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Unseeking Seeker 12-02-2022 11:50 AM

Recognising the path

This play of attraction and repulsion
plays out within the realm of space and time
wherein free will may choose resonation
with vibrations of divine love sublime

Slowed down vibrations in our waking state
enable us to calibrate our heart
that by abiding in stillness sedate
we recognise all are one, none apart

Fixating attention in the vast void
we relinquish control by surrender
throbbing with rapture, by bliss currents buoyed
beholding our soul ascent in wonder

Thought rested, love suffused silence the way
Through day and night, to rhythm of God sway


Unseeking Seeker 15-02-2022 01:24 AM

The precipice of the unknown

Looking toward skies, feet on ground
Fears and desires, twirl us around
Although soul seeks God’s love and light
Patterns of habit, hold us bound

Scriptures speak of spherical sight
Bliss in permanence, day and night
Ours for asking, if our thoughts die
Ego death contracts heart in fright

Clinging to life’s the reason why
We attempt not to wingless fly
How may we dissolve in the stream
Fear of unknown, makes our heart sigh

We’re told that this life but a dream
Within us in-dwells God supreme
Die to be reborn is the clue
Counsel unheeded, since fears scream

Within our form, flows life force dew
Bliss nectar; truth known to but few
Cognised in stillness, if heart pure
Melding therein, blessings accrue

Ego warns ‘how can we be sure?’
Thus trauma bonding, pain endure
In dark dungeons of delusion
Even though conscience does censure

Brave souls who exit illusion
Put an end to all confusion
Fusing head with heart, love aligned
Bringing about divine fusion

Playing life role, in as assigned
In timeless time, clear truth’s divined
That ego shorn, we are twice born
Free from transient attachment’s bind

Hark oh hermit, to God’s love horn
Too long in darkness, we’ve lived on
Time’s now to see God face to face
Let Christ consciousness, soul adorn


Unseeking Seeker 17-02-2022 03:32 AM

Bliss continuum

Bliss enlivened stillness, poised in the void,
holds still love animated attention,
with innate vibrancy, thus overjoyed,
cognisant of enlivened elation,
feeling and distilling each vibration,
infusing therein souls lucid intent,
to imbibe and amplify the current,
becoming thus, a beacon of pure light,
with universe conspiring in consent,
teleporting presence to zenith height.


Unseeking Seeker 19-02-2022 03:19 AM

Illusion of death

of death
all other fears,
since we’re mistaken
that we’ll be extinguished
upon what we term as death.
The truth that we are soul is veiled,
therefore we seek to enhance pleasure,
seeking to make permanent, the transient.

Near death cases listed are now common,
leaving no doubt that our life goes on
even though our feeble form dies,
signalling that we are soul,
for a sojourn on earth,
in this mind-body
to learn by touch
throb of life,

we know
we are soul,
on earth to learn,
our perspective shifts;
fear of death fades away,
boundaries blur, we ascend,
energised by the bliss current,
transcending limitations of form,
that God’s will be done here, as in heaven.

Unseeking Seeker 21-02-2022 02:51 AM

Pratyabhijna or Recognition

Unfocused gaze rests in vast space
Made possible by divine grace
Propelled by mind and senses five
Flowing thus, at an easy paces

Breathed by God’s love, we are alive
Soma nectar brightens heart hive
Gripping us in boundless rapture
Dormant nodes begin to revive

Vibrant bliss mind cannot capture
Makes erect now, our soul stature
Seeing space as body of God
Ego fades, soul becomes mature

No sooner lower mind is sawed
Erst narrow vision outlook broad
Recognising God in-dwells all
Deep truth leaving us overawed


Unseeking Seeker 23-02-2022 02:59 AM

Mindful Eye

The mindful eye
Feels each strobe
Sees soul disrobe
As heart does sigh

Impulse rise and fall
Embrace and release
Doing as we please
Whilst standing tall

Wary of indulgence
In a narrow band
We do understand
Ego scars innocence

Enclosed rhyme

Unseeking Seeker 26-02-2022 11:40 AM

Delusion to Illumination

heart’s desire
seeking objects
in world of transience,
which are doomed to perish,
thus either which ways we shrink
trying to seize and grasp shadows,
prolonging our pain and anguish here,
self-blocking divine throb of bliss within.

Cessation of desires the only way
for us to exit cycle of pain,
simply abiding in stillness,
devoid of all narrowness,
trusting in God alone,
with an open heart,
eager to meld
with His love,
here and

Unseeking Seeker 28-02-2022 09:22 AM

We are He who we seek

What is this strange place we find ourself in
Vast space, linear time, therein confined
Trapped in the open, we are free within
Bemused by illusions, consciousness blind
Weary we are now, going through life’s grind
Something’s not right here, something is amiss
Clear truth’s been shared with us, by sages kind
God alone is, nothing else is, know this

Scriptures speak of love, as also of sin
But are we not in bondage, trapped in mind
Cave of heart is open, let’s go therein
With love and light, choosing to be aligned
Exiting narrowness and thoughts unkind
Cravings of ego, bottomless abyss
Who we really are, let’s here now find
God alone is, nothing else is, know this

Dwelling in silence, shutting off thought din
We leave erst fears and desires far behind
Feeling then joy currents, tingle our skin
Soma nectar flows, through pathways assigned
Layer by layer, consciousness refined
Hearts joy throbs heighten, transmuting to bliss
Ego dies, we become divine entwined
God alone is, nothing else is, know this

We stand erect, soul with spirit streamlined
Gripped in bliss of a never ending kiss
We know we’re He, who we sought out to find
God alone is, nothing else is, know this


Unseeking Seeker 03-03-2022 11:45 AM

Burning yearning

A deep burning yearning consumes our soul
Transcendence to divine luminescence
A need to feel complete, blissful and whole

In world of illusion, no worthwhile goal
Fears and desires, consigned to decadence
A deep burning yearning consumes our soul

Save love pulsations, nothing to extol
Endless is divine entwined dalliance
A need to feel complete, blissful and whole

In void of silence, bliss throb on a roll
Rapture heightens, imbibed by sentience
A deep burning yearning consumes our soul

Head melds with heart, as we grant God control
Trusting loving counsel, of our conscience
A need to feel complete, blissful and whole

The one as many, appears as a shoal
This wisdom etched within, shines in brilliance
A deep burning yearning consumes our soul
A need to feel complete, blissful and whole


Unseeking Seeker 05-03-2022 05:19 AM

Ingrain here now love

Ingrain here now love, wisdom and power
Three fold attributes that make us complete
Rejoice hermit, in love’s blissful shower
Melding with oneness, sitting at God’s feet

Here in third density, love does love greet
Why-for then does our heart in fear cower
All one; there are no rivals to unseat
Ingrain here now, love wisdom and power

Rise higher, oh lama, don’t sink lower
Ego doership takes us down a dark street
Trinity’s within; reclaim through prayer
Three fold attributes that make us complete

Deep within our heart, we all hark love’s tweet
An endearment that blossoms hour by hour
Our soul becomes divine, with joy replete
Rejoice hermit, in love’s blissful shower

Negating desires, let’s make thoughts slower
As ordained, we imbibe magnetic heat
Heart lotus within, begins to flower
Melding with oneness, sitting at God’s feet

In-form nodes dance to cadence of love’s beat
We’re still, as God Himself does empower
Bliss ignition continues to repeat
Across boundless space, our soul does tower
Ingrain here now love

Rondeau Redouble

Unseeking Seeker 06-03-2022 01:38 PM

Love and Light

Burning yearning to be the flame
God realisation, our aim
We negate erst cravings feral
Playing this life game, in His name

Our content heart seeks no laurel
To life’s highs and lows, we’re neutral
Single pointed God-fixation
Our each life breath paints His mural

Matters not where flows attention
Love drenched is our meditation
Moment to moment, as breath flows
Bliss grazed heart in jubilation

Bliss the fruit from love seeds soul sows
Ego’s bemused but our heart knows
As we reclaim God’s love and light
Here now in this boat, that He rows


Unseeking Seeker 08-03-2022 06:45 AM

Spiritual Heart

Knowing not the way, we yet pray
Seeking boons from God, every day
Goalposts shift, fickle our desire
Why not then make love our mainstay

Our ego once burnt in the pyre
Resolve’s steady to climb higher
Overcoming bondage to mind
Save God, there’s nothing we aspire

Sans desire, our past’s left behind
Head melds with heart in pathways kind
We’re poised thus, detached and vibrant
Memory too, we don’t rewind

Pure of heart with loving intent
Soul imbibes the divine current
Manifest as bliss explosion
Renewing moment by moment

By cessation of volition
Gain into heaven admission
All enabled, here now, within
When we grant love beats permission

We feel complete, heart free from sin
Blissful rapture tingles our skin
Boundaries blur, nodes within whir
Heart beckons, so we dwell therein


Unseeking Seeker 11-03-2022 06:33 AM

Twice born we live on

Stoic surrender negates will to act
Imbibing life pulse by resonation
Vaporised presence ceases to react
Poised continuum of meditation

Cessation of doership, optimal way
Getting out of our own way, so to speak
Divine bliss currents, within form hold sway
Childlike trust preventing energy leak

Emptiness filled with bliss throbs in fullness
Vibrant soul presence aglow in God’s light
Ego death entwines soul with That oneness
Pulsating within through each day and night

No sooner we make ego disappear
Know oh hermit, God Himself will appear

Unseeking Seeker 14-03-2022 03:28 AM

Love alone is real

Throb of love our resonation
As we navigate this earth life
Day and night, without cessation
As benign bliss mist, free from strife

There is no one here, to compute
Throb of love our resonation
That that is, is soul resolute
Illumined by bliss ignition

Gods command, our prayer station
Child within, a fearless spirit
Throb of love our resonation
To will divine, we do submit

Our heart’s burning yearning flowers
Transfixed by the fragrance divine
All fellow pilgrims, our brothers
Throb of love our resonation

Unseeking Seeker 16-03-2022 12:44 PM


Transcend mind, by stopping thought flow
Presence abiding in stillness
Then bliss suffused, is our hearts glow
In silence, entwined with oneness

Desires recede, no longer fed
Transcend mind, by stopping thought flow
Into the void, by love we’re led
We may translate not, joy we know

Higher wisdom, God does endow
In childlike trust we surrender
Transcend mind, by stopping thought flow
We cognise the soundless thunder

Simple path - love resonation
We feel soul’s luminescence grow
Path oh hermit, is cessation
Transcend mind, by stopping thought flow

Unseeking Seeker 18-03-2022 11:41 AM

Love alone real

Love alone real; that’s the road we take
Non-judgmental eye, embraces each soul
Bliss throbs beat in our heart; we are awake
The divine elixir, makes us feel whole

Life a game of cricket; we bat and bowl
It’s easy to grab but not to forsake
High time we rise, above ego spawned goal
Love alone real; that’s the road we take

Head melded with heart, tranquil like a lake
We ignore the hand, that some money stole
No one’s a witch, doomed to burn at the stake
Non-judgmental eye, embraces each soul

Within this dream world, we just rock and roll
Who are we, to apply on love a brake
Love gongs sound within; for us they do toll
Bliss throbs beat in our heart; we are awake

Conscience signals, when fickle mind does quake
Cleansing heart before it blackens like coal
Soma nectar flows; much needed soul shake
The divine elixir, makes us feel whole

Forgive and forget, as we play our role
Choose to heal in wounded souls, their heart ache
Let’s relinquish urge to assume control
We all are God essence; make no mistake
Love alone real

Rondeau Redouble

SilentDrum 18-03-2022 01:08 PM

Hey, I hadn't seen this thread. I like calligrams ! The shape definitely adds a layer of beauty :smile:

Unseeking Seeker 19-03-2022 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by SilentDrum
Hey, I hadn't seen this thread. I like calligrams ! The shape definitely adds a layer of beauty :smile:

Sacred geometry all around and within …

Unseeking Seeker 19-03-2022 02:38 AM

Path to freedom

Descent and ascent
Through vibration spectrum
May fan fires of feral sentiment
Enmeshing our soul in ego residuum

To feel fully by touch we enter trance
Leading to dreamy state of stupor
Indulgence in earthy dalliance
Makes endless our caper

Upon reaching exhaustion
We exit the thought form stream
The void of silence, desire cessation
Offers a chance to wake up from the dream

The underlying truth is right before our eyes
Space between us and myriad objects
If restless heart ceases it’s sighs
We see dream life’s defects

Unfocused gaze held thus
In boundless space all around
Resting desires that tend to nonplus
In but not of the world, we’re no longer bound

Mind-body and ego identity then an apparatus
We employ it as of need to navigate life
Playfully going where God takes us
Awake, aware and with joy rife

Unseeking Seeker 21-03-2022 03:04 AM

Dark night of the soul

We notice contractions of self-doubt rise,
no different from the flickering flame,
stifling vibrance receptive to surprise,
stupor veiling truth that life but a game,
where merging with God, our real life aim.
This dark night of the soul, a passing phase,
transmuted to bliss by our devout gaze,
trusting truth will be revealed in due time;
slow tease that never ceases to amaze,
then thus entwined with the divine sublime.


Unseeking Seeker 23-03-2022 02:07 AM

Practicing the presence

Honour God’s presence within;
He’s in our heart, go therein.
But for Him, we’d be mere dust,
inert, lifeless body crust.

Bliss tingle we feel, His breath;
inspirations flow in stealth.
Free will’s granted to align
with octaves of love divine.

Know we’re never abandoned,
His child, readily pardoned.
All that we’re needed to do,
let bliss pulsations renew.

All souls are one, none apart,
be at peace, add love to cart.
Cleanse heart and be free from sin.
Honour God’s presence within.


Unseeking Seeker 25-03-2022 11:18 AM

Alchemy of our attention

Alchemy of our attention
Bubbles forth as heart’s creation
Materialised here on earth
Both union and separation

From birth to death and then rebirth
We choose abundance or dire dearth
Enacting the play, in dream state
Save souls given to playful mirth

Once our heart is cleansed, pure and chaste
Easy, breezy becomes life’s gait
We be to become, living light
Bliss drenched love, that does not abate


Unseeking Seeker 27-03-2022 03:04 AM

Lead us from darkness to light

Roots of prejudice run in deep
Negative thoughts we choose to keep
Monster created by our hand
Truly, as we sow, so we reap

This clear truth, when we understand
Frees us from our narrow thought band
Shifting into void of silence
Joy unending, our heart’s demand

Harking to voice of our conscience
Rekindles soul’s luminescence
Sans ego din, we’re free from sin
In vibrant, childlike innocence

No sooner we choose to begin
Heart beckons, so we go therein
Bliss ignition’s continual
Revealing God in-dwells within


Unseeking Seeker 30-03-2022 01:45 AM

Purity of intent

anew with
breath we inhale,
propelled by power
of the divine life force.
Once imbibed, we then exhale,
colouring breath with our intent,
which is processed by the vibrant void,
shaping earth life fate of our timeless soul.

Upon desire cessation, head-heart meld,
poised thus with love in resonation,
whereupon presence celebrates,
as mind-body so aligns,
with pulsations divine,
enjoying the dance
at play within,
the love

Unseeking Seeker 01-04-2022 02:04 AM

Divine Romance

Dark clouds have shifted revealing the moon
Bliss bubbles burst forth in exuberance
To the rhythm divine, our heart does swoon

To highs and lows of life, we are immune
Recognising this dream as but a dance
Dark clouds have shifted revealing the moon

Knowing we are but dust, each breath a boon
Head and heart aligned, erect is our stance
To the rhythm divine, our heart does swoon

Our radiant heart, a boundless lagoon
Holds steady soul, in every circumstance
Dark clouds have shifted revealing the moon

We are truly blessed, joy currents cocoon
We are suffused in a sublime fragrance
To the rhythm divine, our heart does swoon

Each node of form’s pierced by the bliss harpoon
Romance beauteous, our soul’s dalliance
Dark clouds have shifted revealing the moon
To the rhythm divine, our heart does swoon


Unseeking Seeker 01-04-2022 02:39 PM

Be to become

To become the flame we burn,
vaporising aspects stern.
Bursts forth thus, God’s miracle,
renewal continual.

As bliss currents make ingress,
humming magnetic caress
enlivens each node within ~
is how magic does begin.

Play of delight, day and night,
transforms us as living light!
In being, so becoming,
God awaits our home coming!


Unseeking Seeker 04-04-2022 01:48 AM

God search

Who do we search for, in this wilderness
Oh weary lama, there is no one here
That that is, is just ourself as oneness
Known when we choose to hear by inner ear
As magnetism each pore of form does sear
Enabled, when with love pulse we align
Vibrant bliss in form, that our heart holds dear
As we be now breathed by God’s breath divine

In this dream, feeling of separateness
Delusion, as we pursue earth career
Man against man in strife and ruthlessness
At all costs securing, what heart holds dear
Ego from shadows, does tauntingly leer
For myriad desire objects we pine
Fleeting is pleasure, short lived is our cheer
As we be now breathed by God’s breath divine

In time we hark conscience, as consciousness
Voice soft and subtle, allays our deep fear
We shift then to interconnectedness
Empathy love hue deems each soul our peer
Lower mind fades, as we become a seer
Head, heart and love, stand erect in a line
God’s our flagship, our life course He does steer
As we be now breathed by God’s breath divine

When ordained by grace we see God appear
Our soul stands still under the oneness sign
We vaporise as bliss each node does spear
As we be now breathed by God’s breath divine


Unseeking Seeker 07-04-2022 01:31 AM

Divine Romance

Rapture that does not fade,
which does not ebb with time,
sublime, steadfast and staid,
makes for a lovely rhyme ~
love within, readymade.

Rapture that does not fade,
the divine bliss current,
wherein pure of heart wade,
by being just present,
whence fears to rest are laid.

Rapture that does not fade,
is ours for the asking,
in God’s heavenly glade,
without mukti-tasking,
for He comes to our aid.

Rapture that does not fade,
bliss caress intimate
that may never be frayed,
where love is love’s soulmate,
thereby never betrayed.


Unseeking Seeker 10-04-2022 01:57 AM

Mindful eye

Mindfulness shows us the way,
self-aware through night and day.
Ego urges deflect thought,
thus its best, to be self-taught.

Exiting game of shadows,
we graze in heaven’s meadows.
Erst fears and desires renounced,
lower mind is here now trounced.

Knowing love alone real,
fickle cravings lose appeal.
That that does not come and go,
recognised in stillness slow.

Oh hermit, God in-dwells form,
felt as bliss magnetism warm.
Once cravings of ego shorn,
we as twice born, yet live on.


Unseeking Seeker 12-04-2022 01:22 AM

Say it like it is

Amidst waves of emotions cascading
I Am in the void, a silent witness
Enacting life role, feel ego quaking
Whilst presence vibrant in blissful stillness

Our dual consciousness breathes in and out
In but not within the world that surrounds
I Am that that no ego urge can grout
For music of the spheres, as bliss abounds

Turbid earth life contrast makes souls aghast
The game’s of concealing and revealing
Manifest illusions our heart’s repast
Transmuting to love and light appealing

This lucid dream, a game of hide and seek
From behind the veil, let’s take a sneak peek


Unseeking Seeker 13-04-2022 02:49 PM

Bucket list

What’s on our bucket list?
If feral our desire,
which we cannot resist,
objects that we aspire,
displays cold heart, clenched fist.

What’s on our bucket list?
Fleeting flame and glory,
labels us egoist,
makes not a great story,
never by true love kissed.

What’s on our bucket list?
Are we proud of our mind,
giving each point a twist,
head with heart misaligned,
that does kind touch resist?

What’s on our bucket list?
Oh, to be living light!
We but seek the bliss mist,
rapture by day and night,
sans need to so insist.


Unseeking Seeker 16-04-2022 01:28 AM

Weary soul

Weary we are or at least that aspect of identity
Considering itself to be separate from source
Exhausted oscillating in the world of duality

Encased in feeble form, relying on use of force
All striving futile, elusive is joy in permanence
Finally, void of cessation, our last resource

In silence we cognise soft voice of conscience
Gentle love pulsations emanating from heart
We meld therein, reclaiming lost innocence

A mist envelopes us as bliss ignition does start
We are astonished to see ego urges vaporise
Darkness dispelled, upon adding love to cart

Ceasing to weigh and size, over time we realise
We are not mere mind-body but love and light
Viewing here soul ascent, in childlike surprise

Oh weary hermit, awaken now to spherical sight
Rapturous bliss delight, cascading day and night

Terza Rima

Unseeking Seeker 20-04-2022 02:56 AM

What is real

Scriptures speak to us in riddles
Relying upon esoteric symbols
They may be well intentioned
But it’s time this truth is mentioned
That addressing mind, invoking fear
Guilt of imagined sin begins to sear
Plunging our mind in deep confusion
Spontaneity lost, fearing retribution

Something’s rotten in the religious setup
For unless soma nectar flows into our cup
We feel incomplete and shortchanged
Separated from source, from love estranged

Ceasing thinking, abandoning all knowing
In stillness feeling, gentle breeze flowing
We embrace and release each life impulse
Consciousness expands, everywhere at once
Divine entwined, one with the universe
Having vaporised, there’s nothing to rehearse
Bliss throbs within, ignites our central vein
In fullness of rapture, we are free from stain

Undoubtedly senses five and mind have their use
Yet is not overindulgence in illusion akin to abuse
The inner polarities of our sentience are dormant
Yet it’s from within that sparks, the bliss current

It matters not ancient words etched on stones
If it’s real, we must feel it deep within our bones

Unseeking Seeker 22-04-2022 01:18 AM

Love thyself

Our fellow brother
has a jaundiced eye.
It’s best to smother
our foolish heart’s sigh.

Noblesse oblige’s passé.
Why’d we trauma bond
with rabid dogs stray?
Just smile and abscond.


Unseeking Seeker 24-04-2022 04:52 AM

Hush the blush

Swathed in love’s shower,
the seat of power
grants free will traction,
enabling action.

For each soul mission,
we take permission
from our glowing heart,
adding bliss to cart.

Thus, we hold a rose
and sword in repose,
one in either hand;
benign thunder’s stand.


Unseeking Seeker 27-04-2022 01:36 AM

Fullness in Emptiness

Each occurrence a non-event,
until worshipped by heart fervent,
weaving in mind, spell of magic;
outcomes joyous, sometimes tragic.

Mindful eye, when conjoined with heart,
colours space with picturesque art,
in this moment, fully present,
love granting pulse of life consent.

Thus in mode, embrace and release,
heart contractions begin to cease.
Vibrant blissfulness, as soul stance,
celebrates each breath of life’s dance.


Unseeking Seeker 30-04-2022 02:35 AM

The Matrix

Ego seeks grandeur,
as soul does censure.
Darkness veils darkness,
stifling consciousness.

Love employs no force,
to cleanse fissures coarse,
so light pays penance,
deepening suspense.

How long will we wait
to walk through heart’s gate,
becoming the light,
shining within bright?


Unseeking Seeker 03-05-2022 02:38 AM

Freedom from bondage

Encased in form, soul clamours to be free
In every which way, we feel incomplete
We are tethered to our mind-body tree
All we seem to do is think, sleep and eat
As we age, we feel energy deplete
We wish to have the cake and eat it too
Feeling within, blissful magnetic heat
Soul rises through octaves of each love hue

Heart’s enmeshed in desires, spewing envy
We fake a smile, when fellow souls we greet
Impulse of mind and heart are contrary
Joyous in victory, sink in defeat
Elusive is joy, ego is the cheat
As of karmic merit, blessings accrue
Why then do we hark not, the divine beat
Soul rises through octaves of each love hue

We’re confined, until with love we agree
When head melds with heart, geometry’s neat
The first step is to build our empathy
Our consciousness fulcrum, at the heart seat
Where bliss explodes, when polarities meet
Once we make heart pure, like the morning dew
We are graced with bliss, each moment upbeat
Soul rises through octaves of each love hue

Once we let go of ego, at God’s feet
We imbibe boundless bliss, felt by but few
May firm be God search quest, with no retreat
Soul rises through octaves of each love hue


Unseeking Seeker 05-05-2022 03:05 AM

Love alone is real

Flowing in joy, there’s no test;
each life flicker, is but jest
conjured by our heart’s desire,
playing on thus, till we tire.

As dreams within dreams unfold,
disperse love sprinkles foretold,
enlivening boundless space
with myriad hues of grace.

Mindfulness to the extreme,
in as each thought form we beam,
although at ease, like the breeze,
drenched with love, before release.


Unseeking Seeker 08-05-2022 01:00 AM

From darkness to light

of stark fear
cast a shadow
of lingering doubt
over heart’s innocence,
which though is seat of the soul,
now bemused, hands over control
to narrow thoughts, controlled by ego,
misaligned from source, causing suffering.

Ignorance then, is the cause of our pain,
since we’ve forgotten that we are soul
in-dwelling feeble mind-body
for earth life experience,
that love enablement
be imbibed by us,
for soul ascent
to heaven

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