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Unseeking Seeker 19-11-2020 08:09 AM

Unfettered being-ness

are still
in the void
of no-thingness.
The outer world fades
gripping not attention,
being but a thought construct;
mirage fleeting as but a dream.
Awareness unshackled from ego,
ignites the lamp of bliss in consciousness.

Thought rested awareness, free and unbound,
pausing here and there to smell roses,
knows we choose but God disposes,
as best suited for our soul.
As we yield, so we grow.
We stoop to conquer.
Thus vaporised,
in surprise,
bliss does

Poetry form: Etheree

Unseeking Seeker 22-11-2020 05:27 AM

The pathless path

in mind body
ego borne urges,
anchoring attention,
within walls of narrowness,
immerse us in fear and desire.
We are both captor and prisoner,
enmeshed thus where attention does hover.

Fault line of consciousness is stagnation.
Detachment holds the key to freedom.
Moving as does the morning breeze,
we embrace, hold and release
each offered vibration,
with nonchalant ease,
free and unbound,
we thus be,

Unseeking Seeker 22-11-2020 05:29 AM

Plot that thought

we know not,
we feel within,
imbalance in calm.
We go into stillness
laying aside the ego,
in as narrow identity,
instantly reconnecting within,
with our own luminous divinity.

Entity contracting is lower mind,
having agenda in narrowness.
No sooner we renounce ego,
innate blissful reclaimed.
Our fickle attention,
once it is stable,
centred within,
blissful calm
holds us

Unseeking Seeker 23-11-2020 07:22 AM

Self hypnosis

lower urges
overpower us.
Rotating attention,
exiting all stagnation,
all desires and fears rested,
childlike purity of being grants
freedom from ego borne delusion.

Contraction origin in attachment,
of fears and desires spiralling,
pursuing illusions fleeting.
Indulging in the movie,
we hypnotise ourself
amidst images.
The suffering,
life after life

Unseeking Seeker 23-11-2020 07:23 AM

Ambedo incognito

like state,
We melt therein
to savour the throb
of each offered flavour.
Within the time span we are
captive to each nuance at play.
Softened attention, one with the flow,
imbibes each subtle pulse in gentleness.

Half the story known, we shift to intent,
our response to chosen vibration,
determining path of ascent
or for that matter, descent.
Mind body vaporised,
as we be surprised:
are we awake
or asleep?
Where are

Unseeking Seeker 24-11-2020 09:56 AM


with a thirst
for expansion
of joy and delight,
being food for our soul.
Thus begins game of Spanda,
wherein we contract and expand
concealing and revealing ourself,
to ourself: that love in love with love grows.

However, this game a double edged sword:
for, to feel love fully, we must melt,
dissolving fully in the throb.
We thus choosing amnesia,
forgetting who we are,
become deluded.
The void vibrant;
bliss therein
ends our

Miss Hepburn 24-11-2020 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Alone the sun emits life giving light
Even though the earth turns its back
It minds not its unseemly slight
For it is the light! Nothing does it lack!

I have never read these, my friend.
But then I saw the title, Alone.
And I know someone that wants no advice, no spiritual talk, but
feels SO alone and lonely...and let's everyone know.

So I sent this poem since she sent me a quote of the day ...
'Can you go blind crying in the dark?'
(See how bad it is - her husband died suddenly after 47 yrs....they worked side by side and slept
in a double bed the whole time - she is lost.
BUT, wants no help!
Just to be surrounded by people and friends all the time!
But, people have lives and some are in quarantine.)

I trust one day she will turn to God. But I sure can't suggest it!
(And her therapist isn't seeing anyone during this virus.):icon_frown:

I will look for more poems here that could help her. Thanks, B. :hug:

Unseeking Seeker 24-11-2020 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I have never read these, my friend.
But then I saw the title, Alone.
And I know someone that wants no advice, no spiritual talk, but
feels SO alone and lonely...and let's everyone know.

So I sent this poem since she sent me a quote of the day ...
'Can you go blind crying in the dark?'
(See how bad it is - her husband died suddenly after 47 yrs....they worked side by side and slept
in a double bed the whole time - she is lost.
BUT, wants no help!
Just to be surrounded by people and friends all the time!
But, people have lives and some are in quarantine.)

I trust one day she will turn to God. But I sure can't suggest it!
(And her therapist isn't seeing anyone during this virus.):icon_frown:

I will look for more poems here that could help her. Thanks, B. :hug:

Death of a spouse or companion does indeed leave a huge vacuum. How many of us have the recognition + assimilation of the knowing that death of form is of no consequence? Moreover, perhaps advice is easy to hand out to others but when it strikes close, it’s another story.

Alone and Lonely are opposite ends of the spectrum actually. Spirit is alone in its vibrancy whilst ego lonely in despondency.

These poems are but resonations as of flowing inclination, moment to moment, albeit distorted by perception! I am delighted that you find some of them useful to help those who may find meaning in the words :smile:

Unseeking Seeker 26-11-2020 03:45 AM

Say it like it is

grid is alive,
enlivening form
with magnetism warm.
Nodes within electrified,
let out silent screams of delight:
open secret hidden in plain sight;
in renewal within through day and night.

Above and below, within and without,
divine life pulse pervades everything,
cognised within this mind body
as throb of bliss energy.
We cannot mistake it,
nor misinterpret
the joy current

Unseeking Seeker 28-11-2020 12:39 PM

Free will chooses without excuses

then descent;
life pulsation
thus in renewal,
a pattern we discern,
cognise and assimilate.
Mind body by resonation
thus flowing in chosen vibration
self determines ascent or stagnation.

The manifest already created
by desire aflame within our heart.
Doership is delusion of mind:
fictional identity,
is our narrow ego.
Universal mind,
here and now,
if we

Unseeking Seeker 30-11-2020 12:53 PM

Ineffable bliss

a benediction
of divine origin
enlivens all nodes within,
as rapture of bliss ignition,
pulsating in fullness day and night,
teleporting us to heightened delight.

This tease divine, a caress unending:
the current a purring explosion.
As we open our heart in trust,
bliss intensity does rise
to form bursting level:
climax without end,
beyond measure,
thus peaking,

Poetry form: Etheree

Unseeking Seeker 30-11-2020 12:55 PM

The dark void

slowly softened,
in meditation,
ego urges recede:
our will to divine we cede.
We melt into the vibrant void
of no-thingness, dark and undefined.
Awareness alone is, as formless self.

Devoid of senses as also the light,
we feel that we will soon be insane.
One in the dark void of oneness,
we hear someone call our name!
Gods voice, telepathic,
welcomes us back home!
We thus comforted,
now at peace
in the

Unseeking Seeker 30-11-2020 12:56 PM

Open secret none can ferret

form transcending;
consciousness expands,
encompassing all space,
as our formless awareness
merges into the That oneness.
Doubts fade as we become the answer,
no longer requiring a translator.

Upon descent back into mind body,
although we find ourself again bound,
we return with a clear knowing,
of Self within self now found.
This truth valid for us
and for us alone.
We cannot share;
for unknown,
is now

Unseeking Seeker 03-12-2020 04:56 AM


for joy
begins within
in contemplation,
then still meditation,
melting into no-thingness
whereupon we be to become,
the very essence of love supreme,
vibrant in aliveness within this dream.

All that that comes and goes, being not real,
we witness the movie being played,
engaging without stagnating.
Our emptiness magnetic
draws in the elixir,
of divine sublime.
The bliss current
throbs within

Unseeking Seeker 04-12-2020 04:56 AM

Inner guidance

look not outwards, oh hermit!
for I Am within, judging neither fault nor merit!

you can do no wrong!
come! let us sing the love song!


As one with oneness
Never ever separated
Pulsating with joy
In unending renewal
Climax unending
Bliss ineffable
In rapturous singularity
We are complete
With God one
Nothing to be done
In continuity

God wishing that we
Become as He
Immerses us in duality
To face adversity
By being veiled
Which is the same
As shrouded in darkness
Cloaked by limitation
Of time, space & wisdom
Doing so with this assurance
That He will be with us within
As our conscience

The sublime radiance of God
Shines in beauteous hues of love
Prismatically coloured
As bubbling joy
Impetuous empathy
All encompassing compassion
Bliss ignition in continuity
Encased in the vibrant void
Of pristine purity
All holographically present
In all sentient beings
As His essence

It is easy to see
That nothing need be done
For we are already
With God one
Yet since we are bound
Required to strive
To garner experience
Feel pain of separation
Before delighting in union
Love in love with love
Pining for itself
We are granted free will

Free will a boon
Soon becomes bane
Since freedom to choose
As co-creator of life
What is our excuse
If engaging in strife
Having forgotten our origin
We seek expansion
In the narrow domain
Of ego cravings
Holistic view, no judgment
Delusion is but misalignment

The void of silence
Which is our home
Wherefrom we arose
We go in there
After exhausting ourselves
In the external world
Of fleeting illusions
Dark fears
Unending desires
Thus in stillness
We reclaim our divinity
Felt as blissful serenity

The way to begin
Is to cease grasping
Quit stagnating
Desist from attachment
By simply flowing
In gentleness
Listening to the voice
Of our conscience
Which is God Himself
Waiting within
For us
To awake

Unseeking Seeker 06-12-2020 03:29 PM

Soul in 2020

“the bubble imaginary has burst
awakening within another thirst”


and found
column bold
‘where is my soul
Reward for finder,
if he finds his own soul
before mine! This is no drill!’
We are serious! Please believe!
Lost in the maze, we now stand alone.
This year, numbed with fear, something fell away!

Fret not, devout hermit! We are safe here!
Having lost ego, we have gained self!
This year, we have discovered God,
shining within, in the heart!
Looking death in the eye,
we are now fearless!
No desires left,
we are free,

Unseeking Seeker 08-12-2020 04:35 PM

Aspect allowing

that was
hidden from us,
in time is revealed.
The ego impatient,
as a doer, interferes,
impeding flow of the current,
thereby delaying our soul progress.
The path clear: we must vaporise ego!

Unable to use mind to transcend mind.
we melt into the void of stillness,
going within in quietude;
in tranquil joy solitude.
No one here resident,
save child innocent,
bliss to

Unseeking Seeker 08-12-2020 04:36 PM

Love in love with love

mat is laid!
Please do come in,
beseeches our heart!
Let us entwine in bliss!
Delay no longer, my friend!
Separate, we are incomplete;
whilst unified in love we do shine
in the radiance of the light divine!

Listen oh hermit, to this entreaty!
Waste not gift of life in delusion.
The outer world holds no value.
Go in! Go in! Go in, now!
Love in love is calling!
Feel the throb of bliss
within the heart,
in each breath,

Unseeking Seeker 08-12-2020 04:38 PM

Unfettered awareness

our being,
as also fears
and ego desires,
in realm of illusions,
thereby stifling aliveness,
anchoring us in stagnation,
making us captive to lower mind,
enmeshed in dark swamplands of delusion.

Doubts, borne of urges, rooted in doership,
we surrender instrument of thought,
resting in awareness alone,
uncaring of all outcomes,
content in blissful peace,
in the here and now,
as a witness,
in the

Unseeking Seeker 12-12-2020 07:49 AM

Burning desire

to entwine
with the divine,
makes love the object,
with self as the subject,
burning yearning as the means,
for connecting by thus merging.
Love in love with love for love alone,
transmutes mind body in a sea of bliss.

Path pathless, begins and ends at the heart,
seed of consciousness, where desire starts.
Feeling incomplete, we begin,
first in the outer domain,
then in silence, within.
Our form magnetised,
as bliss does seep;
no longer
do we

Unseeking Seeker 13-12-2020 01:12 PM

The guru chakra

is throbbing
with full power,
gripping attention
in heightened ecstasy.
We acceptantly imbibe
the supreme divine elixir,
which rapturises our form in full,
as we simply melt into the current.

Form vaporised, we feel joy pulsating,
the light spherical with no centre.
Bliss oozes from each pore within.
We feel complete and fulfilled.
The gurus grace descends,
as we thus transcend,
as bliss itself
in fullness

Poetry form: Etheree

Unseeking Seeker 13-12-2020 01:14 PM

The door is open

of life
All we can do is,
is to be nonchalant,
recognising the deep truth
that we are not the mind body,
thereby enjoying our life sojourn,
as though watching a movie at leisure.

Yet within this dream, we wish to awake.
We are both the subject and object,
within the field of awareness.
Thus, to awaken right here
we must enter stillness,
embrace cessation,
enter the void,
to then be
right now

Unseeking Seeker 13-12-2020 01:15 PM

Vessel a vassal

by step
we progress
or shall we say,
becoming enabled
to so slowly imbibe
the divine bliss elixir
vivifying our mind body
as rapture within in renewal
teleporting us to heightened delight.

It is our emptiness that draws in bliss
through a magnetic power within,
filling all voids with the nectar,
thus transforming mind body
as a bliss transmitter
to help and heal all
in as ordained
as of the

Unseeking Seeker 17-12-2020 02:10 PM

Loosen up

all leaves
kiss sunlight.
Waves of ocean,
a composite whole,
for most part in the dark;
so which part feels the caress
of flowing breeze and sandy shore?
The aspects within, which are lighter
partake of playful joy in realms subtler.

Taking a cue from the sea thus offered,
we may do well to loosen fetters
that anchor us in delusion.
Essence of life in the flow,
alive in each moment.
Thus free of desire
and attachment,
our presence
throbs with

Unseeking Seeker 17-12-2020 02:11 PM

Meditation continuum

the talk
to become.
Doing nothing,
simply cognising
the throb of life within,
each moment anew begin,
imbibing beauteous fragrance,
shifting from grasping to connecting,
being to become bliss, form transcending.

Immersed in fullness in the life current,
cessation of thought, not negation.
Present in restful awareness,
in ever present stillness,
inner, outer aligned
a prayer humming,
our heart singing,
in silence,
we thus

Unseeking Seeker 20-12-2020 07:28 AM

Our shifting perspective

of time
slowly turns
as we too learn,
shifting perspective,
our view more expanded,
with attention now softened,
looking beyond near horizons,
with single eye vision spherical,
heart open, acceptant and forgiving.

Life does teach us if we choose to listen,
our fulcrum shifting from head to heart,
as we reclaim lost innocence,
taking life as but a play,
with empathy for all
in joy and laughter,
our mood lighter,
each moment
throb of

Unseeking Seeker 20-12-2020 07:29 AM

An open secret

as a spasm
of deep delight,
rapturising thus
our body in fullness:
awakening inner light,
an open secret in plain sight!
How may we delineate the feel
of the ineffable blissful appeal?

Higher mind aroused by this elixir,
rests content in the current divine,
nestled in flowing cognition,
as timeless meditation.
Is-ness of being-ness,
vibrant and complete,
with bliss replete,
thus remains,
cleansed of

BigJohn 20-12-2020 08:51 AM

      I really like your style.....

do not be surprised if you see me
          imitating your work.

Unseeking Seeker 20-12-2020 11:32 AM

Hello BigJohn!

Thanks for dropping by! This poetry format is called Etheree, 10 lines with syllable count rising from 1-10 or in reverse order. It kind of induces a geometry provided we choose the word lengths accordingly. :)

Unseeking Seeker 22-12-2020 01:02 PM

How to meditate

by looking
inwards gently,
without agenda,
devoid of all desires,
which are invariably
merely ego urgings feral.
We shift deep into our heart centre,
abiding in thought rested awareness.

Well begun is half done, so what remains?
What self blocks ever present silence?
Why does attention oscillate?
Let us pause cause of stupor,
choosing to resonate
with the throb of love
aglow within:
the current,

Unseeking Seeker 25-12-2020 05:12 AM

Void of no-thingness

a wave form,
rise and descent,
with two voids therein,
with contrasting intent.
Before each inhalation,
we invite the pranic force in,
with gratitude. The exhalation
begins with grateful prayerful surrender.

The two voids of polarity exchange
are no-thingness in absoluteness.
Let us choose to reside therein,
vibrant and free of bondage.
Movement of pendulum
is not a fetter,
if we be at
the centre.
Path now

Unseeking Seeker 27-12-2020 05:40 AM


we shift
from the outer
world of illusions
into our heart centre,
our thoughts shed toxicity,
no longer craving indulgence,
which leaves our mind body hollowed out,
inviting the divine light to fill us.

Thoughts come and go but we do not own them.
As such, our presence becomes unbound,
released from ego narrowness,
connected to that oneness.
Free of fear and desire,
vibrant void within
draws the current
as ordained
by Gods

Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2020 04:35 AM

Dare to leap

Time and tide,
waits for no man.
Wake up, oh hermit!
Life slowly ebbs away.
We are not this mind body.
Look within: throb of love beckons!
Know that the world is but fleeting form
and all that we hold dear will fade away.

As we search for happiness eternal,
we recognise we must shift within
into the void of no-thingness.
We let go of, to get to.
The divine magnetism
draws us thus inwards
igniting form
in fullness:

Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2020 04:36 AM

Aspect allowing

so embraces
those receptors,
who do resonate
in a flow of silence.
Love divine for us does wait.
Go in, oh hermit! Go in now!
Slip into a blissful calm sedate.
To the magnetic throb within, gyrate!

Sunlight beckons but the curtains are drawn.
Only open hearts feel the bliss storm,
filling all voids within our form.
Feel, oh hermit, love caress;
lingering, teasing bliss!
Moment to moment,
our bliss quotient
thus heightens,
as love

Unseeking Seeker 03-01-2021 08:40 AM

Love in love with love

mat is laid!
Please do come in,
beseeches our heart!
Let us entwine in bliss!
Delay no longer, my friend!
Separate, we are incomplete;
whilst unified in love we do shine
in the radiance of the light divine!

Listen oh hermit, to this entreaty!
Waste not gift of life in delusion.
The outer world holds no value.
Go in! Go in! Go in, now!
Love in love is calling!
Feel the throb of bliss
within the heart,
in each breath,

Unseeking Seeker 05-01-2021 03:44 PM

Unfettered awareness

our being,
as also fears
and ego desires,
in realm of illusions,
thereby stifling aliveness,
anchoring us in stagnation,
making us captive to lower mind,
enmeshed in dark swamplands of delusion.

Doubts, borne of urges, rooted in doership,
we surrender instrument of thought,
resting in awareness alone,
uncaring of all outcomes,
content in blissful peace,
in the here and now,
as a witness,
in the

Unseeking Seeker 05-01-2021 03:46 PM

Burning desire

to entwine
with the divine,
makes love the object,
with self as the subject,
burning yearning as the means,
for connecting by thus merging.
Love in love with love for love alone,
transmutes mind body in a sea of bliss.

Path pathless, begins and ends at the heart,
seed of consciousness, where desire starts.
Feeling incomplete, we begin,
first in the outer domain,
then in silence, within.
Our form magnetised,
as bliss does seep;
no longer
do we

Unseeking Seeker 08-01-2021 09:21 AM

The guru chakra

is throbbing
with full power,
gripping attention
in heightened ecstasy.
We acceptantly imbibe
the supreme divine elixir,
which rapturises our form in full,
as we simply melt into the current.

Form vaporised, we feel joy pulsating,
the light spherical with no centre.
Bliss oozes from each pore within.
We feel complete and fulfilled.
The gurus grace descends,
as we thus transcend,
as bliss itself
in fullness

Unseeking Seeker 08-01-2021 09:22 AM

The door is open

of life
All we can do is,
is to be nonchalant,
recognising the deep truth
that we are not the mind body,
thereby enjoying our life sojourn,
as though watching a movie at leisure.

Yet within this dream, we wish to awake.
We are both the subject and object,
within the field of awareness.
Thus, to awaken right here
we must enter stillness,
embrace cessation,
enter the void,
to then be
right now

Unseeking Seeker 11-01-2021 04:00 PM

Vessel a vassal

by step
we progress
or shall we say,
becoming enabled
to so slowly imbibe
the divine bliss elixir
vivifying our mind body
as rapture within in renewal
teleporting us to heightened delight.

It is our emptiness that draws in bliss
through a magnetic power within,
filling all voids with the nectar,
thus transforming mind body
as a bliss transmitter
to help and heal all
in as ordained
as of the

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