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-   -   The effects of eating meat on human chakra (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=66029)

Tobi 24-04-2014 12:04 AM

How can we hope to nourish ourselves energetically from food sources which have been involved in great suffering, deprivation and agony?
The gross vitamins/enzymes/chemicals etc might be there for our physical bodies to utilize...but also the toxins of suffering and deeply negative emotional states....
How do those things we take on board affect our subtle bodies? How can we truthfully join ourselves with the finest spiritual vibrations -Unconditional Love/Compassion -when we take into ourselves such pain and sorrow of living creatures? We consider them 'lower' than ourselves. But that is definitely not the truth.

Sapphirez 25-04-2014 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Phantasmic Fox
"A man fed on whiskey and dead bodies cannot do the finest work of which he is capable." -George Bernard Shaw

The properties of meat are detrimental to the diet for multiple reasons, and the hinderance is not only on our chakras. Meats contain high saturated fats and cholesterol. Not only do we consume the fear and pain the animal went through being slaughtered (you cannot deny the energy is there since slaughterhouses don't practice the cleansing of bad energy), but we're damaging our bodies too. Also the method of slaughtering animals is in no way pleasant, it is quite cruel. Some workers actually take delight in abusing chickens in captivity knowing they're just going to be killed for meat. I've witnessed it, and it's awful how they treat these animals for sport. I am certain this abuse takes place in other factories that raise animals for food. Cattle live their lives, not on grassy plains in the bigger plants, but trudging around in their own feces, only being sprayed with a hose to clean them off before death.

Furthermore, in relation to the physical body and science of nutrition: High meat consumption means high protein consumption, and fat and cholesterol. This makes our kidneys work harder, increases calcium loss in the urine, and it's bad for the heart for obvious reasons. Balancing this out by eating more veggies than meat won't help any. Balance is balance. You can't redefine it to your likeable standards. Excess energy consumed is changed and stored as fat in adipose tissue. It doesn't contribute to muscle mass. Working out contributes to muscle mass, and proteins simply play a role is muscle contraction and they're structural components of muscles, organs, and such. More protein doesn't mean more muscles by any means. There are literally thousands of different proteins, and the body makes them all. The proteins we eat are broken into specific amino acids which are used to construct proteins for many reasons, including fluid balance, acid base balance, movement of nutrients, hormones, and more. While meats are common sources of complete proteins, you can get all the indispensable amino acids you require from consuming a variety of complementary proteins, incomplete proteins coupled with each other to provide all essential amino acids required. Sure each person is different, but meat isn't the only source of anything. At all, except blood. Since vampires aren't real, that isn't important for anyone's diet. Thus said we are all HUMAN in flesh and blood. Variations are not so great that some people can live without meat while others cannot. Any person on the face of this planet can get all they need if there were to be no more slaughtering of animals. Eggs supply complete proteins, so does soy... And like I said combining sources will provide everything you need. Sure it's hard quitting eating meat but we've been eating it for centuries. We have a sort-of-bloodlust imbedded into our minds. Some of us truly think we need to eat meat. Not true. The only argument that's valid is we are all different, yet that's no excuse for not considering the alternatives. Complete proteins do NOT only exist in meats. This is false. The way I see it, people are too greedy to give it up because they are addicted to the taste of flesh. Hence the sort-of-bloodlust.

good post thank you, you too Tobi. I'm sad to see so many people trying to defend eating meat and refusing to look into this all deeper, or even on the surface level of the direct suffering, torture and slaughter of animals their intent on eating meat brings..

I am not a vegan at this point but I am trying to take responsibility, and spending some time watching animal cruelty and murder videos so that I'm more aware of what I am contributing to, and I think I am close.. I don't eat meat often anyway..

I'd like to share a most wonderful article/page about the fallacies of meat-eating and humans, as it shows irrefutably that man doesn't need to nor should eat me. The trouble is most of the people in this thread screaming that they think it's right to eat meat won't check it out.. but if they do, they'll not only learn the truth, but also within the resource find important information for making the transition easier. For those of you who take the time and effort to read and consider it, thank you very much, sincerely.


Revan 25-04-2014 05:23 PM

I myself think more and more that eating meat does hold certain negative effects on my chakras and meditation even. Thats just me

Revan 25-04-2014 05:36 PM

When the animal is slaughtered the brain goes through an excited stage where every cell in the brain and organs throughout the body release excitotoxins. These toxins cause the cells to die and its a complex mechanism not fully understood but if we are eating meat that is dead how does that help our growth

Tobi 25-04-2014 11:04 PM

Blessings, Sapphirez.

It was hard for me to become vegan because I liked eggs, cheese and fish, although I did give up eating meat as a regular thing many years ago, sometimes I would accept roast chicken at Christmas if visiting relatives....simply because they had cooked it for me and I thought it was their way of providing love and hospitality to me.

I was always of the opinion that it may be good to eat meat at times if needed very much for physical reasons. And I liked my diet of being mainly vegetarian/pescetarian. I felt I was getting the correct nutrients for my body and have been very fit generally for a long time.

I only became vegan a year last November after deep consideration, since I learned something amazing about animals and their spiritual state. It plunged me into another way of thinking and feeling, and really woke me up.

Now I have found vegan sources of the same nutrients I need for fitness. It has involved me in some work researching, but it is worth it.

Phantasmic Fox 26-04-2014 02:09 AM

Excellent source of information, Sapphirez! Thank you for sharing.

NightPrincess 26-04-2014 05:08 AM

I don't know. First of all I'm not a vegetarian. I like fish, chicken, turkey and sometimes pork. Saying that I'm very sqeamish when it comes to cooking and for me doing anything like that in the kitchen is like surgery, I can't do it. I can't gut a chicken. I tried and was shaking. I eat meat that was already made. If I were in a situation where I'd have to prepare meat myself I just couldn't, and my craving for meat isn't strong enough to. I would turn vegetarian is we were forced to go back to the Dark Ages, as I wouldn't bring it upon myself to kill animals or butcher at meat in a kitchen. Sorry but I'm not a very good meat eater. I don't like offal, beef, lamb, venison. Sometimes meat doesn't taste nice and full of fat, yuck, making me not want to eat it. I like vegetarian food and the problem is I'll eat meat if I was given it on a plate.

ksjm33 27-04-2014 04:27 AM

Eating red meat helps your root chakra with grounding.

Phantasmic Fox 27-04-2014 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by ksjm33
Eating red meat helps your root chakra with grounding.

Do you have any evidence to back this up, or are you only saying this out of the knowledge that it is "red" meat?

Pretty sure this is completely false. Besides, there are over a hundred alternatives to grounding your root chakra. Physical activity, wearing red, apples, meditation, to name a few.

Did you even bother reading the information sources cited above?

Revan 28-04-2014 06:11 PM

I ate meat my whole life I am 19 now and a vegan for my own reasons. It has helped me a lot in cleansing and general health I feel better I believe that is a sign of chakra growth

running 28-04-2014 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Phantasmic Fox
Do you have any evidence to back this up, or are you only saying this out of the knowledge that it is "red" meat?

Pretty sure this is completely false. Besides, there are over a hundred alternatives to grounding your root chakra. Physical activity, wearing red, apples, meditation, to name a few.

Did you even bother reading the information sources cited above?

Eating meat red or not grounds me. For whatever reasons it doesn't have a negative impact on me. But I see nothing wrong with not eating it if your body can handle being without it.

Phantasmic Fox 29-04-2014 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by running
Eating meat red or not grounds me. For whatever reasons it doesn't have a negative impact on me. But I see nothing wrong with not eating it if your body can handle being without it.

I see you did not read my more detailed post. I'm not typing it again, so I couldn't care any less what you argue.

running 29-04-2014 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Phantasmic Fox
I see you did not read my more detailed post. I'm not typing it again, so I couldn't care any less what you argue.

Its simply not true in my experience. To elaborate my body and chakra system work best on a high fat, and protein diet period. That is my condition. Just because you like what you or someone else wrote doesn't make it valid for everybody. Just your opinion of it.. I'm expressing my experience(evidence).This is an open forum last time I checked. Everybody is entitled to express there experience. What with all the attitude. Lol

Creative 29-04-2014 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Phantasmic Fox
"A man fed on whiskey and dead bodies cannot do the finest work of which he is capable." -George Bernard Shaw

The properties of meat are detrimental to the diet for multiple reasons, and the hinderance is not only on our chakras. Meats contain high saturated fats and cholesterol. Not only do we consume the fear and pain the animal went through being slaughtered (you cannot deny the energy is there since slaughterhouses don't practice the cleansing of bad energy), but we're damaging our bodies too. Also the method of slaughtering animals is in no way pleasant, it is quite cruel. Some workers actually take delight in abusing chickens in captivity knowing they're just going to be killed for meat. I've witnessed it, and it's awful how they treat these animals for sport. I am certain this abuse takes place in other factories that raise animals for food. Cattle live their lives, not on grassy plains in the bigger plants, but trudging around in their own feces, only being sprayed with a hose to clean them off before death.

Furthermore, in relation to the physical body and science of nutrition: High meat consumption means high protein consumption, and fat and cholesterol. This makes our kidneys work harder, increases calcium loss in the urine, and it's bad for the heart for obvious reasons. Balancing this out by eating more veggies than meat won't help any. Balance is balance. You can't redefine it to your likeable standards. Excess energy consumed is changed and stored as fat in adipose tissue. It doesn't contribute to muscle mass. Working out contributes to muscle mass, and proteins simply play a role is muscle contraction and they're structural components of muscles, organs, and such. More protein doesn't mean more muscles by any means. There are literally thousands of different proteins, and the body makes them all. The proteins we eat are broken into specific amino acids which are used to construct proteins for many reasons, including fluid balance, acid base balance, movement of nutrients, hormones, and more. While meats are common sources of complete proteins, you can get all the indispensable amino acids you require from consuming a variety of complementary proteins, incomplete proteins coupled with each other to provide all essential amino acids required. Sure each person is different, but meat isn't the only source of anything. At all, except blood. Since vampires aren't real, that isn't important for anyone's diet. Thus said we are all HUMAN in flesh and blood. Variations are not so great that some people can live without meat while others cannot. Any person on the face of this planet can get all they need if there were to be no more slaughtering of animals. Eggs supply complete proteins, so does soy... And like I said combining sources will provide everything you need. Sure it's hard quitting eating meat but we've been eating it for centuries. We have a sort-of-bloodlust imbedded into our minds. Some of us truly think we need to eat meat. Not true. The only argument that's valid is we are all different, yet that's no excuse for not considering the alternatives. Complete proteins do NOT only exist in meats. This is false. The way I see it, people are too greedy to give it up because they are addicted to the taste of flesh. Hence the sort-of-bloodlust.

If this approach helps you sleep better at nite, I'm fine with that. However, I will take the liberty of suggesting that you don't know as much as you think you do about this subject, that it's strictly your opinion and only your opinion, and that it appears to me that you feel it's ok to require others to share the same values as yourself. (That's not ok, btw)
I'd suggest you wander to the far North of this planet and give your dissertation to various Inuit tribes, who are very spiritual btw, and see if your value judgements and assertions get embraced, or get dirty looks. The Inuit survived fine for millennia on a primarily meat and fish based diet. They also know a thing or two about how to take an animal spiritually, so that it becomes food for the soul.
You can try the same approach with any Native group in this world and see how it works & see if you know better than them.

If you truly want to know about this subject, I'd suggest researching the Cayce readings on this subject. That library has the most complete information about meat and humans that I'm aware of.

Just sayin'

Cheers :)

Phantasmic Fox 29-04-2014 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by running
Its simply not true in my experience. To elaborate my body and chakra system work best on a high fat, and protein diet period. That is my condition. Just because you like what you or someone else wrote doesn't make it valid for everybody. Just your opinion of it.. I'm expressing my experience(evidence).This is an open forum last time I checked. Everybody is entitled to express there experience. What with all the attitude. Lol

If you think I have attitude that's your own opinion, and I told you I don't care for it. I still don't. Your words are of little significance to me, like the chatter of mice. I am not bothered by mice and their ways. Those which persist offer nothing but mere annoyance.

Phantasmic Fox 29-04-2014 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Creative
If this approach helps you sleep better at nite, I'm fine with that. However, I will take the liberty of suggesting that you don't know as much as you think you do about this subject, that it's strictly your opinion and only your opinion, and that it appears to me that you feel it's ok to require others to share the same values as yourself. (That's not ok, btw)
I'd suggest you wander to the far North of this planet and give your dissertation to various Inuit tribes, who are very spiritual btw, and see if your value judgements and assertions get embraced, or get dirty looks. The Inuit survived fine for millennia on a primarily meat and fish based diet. They also know a thing or two about how to take an animal spiritually, so that it becomes food for the soul.
You can try the same approach with any Native group in this world and see how it works & see if you know better than them.

If you truly want to know about this subject, I'd suggest researching the Cayce readings on this subject. That library has the most complete information about meat and humans that I'm aware of.

Just sayin'

Cheers :)

i understand, and I don't know everything about the subject. I'm only half way through my nutrition course, and I have years of study to continue afterwards. What I said on the science of nutrition is all true though, about amino acids and the nutrient composition of meat.

If you read the link Saphirrez posted p, it has much more detailed information on vegetarianism and why humans are natural vegans. It's worth the read, and the excuse that other people eat meat, and have for years doing fine, has yet to convince me that anyone truly should be eating meat.YES, you're right... You can eat it and be fine. There are other factors, and I still think humans who won't consider those factors are just greedy and uneducated. Yes it's my opinion, and it's mine as a result of research and study. It's getting quite repetitive... "It just works for ME." Is that really the best argument there is to offer? Because I think I went over that, yet everyone who opposes me seems to be ignorant of the facts, or just not care whatsoever. But humans are greedy by nature, not my problem!

12meadows 29-04-2014 05:46 PM

can we please be civil? everyone here has expressed their opinions. can we agree to disagree and move on? I wish you all well :)

Creative 29-04-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Phantasmic Fox
i understand, and I don't know everything about the subject. I'm only half way through my nutrition course, and I have years of study to continue afterwards. What I said on the science of nutrition is all true though, about amino acids and the nutrient composition of meat.

If you read the link Saphirrez posted p, it has much more detailed information on vegetarianism and why humans are natural vegans. It's worth the read, and the excuse that other people eat meat, and have for years doing fine, has yet to convince me that anyone truly should be eating meat.YES, you're right... You can eat it and be fine. There are other factors, and I still think humans who won't consider those factors are just greedy and uneducated. Yes it's my opinion, and it's mine as a result of research and study. It's getting quite repetitive... "It just works for ME." Is that really the best argument there is to offer? Because I think I went over that, yet everyone who opposes me seems to be ignorant of the facts, or just not care whatsoever. But humans are greedy by nature, not my problem!

PF -See, I'd suggest part of the issue is that you like to make a lot of judgements about other peoples decisions and knowledge(they're greedy, uneducated, ignorant etc..... your words, not mine). How is that helpful, to you or others?
Certainly, you have done some research. However, that research appears to be only based on the limited recent knowledge of some secular humans. Some of that knowledge presented to you is tainted with the beliefs and egos of those same humans. It has value, but isn't the be all and end all. Other people here have done some of their own research via other sources. Those sources may not have the same conclusions as yours. Who is right? Everyone and no-one.
The Cayce readings are drawn from the akashic records, which have the entire history and knowledge of the universe. His readings indicated people should have a 'mostly' vegetarian diet, but that some meat is necessary; particularly fish, fowl & lamb, some beef, especially the juices from the beef. Pork was the only meat recommended to avoid.

PF - do what's right for you, let others make decisions about what's right for them. Maybe they know more than you?, you can't be certain they don't...........

running 29-04-2014 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Phantasmic Fox
If you think I have attitude that's your own opinion, and I told you I don't care for it. I still don't. Your words are of little significance to me, like the chatter of mice. I am not bothered by mice and their ways. Those which persist offer nothing but mere annoyance.

I don't think it takes any thought what so ever to notice the attitude. Lol. Thanks for the laugh

Sapphirez 30-04-2014 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by running
I don't think it takes any thought what so ever to notice the attitude. Lol. Thanks for the laugh

thinking you should be doing. laughing you should not.

I think it's rather sad that the ones defending their meat eating refuse to examine evidence stacked against their faulty logic, and also think that cows being tortured their entire lives living pathetic excuses of existence and then often being hung upside down having their throats slit and frequently still being alive for hours while bleeding out the last millimeters of their excruciatingly horrendous "lives" has nothing to do with them, and is supportive of their root chakra.. really I think your root chakra would have a different idea. at least stop deluding yourselves and be real about it. This isn't a dream (well it's a nightmare of years for them obviously) these are real animals with real feelings, that can communicate with each other and humans and deserve love and compassion just like us. They, when allowed to have a life, have social, tender relationships, and romp around in fields and enjoy the Sun and the breeze and eating pretty green grass.. not the red bloodied dirty disgusting existence of sorrow and terror that you're trying to justify. They are innocent creatures. not substitutions for lazy indifference toward researching how to create a proper plentiful diet without the senseless cruel murdering of living animals.

If we respected the animals, their grazing could turn barren desert land into lush prairies. We could use their waste as our fertilizer and harvest the nutrients that way. When they die we can bury them in the ground where their bodies further enrich the soil and Earth. and lay their souls to rest instead of making them regret every second of their life from birth when their tails are usually cut off without anesthetic after being ripped away from their mothers and often never seeing them again, then to grow up with nobody and nothing except violent treatment, fear and pain. Stop lying to yourselves and to us. Educate yourselves, and get enlightened. That is what this forum is for I believe.

Sapphirez 30-04-2014 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tobi
Blessings, Sapphirez.

I only became vegan a year last November after deep consideration, since I learned something amazing about animals and their spiritual state. It plunged me into another way of thinking and feeling, and really woke me up.

Now I have found vegan sources of the same nutrients I need for fitness. It has involved me in some work researching, but it is worth it.

ah that's not that long ago. yeah it's quite a commitment. but I'm hoping when I fully dedicate myself to it too I will not look back. And it's not about judging people, I mean I eat meat now and can still speak realistically about it, and want to change and just be real, that's what's important. Awareness is the first step as with so many things. So what was it about the animal spiritual state you learned? Also, if you feel like it maybe you could share some of the nutritious revelations you've gathered? I think I could figure out how to fashion a diet to be adequate, but am interested in your particular story and findings. :hug3:

Phantasmic Fox thank you I'm glad you appreciate the source. It really is a wonderful article and compilation. We've been misled about so many things, especially so that "they" can profit from our unenlightened beliefs.. it's not easy to successfully remove our chains which we've been taught to think are so shiny and well-placed.. Thank you for working to try and help others spot the tarnish too. It's hard when we're met with so much opposition just for speaking logically and from the heart/soul viewpoint..

Lynn 30-04-2014 09:09 PM


It has become clear that we are off topic in this thread and that its time to stop the back and forth discussion on whom is right and whom is wrong on what they believe. From the spiritual view point we are "what we eat" and it does have effects on our spiritual body. Be that meat or veggie its all life that we consume and its all energy that we consume. Whom is to say that a plant does not have the same sensations as an animal when consumed we just assume no brain no logic thinking centre or emotions ext.

When we find that balance in what we take in it can have profound effects on how we feel. What one might try is in meditations asking on what the body feels from eating certain things. Connecting to that Higher Self and exploring what is needed. At times we get headaches that we dismiss as stress and it might well be from a slight allergic reaction to something we have taken in, or a rash ext .....when we learn to listen to our inner voice at times we move into a better state of health and in that we move into a better state of spiritual balance.


The effects of eating meat on human chakra
Can someone help me identify any adverse effects if any at all from eating meat on meditation and the human chakra?

Creative 30-04-2014 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
thinking you should be doing. laughing you should not.

I think it's rather sad that the ones defending their meat eating refuse to examine evidence stacked against their faulty logic, and also think that cows being tortured their entire lives living pathetic excuses of existence and then often being hung upside down having their throats slit and frequently still being alive for hours while bleeding out the last millimeters of their excruciatingly horrendous "lives" has nothing to do with them, and is supportive of their root chakra.. really I think your root chakra would have a different idea. at least stop deluding yourselves and be real about it. This isn't a dream (well it's a nightmare of years for them obviously) these are real animals with real feelings, that can communicate with each other and humans and deserve love and compassion just like us. They, when allowed to have a life, have social, tender relationships, and romp around in fields and enjoy the Sun and the breeze and eating pretty green grass.. not the red bloodied dirty disgusting existence of sorrow and terror that you're trying to justify. They are innocent creatures. not substitutions for lazy indifference toward researching how to create a proper plentiful diet without the senseless cruel murdering of living animals.

If we respected the animals, their grazing could turn barren desert land into lush prairies. We could use their waste as our fertilizer and harvest the nutrients that way. When they die we can bury them in the ground where their bodies further enrich the soil and Earth. and lay their souls to rest instead of making them regret every second of their life from birth when their tails are usually cut off without anesthetic after being ripped away from their mothers and often never seeing them again, then to grow up with nobody and nothing except violent treatment, fear and pain. Stop lying to yourselves and to us. Educate yourselves, and get enlightened. That is what this forum is for I believe.

I'm going to suggest that you are making a lot of generalizations in this post, which creates inaccuracies. Not all animals are raised and treated as you propose. Nor are they all slaughtered as you presume. Some are, some aren't.
From where I stand it also comes across as a bit unfair & arrogant, as you accuse people of 'lying' and needing to be 'enlightened'. Boy o boy......I'm sure that's not what you intended - right?
I'm not perfect, but I do know a fair bit about this planet and all the creatures in it. I also know a bit about what I need.
I'll keep the status quo for myself, but I'll also extend graces to those who choose differently.
To answer the OP. Yes, some meat of the right types can be beneficial to a person and their chakras. The key is how the animal was raised, killed, and eaten. If done right it's spiritual. If done poorly, it can lower vibration.
The Christ reached the highest levels of spiritual development & he ate some meat here and there. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me.

Revan 30-04-2014 10:52 PM

i totally agree with that because the meat i ate usually was not from a happy animal a "happy" animal would be much better for chakra

Sapphirez 02-05-2014 03:23 PM

edited due to feeling threatened at ramifications on spiritual forum for expressing free speech and speaking against killing of animals that want to live life to enjoy it

someguy92 02-05-2014 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lynn
The effects of eating meat on human chakra.Can someone help me identify any adverse effects if any at all from eating meat on meditation and the human chakra?

Meat ussually grounds you, it kind of "despiritualise" you. Its good and bad. Its bad when you want to meditate, when you want to astral project, communicate with higher beings etc. But its good when you need grounding, when you do too much meditation and astral projecting, your soul is leaving your body and well you can outtune yourself, you can outtune yourself too much and that can be very dangerous. Grounding yourself into your body is important, but too much grounding can hinder your spiritual growth. You need both worlds, physical and spiritual, you need to balance it. Thats why our ancestors, eated meat, but not in such quantity as now, now we eat too much meat. We need meat, but too much is too much, people are addicted to meat....literally.

Sapphirez 02-05-2014 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Phantasmic Fox
there are over a hundred alternatives to grounding your root chakra. Physical activity, wearing red, apples, meditation, to name a few.

Did you even bother reading the information sources cited above? (regarding abundance of interesting factual information about human's actual vegan nature and why eating meat is far from ideal


1. See red. Seriously—envisioning the color red glowing brightly at the base of the spine, where this chakra is located, is the beginning of root chakra cleansing and balancing. Start with the simple meditation of imaging a bright red light at the base of your tailbone. Picture this red light extending down your legs and feet, grounding you to the earth. Use anything that is the color red to help balance this chakra. Since stones are frequently used for healing, this could be a red crystal, such as garnet or ruby. It could be wearing something with red in it. It can be also imagining the color red in the chakra itself.

2. Dance. I don’t care if you “can’t dance.” Close the door and move your body. This is one of the best ways to balance this chakra. Even better—turn on music and sing along, as singing cleanses your throat chakra for an added bonus.

3. Get on your yoga mat. Many yoga postures are designed to cleanse this chakra. My favorite is tree pose. You can use your ‘seeing red’ visualization as you firmly plant your entire left foot onto your mat and bring your right foot up into tree pose. Keep your hip points squarely ahead and your toes tucked in as you place your foot anywhere on your leg besides your knee. Be creative and make your tree pose your own. Place your right leg into half lotus or engage your core and reach your arms overhead, keeping the base of your neck soft and your elbows straight as you rotate the pinky side of your hands in to engage your triceps. Most importantly, feel supported and connected to the earth as you hold your tree pose for 5 to 8 breaths before switching sides.

4. Take a shower. This is such a wonderful root chakra cleanser. We are physical animals in addition to being intelligent, thoughtful human beings. Embrace and love your physicality by being completely present as you bathe. Mindfully moving is a powerful form of meditation.

5. Zen out on a walk. Take this idea of mindfully moving on your walk with you. Concentrate on your foot leaving the ground and connecting to the earth again with each step. You’ll give your mind a break and cleanse your root chakra at the same time.

6. Get a pedicure. I had to throw this one in. My grandfather had a friend that was known for saying, “you can always tell how well a person takes care of themselves by how they take care of their feet.” This might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but loving your feet and taking the time to pamper your physical body are great ways to also care for your root chakra energy.

7. Carrying a piece of black hematite.

8. On a daily basis or even more frequently on the days you need it, you can do this quick and free exercise to ground yourself. Sit up straight, with your feet flat on the ground. Take a few deep breaths and begin to imagine that you have roots growing from your feet and that you have a beautiful tail growing from your root chakra. They should all be about the size of a dinner plate. Imagine that the roots and tail join together and become one root or whatever receptacle you imagine. (Could be flower vines, magic wand, etc.). This root travels to the very core of Mother Earth and even circles it. Now, just inhale and let Mother Earth’s energy come back to you through those roots. Speaking of roots, another favorite way to ground is to stand next to or even hug trees. You will feel the negative energy leaving your body and you just connect with Mother Earth. Standing outside barefoot is another excellent way to ground.

9. Use essential oils such as Valor, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Cypress or Frankincense.

10. Murder something (or have someone else murder it for you) and eat it.

well.. *shrug* if 1-9 and all the other wonderful healthy ways to ground yourself don't work I guess 10 is always an option :dontknow: but I'd just as soon spruce up the ol' sacral chakra of creativity to figure out another way :wink:

wolfmanthe1st 03-05-2014 12:50 AM

There can be effects from eating meat on the human chakras. Most animals that are consumed are treated cruely and suffer a terrible life. As a result, there is alot of negative energy in their cells which when eaten by a human has an effect on us. If an animal suffers trauma maybe during their death the person who eats that meat will be absorbing in their cells the emotions of fear and aggression which will create blockages in the lower charkas, especially the root chakra. Chakras that are functioning well are vibrating at a high rate. Eating meat lowers your vibration rate.

wolfmanthe1st 03-05-2014 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by wstein
Scientific evidence is that cooking foods reduces nutrition slightly but makes it much easier to digest. The net effect is more benefit from less food. Going raw uncooked ends up using more resource for digestion leaving less net benefit.

Cooking something above 115 degrees reduces the nutritional value by 80%. A raw diet gives you the full nutritional value therefore you have to eat less.

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