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Ghaleon 26-08-2021 03:59 AM

These posts are opinion and personal conclusions- Miss Hepburn
The First Adam
Before Adam of light (Christ) withdrew into the chaos the authorities had witnessed those whom were not only more powerful than they were knew he was not the only God and they laughed at the Chief Creator because he had lied when he told them "I am God and there is no other God but me" and they said that he is not the highest God. He said yes but if you wish he not be able to ruin our work, come let us create a human being from the Earth according to the image of our body and according to the likeness of this being so that when he sees his likeness he will be enamored in it and then he will no longer be able to ruin our work, then we will make those born from the light our servants through all the time of this age.

Sophia, Christ and Ninurta had anticipated that the authorities would create they're own version of humans in ignorance and they laughed at the Chief Creator and The Authorities. See Sophia had created her human first and so the plan was to have the spirited humans enter the fashioned bodies of The Authorities and condemn them on the account of they're fashioned bodies and the fashioned bodies would be fences for the light!

Adam and Eve[/b]
Sophia sent Zoe, her daughter, who is called "Eve," as an instructor in order that she might raise up Adam whom at the time still didn't have a soul/spirit. When Eve saw her companion, who was so much like her, in his cast down condition she pitied him, and she exclaimed: "Adam, live! Rise up upon the earth!" Immediately her words produced a result for when Adam rose up, right away he opened his eyes. When he saw her, he said: "You will be called 'mother of the living', because you are the one who gave me life."

When Adam had went to sleep, the chief creator and his archons whispered, ""Let us teach him in his sleep as though she (Eve) came to be from his rib so that the woman will serve and he will be lord over her."

[On the origins of The World]

The creation of Paradise
Then justice (Saboath aka Ninurta) created paradise which existed between the 7th and the 8th Heaven. The tree of Life is in the north of paradise in order to give to the immortal ones who had come out of the fashioned bodies of poverty in the Consummation of The Age. The tree of knowledge and the tree of life were in the north of paradise to rise up the souls to the stupor of the demons so that when they might come to the tree of life and eat its fruit and they might condemn the Authorites of Chaos and they're angels. The effect of this tree is described in the holy book as follows;
"You are the tree of knowledge which is in paradise from which the first man ate and which opened his mind so that he loved his female partner and condemn other alien likenesses and loathed them.

Ghaleon 26-08-2021 04:41 AM

The Nag Hammadi texts

Ghaleon 26-08-2021 04:41 AM

The human soul group was being informed by Saboath (Prince En.lil Jr aka Ninurta) and Christ that the human soul group were to enter the fashioned bodies of the authorities and through his (Christ) voice he said: Go, multiply and flourish to rule over all the creatures" and these are the ones taken captive by the chief creator according to their destinies and thus they were locked into the fashioned bodies until The Consummation of The Age!

Adam & Eve and The Garden of Eden
The Archons timidly approached Adam & Eve and said from every fruit of every tree created for you may be eaten but beware, don't eat from the tree of knowledge for if you eat from it you will die. After they gave them a great fright they withdrew up to they're realms. Then came the one who was wiser than all creatures who is called the beast. He came and said to her "What is it that God has told you"? "Don't eat from the tree of knowledge"?
Eve replied "He said not only to not eat from the tree but also don't touch it, lest you die" He said to her don't be afraid for you certainly will not die, for he knows that when you eat from it your mind will be sobered and you will become like the Gods and know the difference between good from evil people, for he has said this to you because he is jealous so that you may not eat from it!
Now Eve believed the word of the instructor and she ate some then gave to her husband and he ate too for when they ate, they're minds opened and the light of knowledge shown for them. When they put on shame they knew that they were naked in regards to knowledge. When they sobered up they knew they were naked and they became enamored of one another. When they saw that they're makers had beastly forms, they loathed them, they understood a great deal.

Then when the Rulers knew that Adam had transgressed their commandment they came to Adam & Eve in the form of an earthquake and a great threat to to see the result of the help they were given. Then Adam & Eve were very much disturbed and hid under the tree in paradise. The rulers did not know where they were and said "Adam where are you"? He said i am here but because of the fear of you i hid after i became ashamed, but they said to him in ignorance "Who was the one who instructed you to the shame you had put on unless you ate from the tree"? He said the woman you have gave me, she was the one who instructed me and i ate" Then they said to the woman 'What is this you have done"? She answered and said the instructor was the one who incited me so i ate. Then the Rulers came to the instructor and they're eyes were blinded by him so they were not able to do anything to him. They merely cursed him since they were powerless. Afterward they came to the woman and they cursed her and her offspring. After the woman they cursed Adam and the fruit and the Earth because of him, and everything they created they cursed, there is no blessing from them, good cannot come from evil!

[On the Origins of The World]

Ghaleon 03-09-2021 04:18 PM

Yaldaboath retaliates by creating death

When the chief creator of chaos saw his son Saboath in at the glory in which he dwells is more exquisite than the authority of chaos he was jealous of him, and when he was angry he conceived death from his own death. It was set up over the 6th Heaven. Saboath had been snatched away from there and thus the number of the six authorities of chaos were completed. Then since death was androgynous he mixed with his nature and conceived seven androgynous children, these are the names of the males; envy, wrath, weeping, sighing, mourning, lamenting, tearful groaning, and these are the names of the females; wrath, grief, lust, sighing, cursing, bitterness, quarrelsomeness. They had intercourse with one another and each one conceived seven, so that the children totaled forty-nine androgynous demons. They're names and they're functions you will find in the book of Solomon. In the presence of these, Zoe who dwells with Saboath created seven androgynous powers, these are the names of the males;
not jealous, blessed, joyful, true, not envious, beloved, trustworthy, and these are the names of the females;
peace, gladness, rejoicing, blessedness, truth, love and faith and many good and guideless spirits came from these. They accomplishments and they're functions you will find in the configurations in the fate of Heaven beneath the 12th.

{On the Origins of The World}

GlitterRose 04-09-2021 01:12 AM

There's also lore about Nephilim that is interesting.

At any rate, not such a nice being that would want to destroy so much.

Certainly, not something to worship.

Good on you sharing gnosis.org. Great site.

Ghaleon 04-09-2021 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by GlitterRose
Post #16

He (Yaldaboath) is of a dual nature, he is good "and evil! He doesn't seem to be redeeming himself at this time. I believe that the first archetypal Gods and Goddesses in the patheon of Gods never wanted worship because it served him or her no purpose and was like giving ones own power away and that is rightfully the person who is doing the worshipping. In turn the energy via the worship, symbolism and followers is then directed, collected and taken in by the Deity who takes on all this energy happily. A long time ago The Authorities/Archons gave they're power away to us, they're own genetically manipulated creation. The manipulation of our species indeed continues in the astral.

Ghaleon 04-09-2021 06:43 AM

Adam in Paradise

Since that day the seven rulers have formed humankind with his body like they're body but his likeness is like the human that had appeared to them in the upper region. His fashioned body came into being one part at a time and they're chief created a brain and a nervous system, afterward the person appeared like the one before him. He became a person with soul and he was called Adam, that is father after the name of the one who is before him. Now after Adam was made he left him as a lifeless vessel since he had taken form like an aborted fetus with no spirit in him. Regarding this when the chief ruler remembered the word of Pistis, he was afraid that the true human might come into his fashioned body and rule over it. Because of this he left his fashioned body forty days without soul and he withdrew and left him, but on the fortieth day Sophia (Zoe) sent her breath into Adam who was without soul. He could move around the Earth but could not fully stand up. Now when the Seven Rulers came and saw him they were very much disturbed. They walked up to him and seized him and the chief ruler said to him, "the breath within you, who are you and whence you came"? Adam answered and said "I came through the power of the human for the destruction of your work!"

When they heard, they glorified him because he gave them rest from they're fear and concern. Then they called that day the day of rest because they rest themselves from they're troubles and when they saw Adam could not stand up they rejoiced. They celebrated, left him in paradise and withdrew up to they're Heaven.

{On the Origins of The World}

Miss Hepburn 04-09-2021 09:49 AM

Please read the Copy and Paste Rules under FAQ.

Ghaleon 09-09-2021 01:18 AM

Since that day The Authorities knew that truly, something was stronger than they. They would not know and accept that they're commandment was broken. They brought a great envy into the world only because of the immortal human! Now when the Rulers had saw that they're Adam had acquired a different knowledge they wanted to test him. They gathered all the domestic animals and wild beast on the Earth and the birds of Heaven and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. When he saw them he gave names to the creatures. They were troubled because Adam had sobered up all from ignorance, they gathered together and took council and said; look Adam has become like one of us so that he understands the difference between light and darkness. Now perhaps he will be deceived as with The Tree of Knowledge and will come to the Tree of Life and eat from it and become immortal and rule and condemn us and regard us in all our glorious falling, and then he will pass judgment on us and the world. Come, lets cast him out of paradise down to the earth, the place from which he was taken so he will no longer be able to know anything better than we can and so they cast Adam and his wife out of paradise and what they had done had not satisfied them, rather they were still afraid. They came to the Tree of Life and they set great terrors around it, fiery living beings called cherubim and they left a flaming sword in the midst, turning continually with a great terror so that no one among earthly beings might ever enter that place.

After these things when the Rulers had become jealous of Adam they wanted to diminish the human lifetime but they were unable because of fate which was established from the beginning, for their lifetimes were determined for each of the people, 1000 years according to the circuit of luminaries, but all the Rulers could do, each of the evil doers took away 10 years so all of the remaining time amounts to 930 years and these are all spent in grief and weakness and in evil distraction. Thus life has gone from that day until The Consummation of The Age.

Ghaleon 17-09-2021 06:07 PM

Summary and conclusions thus far:

At the time when the first Adam was created in the second Atlantis in the Garden of Eden which was a "copy" of the original Garden Of Eden in the First Atlantis (where the lion slept with the lamb) that existed between the 7th and 8th Heaven on Tiamaat (Home to the first humans) up to the end of the line of generations of humans with Noah, the spirited humans were still not awake. En.ki/Yaldaboath and his team of scientist within that time had created a number of different monsters and creatures that they took no responsibility for but also they wanted to corrupt the pure bloodline of the spirited humans so that they would have full control of them and subsequently over matter. Sophia wanted to keep the spirited bloodlines pure and separate from the Cain bloodlines because if the bloodlines were to be mixed than the humans would be even more ignorant and even harder to wake up. She also wanted to keep it pure so that when the time was right, Christ would be able to funnel his spirit into a physical incarnation to deliver his message to humanity and give them gnosis.

Then he (En.ki/Lucifer) sent his angels unto the daughters of man ie Yaldaboath (The Father of modern day humans) wanted to corrupt the bloodline of the spirited humans so they The Authorities created the artificial soul and had they're kind envelope these and seduce & have intercourse with Earth woman.

Eventually En.ki had come to regret his creations so he repented.

"And he [Yaldaboath] caused a flood and he destroyed your race, to take the light and to take away from the faith"

The Paraphrase of Shem

Christ, the emanation from the pronoia in the 8th Heaven and Yeshua (Prince En.lil Jr/Saboath aka Ninurta) descended to wake the spirited humans up to they're true spiritual selves. They brought with them The Vegans (possibly from the constellation Lyra) and Vulcans. Humanity at that time was just as ignorant as can be and the task to wake them up was harder. Because En.ki had chose to create a Flood and destroy his own creations, he could not be redeemed at that particular time and time was running out. They then approached the spirited humans and this triggered The Titanmonchy in Greek mythology aka The War of The Titans 13,000 years ago. At the climax of the inferno that was occurring Christ, Ninurta and the remaining Vegans and Vulcans along with some spirited humans that were "lifted up" fled through the stargate of Saturn (The 7th Heaven) and it was closed behind them. Since that day the stargate has been guarded from both sides.

In the moments of the catastrophe, a part of Tiamaat/Earth flew closer to the sun while the remainder became the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Sophia then blew her breath and bounded En.ki to Tautarus or the Underworld. In Enuma Elish it says that En.ki took a chunk of Tiamaat and created the New Earth which most likely is metaphoric for him creating the current construct.

Now we live on a much denser version of Earth and this is why humans in the antediluivian time lived 930 years on average, it was because they lived on a less physical version of Earth and its also why we can see petrification all around the world. At least certain parts of the planet were kept intact and this is why we may have either visually in person or through research come across mountains and other landscapes that look like giant faces, faces in shock etc. Giants could be housed more suitably at that time just as well because the planet was bigger in itself.

After the Deluge the planet was seeded with the new RNA and DNA but also with a corrupted mind and artificial spirit. The genuine souls of humans that have sparks of the divine (spirit) within them thus continued on in the current construct and that would be us the spirited humans in the general population. Homo sapiens sapiens (The Thinking Man) was thus created in a similar manner as Homo Sapiens but with some slight improvements and with the Amnesia thicker this time, the spirited genuine population would have a harder time waking up to who we are, where we come from and where we are going. However the spirited bloodline was kept pure from the Rulers of chaos so that Christ was able to funnel his powerful spirit through Jesus, the man of flesh 2000 years ago where he descended once again from The Aeon Christ to the Christ emanated in the 8th Heaven down to the spirited, souled man of flesh to give humanity gnosis and to teach us how to "transcend" this realm (The Patrix or the realm of The Demiurge) He never wanted worship because it thought it served no benefit to him and he never wanted to "save" anyone. Rightfully so because im convicted that we are our own saviors and each individual is responsible for saving his or her own self.
The current bloodline in the general population is the Shem/Jesus bloodline. This is also a metaphor for the Seth bloodline which is the bloodline kept pure and uncorrupted by the Rulers.

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