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Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-07-2011 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by tiss
Namaste SGS,

Thanks for your quick response.

My dear SGS, I do not see how did you reach such conclusion, my spirit brought me here to test if this place could be of any help to develop my potentiality, whatever it is. Other beings might enjoy of equivalent tools and ways for fruitful interactions, wherever they are. We are just one more within a huge universe, and perhaps not the only ones with capacity of love and develop.

Maybe I misunderstood your words, if so please give me more to open my understanding. :smile:

I do not think that now I should focus my efforts on contacting them through dreams or meditation. If they come to me I will know what to do, and it will be to interact with them from the light. :hug3:

I support the idea of developing our sense of worth as a being of the universe, rather than as a being of the Earth. It is necessary that we gain a broader and at the same time more profound perspective of our journey and purpose.

I have a strong conviction on this point, and it does not scare me at all. I see it as completely natural. I strongly believe that my own strength and my guides will open the right doors to me in order to perceive the right signs about whom to trust and how to deal with them, if they come.

Amen :smile:

With affection and respect,

TISS :hug:

Maybe you misunderstood my words, maybe not. The key message to which I wish to align you with is that this human condition you occasionally struggle with, put down and disassociate from can actually be an immensely beautiful experience, should you so choose. My message is also to value these things often misguided by some to believe as commonplace and of low value, such as emotion, imagination, spontaneous action, intuition and well, even a sense of humour. I can genuinely understand how you would not grasp the true significance and divine quality within these characteristics whilst being human, but when you experience Self outside of ‘human’ your whole value structure and perception of truth shifts significantly. Just in the same way as those who experience a near death experience often reawaken to a whole new outlook and value structure on life. If you cannot perceive your Self beyond the confines of your immediate human body I would not expect you to soar and shine by the same values someone else has who can. What you must do is use the process of joyful living I have given you to bring about acceptance of where you are presently. Do not look for something more which you presume to lack, but what you do already have which you need to re-associate a greater and more truthful value to. For me personally, human emotion is one of the most beautiful things I have yet beheld on this Earth. The endearing acts of compassion, heartfelt reflection and gestures of love that continue to colour this world takes my breath away. If you would just hold a simple thought, a simple feeling, a simple idea in your heart, and behold within utter silence its sheer magnificence and infinite beauty, you would never again question your privilege as the being you are.

I do not think that now I should focus my efforts on contacting them through dreams or meditation. If they come to me I will know what to do, and it will be to interact with them from the light.

Wise words.

I support the idea of developing our sense of worth as a being of the universe, rather than as a being of the Earth. It is necessary that we gain a broader and at the same time more profound perspective of our journey and purpose.

Bravo, utter sheer wisdom.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-07-2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Chrysaetos

As I said, reptilians do not exist outside of the human mind in my opinion. That does not mean it is factual. You present your opinion as a fact however, as you have ''experience''. Personally I do not find that sufficient and it should not be for any critical thinker. Your experiences do not come in a vacuum.I posted here after I read some of your posts on the previous page. I am allowed to post here and I hope you can handle a bit of scepticism..Then what exactly is the ''western world''? Let's start with that.:smile: Where do we draw those lines.. does eastern Europe count? Turkey? Israel? Mexico?

I often see hate of the west on the internet, and when I ask if they have ever been to Africa or Asia I get a no. What about you? We should respect the values we have. Nobody is saying it is perfect, but boy you go to some poor corrupt countries and you will be happy with what we actually have. The fact that we can even contemplate this issue is so telling!

Again you and 'facts'. If you have facts, feel free to provide evidence. If you don't have any (which is fine really) then perhaps you could be a bit more moderate.You are placing yourself on the high horse.. you present yourself as an authority. As long as someone ''does not know what I know they are ignorant''

Who are this ''they'' you are talking about? In which places have you looked? Okay, sounds good to me. So now there are 30 species of et's on earth.. so who are they? Do you have a list with their exact characteristics and whereabouts?
Yes I noticed that.. It means the chance to make an error is minimized.. don't worry I'm here :dDon't give up because of one sceptic..:rolleyes: It is always worth the try, SGS! :smile:

If you have buddies in all the corners of the universe, there are always those willing to come with you on tv, or willing enough to give a flying saucer.But somehow they like stealth.Well that reminds me of Jenny Johnstone! :D

Sceptics are open minded and willing enough to look at what you can provide. But yes, they generally lack one thing, it's called blind belief.We all are! You, me, and the rest who post. You just gave your views, and arguments that go against mine. No problem.
I am interested in your claims, and how you came to your beliefs. I don't make the extraordinary claims, you do! Why do you worry about ''disbelief''? Is belief what you offer?


I see you are like many upon this forum who insist on playing this egotistical bat and ball routine, and play on words. However, I neither gain nor empower others by this facilitation.

I suggest you yourself either empower others with your views who actually ask for them, or you continue with your art of listening. Resonate with that which is given, and enjoy what is presented, accept it as truth from the wisdom of my council, or do not. My focus will be on those who place trust in my wisdom and my knowledge, as well as my friendship.


Tiss 03-07-2011 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Maybe you misunderstood my words, maybe not. The key message to which I wish to align you with is that this human condition you occasionally struggle with, put down and disassociate from can actually be an immensely beautiful experience, should you so choose. My message is also to value these things often misguided by some to believe as commonplace and of low value, such as emotion, imagination, spontaneous action, intuition and well, even a sense of humour. I can genuinely understand how you would not grasp the true significance and divine quality within these characteristics whilst being human, but when you experience Self outside of ‘human’ your whole value structure and perception of truth shifts significantly. Just in the same way as those who experience a near death experience often reawaken to a whole new outlook and value structure on life. If you cannot perceive your Self beyond the confines of your immediate human body I would not expect you to soar and shine by the same values someone else has who can. What you must do is use the process of joyful living I have given you to bring about acceptance of where you are presently. Do not look for something more which you presume to lack, but what you do already have which you need to re-associate a greater and more truthful value to. For me personally, human emotion is one of the most beautiful things I have yet beheld on this Earth. The endearing acts of compassion, heartfelt reflection and gestures of love that continue to colour this world takes my breath away. If you would just hold a simple thought, a simple feeling, a simple idea in your heart, and behold within utter silence its sheer magnificence and infinite beauty, you would never again question your privilege as the being you are.

I do not think that now I should focus my efforts on contacting them through dreams or meditation. If they come to me I will know what to do, and it will be to interact with them from the light.

Wise words.

I support the idea of developing our sense of worth as a being of the universe, rather than as a being of the Earth. It is necessary that we gain a broader and at the same time more profound perspective of our journey and purpose.

Bravo, utter sheer wisdom.


Thanks for your advice beautiful spirit guide. I will make use of it for good.

Do you actually think that any of human characteristics, such as feeling emotion and love are unique in the universe?

Something inside my heart tells me that given the size of the universe and the number of species within, many elsewhere could be able to feel in a similar way. It does not mean that I look down on human feelings at all, but it is hard for me to accept that we hold so astonishing privilege and uniqueness. I tend to think that they are many other able to enjoy what feelings represent. It would be fairer as universal order.

By the way, are the Asceleottyi able to feel love, other different feelings, intuition, sense of humour, etc. or only does it happen when they incarnate as human personas, for example like you?


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-07-2011 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by tiss
Thanks for your advice beautiful spirit guide. I will make use of it for good.

Do you actually think that any of human characteristics, such as feeling emotion and love are unique in the universe?

Something inside my heart tells me that given the size of the universe and the number of species within, many elsewhere could be able to feel in a similar way. It does not mean that I look down on human feelings at all, but it is hard for me to accept that we hold so astonishing privilege and uniqueness. I tend to think that they are many other able to enjoy what feelings represent. It would be fairer as universal order.

By the way, are the Asceleottyi able to feel love, other different feelings, intuition, sense of humour, etc. or only does it happen when they incarnate as human personas, for example like you?


Do I actually think that any human characteristics are unique in the universe? Hmm…Well I will admit humans are not the only species who experience emotion, for there are other species, for example with less dense molecules who radiate emotion immensely. There bodies are more luminescent and change colour much like the chameleon. Humans after all are seeded by the DNA coded information brought to planet Earth by other regions of space. It is often expressed that human beings have a very unique sense of humour, and their resourcefulness is deeply admired. There are always similarities to be noted, but there are never exact repeated uniqueness, so to speak. At least in my current knowledge.

The Asceleottyi are beings of immense love, brought together by great compassionate circumstances. Much of our energy stems from compassion, the ability to understand what other species are going through. This is because many of us have endured deep painful and heart shattering histories which have granted us the ability to see both ends of a great spectrum of that which is. We can walk neck deep in sever and utter darkness and despair and wade out and return to core equilibrium very quickly. We are no strangers to emotion, and in fact are very proficient facilitators of its language. We will use this as a form of language to those in the spirit world who refuse to listen to the voice of reason, and the words of wisdom.

Intuition comes from the connection to spirit. As for a sense of humour, many of my group demonstrate a likeness to children who never wish to grow up. With their playful ways they not only bring joy and laughter but forge beautiful bridges with other beings of the animal kingdom, such as dolphins, guinea pigs, birds and other quick witted animals. As I have said before however, the Asceleottyi do not originate from this area of the universe, so I have to use references you are familiar with.

I am aware during much of my dialogues I speak about human beings in a way as to denote much room for improvement, and still is the case. However, this is only due to the fact that such questions posed to me have required the focus on areas that were needed to be improved. Humanity has much going for it and there is much and many good things one could say to support their true value.


Adrienne 03-07-2011 03:08 AM

Dear Sparrow,

Such a wide variety of topics you cover, in reply to the many various questions asked of you. The depth of insights, the knowledge and the wisdom you share are most sincerely and deeply appreciated. :hug: Even on the rare occasions where there is a need to say something that one might not want to hear, or expect to hear, you always say it lovingly and with compassion and understanding.

At times the replies are a little overwhelming, due to the nature of the questions and the reply needed, but I always enjoy reading them. And it is always a good idea to re- read them more than one time, in case there was something one missed in the first reading. At times, I even go way back to the beginning of your thread and there is always something new that catches my attention.

I do like your signature, it seems to say it all ~


:angel11:~~~Spirit Guide Sparrow~~~:angel11:
From the wisdom of my council to the wisdom of yours

I stopped by earlier this evening to read and I felt the strangest sensation, I have never experienced anything like it. Difficult to describe, but as I was reading the ongoing conversation, there was a feeling of lightness of being, like the mind was swirling feeling almost dizzy with energy swirling round and round. Do you think it is possible that I was " tuning in " to your energy ? :angel10:

with love & blessings,
Dream Angel xx

Truth_Seeker 03-07-2011 06:43 AM

Not sure what Chrys was trying to achieve with those posts, experience is experience if you know something someone else doesnt you dont shy away from it it is what it is.

Thanks for the response to my last post Sparrow, do you think contact with these beings and common knowledge about the goings on in the universe will be bought out into the open anytime soon, like in the next 10 or 15 years?

ROM 03-07-2011 07:33 AM

Thanks for clarifying my questions, Spirit Guide. :D Seems to have sparked a bit of controversy, but I guess that's a natural result of speaking the truth.

Chrysaetos 03-07-2011 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Truth_Seeker
Not sure what Chrys was trying to achieve with those posts, experience is experience if you know something someone else doesnt you dont shy away from it it is what it is.

You can always ask me directly. Experiences do not come in a vacuum, that's as clear cut as I could say it.:wink:

Originally Posted by Silvergirl
Chrys, you better hope there's nothing of consequence under the rock you're poking the stick at, lol. It's all fascinating and mysterious, I have to say...

Please read my post again with an open mind..

Amethyst 03-07-2011 09:54 AM

Hi Sparrow, Dreamangel, Cal & All

I’ve been following this thread – I follow all Sparrow’s threads with great interest - and just wanted to add appreciation of the knowledge provided.

If it comes from Sparrow, I don’t believe it’s truth, I know it is.

Blessings to all.

Amethyst x

Truth_Seeker 03-07-2011 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Chrysaetos
Experiences do not come in a vacuum

Could you please explain this statement I do not understand what you mean

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