraculous improvement.

bird* 16-04-2015 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sojourner2013
Bird, That is AMAZING! I'm so glad you saw the post. Maybe you can update us with your experience with the elixir, as well. Just to clarify the elixir part, I put the gemstones in a glass filled with purified water, then placed the glass in the bowl filled with purified water. Then let it sit in sunlight for two days. We had no moon, due to cloudy weather, but someone said a moon-wash would be acceptable as well. Thanks for commenting!

Thank you for giving everyone the formula for this! I don't have the money right now for any gemstones, but I actually put a Tourmaline Blue photo as the background on my computer screen, and looking at it is very calming. :D

Sojourner2013 19-10-2015 04:18 PM

I thought I'd give an update on my son's progress after six months of giving him the Blue Tourmaline elixir. He's seven years old, but I started giving him the elixir about three months before his 7th birthday.

After the first month, I started just giving him the water that the gemstones were in, rather than the double-dish method I was using. I learned that the gemstones were so small, that the concern of copper wouldn't be an issue with the elixir consumption.

The first thing that I noticed after using the direct method of elixir: He would become very hyper for several hours. So I give it to him right after school with his snack.

The second thing that became apparent is language. My son only spoke a limited number of words in April, but in August he said his first full sentence of his own volition. Out of the blue, he said, "Can I have store?" He wanted to go buy a toy, of course! I was so happy that we went right to the store!

He has begun eating foods he would never eat before, such as pizza, waffles with butter, and he's much more open about trying new foods. Before, he would grimace and yelp if a new food was offered to him. Now, he'll look at it and eat it cautiously, testing it out.

His separation anxiety (which he's had ever since I can remember) is just about gone. Before, he would cry if I had to leave him. Now, he''ll actually tell me "Goodbye, mommy."

But what's most amazing is that most autistic children have issues of being underweight, usually due to gastrointestinal issues (GI), a very common problem with Autism. My son has always been very thin. Just in these six months, he has gained 11 pounds and looks very healthy. It is just AMAZING to me what this elixir has done for him. I give thankful prayers everyday for AA Metatron's recipe!

John32241 19-10-2015 06:37 PM

That all sounds so very encouraging.

YellowCanna 21-10-2015 01:44 AM

i was drawn to this post because you had autism and blue tourmaline in same place. I have mild Aspergers. I'm also adult so many things have gone back to "normal". I have been shown the color turquoise lately and your post has intrigued me. Do you have a picture you can put up of this stone? You should be able to ask for how to keep it from making him hyper. Your kid having supernormal abilities is not surprising, if you promote his natural self in knowing, he might come up with some interesting things. I too hate medicine, but have been forced to take it as mind could not solve the pain, sometimes it does. You have a higher mind before you.:biggrin: .

CrystalSong 21-10-2015 04:38 AM

Incredible story! I'll share your story with a lady with a grown non-verbal autistic son.
I plan on making him some elixirs for seizes, he has Grand Mauls daily. I'm going to suggest the Blue Tourmaline also.
I'm so grateful your heard Metatron - how amazing and life changing for you n your son!

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