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Pandora. 08-08-2015 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
I still stand by my interpretation although, you obviously know exactly what has gone before with this group.

next reading for pisces_moon What skills/qualities should I emphasise to a prospective employer

Reading for Pisces Moon.

Rider Waite, with reversals.

Queen of Wands reversed, Knight of Pentacles reversed, King of Pentacles reversed.

Oh my ... all court cards and all reversed. This is going to be difficult :icon_eek:

I think these cards are telling you what not to do. The Queen of Wands reversed, is perhaps indicating not to come over too bossy, opinionated, head strong and overly confident. She's quite a force to be reckoned with at the best of times. But reversed, she can be really overpowering and quite pushy. I think this card can be someone who is quite spiteful and look for revenge. So perhaps, don't ***** about people from your previous workplace.

The Knight of Pentacles reversed I think has no long term goals, he's not stable and goes from one thing to another. So maybe it's warning you to emphasis your goals with the company - do your research on them before the interview and work out what they want. Don't give them the impression you want the job just for the money, or for a stop gap, or that you're moving on from another job that you found unsatisfactory.

The King of Pentacles reversed can be very bossy and overpowering (similar to the reversed Queen of Wands, I think), so maybe don't give off the vibe that if you get the job, you're doing to take over everything from get go, tread on people's toes and make massive changes which may put people off side. And maybe don't talk negatively about other people in a previous job - because the King of Pentacles I think is about failure. So maybe don't emphasis any weakness or failure that may have had an impact before.

Wow, that was really difficult!

Next reading for Pandora. Will I enjoy going to church this evening?

tealily 09-08-2015 03:43 AM

Reading for Pisces Moon

Hope you don't mind me doubling up - I LOVE career-related readings and couldn't resist the opportunity to take the opportunity (usually it's relationship-related or spiritual-related on these forums). I'll also read for Pandora to keep the flow.

What skills should Pisces_Moon emphasise to a prospective employer?

Your main asset is your emotional maturity (King of Cups). People want you on board because you've got that approachable, empathetic and emotionally-stable leader vibe that means people can turn to you in a crisis without fear. You probably have equal strengths in leading and supporting others.

I have this feeling like you're probably also a good problem-solver, in terms of analysing something to see where what the weakest link/'blockage' is, and detangling that so things can move smoothly again (Devil rev). Again, an asset!

For advice and a longer-term prospectus, I'm advocating caution (9 of Wands). Not sure who you're talking to but they might have more heart than resources; don't lock yourself into a contract until you're convinced that whoever's meant to support you has the skills and experience to do so as I think there is a chance you're going to be working pretty hard in the future (10 of Wands). Good hard work is ok, so long as it's fairly compensated and gets you where it needs to. The 9 followed by a 10, and both upright, are a good sign that making strong strategic decisions will pay off for you.

Hope that helps! :)

Reading for Pandora

"Will I enjoy going to church this evening?"

Yes you will! There might be something going on this evening that stirs up your imagination (Knight of Cups) - from there it'll get you thinking about how you can expand on that idea (3 of Wands).

Advice from the cards - go :D (Page of Pent)

Next reading for tealily.
Happy for a general read - your pick of work/uni/health/love/messages from my guides/messages of support etc :)

Pandora. 09-08-2015 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
Reading for Pisces Moon

Hope you don't mind me doubling up - I LOVE career-related readings and couldn't resist the opportunity to take the opportunity (usually it's relationship-related or spiritual-related on these forums). I'll also read for Pandora to keep the flow.

What skills should Pisces_Moon emphasise to a prospective employer?

Your main asset is your emotional maturity (King of Cups). People want you on board because you've got that approachable, empathetic and emotionally-stable leader vibe that means people can turn to you in a crisis without fear. You probably have equal strengths in leading and supporting others.

I have this feeling like you're probably also a good problem-solver, in terms of analysing something to see where what the weakest link/'blockage' is, and detangling that so things can move smoothly again (Devil rev). Again, an asset!

For advice and a longer-term prospectus, I'm advocating caution (9 of Wands). Not sure who you're talking to but they might have more heart than resources; don't lock yourself into a contract until you're convinced that whoever's meant to support you has the skills and experience to do so as I think there is a chance you're going to be working pretty hard in the future (10 of Wands). Good hard work is ok, so long as it's fairly compensated and gets you where it needs to. The 9 followed by a 10, and both upright, are a good sign that making strong strategic decisions will pay off for you.

Hope that helps! :)

Reading for Pandora

"Will I enjoy going to church this evening?"

Yes you will! There might be something going on this evening that stirs up your imagination (Knight of Cups) - from there it'll get you thinking about how you can expand on that idea (3 of Wands).

Advice from the cards - go :D (Page of Pent)

Next reading for tealily.
Happy for a general read - your pick of work/uni/health/love/messages from my guides/messages of support etc :)

Feedback to tealily:

Thanks tealily. It's a church I've never been to before, so I'll let you know.

Reading for tealily:

"What should tealily do to attract a romantic relationship into her life?"

The Sun, King of Wands, 4 of Pentacles.

Straight away the Sun looked to me like you need to get out of your comfort zone, and open yourself to new possibilities. A change of attitude and a new optimism.

When I saw the King of Wands and the 4 of Pentacles, I wondered if there was someone you needed to free yourself from? Perhaps you need to free yourself from holding on too tightly to the King of Wands? Or perhaps you need to open your eyes and see the King of Wands in bright daylight? Maybe the King of Wands is someone who is a workaholic (the 4 of Pentacles has come up for me before as someone who's constantly working at the office). Sorry, this hasn't been very helpful. I can't figure out who the King of Wands would be in the context of the question. :icon_frown: but feel it's pointing towards someone else and not you.

Or perhaps you need to be open to the possibility of meeting the King of Wands through work. If that's the case, I think the 4 of Pentacles is saying to keep hold of your values.

Next reading for Pandora. A general reading maybe regarding ... oh, I know. My mother-in-law is planning to come out to Australia sometime later this year. What is the liklihood we will have to prepare for her coming out to live?

tealily 09-08-2015 06:11 AM

Feedback for Pandora:

Thoughtful question pick Pandora, thank you :)

That King of Wands could be any number of the guys I used to date, although I've wisely cut communication ties with them :) (although one has shown up in my dreams a few times recently, but oh wells can't have everything).

My current job is an at-home-job and the only male on staff is an old teacher of mine (not to mention 50+ years or so) but I might be starting at a new place soon. I'm severely time poor, so not many opportunities to go out and meet new people outside of online dating, but I'll keep you posted :)

Reading for Pandora:

"What's the likelihood that Pandora will have to prepare for her mother-in-law coming to live in Australia?"

I actually don't think this will happen (10 of Swords). This is like a short, sharp "NO!" from my cards, backed by The Blank Card. I actually get the feeling that she'll rock up, take one look at the place, and insist that you all move back to the UK (I think that's where you said you were before). If this is the case, I suspect you'll do one of two things:

1) My first gut feel was that you'd be saving money (Emperor, 7 of Wands) in preparation for the move

2) My second gut feel was that one or both of you would actually argue in favour of staying in Australia (Emperor, 7 of Wands). At time of writing I still feel this one is more likely, but obviously final decision rests with you :)

Hope that helps!

Next reading for tealily. Happy for a general read - your pick of work/uni/health/love/messages from my guides/messages of support etc :)

This thread is newbie-friendly! :)

55Degrees 09-08-2015 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Pandora.
Reading for Pisces Moon.

Rider Waite, with reversals.

Queen of Wands reversed, Knight of Pentacles reversed, King of Pentacles reversed.

Oh my ... all court cards and all reversed. This is going to be difficult :icon_eek:

I think these cards are telling you what not to do. The Queen of Wands reversed, is perhaps indicating not to come over too bossy, opinionated, head strong and overly confident. She's quite a force to be reckoned with at the best of times. But reversed, she can be really overpowering and quite pushy. I think this card can be someone who is quite spiteful and look for revenge. So perhaps, don't ***** about people from your previous workplace.

The Knight of Pentacles reversed I think has no long term goals, he's not stable and goes from one thing to another. So maybe it's warning you to emphasis your goals with the company - do your research on them before the interview and work out what they want. Don't give them the impression you want the job just for the money, or for a stop gap, or that you're moving on from another job that you found unsatisfactory.

The King of Pentacles reversed can be very bossy and overpowering (similar to the reversed Queen of Wands, I think), so maybe don't give off the vibe that if you get the job, you're doing to take over everything from get go, tread on people's toes and make massive changes which may put people off side. And maybe don't talk negatively about other people in a previous job - because the King of Pentacles I think is about failure. So maybe don't emphasis any weakness or failure that may have had an impact before.

Wow, that was really difficult!

Next reading for Pandora. Will I enjoy going to church this evening?

Wow thanks Pandora, you handled that really well. I suppose my question probably didn't help for card selecton and it also makes me think I may move completely away from my usual line of work if I'm needing to emphasis qualities. Thanks, great interpretation.

55Degrees 09-08-2015 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
Reading for Pisces Moon

Hope you don't mind me doubling up - I LOVE career-related readings and couldn't resist the opportunity to take the opportunity (usually it's relationship-related or spiritual-related on these forums). I'll also read for Pandora to keep the flow.

What skills should Pisces_Moon emphasise to a prospective employer?

Your main asset is your emotional maturity (King of Cups). People want you on board because you've got that approachable, empathetic and emotionally-stable leader vibe that means people can turn to you in a crisis without fear. You probably have equal strengths in leading and supporting others.

I have this feeling like you're probably also a good problem-solver, in terms of analysing something to see where what the weakest link/'blockage' is, and detangling that so things can move smoothly again (Devil rev). Again, an asset!

For advice and a longer-term prospectus, I'm advocating caution (9 of Wands). Not sure who you're talking to but they might have more heart than resources; don't lock yourself into a contract until you're convinced that whoever's meant to support you has the skills and experience to do so as I think there is a chance you're going to be working pretty hard in the future (10 of Wands). Good hard work is ok, so long as it's fairly compensated and gets you where it needs to. The 9 followed by a 10, and both upright, are a good sign that making strong strategic decisions will pay off for you.

Hope that helps! :)

Reading for Pandora

"Will I enjoy going to church this evening?"

Yes you will! There might be something going on this evening that stirs up your imagination (Knight of Cups) - from there it'll get you thinking about how you can expand on that idea (3 of Wands).

Advice from the cards - go :D (Page of Pent)

Next reading for tealily.
Happy for a general read - your pick of work/uni/health/love/messages from my guides/messages of support etc :)

Thank you tealily, my usual line of work involves figures, and discrepancies so I have to be quite analytical in my approach to who, how and where regarding errors, with a three strikes and you're out attitude.
I'm easily 'put on to' in work situations as employers used to see my easy going attitude as something they could flaunt. So I shall take heed in the cards message to not do it this time.
Thank you

I'm heading off to work soon but will do your reading when I get back.

Pandora. 09-08-2015 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
"Will I enjoy going to church this evening?"

Yes you will! There might be something going on this evening that stirs up your imagination (Knight of Cups) - from there it'll get you thinking about how you can expand on that idea (3 of Wands).

Advice from the cards - go :D (Page of Pent)

Next reading for tealily.
Happy for a general read - your pick of work/uni/health/love/messages from my guides/messages of support etc :)

Okay. Well, that was the most boring, horrid night I've had to endure for a long time. :icon_eek:

I really had my hopes up that I would enjoy it, but I couldn't wait to get out of there and had to sit there for 1 and a half hours. :BangHead:

When my partner and I were in the UK for 6 odd months last year, his father died and I dragged him to a Spiritualist Church that a friend of his mother went to. It was really good and I enjoyed it immensely.

I found one in a town near to where we live, so thought I'd go and suss it out. But it was awful. I was quite annoyed because the medium picked someone sitting behind me and I thought she was pointing to me. Anyway, she said "I'll do you afterwards". Which is fine, except there was obviously no message for me and she was just pulling stuff out of thin air. Everything she said was near on the total opposite. She shouldn't have read for me, if she didn't have anything. Mind you, just about everyone she did read for, was the same generic stuff. Very different from the mediums at the Spiritual Church in the UK, who described who had passed over, along with a message for a particular person, which seemed to resonate - they weren't the same generic messages such as "everyone loves you" "you work so hard" "you've had a lot of pain in your past" (who hasn't?) :cool:

Oh well. You live and learn!

I have no idea what the cards were trying to say. The King of Cups I thought may have been my father with a message. But, alas, no. Maybe the 3 of Wands was me sitting there, waiting to be able to leave! And I just don't have a clue with the Page of Pentacles.

Sorry tealily! :icon_frown:

Next reading for tealily

tealily 09-08-2015 09:33 AM

Oh no! Sorry to hear that :( I'll try to do better next time.

Next reading for tealily

Pandora. 09-08-2015 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
Oh no! Sorry to hear that :( I'll try to do better next time.

Next reading for tealily

Don't apologise tealily, it's hardly an exact science. :D

Sometimes the cards just don't make sense - maybe we're thinking of other things, or don't shuffle enough, or whatever. I only offer the feedback to be honest. God knows, I am far from being able to make sense of the cards myself most of the time. :hug3:

Pandora. 09-08-2015 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
Feedback for Pandora:

Thoughtful question pick Pandora, thank you :)

That King of Wands could be any number of the guys I used to date, although I've wisely cut communication ties with them :) (although one has shown up in my dreams a few times recently, but oh wells can't have everything).

My current job is an at-home-job and the only male on staff is an old teacher of mine (not to mention 50+ years or so) but I might be starting at a new place soon. I'm severely time poor, so not many opportunities to go out and meet new people outside of online dating, but I'll keep you posted :)

Reading for Pandora:

"What's the likelihood that Pandora will have to prepare for her mother-in-law coming to live in Australia?"

I actually don't think this will happen (10 of Swords). This is like a short, sharp "NO!" from my cards, backed by The Blank Card. I actually get the feeling that she'll rock up, take one look at the place, and insist that you all move back to the UK (I think that's where you said you were before). If this is the case, I suspect you'll do one of two things:

1) My first gut feel was that you'd be saving money (Emperor, 7 of Wands) in preparation for the move

2) My second gut feel was that one or both of you would actually argue in favour of staying in Australia (Emperor, 7 of Wands). At time of writing I still feel this one is more likely, but obviously final decision rests with you :)

Hope that helps!

Next reading for tealily. Happy for a general read - your pick of work/uni/health/love/messages from my guides/messages of support etc :)

This thread is newbie-friendly! :)

I forgot about this reading. :redface:

I think the big "NO" will be spot on. My partner's mother has been out here a number of times (once, she actually moved over here) but decided she didn't like it and went back to the UK. She's reverted back to wanting to come and live here, but she's suffering from dementia, and she can't remember that she didn't like it previously. So I think given her age, her medical problems, the cost, etc, that she won't.

My partner desperately wants to go back, but we just can't afford it at the moment, with all the dramas we're having, so that's spot on. There's no way we will go over even for a visit, until we have the funds.

I think your second point will be very valid. We're starting to disagree about it as it is! My partner feels guilty about his mother and wants to go back, but given her attitude when we were last over there, and given that we don't have anywhere to live, and we would have to forgo everything here, I don't think it's a good idea. He's also getting a lot of pressure from his cousin, saying she should come and live here, or he should go back to the UK to look after her.

So your reading definitely hit the mark :D

Next reading for tealily

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