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Unseeking Seeker 24-06-2023 03:11 AM

Bardo of bliss
Before moistened grief crystallised in eyes dries,
humming aliveness of our heart exhumes pain
and positioned thus in the bardo, we rise,
as pristine soul presence, free from ego’s chain
invokes bliss magnetism to gently baptise,
wholeness of being in Holy Spirit’s rain,
moment by moment thus, all moments entwined,
dwelling in love and light, each breath reassigned.

Ottava Rima

Unseeking Seeker 27-06-2023 02:47 AM

The way we are
celebrating the gift of life
receptive and acceptant
mode vibrant nonchalance
surrendered to life’s flow
presence is centred in bliss
whose each hue is new
as it within us does renew
the outer follows the inner
in intuitive playful motion
resonating with vibrations
that emanate from the void
distilled by our radiant heart

there is nothing to be done
save embracing and releasing
the pulse of divine magnetism
cascading within body vessel
in a time stretched continuum

Unseeking Seeker 06-07-2023 01:42 AM

Secret love
Caress of grace sublime, shows on our face,
of peace that surpasses understanding;
a jigsaw puzzle others cannot lace,
our aura both gentle and commanding.
It’s not that we don’t share but few can pair,
with the road map that leads to joyous bliss,
stemming from soul’s inner light, self-aware,
borne by pure love of Divine Mother’s kiss.
Symbols we use, interpreted by mind,
are in truth addressed to the heart centre,
so it’s best we leave all knowing behind
and simply allow bliss mists to enter.
Resting counsel of ego deceptive,
clear truth is known to pure hearts receptive.

Clear truth is known to pure hearts receptive,
whose life purpose is God search in earnest,
cognised by soul’s mindful eye perceptive,
allowing love seeds in our heart to nest.
Love is not a pretended emotion
and therefore we must first choose to be still,
distancing ourselves from thought commotion,
dwelling in silence, till voids within fill.
All that that comes and goes is unreal
and with this understanding we begin,
living in the moment with zest and zeal,
weeding away cravings that lead to sin.
When such emptiness becomes our soul’s choice,
we begin to hear whispers of God’s voice.

We begin to hear whispers of God’s voice,
when we hold steady resolve and focus,
upon which we feel nodes within rejoice,
moving in form along the bliss locus.
We may call this Holy Spirit or chi
but leaving labels for the time aside,
what happens is for the first time we see,
that the God we sought resides deep inside.
Beholding God in clear sight, light soft white,
we see that our soul’s made in His image,
pulsating within with unbound delight
and with this knowing, we become a sage.
Having no mundane, earthy goals to chase,
caress of grace sublime, shows on our face.

Crown of Sonnets

Unseeking Seeker 13-07-2023 03:59 AM

Stoop to conquer
Upon choosing to surrender,
we feel within, soundless thunder;
Holy Spirit moistens dry beaks,
as bliss beats rise and rapture peaks!

Cleansed of erst feral residue,
love glistens like the morning dew;
there then are no energy leaks,
as bliss beats rise and rapture peaks!

Shedding lust, we’re a child again,
measuring neither loss nor gain;
voice of conscience to us then speaks,
as bliss beats rise and rapture peaks!

Letting innocence have its way,
in joy presence begins to sway,
we behold then soul’s blushing cheeks,
as bliss beats rise and rapture peaks!

Entwined with the vast universe,
heart sings a melodious verse;
desires exhumed, no one here seeks
as bliss beats rise and rapture peaks!


Unseeking Seeker 18-07-2023 03:17 PM

Embrace and release
Breath by breath, as we bilocate
between lower mind and our soul,
throb of life never does abate,
that makes us feel blissful and whole.

The 'trick' we employ, is to flow,
pausing but to smell the roses,
innocence igniting heart's glow,
striking always playful poses.

Knowing now that we’re living light
and that life's but a lucid dream,
viewing life with spherical sight,
we cling not to thought forms that stream.

Mood and mode, embrace and release,
no demons remain to appease.


Unseeking Seeker 20-07-2023 07:38 AM

Patience dear
We know now who we are
Which is, simply stated, living light
Nothing changes, life goes on as before
But touch gentles, having garnered clear sight

Earlier we were asleep and now we are awake
But who we are and were does not change
We now dwell in bliss that suffuses form
Transcendence seems not strange

We see life as but a lucid dream
We are pure spirit in mind-body shell
Awareness self-aware no longer in trance
Marks with reverence the place where ego fell

Grace imbibed ours but assimilation yet awaits
So life lessons are repeated as in school
We go through life in as is ordained
Recognising love’s the only rule

Unseeking Seeker 22-07-2023 06:44 AM

Bardo of bliss
In time dissolved moments, early morn
Between the sleeping and waking state
In this bardo of pure bliss, we’re reborn
Love’s caress enlivens presence chaste
Each dew drop of joy, a unique unicorn

Aglow in our light, throbbing with delight
We are transfixed by soundless thunder
Feeling complete, heart refuses to alight
Savouring elixir divine in childlike wonder
Embarking fearlessly on a wingless flight

Nodes within form hum a tune in chorus
In rhythm with the music of the universe
Each pore a door, receptive and porous
Frolics with joy, without need to rehearse
At dawn soul thus becomes a bliss torus

Quintain (Sicilian)

Unseeking Seeker 27-07-2023 02:13 AM

subtle yearnings
if our fontanel tingles
or third eye glistens
our throb of anticipation
quickens as soul listens

we tend to neglect
other nodes that pulsate
if our eye be single
why do we discriminate

as spirit enlivening form
and we as the all-there-is
feel within each sensation
innate vibrancy of bliss

differentiated perception
ride on the Ferris wheel
may then all coordinates
hold to heart equal appeal

Unseeking Seeker 06-08-2023 06:08 AM

I Am That
In the dead of the night, I stirred from sleep,
waking up in bed to rapture unbound,
borne by bliss nectar that had seeped in deep
and presence choosing therein to be drowned,
found itself standing here on holy ground.
Each node within pulsating with delight,
heart was teleported to zenith height,
as my formless consciousness filled all space
and thus my body, awash with God’s light,
in time dissolved stillness, imbibed His grace.


Unseeking Seeker 15-08-2023 04:12 AM

I know a place
I know of a secret place,
where we may imbibe God’s grace
after giving love our nod,
tiptoeing therein unshod.

Let’s cut to chase, cave of heart,
is where our quest we should start,
invoking bliss magnetism,
to ignite mind-body prism.

First things first, we must be pure,
recognising love’s the cure
to all conflicts in our life;
futile and needless is strife.

If we’re not love enabled,
with narrow fears yet tabled,
knowing not how to behave,
we cannot enter God’s cave.

I know of this secret secret place,
where we see God face to face;
bliss nectar soul may partake,
once lower mind we forsake.

Unseeking Seeker 18-08-2023 04:46 AM

intermediate awakenings
hands folded
heart prayerful
we request lives we touch
be made more beautiful

to our astonishment
we hear a voice benign
telepathic and unmistakable
‘no one is yours, all are mine’

we don’t give up easily
‘oh lord, please intervene’
the answer is succinct
‘be still, that truth be seen’

the admonishment continued
‘who you are, in silence recall
if you pray for betterment
then pray for one and all’

relinquishing attachment
renouncing every fear
I stood silent in my emptiness
waiting for God to appear

Unseeking Seeker 20-08-2023 12:48 PM

Monk mode
Simply present with our heartbeat,
we delight as its pulse renews,
bringing with it, magnetic heat,
displaying love’s myriad hues.

Lazy is our meditation,
for we act as a receptor,
feeling within each sensation;
bliss piercing each body vector.

Seeking nothing, always content,
flowing as does a gentle breeze,
all we do is follow love’s scent,
touch tender, embrace and release.

Let the grass grow under our feet ~
Breathe in its fragrance, oh so sweet


Unseeking Seeker 31-08-2023 03:14 AM

Defying translation
a gentle breeze
arises from within
time for bliss beats
dance divine to begin

our ever present meditation
made feasible by rapture
is an ethereal romance
mind cannot capture

pulse of our being
mirrors a mindful eye
there remains no seeking
but still our heart does sigh

emerging from the chrysalis
completion as yet awaits
soundless bliss thunder
within form pulsates

transmutation of form
slow, lingering bliss burn
in staid stillness we so feel
magnetised nodes within churn

it is futile to attempt to delineate
bliss mist that makes us sway
it is a surreal magnetism
divine romance at play

Unseeking Seeker 02-09-2023 06:49 AM

Moment to moment, all moments entwined,
I feel the touch of magnetism divine,
the source of which, by mind is not divined
so to know the truth, with heart I align.
With this preamble, let’s step back in time,
that I may share how this romance began,
whose first tingle, was a soundless love chime,
of God performing a full body scan.
Grazed thus by Holy Spirit, I stood still,
melding with the flow, in staid stillness slow,
sensing dark voids of my consciousness fill,
imbibing in silence, a blissful glow.
Inner polarity of sense of touch,
grace divine for which hermits crave so much.

Grace divine for which hermits crave so much,
became finally manifest within,
for which, having discarded thought flow crutch,
each breath intake saw bliss tingle begin.
Now, unlike metaphors voiced by mystics,
I will share what touch of God truly is,
defining the main characteristics
of sublime effervescence of bliss fizz.
Imagine ignition in slow motion,
that begins, resurrects but does not end,
erasing every deluded notion,
cajoling soul to with the vast void blend.
Renouncing all knowing and past belief,
surrender paves way, to turn a new leaf.

Surrender paves way, to turn a new leaf,
enabled gently by magnetic heat,
bestowing cascading bliss as relief
to tremulous heart, which becomes upbeat.
With baton of awareness, now at heart,
higher mind awakes and nodes within stir
and upon presence adding love to cart,
touch of God’s grace causes chakras to whir.
My energy grid, this way sprang to life
and I felt the flow of soma nectar,
which transmuted form, making me bliss rife,
from head to toe, piercing every vector.
There’s more to this of course, so let’s get on;
when ego dies, we’re here and now reborn.

When ego dies, we’re here and now reborn,
is a deep truth, which I wish to affirm,
mentioned in holy books, some hold in scorn
but now comes the part, needing focus firm.
Mind-body is merely organic form,
lifeless and inert, without breath of God,
thus identity is but a thought storm,
a recognition, that leaves presence awed.
Labels matter not but let’s say we’re soul,
dwelling within this form, which is but dust,
which when touched by Spirit, makes us feel whole,
here for a brief sojourn, upon earth’s crust.
Ego that never was, must therefore die,
if our soul in truth, truly seeks to fly.

If our soul in truth, truly seeks to fly,
the fetter of ego must be released,
for which, choosing to become the vast sky,
we get to a knowing, leaving God pleased.
The preceding background, makes matters clear,
which is the pathless path I trod upon,
invoking grace, forcing God to appear,
feeling bliss even midway through a yawn.
I feel by touch now, my enlivened spine,
seamlessly magnetised from root to crown,
at centre of which, heart for love does pine
so in stream of bliss, I willingly drown.
Liken this to a moth’s death in a flame;
give it any name, but I’m not the same.

Give it any name, but I’m not the same,
for that that is, is energy I feel,
pulsating in each cell, a divine game,
ushering within, boundless zest and zeal.
Attribute of God’s touch is love supreme,
inking presence with myriad bliss hues,
grazed by which, we walk as though in a dream,
even as rapture within so renews.
No doubt Holy Spirit is transcendent
but if there be no agenda tabled,
it’s in form immanent as bliss resplendent,
which by God’s touch, is here now enabled.
Search not for Him in an unknown heaven;
God is here, within, in chakras seven.

God is here, within, in chakras seven,
each energy node, a sensation felt.
Some say nodes are more, perhaps eleven
but in truth how may we count, when we melt?
Suffice to say, having felt God within,
I ponder not on musings of my mind,
sensing by touch, bliss caressing my skin,
content to be led by love, in trust blind.
Knowing by touching by so becoming,
is the wisdom which with all I do share,
as best as I can, clear and forthcoming,
hoping someone somewhere, with truth will pair.
Joyous, I play my life role as assigned,
moment to moment, all moments entwined.

Crown of Sonnets

Unseeking Seeker 09-09-2023 11:08 AM

The way we are
Our tender eyes betray the way we see
Honouring God’s presence within each heart
That deems all of us as one, none apart
Viewed thus from soul’s eye, joyous and carefree
Our innocence with bliss beats does agree
Having willingly added love to cart
Thus feeling bliss ignition within start
Being the way we become and so be

It maybe said that we’re not worldly wise
For we engage not in one-upmanship
Resting in our heart watching bliss beats rise
Beholding life’s flow in childlike surprise
With the pulse of love being our flagship
Distanced from the world of deceit and lies


Unseeking Seeker 11-09-2023 02:27 AM

this morn at dawn
all of it
here now
all at once

million bliss bubbles
sanctified at the cross
embodied within the ocean

of form

Unseeking Seeker 09-10-2023 04:33 AM

somewhat by not quite
drawn to a sublime scent intimate
fearing the wafting elixir won’t wait
we opted to meld with the vast void
that our soul’s focus be not decoyed
but what arose, an ephemeral rose
seduced and then sank into repose
leaving hollow heart demagnetised
ethereal effervescence not realised
in as not as yet an ignition in renewal
whose pulsating radiance is continual
promoting us to dissolve identity more
that vibrant heart seeking an encore
in time aligns with frequency wherefrom
surreal magnetism creates a bliss storm

Unseeking Seeker 16-10-2023 11:06 AM

An epiphany
Moment after moment, flowing with my breath,
I was each character, performing on stage,
both murderer and victim suffering death
and as my mind battles continued to wage,
the unifying force was love’s healing meth,
paving way for my soul to turn a new page.
I see the drama unfolding, clear as day,
renewing until we grant love right of way.

Ottava Rima

Unseeking Seeker 23-10-2023 08:49 PM

Ageing gracefully
sensing age related decline
life journey as God does assign
let not God-connect zeal reduce
be joyous as bliss throbs seduce
even as love for love does pine


Unseeking Seeker 25-10-2023 10:08 PM

Yawn and move on
Perceptions and sensations,
sorrows and bliss elations,
arise and in time subside,
as on earth we wingless glide.

Step by step, we join the dots
but thoughts tie us up in knots,
whilst if we simply be still,
silence will wisdom instil.

One with universal mind,
no longer in ego’s bind,
by mirrorlessly seeing,
we reclaim our true being.

Letting go off, to get to,
each moment pristine and new,
doing nothing, we reboot;
into living light transmute.

Unseeking Seeker 28-10-2023 11:22 AM

As in direct experience
The ask is silence, let’s see what it takes
To hush the blush of senses five
On flow of turbid thought, to apply brakes
Yet keeping awareness alive
Sipping nectar from heart’s bliss hive

These prerequisites require surrender
Choosing to shift from head to heart
Throb of magnetism, silent bliss thunder
Ignites on adding love to cart
Enabled, no sooner we start

To become as such, we must choose to shift
It’s not a game of make belief
With focus held firm, that we do not drift
We willingly turn a new leaf
At last offering soul relief

Bliss enabled but we’re still in realm dual
As yet enslaved by time and space
Though cravings of ego no longer rule
And we have slowed down our life’s pace
We’ve yet to see God, face to face

A time does come when we see ego die
Simply stated, it falls away
It is then we see, earth life is a lie
Beholding Self, as clear as day
A vibrant, pulsating sun ray

How still is our silence, if we’ve not seen
Truth of who we really are
Light of a thousand suns, is our soul’s sheen
Here within, not somewhere afar
Aflame, like a luminous star

Quintain (English)

Unseeking Seeker 04-11-2023 11:46 PM

Awake within this dream
Knowing life has been already impulsed
We embrace and release both joy and pain
There are in truth no foes to be repulsed
Touch gentle, is free from blemish and stain

Mind-body unless ensouled is but dust
We know our organic form will decay
Why for then do we nurture thoughts of lust
Law of cause and effect will make us pay

Feeding not dark desires, our false self dies
There is no regret, for it never was
Our unshackled soul then flies to new highs
We are living light and God is the cause

Exhuming then, cravings of lower mind ~
Whilst immanent we transcend ego’s bind


Unseeking Seeker 08-11-2023 04:58 PM

In simple words
Emerging from a fulcrum deep within,
arises a humming, magnetic pull,
which in each moment does afresh begin,
drenching us with bliss, making heart feel full.
Rapture ignition, thus in renewal,
becomes the new norm, just like our heartbeat,
love’s elixir sublime, grace it’s fuel,
making pristine soul presence feel complete.
As dormant nodes within form come alive,
we cannot help but display our delight,
upon beholding our soul’s light revive,
enlivening us by day and by night.
With ego burnt on the funeral pyre,
consumed by fire, there remains no desire.

Consumed by fire, there remains no desire
and in timeless time, we become the flame,
so with no mundane goal left to aspire,
we imbibe bliss monks seek, in life’s end game.
The seeker who sought, having disappeared,
questions cease as we become the answer,
with our life being solely by God steered,
we dance with joy, like a cosmic dancer.
Vibrant here now, in but not of the world,
we shout from the rooftops what we have seen
but find most of mankind are with fears curled,
simply refusing to see their soul’s sheen.
What a pity that although we are free,
we negate love and light, tied to mind’s tree.

We negate love and light, tied to mind’s tree,
deluded that we are this feeble form,
thus unable to live a life carefree,
bereft of touch divine, soothing and warm.
We would assist, if we knew where to start
but this journey we each must take alone,
being simply melding head with the heart,
wisdom of sages, we best etch in stone.
Know God is love and love employs no force,
thus if we truly wish to awaken,
using free will, we can meld with the source,
for which lower mind must be forsaken.
No sooner we shed egoic resistance,
we recognise from God, there’s no distance.

We recognise from God, there’s no distance
and we’re alive because of His power,
so simply making erect our soul’s stance,
we allow love and light to empower.
As we can see, there’s nothing to be done,
except of course getting out of our way,
which requires us to slowly come undone,
that we may see God’s light, as clear as day.
Of no use are sermons that pastors preach,
because the spoken word, is not the thing
and God dwells within, so easy to reach,
if we but choose to let innocence spring.
Slowing down thought flow, we become aware,
love in love with love, with love seeks to pair.

Love in love with love, with love seeks to pair,
so what are we waiting for, weary sage,
for just by dancing, with nary a care,
we may frolic carefree on this world stage.
Likening life to as a lucid dream,
wherein we’re both the subject and object,
beholding how in this world, thought forms stream,
each illusion we can and should, reject.
All that that comes and goes is not real,
so within life’s seeming separation,
feel with zest and zeal, love’s boundless appeal,
entwining all forms with God’s creation.
Time’s now to recognise and not tarry;
let polarities within form marry.

Let polarities within form marry,
meaning simply that let’s meld with the void,
for if we trust God, why then be wary,
more so knowing we’ve been dark fears decoyed.
To get to this end, our will we must bend,
choosing to befriend silence as it speaks,
that by doing so, our soul may ascend,
magic of love plugging energy leaks.
What happens then is this, mind-body prism,
transmutes slowly, becoming living light,
brought about by benign bliss magnetism,
revealing our true form, shimmery white.
With each pore suffused with bliss sensation,
we’re granted the boon of bilocation.

We’re granted the boon of bilocation,
present both in body and all of space,
which when breath by breath, is our vocation,
there remains on earth no puzzle to lace.
Made in God’s image, the light of our Self,
descends on earth to garner love by touch
and although the music plays by itself,
we need now to discard the thought flow crutch.
We may wake up here now, by being still,
that ego shorn, we become the twice born,
whereupon voids within, on their own fill
and light of a thousand suns, we adorn.
We reclaim soul’s light, by plunging deep in,
emerging from a fulcrum deep within.

Crown of Sonnets

Unseeking Seeker 14-11-2023 05:50 AM

Say it like it is
a silent, blissful hum
makes us feel complete
divine entwined, we become
epitome of rapture, bliss replete

we attempt but cannot translate
how nodes within form glisten
magnetic caress intimate
cajoles us to listen

enlivened spine
as a seamless whole
loops form vertically to align
with magnetism scriptures extol

our exhilaration knows no bounds
each pulsation we feel is unique
flow of soma nectar astounds
into which we dip our beak

Unseeking Seeker 15-11-2023 04:55 AM

In blissful repose
Fragrance of a rose, within our heart grows,
soul feeling each sigh, with a mindful eye,
blissful in the boat, that God Himself rows,
flowing in free float, bidding fears goodbye.

With love we pair, becoming self-aware,
vibrant and aglow, in staid stillness slow,
with debts repaid, in stream of joy we wade,
soul steps retrace, till who we are we know.

There’s nothing we do as bliss beats renew,
treating with affection, both friend and foe,
our aura glistens like fresh morning dew,
as breath by breath we feel God’s grace endow.

Simple is the path, we so tread upon ~
Weaving thread of love, each moment reborn


Unseeking Seeker 19-11-2023 04:08 AM

When doves cry
Our heart bled tears, confirming our worst fears,
that estranged from our lover, our soul died.
As the coffin dropped, we felt leers and jeers
of both friend and foe, of true love denied.

As was the custom, we bore a fake smile,
acknowledging kind words to us proffered
but all we felt was, bitter taste of bile,
finding no solace, in limp hands offered.

As a soulless ghoul, we wander the earth,
although to the bigots we seem alive
but now we’re bereft of love, light and mirth,
hoping that one day, heart’s joy may revive.

Be it rain or shine, always standing tall ~
We are expected to smile as we fall


Unseeking Seeker 21-11-2023 04:51 AM

Frozen Solid
We once roamed free across space as living light,
one with oneness, blissful and feeling complete
but as a dare chose to know darkness of night,
feeling contrast of joy and pain, cold and heat,
with memory erased, to be crouched in fright,
thus ensouled form, far removed from love's bliss beat.
Frozen solid, we've forgotten who we are,
so we now stare at yonder moon from afar.

Ottava Rima

Unseeking Seeker 27-11-2023 06:41 AM

Take a sneak peek
Flickers in the void reveal,
what space attempts to conceal,
that we’re encased in its womb,
entrapped in a catacomb.

All realms dual are thought forms,
for soul to learn through fierce storms
and then return to God’s light,
that shimmers through space, so bright.

To see this truth with our eyes,
is known when our ego dies,
for since we’re not body-mind,
we see when we’re love aligned.

Love arises on its own,
when lower mind we dethrone,
that as pheromones mingle,
eye of soul becomes single.

Bliss fixates our attention,
to behold God’s dimension,
in, within and all around,
which divine light does surround.

We can see, if we release,
habit to think, a disease
and allow silence to speak,
to get of God, a sneak peek.


Unseeking Seeker 05-12-2023 04:52 AM

Trauma bonding with darkness
manifesting illusions of wispy smoke
renewing our refrains in anxiety
shape shifting for variety
each setting baroque

dreams within dreams replay
stuporous ego entertaining itself
veiled remains light of our true Self
till the day demon of delusion we slay

Enclosed rhyme

Unseeking Seeker 08-12-2023 12:56 PM

There is no one here
The seeker who seeks does not exist
but to begin with, this truth is not known,
so being accustomed to needless striving,
the earth entity begins its God search quest,
searching high and low, yet negating the light
that lies concealed in heart, at all times aflame.

Knowing not who we are, yet seeing God our aim,
in bondage to mind, the soul first makes a to do list,
plotting progress as imagined to rise to zenith height
but in doing so, sows karmic seeds inadvertently sown,
needing to be dealt with but is a heavy load on our chest,
which becomes our fate succumbing to ego urge conniving.

Reincarnating life after life thus, ego spawned delusion reviving,
to feel whole, the soul rotates roles but the end result is the same,
a tragic comic tale of chewing half baked ideas stale, failing the test,
recognising not we sink deeper in quicksand simply because we resist,
which requires us to enter silence and transient ego here and now disown,
exorcising demons of fear and desire in detachment by choosing not to fight.

Surrender by thought cessation is perhaps the only way to end our soul’s plight,
detoxifying our consciousness from mind addicted to analysing and deriving,
layer by layer, renouncing thought form chains, we have by our hand grown,
by observing all comings and goings occurring in life as but a divine game,
for which melding head with heart, we befriend staid stillness we missed,
prayerfully and mindfully thus choosing no longer to act at egos behest.

A rebel, a nerd, following not the herd, we remain at peace in our nest,
entwined with the vibrant void, more so in darkness at dead of night,
whereupon in timeless time, we are by kundalini magnetism kissed,
felt vividly as a benign bliss burn that is but God within us driving,
which requires our full trust, for the energy is anything but tame
and as God waves His wand, our presence comes into its own.

Slow down thoughts oh hermit, in rhythm with the bliss tone,
embracing and releasing offerings of destiny in playful jest,
now knowing that ego that sought was but thought lame,
which we are not, for what we are as seen is living light,
glowing eternally in the cave of heart as Self thriving
and this bliss fellow souls is the spiritual search gist.

All it takes is an open heart and an unclenched fist,
breath by breath deeper into staid silence diving,
being and so becoming an aura shining bright.

Unseeking Seeker 14-12-2023 03:37 AM

Radiant heart
Ah! Our heart! God search quest let’s here kick start,
deeming all souls one, none standing apart
but to be as such first ego must die,
that thus divine entwined, we wingless fly.

Head and heart linked, our soul becomes love inked,
no longer by narrow cravings hoodwinked,
looking not at form but spirit within
cave of all hearts, so we too look therein.

Blissful, joyous, entwined with existence,
we know love and light is our quintessence,
with each pore a door, presence keeps no score,
renewal continual soul’s encore.

Ah! Our heart! Let’s here now add love to cart,
with each emote uttered, a work of art.

Unseeking Seeker 21-12-2023 05:48 AM

Essence of presence
Events as they precipitate, big or small
are dwelt not upon since we now realise,
that fate as it unfolds, soul’s eye can recall,
is merely a replay, that we become wise,
trusting God, quick to rise after every fall,
lighting lamp of love in heart, with bliss the prize.
In fact, to cut to chase, there is no one here;
stark truth clear known seeing light of Self appear.

Ottave Rima

Unseeking Seeker 25-12-2023 04:18 AM

Mindful eye
When we’re lost in dreams,
desire therein streams;
we assume a role,
that heart may feel whole.

We wish to expand
to another land
but is not the cause,
yearning for applause?

Each trance negates light,
shining within bright,
yet clouded by thought,
that’s ego begot.

We’re soul, not this form.
With love let’s conform,
so that we may know,
inner light aglow.

Where love is, thoughts die,
whence we wingless fly,
thus straight to the source,
without use of force.

Breath by breath aware,
tend to soul with care,
that no thought may shake,
consciousness awake.


Unseeking Seeker 31-12-2023 06:13 AM

So spake simple Simon
To which desire do we cling,
first a fancy, a mere fling,
which now we cannot release
and so becomes a disease?

Born complete, heart’s love replete,
bliss drenched in magnetic heat
but when ego takes over,
we live then not in clover.

Heart lotus blooms when we’re still
and then voids within us fill,
whereupon we then reclaim,
our soul’s light that has no name.


Unseeking Seeker 10-01-2024 05:01 AM

Self portrait
How may we describe the fragrance of our soul,
which dwells within this earth vessel we adorn,
as we shape shift, hoping one day to feel whole,
noticing that we are with each breath reborn,
whilst enacting playfully, our ordained role,
nonchalant in tempests of both praise and scorn?
Transcending opposites, we’ve reclaimed soul’s light,
with love drenched heart pulsating with bliss delight.

Ottava Rima

Unseeking Seeker 13-01-2024 06:48 AM

Bliss in the bardo
Stirred from sleep, early this morn,
ego shorn, refreshed, reborn,
feeling within bliss humming,
as notes of rapture strumming.

I was then, the light of Self,
with no desire on the shelf,
for mind was as yet asleep,
which is how I went in deep.

Bliss froze time, that soul may climb
toward heaven like this rhyme,
frolicking about carefree,
unshackled from my mind tree.


Unseeking Seeker 20-01-2024 04:09 AM

Cosmic vibrations
From a centreless fulcrum, bliss beats rise,
drawn from deep within heart’s innermost core,
transmitted to mind before the rhythm dies,
reflected back to soul, for an encore,
which obliges us since love keeps no score.
Auto-writing thus, the poems we pen,
requires us not to count from one to ten,
for music of spheres that flows by itself,
elates and levitates heart, mood pure zen,
connecting presence to our higher self.


Unseeking Seeker 23-01-2024 02:35 PM

Touched by God
Once touched by God, what then remains,
for then there’s nothing left to seek.
Unlike ego, love never feigns,
as head and heart dance, cheek to cheek.

Vaporised presence is at peace,
ambling along slowly through life
in monk mode, embrace and release,
free from strife, at all times bliss rife.


Unseeking Seeker 24-01-2024 01:08 PM

An epiphany
gentled mind
way past midnight,
bliss magnetism rose
gripping heart in delight
and as I sat transfixed thus,
I was wonderstruck to behold
God’s presence, visible in clear sight;
bright, soft white light, radiating kindness.

He took my hand and counselled me gently,
whilst at the same time erasing sin,
being misdeeds of my dark past
and wishing me well in life,
bestowing His blessings,
as Father to son;
which I imbibed,
grateful for
touch of

Unseeking Seeker 25-01-2024 12:32 PM

Inner light
our true Self speaks
in soft reverberations
of magnetised silence

bliss ripples cascade
as echoes received
transmitted by God

identity slowly vaporises
bubble of delusion bursts
noiselessly in the void

pristine presence
free from fetters
rises like the sun

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