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utopiandreamchild 16-03-2021 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by bobjob
My field of special interest is that of communication. I would find it helpful to learn what practitioners mean when they say that they 'channel' a person.

Might I ask you, please, exactly what are you are doing, when you channel?

Channel only the things you have love for, the rest are meaningless and do not serve you unless that is, you are looking to channel the absolute/the all/the everything. To make it easier for you to channel the absolute ( if that's the type of love that your after ) simply, love all things and be open to channeling them. Love should be your main objective. Peace and unity to you my universal friend. Amen

bobjob 16-03-2021 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by utopiandreamchild
Channel only the things you have love for, the rest are meaningless and do not serve you unless that is, you are looking to channel the absolute/the all/the everything. To make it easier for you to channel the absolute ( if that's the type of love that your after ) simply, love all things and be open to channeling them. Love should be your main objective. Peace and unity to you my universal friend. Amen

With the greatest respect, none of that answers what I'd hoped to hear from members of SF - what is channeling for YOU?

utopiandreamchild 16-03-2021 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by bobjob
With the greatest respect, none of that answers what I'd hoped to hear from members of SF - what is channeling for YOU?

Oh, o.k. Channeling for me is a communication of love between 2 or more individuals be they alive or passed on. Amen

tabane27 16-03-2021 10:51 AM

How I’m reading the question is how we’re are literally doing the channeling. Am I right or wrong. I am dyslexic so struggle to understand some written stuff.

Iv been asked the question before by other mediums.

When I channel, I either see by shutting my eye vision off, as you would in a trance or daydream. I tend to look down or up, to the left. As the visionary comes through, wether spirit or entity. They approach a little from above but as if they are infront of you, but not physically. With eyes shut is the same and can me be more easy to channel with eyes closed.
If I’m giving information over through channeling, I find it easier with eyes open but shutting of my eyes vision.

To hear whilst channeling with vision, this is coming from above, as if it’s coming down onto my head. Can feel as if an echo also from either side, above the ears. Very much like astral sounds as u project.

To feel, I can’t deceive this. It’s my most prominent ability but I cannot describe in words. The only best way I can describe is when I channel visionary, when spirit relays something. Like I don’t know, how they passed. If a lady spirit came through and shows me her passing was Asthma attack, then I will see it visionary as if the spirit is showing me they are struggling but also I will feel myself clenching to my throat and wanting to gasp for air. I would not be feeling this literally but on a clairsentience level I’m feeling it.

Lol prob not the best person to describe this

bobjob 16-03-2021 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by tabane27
How I’m reading the question is how we’re are literally doing the channeling. Am I right or wrong. I am dyslexic so struggle to understand some written stuff.

No that wasn't what I hoped to learn but later you did answer the thread's question. I hope you won't mind that I've changed the order of some of the points you've made.

Iv been asked the question before by other mediums.
As mediums have asked you similar questions I guess I'm in good company with them. :smile:

To feel, I can’t deceive this. It’s my most prominent ability but I cannot describe in words. The only best way I can describe is when I channel visionary, when spirit relays something. Like I don’t know, how they passed. If a lady spirit came through and shows me her passing was Asthma attack, then I will see it visionary as if the spirit is showing me they are struggling but also I will feel myself clenching to my throat and wanting to gasp for air. I would not be feeling this literally but on a clairsentience level I’m feeling it.
Based on the above what you do is similar to mediumship. If it were done to help/benefit someone else it would be mediumship.

When I channel, I either see by shutting my eye vision off, as you would in a trance or daydream. I tend to look down or up, to the left. As the visionary comes through, wether spirit or entity. They approach a little from above but as if they are infront of you, but not physically. With eyes shut is the same and can me be more easy to channel with eyes closed.
If I’m giving information over through channeling, I find it easier with eyes open but shutting of my eyes vision.
I see that as clairvoyance.

To hear whilst channeling with vision, this is coming from above, as if it’s coming down onto my head. Can feel as if an echo also from either side, above the ears. Very much like astral sounds as u project.
This appears to be clairaudience.

Lol prob not the best person to describe this
Oh I very much disagree! You've explained very clearly what happens and answered very clearly what channeling is for YOU. Thank you for doing that :hug3:

utopiandreamchild 16-03-2021 11:30 PM

Tuning into individual vibrations and downloading information about the subject. I can channel information about many subjects and individuals. My channeling abilities comes from a mix of intuition and listening to audible sounds ( the voices that I hear in my mind ). I simply start a subject or topic of discussion and then see what comes to mind, what I hear and what I think and what my intuition comes up with and also the messages I recieve. Channeling for me is just another form of communication. It's like having a discussion with someone about something, you listen to what they have to say then respond. Amen

bobjob 17-03-2021 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by utopiandreamchild
Tuning into individual vibrations and downloading information about the subject. I can channel information about many subjects and individuals. My channeling abilities comes from a mix of intuition and listening to audible sounds ( the voices that I hear in my mind ). I simply start a subject or topic of discussion and then see what comes to mind, what I hear and what I think and what my intuition comes up with and also the messages I recieve. Channeling for me is just another form of communication. It's like having a discussion with someone about something, you listen to what they have to say then respond. Amen

When you channel information about subjects that interest you, from where or from whom do you think the information comes? :smile:

utopiandreamchild 17-03-2021 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by bobjob
When you channel information about subjects that interest you, from where or from whom do you think the information comes? :smile:

I listen to what I'm told by external forces as in having a discussion with I suppose those from the spiritual realm if you must. I also use my own intuition to identify fact from fiction because some of what I hear internally is false as in I'm being mislead by opposing force. So it takes s bit of effort on my part but I can come up with a good channel most the time. Amen

bobjob 17-03-2021 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by utopiandreamchild
I listen to what I'm told by external forces as in having a discussion with I suppose those from the spiritual realm if you must.

If I must? :confused:
I don't want you to say anything you don't want to say..... But "external forces" is somewhat vague and my approach is that one should always know what source is being heeded. But that's down to individual choice.

I also use my own intuition to identify fact from fiction because some of what I hear internally is false as in I'm being mislead by opposing force. So it takes s bit of effort on my part but I can come up with a good channel most the time. Amen
You've made the point I was treading warily to avoid making. Fact or fiction, false or true. I see you understand one should always consider carefully what's being received from wherever, from whomever.

utopiandreamchild 17-03-2021 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by bobjob
If I must? :confused:
I don't want you to say anything you don't want to say..... But "external forces" is somewhat vague and my approach is that one should always know what source is being heeded. But that's down to individual choice.

You've made the point I was treading warily to avoid making. Fact or fiction, false or true. I see you understand one should always consider carefully what's being received from wherever, from whomever.

I think the hardest part of channeling is the fact from fiction thing, knowing true from false and if what your hearing is accurate. Your never 100% correct, sometimes your right, sometimes your wrong but I don't think any channeler gets it right 100% of the time, that would be next to impossible. Amen

utopiandreamchild 18-03-2021 12:12 AM

As for myself I'm about channeling messages of love and unity, those are the most important messages of all and their also very easy to channel. Amen

utopiandreamchild 18-03-2021 03:44 AM

So theres two ways that I come up with answers to questions that I ask about things or others. I either ask the question and put it out into the universe and see if an answer comes back audibly or I answer it intuitively. And that's about that. Keeping in mind however that I communicate and am in communication with both light and dark entities so i have to filter what I hear/experience. Filterings quite difficult too when your hearing multiple things at one time by different entities. Amen

bobjob 18-03-2021 07:43 AM

You're teaching grandmother how to suck eggs.... :wink:

Trans-dimensional communication is one of my specialities and the questions I pose are, in small part, to add to my knowledge about what others believe they're doing in certain situations. I also hope they get individuals reflecting on what they are doing.

lomax 18-03-2021 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by bobjob
You're teaching grandmother how to suck eggs.... :wink:

Trans-dimensional communication is one of my specialities and the questions I pose are, in small part, to add to my knowledge about what others believe they're doing in certain situations. I also hope they get individuals reflecting on what they are doing.

What is trans-dimensional communication for you?Also what is knowledge for you?
Oh i forgot.What are ''specialities''for you?

bobjob 18-03-2021 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by lomax
What is trans-dimensional communication for you?Also what is knowledge for you?
Oh i forgot.What are ''specialities''for you?

TDC? The usual meaning - communications taking place between folk in two or more dimensions.

knowledge - what I know rather than believe - certain issues

specialities? The things I specialise in - just a few subjects

lomax 18-03-2021 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by bobjob
TDC? The usual meaning - communications taking place between folk in two or more dimensions.

knowledge - what I know rather than believe - certain issues

specialities? The things I specialise in - just a few subjects


lomax 18-03-2021 07:17 PM

And to asnwer your question.What is channeling for me?
A simple word.

bobjob 18-03-2021 07:55 PM

There's been some wandering so here's a reminder of what started this thread:

"My field of special interest is that of communication. I would find it helpful to learn what practitioners mean when they say that they 'channel' a person.

Might I ask you, please, exactly what are you are doing, when you channel?"

utopiandreamchild 18-03-2021 08:32 PM

Channeling for me is a universal conversation between 2 or more entities. Amen

bobjob 18-03-2021 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by utopiandreamchild
Channeling for me is a universal conversation between 2 or more entities. Amen

What is a 'universal conversation'?

utopiandreamchild 18-03-2021 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by bobjob
What is a 'universal conversation'?

Speaking to entities who are universally awake/aware. Looking at the bigger picture. Some just aren't aware or awake to the bigger picture. Universal love. Amen

Green.Heals 28-03-2021 09:40 AM

I have been channeled lately, if that is what it is called. Twice through me, it wakes me, & I am speaking on repeat...message's. & through another to me, in person, physically.

Really wild.

bobjob 28-03-2021 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Green.Heals
I have been channeled lately, if that is what it is called. Twice through me, it wakes me, & I am speaking on repeat...message's. & through another to me, in person, physically.

Really wild.

Not really confident what you're trying to say but I don't think it's what others mean by 'channeling'.

Native spirit 28-03-2021 01:12 PM

I would have to agree with Bobjob


Green.Heals 28-03-2021 03:41 PM

Sorry, I misunderstood the meaning of this thread.

Than, I don't really know what is happening for me lately. I guess it really does not matter to share it or not.

bobjob 28-03-2021 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Green.Heals
Sorry, I misunderstood the meaning of this thread.

Than, I don't really know what is happening for me lately. I guess it really does not matter to share it or not.

It matters if it matters to you....:hug3:

Maybe you could pick a general forum to share what's causing your concerns where others can try to help you understand. Why not take a look around at the many forums and threads or even start a new thread? One of those ways will be right for you.

Native spirit 28-03-2021 08:39 PM

I would agree with Bobjob it is matters to you starting your own thread about your concerns etc, more people could relate to it


utopiandreamchild 30-03-2021 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by bobjob
My field of special interest is that of communication. I would find it helpful to learn what practitioners mean when they say that they 'channel' a person.

Might I ask you, please, exactly what are you are doing, when you channel?

I think it would be the equavilent of opening yourself up to universal energies and communicating about someone or something. Having a group discussion exactly. Amen

bobjob 30-03-2021 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by utopiandreamchild
I think it would be the equavilent of opening yourself up to universal energies and communicating about someone or something. Having a group discussion exactly. Amen

Can you explain what that means? :confused:

utopiandreamchild 30-03-2021 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by bobjob
Can you explain what that means? :confused:

Just having a conversation with other individuals is about all it adds upto. That's about all there is to say about that Amen

bobjob 30-03-2021 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by utopiandreamchild
Just having a conversation with other individuals is about all it adds upto. That's about all there is to say about that Amen

So channeling for you is about the same as having a conversation? :wink:

utopiandreamchild 30-03-2021 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by bobjob
So channeling for you is about the same as having a conversation? :wink:

Yes indeed. Just pick a topic and fire away. See whose present to communicate with, maybe one individual, maybe five. And there you have it, bobs your uncle. Amen

Native spirit 02-04-2021 09:14 PM

Please take note all quotes are to be no longer than one or two lines long
as they take up to much space


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