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-   -   Are we afraid of the dark or too much in love with the light?? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=73718)

nhrob 26-08-2014 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rah nam
You don't seam to understand the path of service to self and or service to other. Perhaps study the Law of One.
It has nothing or very little to do with the love to oneself.
Service to self has all to do with control, to control others to the point where you control everything, to the point where you become everything. Where you become all that is, this is the ultimate goal of someone on the path to STS.

Thanks Rah man, I do not follow any law or any scripture but my own trust and belief. This is my law
1. You cannot love any other until you love yourself.
2 You cannot be of service( to your best) to other until you have understood yourself.
3.Love is the only form of control we need.

May I ask please what you mean be control others ?
The way I feel lets me understand in a positive and negative (these feeling comes with images and colures) how would you see that with STO and STS please

nhrob 26-08-2014 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by silent whisper

Thank you silent whisper ,the outcome is growth whether in pain or laughter. Pain is a very confusing thing to be around or in for it is chaos here on earth, you can love in pain but this is not love for yourself but for the other person. So it is a need love and a love of learning but never the less it is love and if the road is followed it will bring you back to yourself to learn to love again.

QZDVEX 26-08-2014 02:37 PM

From observation: It seemz az if people enhance relationz w anything they r around 4 prolonged periodz of time... The more time the larger the relationship growz. Relationshipz may b bad or good.

Personally I love Darqness and Light. :cool: :wink:

Greenslade 27-08-2014 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Rah nam
Service to self has all to do with control, to control others to the point where you control everything, to the point where you become everything. Where you become all that is, this is the ultimate goal of someone on the path to STS.

So you don't have free will, you're controlled by God?

Originally Posted by nhrob
Thank you Greenslade for me I feel this is closer to the truth.

You're welcome, nhrob. The dark is where the monsters are created and grow, hidden under the bed or in the cupboard of a darkened room. All we have to do is look under the bed to find out that the monsters are simply a product of a fear-based imagination, if we go sit in the cupboard for a while it can be quite comforting.

kindigo 27-08-2014 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by nhrob
What has the dark ever done for us(sorry I could not resist it)and what has the light ever provided for us. What is the difference between the two and why do we hold one in such high esteem. The light that we see around us is no doubt a great place for us to grow it make us aware of ourselves and each other, giving us confidence to share that which we hold dear our love. But what of the dark how can something that is just the opposite be so confusing so feared to the point of total rejection. We should know that we need it as it make are lives brighter for it gives us a perspective from which to view ourselves here right now. Light and dark cannot be separated for if we chose just to accept the light of that of which we are part of and push away the dark we must in turn push a part of ourselves in one direction away from the balance. We have freedom to chose and roam in whatever direction we chose and believe in whatever we chose but please do not forget the dark.

Darkness is part of our human self. By pushing or resisting it, the darkness will only grow.

Often we struggle with darkness because we wanted to 'get rid' of it but that doesn't work. Anything you rage war against will only grow.

The darkness is teaching us to be compassionate towards ourselves. Instead of fighting it, just Allow it to be as it is. Let go of Resistance and Struggle.

Observe it and Feel it totally because your awareness is pure healing force.

nhrob 27-08-2014 10:10 PM

Thank you kindigo, we think that darkness will make us weak but it only makes us stronger, we think that light will only make us stronger but it makes us transparent . We can in this transparency feel ourselves not just now but form that that we have been ,if we follow certain guild lines we can transfuse ourselves by releasing the pain of the pass and the confusion of the now. If we do not then the confusion of the now will become the pain again for us to release. We are the elixir line the true alchemist to bring forward in ourselves the purest that we can be. Harmony will then follow.

each1teach1 29-08-2014 08:03 PM

I've never heard of anyone that thinks 'darkness will make us weak'
Usually it's the other way around, people turn to darkness because they want strength and power. But if you choose to live in the light, then you are able to see the treasures that you already have within.

In the dark, you can't see where you are going, you have to guess. You might find yourself in a bad place but you can assume that it's good because you are unaware of anything better. People retreat into the dark because they can't bare the pain that is in the light. Walking in the light is the harder path my friend. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do sometimes, but it brings light to the offenders darkness.

In the light, you see everything. This does not make you transparent, this makes the world transparent for you. This makes darkness transparent.

The positivity of darkness is that it allows for rest, to turn off and relax after a hard days work. Darkness is also good for shutting out cunning or opportunist people who prey on harmlessness. You can put on a dark mask to prevent them. That is only a few things I care to type out right now. Darkness has much to teach the individual.

Everything and concept in this world has a positive potential that must be found and utilized.

nhrob 30-08-2014 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by each1teach1
I've never heard of anyone that thinks 'darkness will make us weak'
Usually it's the other way around, people turn to darkness because they want strength and power. But if you choose to live in the light, then you are able to see the treasures that you already have within.

In the dark, you can't see where you are going, you have to guess. You might find yourself in a bad place but you can assume that it's good because you are unaware of anything better. People retreat into the dark because they can't bare the pain that is in the light. Walking in the light is the harder path my friend. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do sometimes, but it brings light to the offenders darkness.

In the light, you see everything. This does not make you transparent, this makes the world transparent for you. This makes darkness transparent.

The positivity of darkness is that it allows for rest, to turn off and relax after a hard days work. Darkness is also good for shutting out cunning or opportunist people who prey on harmlessness. You can put on a dark mask to prevent them. That is only a few things I care to type out right now. Darkness has much to teach the individual.

Everything and concept in this world has a positive potential that must be found and utilized.

Thank you Each1teach1. The light I feel dose make things transparent including us. We can feel and see in the light and are given the opportunity to understand our feelings though the opposite. There are many people who feel only darkness and see no hope anywhere not even in the dark or light . This world is here regard less of us and we are here to make light of it, to see into it and in to ourselves. The darkness we feel within us is the doubt that we live with daily, of understanding ourselves though the mind. The darkness in this world we live in is played out daily as one of fear and of pain. The opposite to love is fear anything that takes love away can and will only make us weaker.

Raven Poet 30-08-2014 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by nhrob
What has the dark ever done for us(sorry I could not resist it)and what has the light ever provided for us. ...We have freedom to chose and roam in whatever direction we chose and believe in whatever we chose but please do not forget the dark.

Hi, nhrob. So funny, I was just thinking about this very thing lately.

"Who will love the Raven?" In my spiritual traditions, Raven indeed knows about both the light and the dark - she is very much at home in both spheres and deeply appreciates the importance of both sides. Raven is adept at navigating both the light and the darkness. As I am Raven Clan, I've been studying this concept for awhile now.

This is just me, but I think darkness exists only in this physical realm. I believe that the negativity in this universe is tied to this physical plane only. When our spirits are finished here and travel back "home", that place is pure light and love.

The darkness of grief and sorrow, anger and jealousy, fear and anxiety. They all have things to teach us about ourselves as humans and as spirits, and about growing toward the light - not in avoidance of the darkness but to learn and grow from our time spent there.

I feel an imbalance in mainstream society where we are nagged to focus only on the positive energies and emotions and always be upbeat and cheery. This is because many people are afraid of the dark side of life and believe it is to be avoided at all costs. But when some people do slip into the darkness, it makes them feel like even more of a "failure" or a "loser" ... and then tragic things like suicide happen. This is why I am glad I see more news stories about people opening up to talk about mental health concerns ... to break down the stigma of having dark emotions and to build up (hopefully) a stronger network of support for those suffering with mental conditions like depression (which I have in my physical system and manage fairly well with a holistic approach of care).

I think it's important to balance our time spent on both sides. But it's also important to know how to move out of the darkness. There have been times I've felt trapped in the gooey quagmire of darkness and had a really difficult time dragging myself out. Fortunately I had caring friends and family who were there to help me get out of it. So while I recognize the importance of the dark side, I am also very respectful of how powerful it can be and not wade in too deep, given my own weaknesses. I won't fool myself into thinking I can get myself out of a deep darkness easily and all on my own!

Raven Poet 30-08-2014 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by each1teach1
I've never heard of anyone that thinks 'darkness will make us weak'
Usually it's the other way around, people turn to darkness because they want strength and power. But if you choose to live in the light, then you are able to see the treasures that you already have within.

In the dark, you can't see where you are going, you have to guess. You might find yourself in a bad place but you can assume that it's good because you are unaware of anything better. People retreat into the dark because they can't bare the pain that is in the light. Walking in the light is the harder path my friend. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do sometimes, but it brings light to the offenders darkness.

In the light, you see everything. This does not make you transparent, this makes the world transparent for you. This makes darkness transparent.

The positivity of darkness is that it allows for rest, to turn off and relax after a hard days work. Darkness is also good for shutting out cunning or opportunist people who prey on harmlessness. You can put on a dark mask to prevent them. That is only a few things I care to type out right now. Darkness has much to teach the individual.

Everything and concept in this world has a positive potential that must be found and utilized.

Wow each1teach1 - that is well put! Thank you for taking the care to type this out for us. Really lit up a few lights for me!

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