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SilentWolfMan777 27-03-2019 05:30 PM

PS: If I have skipped or overlooked anybody's request, it happens :-)

Just re-post and/or quote it if it's a serious question.

Thank You!

Dargor 27-03-2019 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by God
Good and Bad are a subjective human construct my child, there is only Love.

True, unconditional Love. Not the limited human love which would be more accurately expressed through the word: Gratitude.

Love that permeates All, and allows All.

What you perceive as "bad people" are merely people using The Law correctly.

I have given Man Dominion over All of Earth's Creatures, regardless of which experiences they choose to have. Their free-will comes in the choosing of their realities.

It is not for you to Judge, lest ye be Judged yourself - it's for Me.
Your job as My Son is to See them as they desire to be, this is how you forgive sin.

Essentially, you are all within me, and there is a harmony - the tongue doesn't hate the bladder because it expels what it perceives as precious liquids. I as the body understand that it is necessary. Basically, remember that there's always a higher perspective that makes it make sense.

So you're saying someone like Josef Mengele wasn't a bad person? And this 'love' you speak about, where is it in this wretched world that you created? I don't know what you think about when you see the Earth, but what I think about is a hellish place totally devoid of love.

SilentWolfMan777 27-03-2019 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
So you're saying someone like Josef Mengele wasn't a bad person? And this 'love' you speak about, where is it in this wretched world that you created? I don't know what you think about when you see the Earth, but what I think about is a hellish place totally devoid of love.

I'll give you some perspective, since you're still seeing out of human eyes.

Is a person who murders 20 Billion people bad?

Is he, really?


__________________________________________________ ______________________

What if he is saving 300 Billion people's lives because the 20 billion were dying on their planet and wanted to annihilate the 300's whole civilization so they could inhabit their planet?

Is he still a bad person for wanting to save 300 Billion people?

Do you see how what you don't know could change everything for you?

A woman watches a romcom and cries, she is involved in the drama - why is Josef so mean to Priscilla. To her this is a reality and her emotions are every bit as real as anything - but in a higher perspective (that of the director) the movie is fake, a pretend game he orchestrated.

The drama doesn't affect him because he knows its not the true reality, the people on the screen are actors. This is the same with physical reality; it's a shadow of the true reality which is spirit.

There is no "Josef Mengele" in actual fact, you're merely looking at a different aspect of yourself. Which you interpret as this BEing.

Love is unconditional, it says if you want to kill I won't stop you because you are FREE to experience whatever you want. It takes a very high intelligence to understand this concept.

Although it only takes a child to feel it.

Pure, children don't know what "right" or "wrong" is until they're taught/programmed to make the discernment/judgment.

Aethera 28-03-2019 12:41 AM

This piqued my curiousity.:angel7:

What do you/the universe want me to know?

FallingLeaves 28-03-2019 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
Let me try something here...

So, besides being non-dual, impersonal, conscious energy, what kind of creature am I?

I fully understand that I am not human, but that is ALL I know! I don't know whether I come from the "Light Side" or the "Dark Side" of the Force and whether I am to use my "gifts" to be part of mankind's salvation or annihilation...but whatever the case, I really wish I knew so that I can just get on with doing whatever it is I came here to do, be that good OR bad....As long as it is totally consistent with the "plan", I could not care less.

If you are really "God" or have access to the Divine One, you will fully understand the question that I am asking here...and when are you or your nemesis going to show up with my "instruction manual"?

that is the point. you want to know the plan so you can go along with it. But that is part of the bad thing, the mistake. And if I told you that, you wouldn't buy it because well you love going along with plans and what an idiot I am for not adoring it at all costs too? So my words clearly aren't worth further thought on your part, simply because I don't value what you do; we aren't on the same page.

But if by some miracle you did actually buy it? you would take THAT as the plan, and try to go along with it. Without even a thought as to what you were about to do fit into the idea you had bought. So even if you don't think me an idiot and somehow see some merit in something I say, nothing I have said here can really make a difference to your outlook, even if I'm right in my opinion that this observation I've been asked to have cuts to the core of the matter the way nothing else does.

Which maybe is why god was content to say it just once then let it go... After all he did say something about not being the author of confusion? And I can just see what confusing things people's minds would do with what I just said if they were unlucky enough to have to buy into it. Sigh.

Miss Hepburn 28-03-2019 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by SilentWolfMan777
1.I'll give you some perspective, since you're still seeing out of human eyes. ___________________________________________________ _____________________
2.Do you see how what you don't know could change everything for you?

3.There is no "Josef Mengele" in actual fact, you're merely looking at a different aspect of yourself.
Which you interpret as this BEing.

LOL....excellent sentences! :thumbsup:
But, those using the intellectual mind, the limited human way...will get this as much as a non-Buddhist gets
the sound of one hand clapping.:tongue:
Nothing is what it seems, pure and simple.

SilentWolfMan777 28-03-2019 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Aethera
This piqued my curiousity.:angel7:

What do you/the universe want me to know?

Everything is proceeding accordingly . . .

Also, to always remember you are eternal.

Aethera 28-03-2019 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by SilentWolfMan777
Everything is proceeding accordingly . . .

Also, to always remember you are eternal.

That is good to know~ :icon_smile:

I do know that our soul/spirit is eternal and always growing.

SilentWolfMan777 01-04-2019 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
LOL....excellent sentences! :thumbsup:
But, those using the intellectual mind, the limited human way...will get this as much as a non-Buddhist gets
the sound of one hand clapping.:tongue:
Nothing is what it seems, pure and simple.

Simple and pure! aye! yes. This is beautiful.

As a trail of orchards behind your footsteps, floating on the water..

SilentWolfMan777 01-04-2019 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Aethera
That is good to know~ :icon_smile:

I do know that our soul/spirit is eternal and always growing.

Great but do you know this is the same with the Body?

That there is little difference between spirit soul and body but the frequency of vibration.

That it too, can transcend time and space because they are man-made constructs?

Have you heard of the Awakened consciousness within?

It operates above but at the level of awareness you feed it, so becoming more aware of it makes it more relative; hence more present and USEFUL. Your own Christ consciousness has been working this whole time, it just needs a little attention to work "miracles" in your life. Though what most (sleeping man) calls a miracle is but the simple operation of a higher law.

Come to me anywhere and any when,

All you need t' do is be still, quiet yourself and you will hear Me.

The Awareness of Awareness, that is God & that is All of us.

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