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-   -   what crystal are you drawn to recently? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=128168)

Anala 03-08-2019 05:28 PM

Lucky I supposed because with such limited exposure to rock stores, I seem to find it everywhere. It always reminds me of how peaceful snow is when it falls at night. I bought a small flat bead for my medicine bag. :smile:

TaurusLady 19-08-2019 06:00 PM

I wear a clear quartz around my neck.. xx

Elyious 20-08-2019 08:44 AM

Epidote is my newest crystal. Currently using as a pendulum.

BigJohn 22-08-2019 03:43 PM


Yesterday I was looking at my Epidote Crystal on Quartz.

Green.Heals 02-09-2019 06:14 AM

Ammonite, though it is a fossil, and not really a crystal...Though I have another ammonite, and it has turquoise in it and I believe another stone, but I can't recall right now.

The other ammonite I felt drawn to a couple of days ago, and I forgot what it's meaning was, but I am building upon my dream again, and I really need to get into some more of the details of it, to really get it launched, but anyways,

Ammonite is said to help with one's LIFE PATH energies. How fitting.

Golden Angel 22-09-2019 09:46 PM

This week I was drawn to buying a watermelon tourmaline chip bracelet and also a Titanium rainbow quartz pendant which I am now wearing.

I had a dream earlier in the week of Watermelon tourmaline so knew I was in need of it as it is not the first time I have dreams regarding crystals
:smile: .

Love GA x

Lynn 22-09-2019 10:54 PM


I have so many that are jewelry, and many more around the house . Today its a combination for Amethyst and Snow Flake Obsidian.

When I feel that I really need something strong I look to my Hematite collection of jewelry but its not something I could wear everyday.

My favorite crystal is my Amethyst Tower that I got where I work (Winners) for a bargain of a deal. Look in stores like this for smaller crystals as they are sold as "decorative rocks" not crystals the same goes for jewelry you can find some great deals on things like Lapis, Tigers Eye ext.


FairyCrystal 23-09-2019 09:14 AM

Since little over a month I feel very drawn to rhodonite, but NOT the variety with the black in it, the variety that only has the raspberry red.

This began when I got myself a wrap-around bracelet with a rhodonite. pressie from my mom who'd seen it with turquoise. But I fell for the rhodonite, head over heels even!

Now the other day 'my' crystal shop posted a rough rhodonite without black that they'd bought at the Denver mineral show.
I'm thinking I will go to the shop once these are in. I suspect another 2 weeks as it takes a while for them to get into the country, then they need unpacking and pricing etc.

This rhodonite craze surprised me. I also didn't know until I found the bracelet that there was rhodonite without the black.

LibraTaurusEnergy23 09-10-2019 02:41 PM

Fluorite. I always always gravitate towards this beautiful crystal. I have many of them. Large small and tumbled. I also love clear quartz I have a large point, rose quartz amysthyst and citrine. I have an obsession. I’m completely stunned by their beauty in which Mother Nature created. It lights up my soul and I enjoy having them around reminding me to have strength. They also make me feel protected. I whole heartily believe my soul has brought them to me physically because they are my protectors.

SaturninePluto 09-10-2019 06:27 PM

For a while now I've been drawn to Geodes. I am planning this Friday to hopefully purchase some oco agate geodes to add to my small stone collection.

I also put some apache tears obsidian in rough form on my list. I find myself very attracted to these as well as the geodes for healing.

And I recently fell in love with rose quartz again. My brother purchased me a couple small rose quartz points upon my request.

He also told me he saw some stones at the fair and he thought I'd like them. He couldn't afford to get them for me, yet now he has a better understanding of what to get me if he ever decides to get gifts for holidays. Although he doesn't need help. He's great with gift giving.

Those are the stones currently on my list of ones I'm drawn to, aside from red calcite. As soon as I can afford to pick some up I'll be considering red calcite...

Oh no.... I'm afraid I have a problem. :biggrin:

I almost forgot. I have been incredibly attracted to phantom quartz for the longest time now. I've tried to purchase it before but was talked out of it.....

Perhaps another time.

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