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CJ82Sky 18-06-2014 03:46 AM

recently i had a week long migraine bc i had a horse yank on me and pull my neck out of whack (old injury reaggravated). everything from the vision issues to blinding pain. it was awful. tried everything, percoset, muscle relaxers, rx anit-inflammatories. couldn't drive to get anywhere, had a friend drive me to chiro and then to massage and even that helped some but not completely.

talked to my massage therapist, and ordered Draper Therapies eye pillow and neck wrap in lavender, and i now keep them in the freezer and sleep with them almost every night. no migraines since!!!! love love love their stuff. their fabric helps increase circulation and steady circulation so that with the cold really helped balance the blood flow to my head which was causing the migraine.

i am in love with anything lavender scented, so also using lavender detergent, candles, etc., though idk how much all that helps with the migraines but it sure smells good.

i found out about Draper through a horse post (i own horses) and a rehab center that was using it on olympic horses, and contacted the company to find out more. since then (almost a year now) i've been using a ton of their stuff and actually have two of my horses in their leg wraps as they rehab from injuries, and they are on no bute at all (horse anti-inflammatory and pain killer like aspirin or advil for people), and i'm sitting here in my back brace by Draper because my new horse tossed me on Sat and my back is a mess. i was saying earlier the only good thing about this time is it's my lower back, so i don't have a migraine haha!

good luck - massage, Draper, lots of water, and chiro works for me!

CJ82Sky 19-06-2014 02:16 AM

And TENS! Using my TENS unit on my lower back right now (unrelated to migraines, but i use it on my back and shoulders and neck when they're bad as well).

joyfirst 19-07-2014 10:49 PM

Two herbs - Wood Betony tincture ( I buy them from Oregon company, Liberty Products-I think it is called this, they have large bottles, and their prices are much lower) and fresh Feverfew leaves (taste not that great (I eat French Sorrel after to kill the taste, one leaf a day.) This is not something you take in the middle of attack, you want to take them regularly to prevent them.

Badger1777 19-07-2014 11:32 PM

Rosemary oil is great for headaches and migraines. I massage it direct onto my forehead, temples, and just under my nose. Don't use it neat if you have any cardiac condition though.

I presume if this is a persistent problem you've been to see a doctor though? I don't wish to be alarmist but frequent migraines can be an indicator of underlying problems that need to be addressed.

Xiomara 16-08-2014 10:47 AM

Schuessler salt 7.magnesium phosphate,it can ease the pain almost immediately

FruitLoop 17-08-2014 09:30 PM

Doctors for a check up if you haven't been recently:

Rosemary, peppermint, lavender or grapefruit (grapefruit more for hangovers or fuzzy headaches where your head needs clearing. Peppermint lavender and rosemary, not necessarily all blended together, are very soothing for headaches if used as a compress).

Massage of the upper shoulders/neck/scalp if caused by tension.

Exercise - walking or yoga. Both clear the head, yoga is very relaxing and very much a mind-body workout.

Meditation can help if the headache is caused by a busy head and overwhelming thoughts.


Native spirit 22-08-2014 09:13 PM

:smile: If I had a headache asi was growing up my grandmother always cut a lime in half and rubbed it on our foreheads it worked too.thats one sujestion .


bhoyay7 12-05-2015 02:20 PM

a good daily intake of water will usually prevent headaches/migraines...i used to suffer from migraines myself for years, then realised that they were mostly triggered by being dehydrated...water certainly helped in my experience.

Golden Eagle 03-06-2015 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by spinnachie
I get horrible headaches and migraines, and I get them fairly often so I am constantly popping advil liquid gels as that seems to be the only thing that works so that I don't have to miss work (personally I think my job has a lot to do with the headaches, go fig!)
I was wondering if anyone has any herbal remedies for headaches so that I can stop relying on advil

Feverfew daily!

Relucent 03-06-2015 09:26 PM

Oxygenation. Super hydration.

Try it out for a week and you will notice results.

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