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Skull 08-10-2021 02:47 PM

Online lectures & study classes from TS Pt. Loma coming up:


Kate Matthews 08-10-2021 02:54 PM

Thank you Skull.:smile:

Skull 11-10-2021 03:09 PM

One online lecture & following week a Zoom study class on it. This expanded format will continue into 2022:


Skull 21-10-2021 11:39 PM

Freedom as the keynote of spiritual living:


Deeply sensible of the Titanic struggle that is now in progress between materialism and the spiritual aspirations of mankind, our constant endeavor has been to gather into our several chapters, like weapons into armories, every fact and argument that can be used to aid the latter in defeating the former. Sickly and deformed child as it now is, the materialism of To-Day is born of the brutal Yesterday.

Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled

Miss Hepburn 22-10-2021 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
Watch the quotes please no more than two or three lines

Skull, what is it you don't get about this from the Admin?
It is because of possible Copyright issues.

Skull 22-10-2021 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Skull, what is it you don't get about this from the Admin?
It is because of possible Copyright issues.

There is no copyright issue from a book published in 1877. Please restore the quote.

Skull 31-10-2021 07:32 PM

WE HAVE no dogmas or creeds in the Theosophical Society nor in its work; and thus it is that we have Hindu Theosophists, and Buddhist Theosophists, and Christian Theosophists, and Mohammedan Theosophists, and Jewish Theosophists, as well as other Theosophists who belong to no religion - except to Theosophy as the RELIGION of religions. Hence it is our bounden duty to cultivate in our hearts the spirit of brotherly love towards all however much they may differ from us in philosophical and religious or scientific opinions; but while we are thus absolutely free as members in our choice of religion and philosophy, we all hold to the primeval pre-requisite of a Theosophist, which is a belief in Universal Brotherhood and an adherence to the sublime ethics which Theosophy teaches.

G de Purucker, Wind of the Spirit

HITESH SHAH 02-11-2021 02:08 PM

Religion of religion.

Originally Posted by Skull
Hence it is our bounden duty to cultivate in our hearts the spirit of brotherly love towards all however much they may differ from us in philosophical and religious or scientific opinions; but while we are thus absolutely free as members in our choice of religion and philosophy, we all hold to the primeval pre-requisite of a Theosophist, which is a belief in Universal Brotherhood and an adherence to the sublime ethics which Theosophy teaches.
Wind of the Spirit

Glad to know there are people from diverse fields converge on something religion of religion.

Look forward to interesting ideas n practices in time to come.

Skull 17-02-2022 04:36 PM


Look around you, my friend: see the “three poisons” raging within the heart of men — anger, greed, delusion, and the five obscurities — envy, passion, vacillation, sloth, and unbelief — ever preventing them seeing truth. They will never get rid of the pollution of their vain, wicked hearts, nor perceive the spiritual portion of themselves.

Mahatma Letters to AP Sinnett

Skull 18-02-2022 04:12 AM

It is true that a man cannot force himself at once into a new will and into a new belief, but by thinking much on the same thing he soon gets a new will and a new belief, and from it will come strength and also light. Try this plan.

WQ Judge

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