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shareunity 10-02-2012 06:38 AM

I truly had an awakening a few nights ago after i parted from my love. i believe he is my tf! anyways. after all that. i found out the info on lightworkers which ive been seeking all my life. like i thought i was ALONE on this one. truly im amazed that there people out there. I just need to let go. truly! I inspire people with the truth and with the wisdom that i learned as i grew up. that everything is a life lesson (even if its bad) sigh <3 hahaha :] Im loving this forum!

Toolite 11-02-2012 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by shareunity
I truly had an awakening a few nights ago after i parted from my love. i believe he is my tf! anyways. after all that. i found out the info on lightworkers which ive been seeking all my life. like i thought i was ALONE on this one. truly im amazed that there people out there. I just need to let go. truly! I inspire people with the truth and with the wisdom that i learned as i grew up. that everything is a life lesson (even if its bad) sigh <3 hahaha :] Im loving this forum!

thats awesome.. there are alot of good people here..

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!

shareunity 15-02-2012 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Toolite
thats awesome.. there are alot of good people here..

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!

:hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2:

froebellian 20-02-2012 11:21 PM

I did the 'test' and came up Earth angel- Wise one.

It was comforting to know that angels can be lost and confused.. no disclaimer when we agree to come.

For me it has taken a while to 'wake up' and now am understanding why certain things have been so in my incarnation so far.

vicky3619 21-02-2012 07:07 AM

It might seems strange but now I KNOW I'm an earth angel when I first read about it I had such a strong emotion , my head start to turn and it was just like I was remembering something on myself ! And then I've think a lot about it and I just Know I'm a earth angel, I've come on earth to help !
In a meditation I find out that I was maybe an incarnated angel or a Wise one :) Would love to talk with other earth angel and to know how you have wake up :)

Tea Break 21-02-2012 09:52 AM

Hi, froebellian and vicky :hug2: - welcome to the throng of Earth Angels awakening to the "knowing" of our purpose :smile:

Yes - feelng lost, confused or out of place in this world seems to be a common thread among us - our heart feelings trying to make themselves heard above the insistence of our minds, and the slog of everyday life here.
It's all part of our purpose, though - and it's through dealing with such challenges that we "remember" why we're here - to help lift our lovely world and her peoples into the special future we have ahead.

With hindsight, I wonder if maybe the "challenges" we've been through help us connect with other people still working through their own problems? We can understand their confusion - and be patient with it.

Realising I'm here to be part of this special team doesn't make me "perfect", :angel12: I've still loads to learn about patience, tolerance, and trust in God, Souce, or etc.,
It does give me hope though, for myself - and our world. We've all been looked after and guided this far ... it's an exciting future ahead, isn't it?

Angel Blessings to All :angel7:

froebellian 21-02-2012 11:40 AM

True teabreak, and I guess thats why many of us are alone as in not married or like to have alone time, as no one could really understand.

I think as things click into place, it can make our 'job' easier by understanding why we feel as we do and why we do certain things..

Tea Break 22-02-2012 04:16 PM

Yes, the "alone" situation - that's an important point, froebellian.

Many of us will be single, and what other people may call "loners", but developing in the manner we are that's fairly necessary, isn't it?
How can we put full effort into our "work" if there is a family or particular loved one to daily cause conscience-conflict as regards giving time and focus?

For those who have such responsibilities and may feel divided about it, I'd suggest that you keep your faith and interest ticking-over for now, but give your relationships first place ... the time will come when you are more free to move deeper into the committment required.

What do we all think?

Angel Blessings to All :angel4:

froebellian 22-02-2012 06:16 PM

Strangely as a teenager, girls always talked of settling down etc, even my friends knew that was not going to happen to me. I waited for it to happen.. still am but knew deep down I was not going to be married and settled down by 25 I was always more career orientated.

People- especially men don't understand why I am not with someone or married/divorced.. I cannot explain it- just how it is and not a choice.

True, if I had children/partner I may not have been able to help some people to the extent I have.

Also, it is useful to share knowledge, which leads to understanding and also warnings to others.

For example 'wise ones' have strong manifestation powers. My mum did warn me, but I did not believe her.. reading it from another angels experience and seeing the consequences of my actions render this true, to control ones anger against others. I have been trying to recoup the karma lost from my 'actions' as I was unaware how powerful i could be and also didn't believe either. How was I supposed to know?

Also another article refers to us having 'clients' in relationships and friends- this now makes sense , as soon as my job is done so to speak these people drift out of my life. I never understood why and felt " what did I do? I helped and supported them, now they are gone?'
The bigger picture is to allow us to help the next person, but it does get lonely when you build that bond and then its gone and saddens me.

I also feel being in an incarnation during this period of recession is unstabling and uncomfortable , making any 'work' even more difficult, frustrating and confusing. Learning to differentiate between those who need help through no fault of their own and those that created their own situation ( their lesson to learn- not for us to interfere)

Understanding what and who I am helps ground me though I know there is probably more I need to learn too..

Occultist 22-02-2012 06:44 PM

You are aware humans are not Angels and vice versa nor can they ever be.
Angels is actually benieth us we have more say in our lives then angels do.
They were more created to protect and give messages stuff like that. So in theory wouldnt a Earth Angel be a demonic?

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