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Ghaleon 21-09-2021 05:37 PM

Matter did not come from chaos but it was chaos that was existing in a part of it!

Since she (Sophia) is the only Aeon that can self reflect and because she wanted to learn more about Source through her creation. She decided to create without her consort because she was ignorant. Pistis (The Aeon Sophia) came and appeared over the matter of chaos which was cast off like an aborted fetus since there was no spirit in it. For all of that is a boundless darkness and water of enfathomable depth and when Pistis saw what had come from her deficiency she was disturbed...and the disturbance appeared as something frightful and it fled to her in the chaos. She returned to it and breathed into its face in the abyss which is beneath all of Heaven.

Now when Pistis Sophia wanted to cause a thing that had no spirit to be formed into a likeness and rule over matter and all its powers, a ruler first appeared out of the cosmic waters, lion like in appearance, with a snakes body and fiery flashing lightning eyes, androgynous with great authority within itself but ignorant of whence he came into being. When Pistis Sophia saw him move around in the depth of the water she said to him "Youth pass over here" which is interpreted as Yaldaboath. Since that day the first principle of the word that referred to the Gods and angels has people as appeared and the Gods and people had constitute that which came into being by means of the word. More ever the ruler Yaldaboath is ignorant of the power of Pistis. He did not see her face but saw in the water the likeness that spoke to him, and from the voice he called himself Yaldaboath but the perfect ones (The Aeons in the Void) called him Ariel because he was like a lion and after he came to possess authority over matter, Pistis Sophia withdrew up to her light. She would later repent for her half creation for she had created him in ignorance!

When the ruler saw his greatness he saw only himself, he saw nothing else except water and darkness, then he thought he alone existed. His thought was made complete by means of the word and it appeared as a spirit running to a fro over the waters, and when the spirit appeared the ruler separated the watery substance to one region and the dry substance to another region. From matter he created a dwelling place for himself and called it Heaven and from matter the ruler created a footstool for himself and called it Earth. Afterward the ruler thought according to his nature and created an androgynous being by means of the word. He opened his mouth and coo'ed to him. when his eyes were opened he saw his Father and said to him E, so his father called him Eiou (Yao) again he created a second son and coo'ed to him, he opened his eyes and said to his father Ehh so his father called him Eloai. Again he created a third son and coo'ed to him. He opened his eyes and said to his father Az, so his father called him Astathios. These are the three sons of they're father.

Ghaleon 21-09-2021 06:04 PM

After the Heavens and they're powers and all of they're governments set themselves right, the chief creator exalted himself and was glorified by the whole army of angels and all the gods and they're angels gave him praise and glory and he rejoiced in his heart and he boast continually saying to them, I do not need anything, "I am God and there is no other God but me" but when he said these things he sinned against all the immortal, imperishable ones (The Aeons) and they all kept they're eyes on him. Moreover when Pistis saw the impiety of the chief ruler she was angry. Without being seen she said;

"You are wrong Samael, that is blind God! An immortal enlightened human exist before you and will appear within your fashioned bodies! The human will trample upon you as a potters clay is trampled and you will go with those who are yours down to your mother the abyss, for in the consummation of your works all of your deficiency that appeared in the truth will be dissolved, it will cease and will be like something that never existed!"

After Pistis said these things she revealed her likeness in the water and so she withdrew up to her light.

davidmartin 22-09-2021 10:17 AM

These Gnostics texts speak of a cosmic injustice, if so it would make more logical sense to attribute evil or at least profound ignorance to whatever lessor being/beings perpetrated it. Perhaps that is why the hard core gnostics were adamant on this point. The other gnostics that had softer ideas about the demiurge had to say it was all part of the divine plan and not really a cosmic injustice at all. But wasn't it Sophia's fault? Not in all the tellings, in others she is not faulted at all but seen as the victim of injustice. With all these writings - up to you what you make of them :)

Miss Hepburn 22-09-2021 11:43 AM

Referring to your posts 21, 23...I just don't know where you get this stuff.
I'm not saying it didn't happen.
Just how the heck can you say this stuff as if it's fact?
What I mean is: Instead of saying, "I read this in the 'blank' or I was given a vision."
Unless I missed it.
And I must ask ----are you Copy pasting all this stuff?
Pls, read the Rules under FAQ.

After the Heavens and they're powers and all of they're governments set themselves right, the chief creator exalted himself and was glorified by the whole army of angels and all the gods and they're angels gave him praise and glory and he rejoiced in his heart and he boast continually saying to them, I do not need anything, "I am God and there is no other God but me" but when he said these things he sinned against all the immortal, imperishable ones (The Aeons) and they all kept they're eyes on him. Moreover when Pistis saw the impiety of the chief ruler she was angry....

BigJohn 22-09-2021 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by davidmartin


But wasn't it Sophia's fault?

I also look at the Gnostic creation accounts as the workings of Sophia and it was her 'fault that created the 'whole mess'.

Ghaleon 22-09-2021 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Referring to your posts 21, 23...I just don't know where you get this stuff.
I'm not saying it didn't happen.
Just how the heck can you say this stuff as if it's fact?
What I mean is: Instead of saying, "I read this in the 'blank' or I was given a vision."
Unless I missed it.
And I must ask ----are you Copy pasting all this stuff?
Pls, read the Rules under FAQ.

If clarification is needed it is in my original post.
This is far beyond some "opinion" or "facts" its just "what is" These things coming in the form of knowledge (light) is "heartfelt" more than anything, its also spiritual.

Ghaleon 22-09-2021 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by davidmartin
Excerpt from quote #24

It has little to nothing to do with "whos at fault and who's not. The Aeons in what the nag hammadi text refers to as The Pleroma (The Void or Spiritual Universe) knew that Sophia's creation was gonna happen just not in this way. It may have happened in this way because of her ignorance. When she saw how En.ki/Yaldaboath/Lucifer had created the dismotchy between good and evil she knew where this was headed so she repented.

The Aeons heard her repentant cry and now she (Sophia) was now inserted in her own creation as the souled/spirited version of herself whom is The Orion Queen or Queen of The Stars. She goes by other names such as Artemis, Jehova (Her name was hijacked and turned into a male patriarchal deity) Ninhursag, Sophia (Wisdom) and she has other names.

In order for her to return to The Pleroma in full she needs to have Yaldaboath redeemed and return to place in which he came. Talk about troubles lol
The justices that we experience on Earth are Yaldaboaths injustices. Everything in the Patrix is an inversion. He created these injustices while Saboath (Prince En.lil Jr aka Ninurta) represents justice! Since he is God of good and evil he has to create order out of chaos and thus the "justice system".

Ghaleon 22-09-2021 02:56 PM

The Gnostics were hunted down and killed while others had to go into hiding..
They still felt that this type of knowledge was worth dying for so they went underground with they're work, however the nag hammadi chronicles are far from complete. There were parts and even whole gospels that were omitted or not found (perhaps someone can get into the vatican and retrieve where some of them may be) Thankfully though what we have remaining (the things that were excluded from the Bible) is enough to gain gnosis (esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient gnostics essential to salvation and knowledge from the heart) Once one has Knowledge and Wisdom they live in pure spirit and are in the world but not of it.

How one persons gains they're gnosis in a lifetime will be different from another persons. Just to be very clear on some things, gnosticism is not a religion. Its a way of life/living and there are no prayers, mantras, invocations or worship needed. Gnostics aren't priest and don't belong to a priesthood class. They are merely messengers of a divine message from Sophia and Christ!

BigJohn 22-09-2021 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ghaleon
The justices that we experience on Earth are Yaldaboaths injustices.

But wasn't it the Aeon Sophia who created Yaldabaoth?
So, shouldn't Sophia be held accountable?

hazada guess 22-09-2021 05:37 PM

Ghaleon,after reading some of your posts and briefly looking at Gnosticism,I feel that I owe you an apology.This is all a new way of thinking for me and I do feel that some of the teachings make sense(though not all).
You have factual proof which cannot be dismissed and I now feel that
I have a new religion to study. Once again Please accept my apologies.(If you can).:redface:

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