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Greenslade 13-11-2018 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by lomax
Good point greenslade.It matches with what i've read about christ.i believe jesus and christ were not the same person.Also christ's teachings are all faulse.
Priests of that time ensured (once again) to hide the real teachings,in order to keep the power for themselves.
Everything we know is writen by humans,and we all know what a human being can do in order to gain power and authority over others.

Thank you, Lomax.

I'm not going to offer up any truths here because I think those have been totally lost in the sands of time. Christianity had a penchant for co-opting the beliefs of other religions and at the time there was political leverage of having an all-powerful God - who they co-opted from Zoroaster. As I understand it there was also rivalry going on with a number of other prophets, including Muhammed. Having a prophet who was the Son of the all-powerful sky-daddy who wasn't just imbued with Christed Consciousness but was Christ......

Regardless of whether Christ existed or not or what he was or wasn't, personally I think the message is far more important than the messenger. Jesus' messages make sense in the right context - in the context of Christianity and society as it was at that time.Jesus went AWOL for sixteen years and apparently he spent time with Hindus, Buddhists, Druids to name but a few. If you spend a little time getting behind the words, what Jesus was teaching wasn't that far away from what Buddha and a few others also taught. Jesus said that his father was in heaven, and even as an atheist I can connect to that. Much of what he said wasn't Christian (God without) at all but Gnostic (God within) - which is in alignment with what some of the other main religions teach. Jesus' teachings aren't false, they just need interpreting. His teachings were 'moulded' to suit the politics of the Bible, but at the same time I firmly believe that there were those that would have tried to preserve the original teachings as much as possible. If you look carefully you can pick up hints that there is wisdom deliberately hidden in the Bible.

Much of what religion has become is a control mechanism for the elite - God made man, man made religion and religion made God.

Greenslade 13-11-2018 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by lomax
And the fall of adam and eve because they had sex?
Sorry but it seems to childish for me to accept it.

Pope gregory made sure that the library of palatine destroyed completely.They burned all the original manuscripts.

Also there was a convention at Constantinople in the Year 60.
They decided what to expose and what not.

Seems like we're fooled big time.

Adam and Eve were thrown out because they disobeyed God and ate of the tree of knowledge - or at least that's how the story goes. Adam was the Sumerian 'Adamu' or fist man, a hominid/Annunali hybrid and regardless of whether or not you believe in aliens, the story (and the rest of Genesis and the bulk of the Old Testament) is based on the Sumerian Enuma Elish. There's a lot of controversy as to where the names originated but both Yahweh and Satan pre-date Christianity b y at least hundreds of years. Some say that Enlil was Yaweh and that Enki was Satam - both are supposed to be Sumerian titles and the Old Testament carries on the same theme. If you really want to understand Genesis or the Old Testament - including the flood - then it's worth having a read through Sumerian mythology.

Just out of interest, the Mayan Popul Vuh agrees with the Sumerians in the creation of man and in the flood.

Greenslade 13-11-2018 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Christ Consc....same to me as Krishna or Cosmic Consciousness.
Super Consciousness, also! :smile:

And a few other terms, but yes.
Tolle talks about what he calls space consciousness and object consciousness. He defines object consciousness as anything to do with the brain such as beliefs, knowledge, reasoning, thinking and understandings gained by the processing of those. Anything that is form so generally that's anything related to the brain/mind. He doesn't expand much on space consciousness other than it's beyond/above space consciousness. but I'm guessing he means Gnosis.

guthrio 15-11-2018 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
'Kindred Spirit'. I haven't seen that phrase in what feels like so many Lifetimes ago, Guthrio. I can't help wonder if you've been to the caves and spoken to the beings there but I feel the 'fingerprints' of their energies in you just the same. It had to happen I guess, it was pretty much inevitable.

"You have always been here."

....no caves (that I remember), Greenslade, just vibes. That's always how one recognizes the resonance of Kindred Spirits.

Looked up "Kosh" in Wikipedia. Babylon 5 sounds like my kind of Sci Fi.

Greenslade 15-11-2018 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by guthrio
....no caves (that I remember), Greenslade, just vibes. That's always how one recognizes the resonance of Kindred Spirits.

Looked up "Kosh" in Wikipedia. Babylon 5 sounds like my kind of Sci Fi.

I know you have 'the vibe', Guthrio, that much is very obvious. What I wasn't sure abut is how much of it you have but that's only my own curiosity, that you have it at all is enough. There are a few people coming into my radar lately hat have it.

You haven't seen Babylon 5??? There's definitely something missing from your education. :hug3: It never attracted the budget nor the following that Star Trek did but in many ways the stories were far better because there always seemed to be long-running threads weaving themselves through. Kosh was one of the more intriguing characters, his race was deeply Spiritual. One of his moments - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jli3ruqWYlc

Miss Hepburn 15-11-2018 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
...Kosh was one of the more intriguing characters, his race was deeply Spiritual.
One of his moments - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jli3ruqWYlc

'Cool' friends told me a long time ago I should watch B-5....I
watched the 'Kosh revealed' youtube...I will watch the 10 best
arc stories with the best of the 5 episodes...to see what you mean.
Comments left are very impassioned. :smile:

Miss Hepburn 15-11-2018 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Christ Consc....same to me as Krishna or Cosmic Consciousness.
Super Consciousness, also! :smile:

Reading some amazing things online...I came across Quantum Consciousness.
Ha! Excellent.:hug3:

Shivani Devi 15-11-2018 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Reading some amazing things online...I came across Quantum Consciousness.
Ha! Excellent.:hug3:

Welcome to the initiation ceremony. :biggrin: :hug3:

I spent all last week with Stephen Wolinsky on YouTube. He is a disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj and Stephen Wolinsky wrote a non-dual treatise on A Course In Miracles, however I spent most of my time listening to his audiobook called "Waking From the Trance" and I was amazed by this video on non duality from a S&ND interview.


I totally loved this, because my head was just nodding all the way through it...

He basically said there is no "I" in "I am that" because by the time a "non dual state" has been attained, there is no longer any "I" that can have the experience of it...and "I" have been saying exactly the same thing for years now... I was going to post something about this in the non-duality forum...thought better of it...

Welcome to Quantum Consciousness, Miss H.

Greenslade 16-11-2018 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
'Cool' friends told me a long time ago I should watch B-5....I
watched the 'Kosh revealed' youtube...I will watch the 10 best
arc stories with the best of the 5 episodes...to see what you mean.
Comments left are very impassioned. :smile:

You haven't seen B5?? Tsk tsk lol. The Vorlans are portrayed as mysterious, all-powerful beings that have embedded themselves in the collective subconscious minds of pretty much all of the alien and human species. In one episode Kosh comes out of his encounter suit and all the races see their versions of an angel. Later on it becomes Nietzschian in that they throw the Vorlons out of the galaxy.

Can't help but wonder how humanity would do if there was no heaven after all.


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Reading some amazing things online...I came across Quantum Consciousness.
Ha! Excellent.:hug3:

According to Penrose (you've probably come across his name - and Hamerof, our brains are already physically quantum-capable. There are microtubules in the brain that are 'quantum ready' that are shielded from the rest of the elctro-activity that goes on in the brain. So the next time you have a senior moment, blame it on the entanglement with the field of probability. If God is the probability field then Jesus has just been proved right by modern science.

guthrio 17-11-2018 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
I know you have 'the vibe', Guthrio, that much is very obvious. What I wasn't sure abut is how much of it you have but that's only my own curiosity, that you have it at all is enough. There are a few people coming into my radar lately hat have it.

You haven't seen Babylon 5??? There's definitely something missing from your education. :hug3: It never attracted the budget nor the following that Star Trek did but in many ways the stories were far better because there always seemed to be long-running threads weaving themselves through. Kosh was one of the more intriguing characters, his race was deeply Spiritual. One of his moments - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jli3ruqWYlc

Hi Greenslade,

Thanks for sharing the Kosh youtube segment. While thinking about what I viewed, I was struck by the similarities in the dependence on technology by the human participants in Sci Fi series you mentioned, Star Trek and Babylon 5, not to mention Star Wars, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, and so many others.

I understand that our present level of Spiritual understanding still requires the use of "technological tools" to depict "future progress" to the present-day audiences who remain so dependent upon it, even while they watch.

It occurred to me that one of the reasons why "aliens" haven't yet landed among us "en mass" is because we would be simply overwhelmed to realize that "They have always been here" (to paraphrase Kosh's phrase in your earlier post). :smile:

....just on a "different" channel, so to speak, of the true simultaneity that is Infinite Consciousness, that some scientists are calling "Quantum Consciousness" and some religious texts have called "Many Mansions in our Father's House".

To properly greet those ever-present neighbors who are nowhere (now-here) to be found, I'll paraphrase the words of Desi Arnaz, from that excellent "Sci Fi" TV show from the 50's, "I Love Lucy" , ...."Lucy, we've got some catchin' up to do"! :smile:

Compared to the infinite Spiritual Knowledge with which we have all been endowed, but have yet to learn how to properly utilize, I guess we'll have to continue relying on our own limited, earth-bound "alien" technology we've myopically put in its place, until we realize that:

We have always been Who we truly are, awaiting our own remembrance, on Earth, that I AM THAT I AM, as in Heaven.

Hopefully, humanity will someday realize that we've never needed the substitution of "technological advances" or "artificial intelligence" to live our lives or to greet our omnipresent neighbors because like them, "We are the technology" itself. http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...67&postcount=8

"Howdy, neighbors! Long time no see...

Where you been keepin' yourselves? "

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