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God-Like 21-07-2014 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by somnium
I agree completely.

Its difficult for others to relate at times that others can appear to know what is best for others . That kind of awareness can bring a nasty smell into the mix but if that is what happens that is what happens .

Sometimes the messenger gets shot down despite them being only being the messenger .

Wasn't jesus crucified for helping ??

x daz x

Baile 21-07-2014 08:40 AM

Looking to "free others from their restrictions" is egoic self-centred illusion. Go tell someone you're going to free them in that way, and then watch the response you get from them. And rightly deserve.

God-Like 21-07-2014 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Baile
Looking to "free others from their restrictions" is egoic self-centred illusion. Go tell someone you're going to free them in that way, and then watch the response you get from them. And rightly deserve.

One cannot help but be egotistical baile . That is part of the self process of being in awareness of someone that can help and being in awareness of someone that needs help .

Jesus was full of himself in regards to helping others, that is how it is .

You can't help but get wet when saving others from drowning . Sometimes getting wet is what one does in order to help .

When others are in service to others one sacrifices themselves in some shape or form .

x daz x

somnium 21-07-2014 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by God-Like
Its difficult for others to relate at times that others can appear to know what is best for others . That kind of awareness can bring a nasty smell into the mix but if that is what happens that is what happens .

Sometimes the messenger gets shot down despite them being only being the messenger .

Wasn't jesus crucified for helping ??

x daz x

Yeah it`s sad. Humanity has often killed their prophets and masters.

It`s sad that I know that I can live with no heart beat at all, and cure terminal illness such as emphysema, both I have had and done, and yet when you go to help someone else in the same way, a condition that IS very real for them, you are called names and insulted because of a society that is conditioned to reject God and faith, and power and ability. They build names for them like delusional, hallucinations and psychotics.

Jesus`s beautiful teachings state that anything can be done with faith, and you can do as I do and even more. Yet our asylums are filled with these followers who have said that they too can do as Jesus does, have special abilities and powers.

It points to a major problem, a suppression of truth and freedom.

somnium 21-07-2014 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Baile
Looking to "free others from their restrictions" is egoic self-centred illusion. Go tell someone you're going to free them in that way, and then watch the response you get from them. And rightly deserve.

The fact that I can help them does not make me egotistical. I believe that you can feed a man a fish and have him eat for a day or you can teach a man to fish and eat for a lifetime. Either way any man can learn to fish. I have learned to heal and be free, while you were learning to make houses and be a master carpenter, you need a healing while I need a house built. We just form from the same potential different ways of life.

Do i think that being free is better then being a slave.. you bet i do. That is why i seek freedom, while others seek captivity. THAT is what is crazy to me.

God-Like 21-07-2014 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by somnium
Yeah it`s sad. Humanity has often killed their prophets and masters.


Yes .. You either love them or hate them ..

They create a reaction within the hearts of each individual .

Some love them, some want to destroy them ..

Only the individual knows why one reacts in the way that they do .

It cannot be any other way .

x daz x

somnium 21-07-2014 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by God-Like
Yes .. You either love them or hate them ..

They create a reaction within the hearts of each individual .

Some love them, some want to destroy them ..

Only the individual knows why one reacts in the way that they do .

It cannot be any other way .

x daz x

Well i have to disagree here, i have seen some pretty aware states of reality where the awareness is so pure that you even see into people`s minds and attentions to see exactly the awareness they have within them and how it formed. To the point of even seeing someone`s consciousness with your own eyes, and attention.

Swami Chihuahuananda 21-07-2014 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by somnium
I have been under the gun in this reality, dimension, in this forum and others lately(more so in others but here too). I enjoy sharing myself with others in an open and honest way. Long ago I left the world of man behind and entered into my own spiritual journey. [big snip]

I must hide who I am, and shrink myself to a level that is acceptable here. Boredom, dullness, confinement, limitations, and bindings. Not to mention negativity.

I no longer feel like earth is my home at all, and do not feel very welcome in this reality. I have made some plans in this world but am unsure now if i want to carry them forward or to simply leave behind once and for all this world. Perhaps it is time to go. (by the way just sharing this here leaves me feeling like someone will attack me soon!!)

You create your own reality so you don't need help to be yourself , that expanded version of you that you know is the real deal. This means you are not a victim of anything . You can control the world around you, so you can certainly control the way you react to how people interact with you. If some interactions cause you to have negative reactions, maybe that's an area where you need more work.

I agree about it not being your job to expand peoples' awareness. It's no one's responsibility to "free people of their restrictions". It's called 'soverignty' , and it means that everyone is capable of living their own reality , and does so perfectly fine without anyone else presuming to know what's best for them. Thinking we know what's best for others is called co-dependency , and it doesn't have a place in a world of sovereign spiritual beings .

If you want to operate in the old world of victims and helpers , your sovereignty will of course allow you to do that , and others who are living victim roles may need interactions with you to catalyze their next steps , and their sovereignty allows them to do that as well, and that's all fine , within the limitations of the old world parameters . But in that context , where people are not operating in sovereignty , and are not seeing themselves as equals; not living through their highest spirit's reality , you have egos and personalities and personal agendas , and it all gets mucked up rather quickly if you let it .

It always helps me to remember that everyone is excatly where they need to be in any given moment, from the perspective of everyone having their own 'story' to live out, their own path . We obviously have interactions that influence each other , and from this bigger perspective, there are no mistakes; the idea of anything being a mistake doesn't compute , and so me thinking
I see something wrong with someone else and needing to go 'help' or 'fix' them, would be , for me , a grandiose, delusional undertaking . If , however, I am working from Spirit , and I feel inspired to go to a certain forum and respond to some particular post , and talk about things I've experienced, or how I see things working or not working , that's not the same thing .
This isn't me seeing anyone as higher or lower than I am ; it isn't me fixing anyone. It always helps me to remember to see everyone as their highest self , and whatever they are living is right and appropriate for them in any given moment , even if it looks 'bad' or 'w\rong' to me. I have to remember and respect that everyone else is sovereign too.

Soveregnty is also related to each of us serving the other ; I serve everyone I interact with and they serve me, automatically . Nobody has higher or lower standing , and it isn't about anyone 'fixing' anyone else .
If you want a higher purpose associated with it all , it's about our spirits interacting on energetic levels that collectively facilitate the evolution of the species forward, spiritually . Again, all beings such as us operating equally and to a large degree, automatically , because I think a lot happens that our conscious minds aren't aware of . In sovereignty , it is impossible for anyone to be a victim of anyone else, so those roles are self-created out of old habits and pictures of reality .

Your mileage may vary , but these are things I know about myself , and I'm sharing them .

somnium 21-07-2014 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Dar
You create your own reality so you don't need help to be yourself , that expanded version of you that you know is the real deal. This means you are not a victim of anything . You can control the world around you, so you can certainly control the way you react to how people interact with you. If some interactions cause you to have negative reactions, maybe that's an area where you need more work.

yes I know and agree, i used to practice forming the communication willfully to control every aspect of reality. `the communication you intend is the communication you receive`. But then that is my intent and will and not the other energy generating being present in reality as they are, being themselves. being in reality that i create myself for a very long time, as well as learning to co-create realities, left me seeking other energy generating beings like myself, with free will. TO impose my will is to effect the reality and alter it into my way, which i can do easily, and have done for many years. But to not effect the world and allow thing to be as they are without any willfull control or force on my part is something i am now mastering. To let people be and react as they themselves would.

Baile 21-07-2014 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by God-Like
One cannot help but be egotistical baile . That is part of the self process of being in awareness of someone that can help and being in awareness of someone that needs help .

Jesus was full of himself in regards to helping others, that is how it is .

Given Jesus was a god-realized human being and ascended master who united with Pure Consciousness, I'm going to suggest he had the Curriculum Vitae to actually speak on behalf of all humanity. Unlike the rest of us.

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