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innerlight 13-04-2016 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sarian
My mind would implode having to do this all the time.

No, UncleManifestor, it wasn't Brad Yates. It was years ago, it might have been Xan who posted about it and I researched from that point on. I tried faithfully yet unsuccessfully, to do it for a month but honestly, the constant tapping and affirmations were driving me nuts. Especially the tapping. I can handle the affirmations but not the tapping. But I've come a long way on my own without doing the EFT, so it's all good but I can't truly understand how doing something so annoying and repetitive can help?

If you were to have done it, daily, for a month, I can see how that could be annoying. Because you would be making it a routine, and forcing yourself to do it. So there would understandably be some annoyance to it. I think the beauty that is said to be EFT, is that you don't or won't need to do it all the time. It's supposed to be effective at getting to the core issue that is at hand, and clearing it up. Fast. With maybe only a handful of return attempts with it to clear up residual lingering things.

The only thing with EFT is that you have to really know what you are working with, so you can get it all. A fear or phobia may seem straight forward at first glance, but truthfully there is a lot going on during an episode that one needs to work on all of it, to help get the best result from using EFT... Or so they say. I have used it a few times, and it has helped cut down on an anxiety attack that was happening, I have not used it to completely get rid of something. Not yet anyways.

UncleManifestor 13-04-2016 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sarian
My mind would implode having to do this all the time.

No, UncleManifestor, it wasn't Brad Yates. It was years ago, it might have been Xan who posted about it and I researched from that point on. I tried faithfully yet unsuccessfully, to do it for a month but honestly, the constant tapping and affirmations were driving me nuts. Especially the tapping. I can handle the affirmations but not the tapping. But I've come a long way on my own without doing the EFT, so it's all good but I can't truly understand how doing something so annoying and repetitive can help?

It shouldn't really be positive affirmations that you are saying when doing EFT, it is meant to be things that you have issues with, such as "I get annoyed at doing repetitive tasks".
Then as you are tapping (and thinking about the issue) you spout all the words/emotions that come up in relation to it. Etc etc.

There are a lot of sources online which are too concerned with gaining traffic/views latching onto the Law of attraction 'positivity is all that matters' bandwagon, but the core of EFT is addressing the route of the problem rather than pretending everything is fantastic.

Anyway, I am glad that you are doing well without it :smile:

UncleManifestor 13-04-2016 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by innerlight
If you were to have done it, daily, for a month, I can see how that could be annoying. Because you would be making it a routine, and forcing yourself to do it. So there would understandably be some annoyance to it. I think the beauty that is said to be EFT, is that you don't or won't need to do it all the time. It's supposed to be effective at getting to the core issue that is at hand, and clearing it up. Fast. With maybe only a handful of return attempts with it to clear up residual lingering things.

The only thing with EFT is that you have to really know what you are working with, so you can get it all. A fear or phobia may seem straight forward at first glance, but truthfully there is a lot going on during an episode that one needs to work on all of it, to help get the best result from using EFT... Or so they say. I have used it a few times, and it has helped cut down on an anxiety attack that was happening, I have not used it to completely get rid of something. Not yet anyways.

Totally agree!

That is the difference between doing EFT and doing affirmations, affirmations need to be drilled into you daily to make them work, but EFT is actually tackling the problem and doesn't require constant attention.

A practitioner ex-colleague of mine used to refer to EFT work as being like an onion, in that you have to peel away the layers to get to the core.
More often than not the core will be a childhood event/experience that has been 'forgotten' and built upon over the years.

Sarian 13-04-2016 03:39 PM

It was a bad time during my life...it was probably 5 years ago or more, so I don't recall a lot about it...but I was doing it at work, driving...as for affirmations, I thought you had to say positive things, not dwell on the negative. Anyway, you know when you find something and it just works or dare I say resonates with you? This never did. Did not feel right for me or something I should be doing. I never felt any relief just that it wasn't right (for whatever reason for me) As for it tackling the problem, the same issues arose time and again. I felt no relief. Getting to the core. Ugh...Everyone's got a past good or bad. I went through so much counseling and whatnot and finally I got to the point I just did not want to relive it over and over and over again. I had to release it. Sure some things still want to come and haunt me but I say get lost to them and remind myself that the past is gone and all I have is now, the present and I embrace it. By starting my life at the point I'm at now seems to work better than all the years of therapy.

UncleManifestor 13-04-2016 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sarian
It was a bad time during my life...it was probably 5 years ago or more, so I don't recall a lot about it...but I was doing it at work, driving...as for affirmations, I thought you had to say positive things, not dwell on the negative. Anyway, you know when you find something and it just works or dare I say resonates with you? This never did. Did not feel right for me or something I should be doing. I never felt any relief just that it wasn't right (for whatever reason for me) As for it tackling the problem, the same issues arose time and again. I felt no relief. Getting to the core. Ugh...Everyone's got a past good or bad. I went through so much counseling and whatnot and finally I got to the point I just did not want to relive it over and over and over again. I had to release it. Sure some things still want to come and haunt me but I say get lost to them and remind myself that the past is gone and all I have is now, the present and I embrace it. By starting my life at the point I'm at now seems to work better than all the years of therapy.

Yeah, if something doesn't resonate with you then it won't work, maybe it was just the wrong time to try it, I don't know. When I first heard of it I thought it was definitely not for me. Even trying it initially I felt like a fool.

Yes, affirmations should always be positive as they work on the premise that 'if we are told something often enough then we start to believe it', it goes hand in hand with law of attraction.
EFT is not like positive affirmations (unless you watch nonsense YouTube EFT), it does seem to go against LOA, which worried me at first, but it is a great method for removing (not just glossing over) the blocks that stop the LoA working.

EFT is meant to rewire the brain, you think about the bad memory and the tapping (in certain specific places) is causing the neural pathway between the memory and its associated emotions to break down, it is then rewired so that it no longer causes the reaction in you. The link is gone.

I can understand you not wanting to dredge up awful memories again, especially when you are unsure as to whether it will do any good. I would try with a lesser issue first, that way you can gauge whether it does work, without having to expose yourself. Having said that, you never know what the tapping will uncover, what is connected. My friend did tapping for giving up smoking, she was confronted by memories from her childhood related to feeling abandoned by her parents. Floods of tears.
EFT can be quite draining and emotional, so you have to be in the right frame of mind for it.

I am glad you managed to release the demons and move on. :hug:

blacksofa 05-03-2017 05:38 PM

It has worked for me. It is better than meditation for me at the moment because I am able to actually do something, instead of focusing on nothing, if that makes sense :)

Miss Hepburn 05-03-2017 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by blacksofa
It has worked for me. It is better than meditation for me at the moment because I
am able to actually do something, instead of focusing on nothing, if that makes sense :)

Good for you. :thumbsup:
I love EFT for those silly random memories that come in
and make me cringe over something I did that was embarrassing....
even decades ago!
And welcome to the forum, blacksofa. :smile:

lee2122 30-08-2017 09:12 PM

i did faster eft but i genuinly got zero benefit from it

im not sure why that is, it seems to help most people but it didnt for me sadly :(

richag77 25-11-2018 12:02 PM

I use EFT on occasions and it apears to work well. I was told about it by a psychologist. It is in mainstream psychology not just some crazy new age fashion.

ModerndayManifestor 04-12-2019 12:36 AM

I have tried it a few times, but I haven't seen any results myself. Although it is a really interesting topic. Might give it a go over the new year, and do a little more studying on it's powers!

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