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rhubarbrosie 21-09-2016 02:57 PM

I'm terrified of my life review.

I'm hard enough on myself now as it is, I can only imagine viewing all my failings all at once ~~ it would be so like me to slink away in self-exile no matter how much mercy & forgiveness I'm offered!

"No it's okay, I'll just go sit in the inferno & roast, don't mind me, you all have fun without me"

wolfgaze 22-09-2016 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by rhubarbrosie
I'm terrified of my life review.

I'm hard enough on myself now as it is, I can only imagine viewing all my failings all at once ~~ it would be so like me to slink away in self-exile no matter how much mercy & forgiveness I'm offered!

"No it's okay, I'll just go sit in the inferno & roast, don't mind me, you all have fun without me"

Aww RhubarbRosie, you don't have to be fearful of that experience. Individuals have reported experiencing a very unique & enhanced state of awareness during their 'life review' experience. Other terms that have been used to describe this special state are 'metaconsciousness' and 'omniawareness'. It's like you are reviewing the nature of your life experience from the perspective of the Soul (with insight into the awareness of others) - and not through the human-centric perspective that we had been so familiar with. If you are really hard on yourself now, I don't perceive that such an orientation towards yourself is the result of your Soul's influence - but more likely originating from the influence of your physical/egoic mind (which contributes to a very limited identity and sense of self). You know that expression "you are your own worst enemy"? Well that's not a commentary on the Soul's influence, but how we tend to beat ourselves up in our own physical minds and how we can become so conditioned to be critical & judgemental of ourselves in self-defeating, unhealthy ways. It sounds like you are still working on resolving some mind-based disturbances that are present. You have to remind yourself that your state of awareness immediately after 'physical death' is not going to be identical to what you are experiencing right now. So allow for the likelihood that you will find yourself perceiving and viewing all of this business from your human lifetime in a new and unique light. It's okay that you've had perceived 'failings' in this lifetime. What's most important is not that they occurred - but what have you taken away from those experiences and learned about yourself as a result of having those experiences? How has your state of awareness grown/changed/expanded as a result of the challenges & adversity that you've faced? That's where the true importance/value resides...

It's also absolutely worth noting that the reported 'life review' process is not all about focusing only on the perceived 'negative' or painful elements of one's lifetime. It's about the totality, the whole of one's life experience. This includes the joyous experiences, the selfless acts, the accomplishments in terms of Soul growth & development, the instances in which you have helped/assisted/supported/uplifted others, etc... So try to look at your life experience from the broadest perspective possible and remind yourself that it does not revolve around the current disturbances of your mind that you are working on resolving and coming to peace with. You are still actively creating your 'story' in this lifetime, and it is definitely within your means to continue to generate experiences and undergo personal developments which you will later look back upon and be proud of. : )

Lastly, here is one person's insights and findings from conducting research into this subject matter. To be clear, I'm not presenting this as verifiable 'facts' - but simply some notions/perspectives that I feel are worthy of evalutation and contemplation:

Life Review



Parma 23-09-2016 01:24 AM

No, not at all afraid. In fact I'm a little curious about the experience.

alcyone 25-09-2016 05:56 PM

A bit, but I'm more scared of dying and then finding myself still living..? I don't really like spiritual experiences like that.

seekerAK 25-09-2016 06:07 PM

I'm not afraid of death but wouldn't enjoy a long drawn-out process of dying a painful death. I have read over a thousand NDE accounts from different people and this has made me lose all fear of death. Now I actually look forward to it and am curious about what will happen after my soul leaves the body.

Debrah 25-09-2016 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by rhubarbrosie
I'm terrified of my life review.

I'm hard enough on myself now as it is, I can only imagine viewing all my failings all at once ~~ it would be so like me to slink away in self-exile no matter how much mercy & forgiveness I'm offered!

"No it's okay, I'll just go sit in the inferno & roast, don't mind me, you all have fun without me"

A great series of books that I've read, 'Conversations With God', suggests that the life review isn't something to worry about. It will apparently go like this:

You have 'donned' this body for the purpose of experiencing this life but this body is not the real you who will WATCH the life review. This body is like the little SIM's characters that you can develop in that video game or like the puppet on the hand of the puppet-master. And the 'real you' is the puppet master.

Then you/this body dies, and you leaving your little SIM's guy behind and now get to review this (now 'past') life and figure out the good things you learned and where you could do better. But according to 'the speaker' in the book, you will watch it objectively, just as you would watch a movie. You'll know your feelings and the feelings of everyone involved in that experience, but you won't be taking any of it personally at that point because the 'real you' knows it was all only for an exercise to let 'you' and even the other party, experience and 'know' more, including Yourself.

Khalli 25-09-2016 07:26 PM

No I'm not.

I look forward to leaving this place and return home.

RosieGeller 27-09-2016 03:45 PM

a long process of dying is horrible. My grandma passed away recently, she was light and kind person all her life, energectic and helpful, and it's so damn not fair that she had to suffer and lay down and lost a clue to this world.

Theophila 27-09-2016 06:54 PM

I'm not afraid of the actual death. I'm afraid of not having lived...not having experiences or having fulfilled desires I've had , have or will have.
I believe in the end it's not what I've materialistically obtained that will matter but what I will be leaving with in my heart and soul.

I worry if I've done right in life and will continue on for better and also hopefully not be returning to this world again.

Also I'm abit afraid of how I will go. I don't like long drawn out illnesses or going painfully. In my sleep would be ideal.:sleepy1:

nearspirit 27-09-2016 07:58 PM

I'm not afraid of physical death. But I fear being erased even in soul form.

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