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Starman 10-09-2022 08:11 PM

Miss Hepburn, the idea of exit points is very intriguing. It says that we have an option to stay or go during predetermined exit points. I would also guess that we have only so many exit points before coming to our final exit point. Another question I have is could it be said that a baby that died took its’ first exit point?

Traveler & hazada guess, thank you for sharing. I vacillate on the issue of free-will verses predetermination, or fate. A person can have an unconscious death wish. They may live a high risk life because they don’t care if they die. There are people who continuously make themselves a target of close calls, and on a subconscious level they may wish they were dead. Is that free-will? I guess on a sub-conscious level it is still self-determination.

pixiedust, when I was a combat medic in Vietnam there were guys who would give me letters that they had written to their mother, wife, girlfriend, or other loved one. Lots of these guys knew in their heart when and how they were going to die. They had a dream about it, a vision, or just a very strong feeling about their impending death.

Some would describe their death, how and when, in great detail, and in the end the way they described it was the way they actually died. This began my thinking that no one dies until it is time for them to die. Now as far as the mode of death, I can not bring myself to believe that a female who is raped and murdered was meant to die that way.

Kris, I feel like karma is compatible with fate or predetermination. Karma and reincarnation go hand in hand, and what goes around is predetermined to come around. If I have very little unfinished business here on Earth then maybe my life span would be shorter then if I had a lot of karma to work off. Karma is basically action and it is said we can not escape our actions. But I do think you for sharing a different opinion.

Summary: when I was an ambulance EMT paramedic we would take a dead body from the scene of death to the county morgue. A couple of times I witnessed people who had been put in the morgue wake up after being pronounced dead. They had fantastical stories about hovering above and watching themselves die, but were sent back often by a being radiating incredible love and light, that being would tell them “it is not your time yet.”

Thank you all for playing….:hug3:

Miss Hepburn 10-09-2022 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Starman
... I would also guess that we have only so many exit points before coming to our final exit point.
Another question I have is could it be said that a baby that died took its’ first exit point?

Oh, most certainly. Just as my sweet cousin and dear friend
both in their 20's took their Exit points ... - (Blood is symbolic of spirit)
They developed Lukemia and that was 'their way' for their spirit to withdraw from here.

Now - Why? Could have been for any number of reasons.

Little story: A woman spent a life in grief and mourning only.
SO, 2 friends over hear that she is planning to come back again to 'work on this very thing'....they say,
"We are coming back, shortly, too!!!...maybe we can work out combining our goals!!"
They both say their plan includes leaving here early...

SO...they all come back...one she is engaged to ...the other is her son.
He fiance dies in a scuba diving accident....her son dies at 16.
And you know what? She learned to deal with it...and not waste her life in mourning.
It was all of their free wills! To come here to exp what they did. Ha!
Could they have changed it...I think many do!

A story of Rob Schwartz' ...who traveled the world for 3 psychics, mediums to help him in his work. "Our Soul's Gift'...might be in that book.

*To give you a better idea...there are so many scenarios we have coming back here!
Very exciting ...since we have forever to work things out and grow. :hug3:


Now as far as the mode of death, I can not bring myself to believe that a female who is raped and murdered was meant to die that way.
Say that person was a marauding Mongolian slashing villagers from his horse, raping and so on...so it may have taken
him 100s of years on the Other Side to wake up, come to terms with this behavior.
And say he does...
so, it is planned out, with counsel...he is to come back and experience this very thing.
It's a process...a loving process of growth, my friend.
And one of the reasons it is said ...never judge.
Why? Because nothing is as it seems!

Miss Hepburn 10-09-2022 10:30 PM

Sometimes it is thought we have 'karma' to work off.

Maybe we want to learn to bring our transcendental knowledge to this 3rd dimension...that's all. :hug3:
Learn here how we can use our thought and powers in this place...
bring our quantum ideas 'here'...bring the ability to walk on water
and heal thru spirit 'here' ...to wake others up!
We dunno why we come back exactly...but we can! :wink:

pixiedust 10-09-2022 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Starman
pixiedust, when I was a combat medic in Vietnam there were guys who would give me letters that they had written to their mother, wife, girlfriend, or other loved one. Lots of these guys knew in their heart when and how they were going to die. They had a dream about it, a vision, or just a very strong feeling about their impending death.
Thank you all for playing….:hug3:


As you might sense, I don't know the answer to your questions but I'll participate in late fashion.

We know everything all the time but our access to this knowing is typically limited, confined, restricted.

We sense and we feel. And in that feeling perhaps it can come to us what will happen.

I'm aware there are people who, like the Buddha, came to know the secrets. But I would only presuppose to this level.



Native spirit 10-09-2022 10:42 PM

I believe we go when it is our time to go.
I know when i will go and how. I have always known it


Starman 10-09-2022 11:16 PM

Miss Hepburn, I totally agree that nothing is as it seems, and as is taught in Taoism, “nothing in the universe is what we call it here on Earth.” I also agree that it is a loving process, but one also might say we are the author of our own pain, when holding the perspective of karmic retribution. Although it may not be retribution at all, rather it just might be lessons and learning.

I think it is necessary for people to take responsibility for their actions, and I further agree that we should not judge because we really don’t know the relationship that individual people have with the universe. As you know Miss Hepburn, I have shared here many times how I lost my eyesight during the Vietnam War and was totally blind for about 5-years.

I have often pondered why I had to experience blindness in this lifetime and amazingly get my eyesight back after that period of blindness. I don’t necessarily feel it was my karma, although I do accept that my going blind, besides being in a war zone where injuries and death was taking place on a large scale continuously, was more about me learning in this lifetime how to see.

As I have posted many times in this forum, we look with our eyes but we see with our awareness. Going blind was a death-like experience for me, and I accept that I had to lose my eyesight in order to learn how to see. Like the example you gave of a possible Mongolian raider raping and killing; lessons take place in many shapes and forms. I also liked that story about the woman who was mourning.

pixiedust, It is my experience that absolutely all of us have all the knowledge that we will ever need right inside of us. The source of all is right inside of us. In my opinion, we live in God and God lives in us. Now accessing the knowledge of God that’s another thing.

We are orientated towards this world and that can get in the way. Life as a human being is a balancing act. That you say you don’t know, well that is the beginning of wisdom; to know that you don’t know. Humility is very important on my spiritual path and I do not want my knowledge to become arrogant. If anything I desire to be an empty vessel channeling knowledge that flows through me but not from me, at least not from my mind.

A teacher needs students to be a teacher, the teacher is not greater than the students nor the students lesser than the teacher. Teachers and students are a mutual symbiotic relationship. If I lift you up I do the same to myself and if I put you down I do the same to me. There are no secrets; it is just a matter of waking up to what is and has always been.

Native spirit, thank you for your comment.:smile:

pixiedust 10-09-2022 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Starman
In my opinion, we live in God and God lives in us. Now accessing the knowledge of God that’s another thing.

... If anything I desire to be an empty vessel channeling knowledge that flows through me but not from me, at least not from my mind.

... There are no secrets; it is just a matter of waking up to what is and has always been.

Starman, your comments are very touching to me, particularly those above.

Thank you. Do you remember that you once gifted a reading? I read it only again very recently. Thank you.

Above, you said: 'We are orientated towards this world and that can get in the way. Life as a human being is a balancing act.'

It is a long road for some of us.


pixiedust :hug:

pixiedust 10-09-2022 11:44 PM


May I ask if you hear silence all the time?

I'd like to.


Starman 11-09-2022 12:35 AM

pixiedust, “Knock and the door will be opened, ask and it will be given unto you.” Your wanting to is like knocking. You are going to make it, whatever that might mean. I fully embrace that all things come from God and all things must return to God. I might add “eventually” return to God, but time is an illusion kept in play by space, or distance.

Whether something seems a long time or a short time is all in our mind. The lesson with time is patience, said to be a virtue. There is but one eternal moment, everything, night, day, years or centuries, etc., are all happening in one eternal moment, and if a person goes deep enough into meditation they can experience that eternal moment.

I have been doing quiet meditation for more than 45-years, learned how to meditate back in the 1970’s. I still do meditation today, most of the time twice a day. The best time to meditate is just after you have awaken from sleep, before your mind kicks in. When I am posting here in a forum like this, I endeavor to remain quiet inside and put words to what I am feeling that is flowing inside as related to a topic. It is very intuitive.

Although, I still trip over my own feet, as occasionally my human-ness, more correctly my mind, does get in the way. I am retired so I have a lot of time on my hands and can design my life to be conducive for my spiritual development. I have a travel trailer and go camping just about every month. Nature is my church, and while I think nature is majestic and beautiful, it can also be dangerous and I must respect it.

Also I give myself permission to make mistakes, as long as those mistakes are not irreparable; lessons come from our failures as well as our successes. Spirit is definitely taking care of me and I believe that it is taking care of everyone. God is always with us but we are not always with God. Regardless, don’t beat yourself up over it. What you have now will help you better appreciate the greater gifts down the road.


pixiedust 11-09-2022 04:16 AM

:hug3: :hug2: :love1:


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