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bobjob 18-10-2021 05:55 PM

I expect psychic sensitivity to discarnates must be very rewarding? But it's still not mediumship..... blessings

briam 22-10-2021 06:26 PM

cigerette smoke

Originally Posted by Jillity
That's interesting. I don't see the spirits, I feel their presence and it's unmistakable. Sometimes I smell something like tobacco or perfume.

Ive been getting that a lot in my living room and bedroom, i dont smoke and theres nobody there except me i suppose it could be the neighbours next door but its very strong and the last time i smelt it was coming down the motorway in my company van at 70mph another time it was a very strong smell of shoe or boot polish and its not my self im not zeleous could have been one of my uncles two of them served in the army plus my trained in the reserve army

briam 29-10-2021 09:20 PM

Yes there little wisps of air whizzing round your more sensative extremities when there s no other external source to cause it just keep the mind still and observe and notice whats going on around your body

bobjob 29-10-2021 09:33 PM

I have often picked up the smell of smoke in our home, as has my wife, where neither of us has smoked in over 40 years. Others may experience different and more vivid phenomena.

By itself my experience doesn't make me a medium and by themselves theirs don't make the others mediums either.

briam 29-10-2021 09:34 PM

The only other way i know there present is that i get a cold sensation runing up my right leg from foot upwards i have no physical problems had my heart checked a couple of years ago all chambers are clear so i know its not that the best experience i had or one of them was when i was starting to wake early one sat morning i felt something come into my head the top part it felt fantastically tranquil and happy it kept nudging me as if to say get out oif bed sleepy head later on that morning i discovered one of our friends had been found dead to my excitement i spurted it to my other friend but he did not understand my excitment and explanation because he does not beleave in spirit

bobjob 29-10-2021 09:37 PM

Big John will be able to help you.

briam 29-10-2021 09:43 PM

its very exciting when spirit comes a calling but we have to keep the ego at bay as not to let the ego take over or it will spoil the visit i live in a sixty year old flat not like the house i used to live which was a lot older then my flat there definte spiritual activity there it had a cellar were the coalman would dropm his coal delivery smelt quite damp and mouldy but as a kid you like nto get up to alsorts of mischief creating mayhem in the cellar

BigJohn 29-10-2021 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by briam
The only other way i know there present is that i get a cold sensation runing up my right leg from foot upwards i have no physical problems had my heart checked a couple of years ago all chambers are clear so i know its not that the best experience i had or one of them was when i was starting to wake early one sat morning i felt something come into my head the top part it felt fantastically tranquil and happy it kept nudging me as if to say get out oif bed sleepy head later on that morning i discovered one of our friends had been found dead to my excitement i spurted it to my other friend but he did not understand my excitment and explanation because he does not beleave in spirit

I had a similar experience when the Iraqi War began. In my case, I was dreeaming and was forced to lay down, face down in a spread Eagle fashion. It was hot and I was sweating. Then I felt the barrel of a gun put to my head. Being it was only a dream, I let it cotinued. Finally the heat and sweat got to me. So I woke up only to find myself laying face down, in my bed, in a spread Eagle fashion soaked in sweat! Later, I discovered the War had begun.

It as if I was living another person's life.

As for you, look for more clues and ways you might be able to make contact. If you can't make contact verbally, why not try something simple like a pendulum.

dream jo 07-11-2021 01:54 PM

I know the other day when I was and I was at the cemetery I saw spirit me somebody's grave by Dead I saw three young girls sitting on the grass that someone headstone was and I turned around they're gone but I know I saw spirit

briam 15-11-2021 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
I had a similar experience when the Iraqi War began. In my case, I was dreeaming and was forced to lay down, face down in a spread Eagle fashion. It was hot and I was sweating. Then I felt the barrel of a gun put to my head. Being it was only a dream, I let it cotinued. Finally the heat and sweat got to me. So I woke up only to find myself laying face down, in my bed, in a spread Eagle fashion soaked in sweat! Later, I discovered the War had begun.

It as if I was living another person's life.

As for you, look for more clues and ways you might be able to make contact. If you can't make contact verbally, why not try something simple like a pendulum.

Thats very interesting big john i cannot remember know when it was some war erupted in the east it was two or three months before it started but i was suddenly dreaming about big oil tanks been blown up this happened several times all i could see was devastation it seemed so real in the dream more vivid to me it was like i was suddenly thrust into the dream place from another dream state i never thought anything else about till it came to see iton the news one day i just was just staring in amazement

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