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-   -   Are we afraid of the dark or too much in love with the light?? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=73718)

nhrob 25-08-2014 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by silent whisper
I am more curious why you see it this way.

Obviously from your view your seeing the imbalance..but if you look closer there is no separation even if you perceive it as such....so the fear is just fear in my view. The darkness and light is just your idea of experiences, placed over what people feel and deal with.

Light and dark cannot be separated...I thought I read you saying that.

Thank you silent whisper. I am curious as to why see my view as imbalance. My reason for post was to share my feelings on how I see the world react to the darkness. My perception of what is dark is the negative(-) and the light the positive(+), Its is difficult to understand it still myself but I will try to explain. The negative is one and the positive is one and we can say that they are still just one as they fit side by side in harmony with each other as one. If so where do we fit in I am most definably not all positive nor( I hope )all negative, for me I am both and here also I am one for I am between and part of both. From here I can see what you mean by no separation.
We are trying to understand ourselves thought the mind that that sits above us but not in charge of us. The heart are feelings the mind are thoughts and we are trying so hard to entwine them both with love though experiences. Our perspective on life is as important as we wish it be and we can dumb it down or shout it out. Either way if love touches anything we do intentionally or unintentionally there can only be one outcome . I cannot tell you whether light and dark is real or just an experience for everything thing is conjecture but it is where I know and feel love and that for me means that love makes everything real because it give it real meaning.

nhrob 25-08-2014 11:24 PM

[quote=Tanemon]nhrob, just wondering about your OP: is it physical darkness (versus light) that you're posting about, or spiritual darkness and light?

Thank you Tanemon. I feel that both could be the same and were ever we stand the opposite will be, whether this is within or without(around us). Are spiritual darkness drawn towards are spiritual light and our physical light drawn towards our own darkness. I do not see anything that versus something, only that that sit beside something and which pulls or pushes in harmony so is one. This is the natural law and in us it is called cause and effect this is not versus but a learning process on are road of discovery.

I hope that I understood your question if not be disregard all of the above. :-)

nhrob 25-08-2014 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Rah nam
The light and the dark, or STO and STS are simply two different path we can choose. And both lead to the same, or same level of development.
This planet is destined to follow the light, and with this following the light is the easier path, not the better one. There is no better one anyway.
What ever path we choose, at some point we need to, not just understand but fully embrace the opposite path in order to progress. But for the majority that lays far away. Nothing they have to worry about at present.
For all on this planet, following the path of the light or STO is the logical choice.

Sit and view or sit and feel
Love has intrigued us and infused us
We must care ,but care for ourselves first
We must love ,but love ourselves first
Service to others must be to care
Service to ourselves must be a given.

innerlight 25-08-2014 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit

have you ever tried standing in your house in the dark no lights on you will find that you feel more and hear more your other senses become more prominent.


The eyes are powerful perceptors and are always fighting for control of your awareness. When you have your eyes open to your surroundings you are all over the place with your awareness trying to soak it all in... When you close your eyes, the rest of your senses have a chance to start to play catch up so to speak. It's why those that are blind or become blind, have stronger other senses. They are allowed to shine without the eyes.

nhrob 25-08-2014 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by TaoSandwich
Personally, I like to think of darkness as starting again anew, the unblemished, prepared soil that the tree will grow upon and light as the tree. Darkness tends to be associated with things that are unformed, uncertain, destruction (if there are weeds growing in a field, they must be plucked before trees are planted), contemplation/meditation and that which is hidden (like seeds in the ground). Light, on the other hand is order, spiritual illumination, creation, knowledge, action and that which is visible/comprehensible.

Using these definitions (and remember, different people use the same words to mean different things... I just find this definition less confusing and helpful at distinguishing good+evil from simple forces of nature, but more on that later) both light and darkness are necessary for a person, a society or a spiritual community to flourish. Yes, we fear the darkness, because that which is hidden requires us to let go, have faith, perhaps tear down thoughts or structures that we were comfortable with and begin again anew, whereas light is more certain and clear. However, by this definition, both are necessary. Without light, darkness is stagnant. without darkness, light is misguided and pathologic.

I hold in a separate category, the question of "good vs evil". Where one can define good as "promoting light where light is needed and darkness where darkness is needed" and evil as "promoting darkness where light is needed" and vice versa. In that sense, it is not necessarily true that "in order for good to exist, evil must exist as well", since good is simply the natural and the evil is simply "that which isn't in accord with nature". Just like the universe tends towards entropy and isn't NECESSARILY some cosmic struggle between entropy and anti-entropy, so can good exist without an equal proportion of evil.

I'll conclude with a final analogy: If one uses the darkness to rest and the light to act, this is good. If one uses the darkness to act and the light to rest, this is disordered.

Best Wishes,

Thank you TaoSandwich for a beautiful post.

Rah nam 26-08-2014 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by nhrob
Sit and view or sit and feel
Love has intrigued us and infused us
We must care ,but care for ourselves first
We must love ,but love ourselves first
Service to others must be to care
Service to ourselves must be a given.

You don't seam to understand the path of service to self and or service to other. Perhaps study the Law of One.
It has nothing or very little to do with the love to oneself.
Service to self has all to do with control, to control others to the point where you control everything, to the point where you become everything. Where you become all that is, this is the ultimate goal of someone on the path to STS.

Greenslade 26-08-2014 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by nhrob
But what of the dark how can something that is just the opposite be so confusing so feared to the point of total rejection.

That's what makes it dark.

silent whisper 26-08-2014 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by nhrob
Thank you silent whisper. I am curious as to why see my view as imbalance. My reason for post was to share my feelings on how I see the world react to the darkness. My perception of what is dark is the negative(-) and the light the positive(+), Its is difficult to understand it still myself but I will try to explain. The negative is one and the positive is one and we can say that they are still just one as they fit side by side in harmony with each other as one. If so where do we fit in I am most definably not all positive nor( I hope )all negative, for me I am both and here also I am one for I am between and part of both. From here I can see what you mean by no separation.

Yes I understand you were expressing the view of what you see in the world that people reject the dark and embrace the light. Most people can only know what they know till they know more. Some might call that ignorance or even perceive that they are taking a preference and it may well be at times, but sometimes it is just how far people are on their journey of learning and growth...they are unfolding through experiences that are ongoing...

Either way if love touches anything we do intentionally or unintentionally there can only be one outcome.

What is that outcome?

Sometimes people love in pain, what outcome can emerge from this space?

I cannot tell you whether light and dark is real or just an experience for everything thing is conjecture but it is where I know and feel love and that for me means that love makes everything real because it give it real meaning.


Greenslade 26-08-2014 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by nhrob
What is the difference between the two and why do we hold one in such high esteem.

The lack of light in people's beliefs. People fear the dark because still buried somewhere in our genes is the survival code we needed when we were prey animals for sabre tooth tigers and the like. But if there is nothing that isn't Spirit and Spirit is the light?

nhrob 26-08-2014 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
The lack of light in people's beliefs. People fear the dark because still buried somewhere in our genes is the survival code we needed when we were prey animals for sabre tooth tigers and the like. But if there is nothing that isn't Spirit and Spirit is the light?

Thank you Greenslade for me I feel this is closer to the truth.

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