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Lonely Dragon 15-05-2014 06:41 PM

Thank you for your kind words Wolf man the 1st, it is not easy, yes I do get emotional easily I find emotions overwhelming. You are right I should not let another's path upset me too much because everyone has their own special journey, reason they are here, and they are not to be judged. It's interesting you mention your wife and kids are atheist it seems every couple I meet are opposites, one a believer the other not, I'm wondering if this could be God's plan, since balance, yin and yang seems to be the way of life, no one would learn anything if we were all the same after all. I agree much of the media is depressing I try my best to avoid the news or war issues because it is negative, but I am a strange creature as I do enjoy gothic music it does not depress me I find a lot of it beautiful. Apparently I was a very difficult child seemed to have a lot of anger it took me a while to trust humans, I was told I tried to cut all my hair off, climbed the highest things I could find, and when my parents took me on a plane for first time I was the one enjoying the ride when there was an air pocket that caused the plane to drop it did not bother me but everyone else was screaming and I wondered why, I have never been afraid of the dark it seems to calm me. One very strange thing I would do and I have no idea what this is I would rub salt into the palm of my hand, it made me feel good, but I've no idea why. I am wondering if you are a Star child since you say Pleiades feels like your home. It is wonderful you accept your family are atheists, it took me a while to accept my partner is. I try hard to not involve him in my beliefs, he knows I'm very strange and not like any other woman he has met, a lot of who I am baffles, even freaks him out, I accept he will never awaken to what is, until he passes. I have every animal you mention visit me you mentioned, except deer. Bees, bats, dragonflies and hover flies are drawn to me too, I adore nature, they must sense it, I even save bugs from drowning. Butterflies are winged messengers, how beautiful I've thought that. One amazing butterfly story I can't recall where I read this I think it was children's past life's, a woman was being pestered by a butterfly, several days later she finds out she is pregnant, when she has her baby boy, one day he says to her I remember when I was a Butterfly before in your tummy. The wonders of life, nothing much surprises me anymore. I'm not one who ever felt an urge for marriage and kids though my whole family have that, I can't feel broody for humans, but can for reptiles especially when I hear a baby Crocodillian cry, that melts my heart. Awww it's beautiful you share, strangely enough I've always been a sharer too, I find it strange when my partner won't. Yes we are one. You sound like who I used to be when you say no longer an atheist, lol you see for over 10 years I held on to one day my partner will awaken, but now realise I should stop stressing he is who he is and will learn truth when his time comes anyway. What if it's not their path to awaken, to hold on to hope they will just stops us enjoying who we are I realise that now. Yes it would be more beautiful for us and easier on us our partners awakened but there is a very true saying to the believer no proof is needed, to the non believer, no proof is ever enough.

wolfmanthe1st 16-05-2014 12:01 AM

I forgot to mention that I also have bees. They seem to hover near me when I am outside watering the plants. I sense a curiousity on their part. In turn I mentally send to them what I call a "ball of love" which I surround them with. I was thinking of adding a bee colony because of the "bee colony collapse". I want to help the bees. That may be next year's project. I have also added worm cocoons to the garden. When I encounter bugs in the house I try to figure out how I can help them return to outside before my wife, kids, or our two Bengal cats try to kill them.

I have read that butterflies sometimes are angels.... after reading that I really take note about my thoughts and if I am receiving a message.

I have learned that before we incarnate we meet with our guides and come up lessons we want to learn in the next incarnation and develop a plan and those people we will meet in our lives. Much of what we do is to learn lessons and experience. The relationships we are in are because on person learns from the other or both people learn from each other. Relationships sometimes end when all the learning is done. Because we have so much to learn from each other most relationships do not end. It is unfortunate in the U.S. that people end relationships so easily if something does not go their way.

I love your saying at the end.

SpacePilot 17-05-2014 03:35 AM

wolfman has a great way to put it all.

My father was an atheist for I don't really know how long. All I can say is as a child, I asked him what happened when we died and he said "nothing. we just die". I was less than 8 years old and I understood he didn't understand or believe, so I just let him be. I figured it would be useless for me to discuss this with him and just went my way when it came to beliefs. Now he's going out with a reiki practitioner and sometimes amazed me with what he knows. There were a few steps in between, but at some point I just knew he wasn't an unbeliever anymore.

Lonely Dragon 17-05-2014 06:46 PM

I understand, I love bees too, as a child I shocked my parents by nursing 4 baby bumble bees , I took them out in my hands to the shrub they loved every morning then in a toy with stuffing out they would cuddle there at night. Bees are one of the most precious beings on this planet the world is not trouble without them, I think it's wonderful you want to help the bees, they love my lavender, California lilac, buddila shrub no idea if I spelt right can never recall exact spelling, all you need to know is its called the butterfly shrub. They loved one time I had Russian sage and they love mountain cornflower, my whole garden is a wildlife garden dedicated to wildlife. The ball of love you send to bees sounds so beautiful. Awww, I completely understand about you worried your family will harm the bugs I felt hurt each time my partner killed bugs around me, and hurt he killed a Hebe the bees loved because it got in the way of his car!. We have cats too and a dog, not the most nature loving of creatures but try for my sake lol. Wow butterflies can be angels that is beautiful. Strangely enough since I joined here, I've seen red baby dragonflies hover round me which was one of the first beings I mentioned here. It's interesting you mention we are here to learn lessons for certain time with who we are with, you see my lizard as a baby jumped on my partner as if she knew him, and I too felt comfortable like home with him, and that's why I decided to take on the relationship, then about over 10 years later I was a mess when my lizard daughter passed and it was like my partner and I broke apart from this, she brought us together, but then when she left us it tore us apart, so then months later after healing and realisation we missed each other got back again. The saying at the end is not mine but thank you.
Space Pilot wow that is amazing about your dad, thank you for sharing, I don't want to change who someone is but at same time it is truly rewarding being spiritual there's knowing reason to live more. Your dad for what ever reason a miracle has awakened I do hope more atheists awaken. It's been over 40 years for my partner though God only knows if he will ever be spiritually enlighten the universe does try to tell him, but he doesn't want to see I guess. Well if your dad can, perhaps their is hope for Wolfmanthe1st and I,s partners!

Lonely Dragon 17-05-2014 06:49 PM

The world IS in trouble without bees I meant, don't you just hate predictive text lol ;)

wolfmanthe1st 17-05-2014 07:53 PM

The bees love the lavender in our yard. Sometimes when I swimming in our pool which is right near the lavender I will watch about two dozen bees move among the lavender. Bees are truly special. They are one of the higher vibrational species on this planet. If they go then our planet's vibration will take a hit.

There was a book I read one time called "Awakening the Third Eye". One of the techniques in the book was to vibrate your throat by humming like a bee. In turn the vibration in the throat from the humming will cause the pineal gland to vibrate stimulating the awakening of the third eye.

SpacePilot 20-05-2014 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Lonely Dragon
Space Pilot wow that is amazing about your dad, thank you for sharing, I don't want to change who someone is but at same time it is truly rewarding being spiritual there's knowing reason to live more. Your dad for what ever reason a miracle has awakened I do hope more atheists awaken. It's been over 40 years for my partner though God only knows if he will ever be spiritually enlighten the universe does try to tell him, but he doesn't want to see I guess. Well if your dad can, perhaps their is hope for Wolfmanthe1st and I,s partners!

My father started showing different beliefs in his mid to late 40's. I saw the biggest difference when I was in his mid 50's. It's never too late.

Xenophilia 20-05-2014 07:31 AM

Lonely Dragon I understand what you're saying. I chose my picture for a reason :)

Lonely Dragon 20-05-2014 06:49 PM

They sure do love the Lavender, and it does not surprise me you understand the importance the bees are to this world, as you are a beautiful soul with deeper understanding than most. Thank you for sharing that throat vibration can induce 3rd eye, I must admit I am struggling to relax and listen to past lives regression, one who recently tried, recalled life as an Ant they were traumatised from the experience due to a human who used a magnifying glass to burn them to death. I am not sure if past life regression is safe for me,I know we had to hide from man a lot, it is indeed like Iron Maiden singer song Tears of a Dragon, I wonder could he have been dragon, may even know it, the lyrics where I was, I had wings but couldn't fly, reminds me of the fact it was too dangerous to fly in the air since most of man wanted us dead, then the other lyric where I was I had tears but couldn't cry, it portrays man did not see our misery, this song really got to me because it's like the singer really knew from the lyrics all we went through, even the lyric, I throw myself into the sea release the waves let them wash over me, that shows that water was the only safe place left at least for a while to hide from man, it is traumatic sensing your past but this song has so much truth in what happened to us how we felt, what else could we do, as horrific as past lives can be, this place is most certainly helpful to heal, due to other beings with similar understanding.
Space Pilot
I do wonder what changed your father but I'm truly happy for you and he now he is embracing spirituality. Your right indeed it is never too late, I guess since my partner is more stubborn than I've ever known he is a particular challenge for the universe to convince. Funny enough my partner really has a thing for Chinese Dragons I did not know this when we met when I saw his place Dragons were everywhere on the walls, he even has tattoos of chinese dragons his first oddly enough being a green one, i wonder could he not know he was my mate from past life, the universe was always trying to get through to me. I was especially drawn to a poster of a red dragon with wings, I sensed my mate was indeed red.
Thank you for sharing your understanding, it is reassuring to know I am not alone in my feelings, I'm sure their are many beings here who have been animals most have probably forgotten, due to human intervention usually being too traumatic. In my case I recently recall why chains would make me feel uncomfortable, I was chained round the neck then speared in the throat,man made me watch as they did this to my baby, before they killed me,even to type this upsets me but it explains why I feel a need to always protect my neck, with turtleneck jumpers, choker necklace anything hiding my neck which is particularly long. I have been trying to relax to past life regression to heal somehow from my trauma, but that is the problem I can not relax, I was very hyper as a child and as adult feel on constant alert. I used to have reiki abilities, I could feel energy and just by touching auras make others feel my energy. One time with my hands raised right above I could feel the aura of one's back and they could feel me without me touching them, it is actually more known as energy field therapy I was able to do, however due to the passing of my daughter my energy feels weaker it's like I'm barely here anymore. I know she wants me to try be happy I hope to one day relax enough to Astral Project to her who knows what the future holds.

wolfmanthe1st 20-05-2014 11:00 PM

Today I had a strong urge to buy bird food. I was running a little low. After buying the bird food at the grocery store I returned to the car and I saw a mother bird with about five little birds looking for food in the parking lot. You can imagine there is not much food in a parking lot. So I opened my bag of bird food and gave them two handfuls.

I believe that your past lives experiences probably is having an impact on your root chakra because of your experiencies where your survival was threatened. I would suggest Mula Bandha (sometimes spelled Moola Bandha and sometimes called Root Lock). It is considered a yoga technique. Like all the good stuff it frequently is buried in books. Mula Bandha does multiple things for you including helping to clear emotional issues. It is also one of the things on a menu of things to do for trying to awaken Kundalini. Here is a link discussing it.


I am sorry you have had such great difficulty in past lives. I have reason to believe in one or more past lives I was crucified or executed, including one life where I was burned at the stake.

I realize it is hard but part of our evolution involves clearing negative energy (trauma) from our four-body system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). I would also suggest the Violet Flame.

Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in me now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely.

Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness.

Transmute all karma, negative thoughts, actions, deeds and energy that I have ever created at any time, in all dimensions, on all levels, in all bodies, through all time and space, past, present and future, for all Eternity. Transmute anything and everything that stands in my way of embodying the Ascended Christ Being That I AM.

Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Golden Platinum Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails.

Send this Golden Platinum Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance. Raise my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time.

So Be It and So It Is. Thank You God. Amen


Try to think of thoughts of love. Release the thoughts relating to the past. To keep thinking of the past keeps the painful memories alive when they should be released.

You are loved. God bless you.

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