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Morpheus 14-07-2014 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by OftheSun
I'm not scared of the process of dying. I had an NDE 25 years ago, and the dying bit was fine.

The method of death, yeah I definitely have my preferences, funny you mentioned bear attack, that's one' of them, I am phobic of bears. lol.

Generally I've not been afraid of the "being dead" part. I don't believe in an afterlife, which apparently is unusual for someone who's had an NDE, but there it is.

However lately, I have had some fear of death, and it's sort of disturbed me. Not sure where it's coming from.

I think part of it is approaching the age of 50 and dealing with the physical reality of aging and the fact that death is drawing nearer. Part of it is wanting to get my "estate" in order so it won't be a pain for whomever I leave behind to deal with. I've also watched some friends and acquaitences go through some difficult terminal illnesses in the past few years, and that process is one I'd like to avoid.

And there are some things I am sorry to leave behind, some things I truly enjoy about life, primarily the Sun.

We are to understand that the Earth is but an image of what lies beyond which is greater. Including Light.

That in fact, this material realm is "Frozen Light"

In this limited, temporary organic spectrum, we have within us the "Survival Instinct", even though we are to understand that beyond this spectrum, we survive. That we are Spirit. That, Life is much more.

How much negativity, war, crime and violence is committed due to the survival instinct, do you feel, on this planet?

I'm asking.

OftheSun 14-07-2014 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus
We are to understand that the Earth is but an image of what lies beyond which is greater. Including Light.

That in fact, this material realm is "Frozen Light"

In this limited, temporary organic spectrum, we have within us the "Survival Instinct", even though we are to understand that beyond this spectrum, we survive. That we are Spirit. That, Life is much more.

How much negativity, war, crime and violence is committed due to the survival instinct, do you feel, on this planet?

I'm asking.

I think we all have different talents, understandings and experiences. I don't know why, but from what I have seen and known of people and the Universe that seems to be the case.

I honestly do not think that we are all from the same place, experiencing the same place or headed for the same place.

It appears that there are a variety of metaphysical planes (physical too most likely, but I've only been on this one). I don't have enough understanding to assign terms like higher or lower etc to them, but it's clear to me that people are in all different places metaphysically.

I have no reason to doubt people when they speak of their own experience and knowing. The majority of them have no reason to lie or misrepresent their beliefs and experience. I don't doubt my own either.

I am a product of evolution, a function of the Universe. Though many people experience themselves as a soul wearing (or some even refer to it as trapped) in a body, I don't know myself as such. My consciousness and my body are one, a whole. What happens to one, happens to the other. That is my experience of life. Everything I experience and know fits that reality. I have a survival instinct, like most living things.

Have painful things happen as the result of survival instincts? Yup, all the time, every day, among all the species capable of feeling pain and fear. That seems to be the way of the world. I am not ultimately more valuable than anyone or anything else, so I have to deal with my share as well, whether I like it or not. it is the way of things...for me.

Others, very clearly have a vastly different understanding and experience and all of their experiences fit into that understanding. They are on a different plane.

I don't see why, if our life/physical experiences are so vastly different, and our spiritual experiences are so vastly different, that our after life experiences would not likewise be so.

But ultimately I don't know. I can't know. That is not something evolution programmed into me. Apparently other people have that function, talent, or spiritual connection that I do not have. And I am guessing they will continue to have it, and I will continue to not have it.

It also makes no sense TO ME (as in it may make sense that I am incapable of understanding) why this physical earth, universe, body if the whole point of everything is spiritual. If I am supposed to spend my time on this earthly life trying to overcome this earthly life...my head cannot wrap around that one. it can't wrap around calculus either, so again, I have to say I don't know, but I do trust the Universe which brought me forth, gave me what I am likely to need to serve my function...processing matter and energy (at least that is what it looks like to me). And if I have not been equipped for that task, well, actually that seems like an impossibility. I am a function of the Universe and that function will be served, pretty much end of story.

My brain does have a function (among many) that is what I understand to be spiritual, but for me, it's not a connection to the supernatural. It does have to do with my connectedness to all that is, and my understanding of my role in it, and my appreciation of it all. I experience tremendous awe at the Universe as I know it.

Also, the Universe is not a thing, it's an event. I too am an event as part of it. It's not some static physical thing that is a stage for a spiritual experience. That is how I know it to be, your mileage may vary.

I appreciate you asking the question and I hope my reply made some sense.

LC2488 14-07-2014 08:42 PM

Im not afraid of dying. Maybe staring down it woulld get to me as I'd realize these are literally my final moments here. But I look forward to the transition. For me, I view heading back to the spirit world for me like a kid looking forward to Christmas morning. If there's anything that scares me, it's how long I have to wait till death. I know many don't want to know when it's their time. But I would as my mind constantly wonders when that time will be. I only want to be here for a short period (only 21). I rather be given the heads up. In fact, I could've been dead as recent as August of last year after nearly drowning at a water park. I remember being in the water and thinking this could be it. Then my friend came in for the save. But I wasn't prepared then. At that time, I didn't know if anything happened after death.

Native spirit 14-07-2014 09:27 PM

:confused: What is to fear about something that doesn't excist there is no death only eternal life.your body dies but your soul does not it carries on.i am a medium and I speak to many people in spirit who are happy now they have crossed over.because its nothing like they thought it would be.i have had a few NDE also and each time my grandmother has told me to go back as it wasn't my time,there is no war no conflict only beauty and peace.im looking forward to going home.so no I do not fear death at all.


Lisbet 15-07-2014 01:44 AM

I'm not afraid of the process of dying (though I dread the idea of being terribly uncomfortable and miserable there) but I'm quite good and scared of the after physical death part. As a child I obsessed over death all the time before bed. I no longer obsess or worry about dying at every turn and I no longer fear the concept of "ceasing to exist" like I once did. But I am deeply afraid of much worse things happening to me when I do think of this question. I haven't had a nde, but with experience with the astral I am terrified of being lost or stuck in a horrible state, afraid anxiety and panic are still quite plausible on the other side. I also have never had someone close to me die, so I don't see anyone over there waiting to help or guide or comfort me out there. I'm afraid of having no tether to anything good over there. Maybe it's a far scarier place than I can imagine.

Lisbet 15-07-2014 01:54 AM

I once visited a dead friend in a dream though (I didn't know her well, but really related with her deeply when I did know her in life). She was so lost and lonely. Kind of numb when I saw her. She wasn't aware that she was dead because of the sudden and unexpected death. Well, it was a rather lonely existence. I don't know what her journey on the other side was like or where it took her because I only had two brief glimpses, but I imagine it wasn't easy coming to terms with what happened. Months later I did dream of her very happy and on a bus somewhere though. So I do know she was okay at that point. Still, it opened my eyes a bit to how one can manifest in the astral, and just be lost in a dream. But I just know there is much worse there as well. Some beings are so lost they never find their way, never reincarnate or follow their intended path. And there is the possibility of being stuck in "hell" of sorts. Like being stuck in a panic attack. I know this is all very negative thinking, but I really feel my soul has been caught in these types of circumstances between lives, because I came into this life with fears like these. How could I ever make sure I was in a good place at my time of death? I'm afraid that dying badly could mean a bad time after death as well. Am I paranoid, or what?

Morpheus 31-07-2014 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Morpheus
We are to understand that the Earth is but an image of what lies beyond which is greater. Including Light.

That in fact, this material realm is "Frozen Light"

In this limited, temporary organic spectrum, we have within us the "Survival Instinct", even though we are to understand that beyond this spectrum, we survive. That we are Spirit. That, Life is much more.

How much negativity, war, crime and violence is committed due to the survival instinct, do you feel, on this planet?

I'm asking.

Parhamensa Yogananda, author of, "Autobiography of a Yogi"

Death is only an experience in which you are meant to learn a great lesson. You cannot die."

Eliab_ben_B 03-08-2014 11:18 PM

Not exactly afraid of being dead as it were , but i do have some apprehension about the process of re-entering that afterlife ....

and perhaps some apprehension of the next life i may be born into ! ... lol

Shalom ... Eliab.

aubreyiris 05-08-2014 06:23 PM

well, I think you only have to be scared if you are a bad person and have hell of karma waiting on the other side. That would suck. I heard an NDE from a former pimp and drug dealer. He had a pretty hellish experience (pun intended), but it made him turn his life around when he was given a second chance. I have had one NDE and dying wasn't scary at all, although the life flashing before the eyes thing was pretty intense. I was seeing my life as my spirit had seen it and it was intensely painful experiencing that unfiltered emotion. What I experienced was not that I had ever really intentionally hurt someone else, but that I was constantly hurting myself.. I saw how incredibly self destructive my thought process was and how I let myself believe every bit of negativity that was thrown at me and how my thoughts had been slowly destroying me. I then saw myself as a god sees me, with pure love. I saw what a precious being I am and that I am loved and I am worthy of love. Needless to say that experience changed me so much. Now no matter how cruel others can be to me at times, I keep that love inside of me. I never let their belief that I am not precious, change my knowing that I am and I'm also able to see the preciousness of others so much more clearly, even if they can't see it. Another part of it after that was going into the light. Oh my. Lord. I have craved for that so much since thing. You don't know. The bliss. Going into that golden white light and realizing that I've always been a part of it and everyone and everything is a part of it and we are all one beautiful brilliant being, and then forgetting everyone and everything and all thought, and just letting go and becoming that light. Feeling all of the particles of my being dissipate and become that ever peaceful, ever silent, ever blissful body of light. Man, that was very hard to come back from. I did not want to come back from that. I sometimes think about how short life is in the scheme of things and that I just have to be patient and get through one day at a time and soon I'll be there again.

aubreyiris 05-08-2014 06:23 PM

well, I think you only have to be scared if you are a bad person and have hell of karma waiting on the other side. That would suck. I heard an NDE from a former pimp and drug dealer. He had a pretty hellish experience (pun intended), but it made him turn his life around when he was given a second chance. I have had one NDE and dying wasn't scary at all, although the life flashing before the eyes thing was pretty intense. I was seeing my life as my spirit had seen it and it was intensely painful experiencing that unfiltered emotion. What I experienced was not that I had ever really intentionally hurt someone else, but that I was constantly hurting myself.. I saw how incredibly self destructive my thought process was and how I let myself believe every bit of negativity that was thrown at me and how my thoughts had been slowly destroying me. I then saw myself as God/Buddha ect.. sees me, with pure love. I saw what a precious being I am and that I am loved and I am worthy of love. Needless to say that experience changed me so much. Now no matter how cruel others can be to me at times, I keep that love inside of me. I never let their belief that I am not precious, change my knowing that I am and I'm also able to see the preciousness of others so much more clearly, even if they can't see it. Another part of it after that was going into the light. Oh my. Lord. I have craved for that so much since then. You don't know. The bliss. Going into that golden white light and realizing that I've always been a part of it and everyone and everything is a part of it and we are all one beautiful brilliant being, and then forgetting everyone and everything and all thought, and just letting go and becoming that light. Feeling all of the particles of my being dissipate and become that ever peaceful, ever silent, ever blissful body of light. Man, that was very hard to come back from. I did not want to come back from that. I sometimes think about how short life is in the scheme of things and that I just have to be patient and get through one day at a time and soon I'll be there again.

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