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Unseeking Seeker 23-08-2020 01:51 PM

Silent whispers

A secret whispered
in deep sleep
The mantra revealed
vibrationally seeps

Magnetism within rising
has us upbeat
By mantra divine we bear
its searing heat

The role of our free will
is to choose to connect
Divine blessings alone
ultimately hold us erect


Unseeking Seeker 24-08-2020 03:23 PM

Smitten by love divine

Throb of bliss ever present
awareness peaked in the continuum
to each pulsation sentient
resident within at the stillness fulcrum

Each practice written in the scriptures
requiring a limited doer doing
abandoning all action being in rapture
flowing in the current vivifying

There being no one in here to surrender
childlike presence celebrating
innocently looking in astonished wonder
at ineffable ecstasy electrifying


Unseeking Seeker 26-08-2020 02:51 AM

Demystifying the puzzle

Crystallised energy
Emanating from the source
Caged in space & time
As matter coarse

Life as consciousness
Innate in all manifestation
Gods very presence
As the throb of sensation

Lifetrons in form spawned
Being breathed by His power
Each destined to ascend
Swathed in a bliss shower

Just as God has total freedom
We too are granted some free will
We may indulge in ego cravings
Or ascend by simply being still

The natural choice being of alignment
Ever ecstatic in the elixirous current
Or if stagnative in ego borne attachment
We suffer contraction of discontentment

Eventually the narrowing oscillation
Draws in opposing polarities in union
Awaking entails following the suggestion
Of throbbing love in unbound elation

Thus when we choose to exit the game
Of the pulse contracting & expanding
Depends upon our own free will
To reclaim blissful presence self illumining


Unseeking Seeker 26-08-2020 09:59 AM

Silent explosion

Sahasrara & Ajna in tandem
Ignite the head ovoid
Anahata spacial ever purring
All within Sushumna overjoyed

Moment to moment we cognise
Imperceptible shifts within
We alone know the throb we feel
Ecstatic renewal of bliss ignition


Unseeking Seeker 28-08-2020 04:57 AM

Pathless path sabbath

Looking prayerfully heavenward
Or in stillness inward
Our heart full of hope
Ceasing to strive & grope
For moments in time so chosen
We are immune to ego poison
As we resistancelessly align
With love pulsations divine
Imbibing His grace
At an easy pace

In silence


Unseeking Seeker 28-08-2020 08:16 AM

Thousand petaled lotus

A thousand petals
of which only two open
At the divine mantle
deluded beliefs shaken

That that is known
as lucid understanding
Origin past seeds sown
now slowly blossoming

Identity and Self merger
within the heart spacial
It is a soundless thunder
of bliss explosion radial

There is no one within
seeking instant ascension
Each moment we begin
renewal of our meditation

Actuality of each revelation
a wonderment ineffable
Beyond reach of imagination
is splendour of Gods miracle


Unseeking Seeker 29-08-2020 05:46 PM

Idle musings

how still is our stillness
and how empty is our emptiness
here & now moment to moment entwined
if awareness within the linear time continuum
be not free of the last remnants of ego residuum

determiner of emptiness being an ego calibration
succumbing thus are captive in collaboration
unless vaporised in a continuum unbroken
with Samadhi as permanent state
peak that never abates


Unseeking Seeker 30-08-2020 03:08 PM

Continuum of watchfulness

Projection of manifestation as reality
Be it in waking or dreaming
Our response determining
Degree of our divine connectivity

After due deliberation
Even a sinner may act as a saint
Yet the ferality within that taints
Determines default orientation

The strength of each chain
Governed by its weakest link
When a question of swim or sink
What manifests is ego stain

Measure of our ascension
Marked by moments spent in stupor
Wherein oblivious to the bliss flavour
We are mired in habit borne stagnation

No wonder then we see ascended masters
Immersed in meditation continuously
For even they may fall instantly
If their attention drifts to vibrations lower


Unseeking Seeker 31-08-2020 06:48 AM

Who works while we sleep?

awaking gently from deep sleep
a mantra recital in progress
the realisation sinks in deep
arising from divine connectedness

revelations divine thus enabled
a gift of grace from the absolute
for no agenda by us was tabled
save alignment in prayer resolute


Realm Ki 31-08-2020 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

A thousand petals
of which only two open
At the divine mantle
deluded beliefs shaken

That that is known
as lucid understanding
Origin past seeds sown
now slowly blossoming

Identity and Self merger
within the heart spacial
It is a soundless thunder
of bliss explosion radial

There is no one within
seeking instant ascension
Each moment we begin
renewal of our meditation

Actuality of each revelation
a wonderment ineffable
Beyond reach of imagination
is splendour of Gods miracle


Thanks for all the wonderful poetry this was a new favorite. :hug2:

Unseeking Seeker 01-09-2020 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Realm Ki
Thanks for all the wonderful poetry this was a new favorite. :hug2:




Unseeking Seeker 01-09-2020 04:22 AM

Electrified emptiness

As contracting fearful thoughts creep in
we look at the ego urgings
with astonishment being of foreign origin
illusionary images spewing

Thought forms that we allow admittance
signal correspondent affinity
for porous emptiness of joyous innocence
throbs with bliss in continuity


Unseeking Seeker 02-09-2020 08:28 AM

Actuality in physicality

Magnetic throb within definitive
electrifying our form with ecstasy
We know not any spiritual practice
the rapture within being our reality

It matters not what others affirm
for we are ever immersed in bliss
In surrendered stillness we align
both free & captive in loves caress


Unseeking Seeker 03-09-2020 04:20 AM

Soma nectar

Watch & regulate
Soma that elates
Each lifetron sips
As it slowly drips
As of its choosing
Nadi grid vivifying

The usual recipients
Drawing the current
Manipura & Anahata
Ajna & Sahasrara
Via the Vishuddha
Guru, Bindu, Medulla

In all a loop elliptical
Form divide vertical
Sushumna neutral
As the central funnel
The staff of power
That bliss empowers

Such is the geometry
Pulsating in continuity
Mind body vehicle
Beholding this miracle
As it manifests within
As renewal of ignition


Unseeking Seeker 03-09-2020 05:06 PM

Awaking from the dream

How may we awake
being the object dreamed by the dreamer
tied to the ego stake
how may we align to be one with the creator

The clues do abound
in the pulsation of each heartbeat & breath
in stupor we are bound
serpentine ego retaining doership in stealth

Choosing to vaporise
melting into the vibrant void in total surrender
with no ego left to size
we then be to become essence of the wonder

It is our reflex instinct
resonating with love allowing no lower vibration
in hues of bliss inked
unbroken awareness continuum our meditation

This samadhi state
wherein jiva & Atma & Paramatma become one
as bliss within elates
no difference remains between He & we his son


Unseeking Seeker 05-09-2020 06:46 AM

The love frequency

As ego identity gradually recedes
centred in tranquil inner quietude
nestled in a continuum of stillness
bliss throb increases in magnitude

Occasionally acts need to be done
compelling indulgence of attention
yet recognising divine as the mover
we act that there be no bliss dilution

Recognising divine presence in all
we feel everywhere one heart beat
that there be no ripple in joyousness
the pulse of love is how all we greet

Observing acts arising from delusion
recognised as temporary aberration
our interaction proposing alignment
demeanour being a loving suggestion

The gains & losses and twists & turns
no longer part of our consciousness
all we seek is enhancing love quotient
in the energy field of singular Oneness


Unseeking Seeker 06-09-2020 04:10 AM

Pull of bliss magnetism

Observational quietude centreless
yet immersed in attention quanta
each packet of trance upon release
stretches void of silence continuità

As internalising attention in stillness
is distilled as our default orientation
stagnative fears and desires recede
throb of bliss our flowing meditation

Innate affinity choosing prioritisation
the potential desire becoming kinetic
manifesting reality as ourself chosen
pull of void alone bliss pulse eclectic

Gradually thus recalibrating our core
resonating with divine omnipresence
mind body identity shifts in alignment
becoming one with the bliss essence


Unseeking Seeker 06-09-2020 02:32 PM

Mirrorless vision

As we begin to see
Discerning the truth
Attraction & repulsion
Void of cessation
Love the God essence
As innocence
The voice of conscience
Bliss sentience

As we begin to see
No doing to be done
We come undone
Slowly layer by layer
We uncover
Addiction & stagnation
To fleeting illusion
Awaking thus from stupor
We rise to realms upper

Until nothing remains
As egoic stain


Unseeking Seeker 07-09-2020 03:42 AM

Nothing to report

Something within us falls away
A layer of identity simply drops

The shift is undoing of clinging
To delight
Identifying not with bliss within
Day & night

That that is still remains as it is
Higher desires of heart become

Discerning eye in space & form
Oneness with all love enabled

Shroud unveiled within we feel
In astonishment
Outer same yet a cognitive tilt
The wonderment

Deep detached calm is present
Is-ness of being purring silence


Unseeking Seeker 08-09-2020 05:08 AM

Merging by melting

Moment to moment
the moments entwined
by melting & merging
in the stillness continuum
clear truth is divined

Devoid of narrow thought
as awareness just as it is
resting in void of stillness
presence poised in cessation
feels the ecstatic bliss fizz

Magnetism vivifying emptiness
renews hues in playful dance
a lingering throbbing seductive
purring as well as exploding
in an enchanting love parlance

Bliss ineffable resource infallible
to maintain unbroken awareness
stretching void in vibrancy
tranquil calm & rapture entwined
merging form & formlessness


Unseeking Seeker 08-09-2020 05:29 PM

Imperceptible shift

The invisible flicker
of flame in the wicker
though there is no cause
for the pulse to pause
is cognised in aloneness
whilst in silence & stillness

We do not wish to hide
yet cannot confide
as the happening too subtle
translation impossible
shift being inner
outer mundanity dimmer


Unseeking Seeker 09-09-2020 03:05 PM


External environ compelling
yet relaxes its merciless hold
unable to get our attention
that God everywhere beholds

Each manifestation appearing
accepted by us as optimal
in trust that for our soul growth
every breath is a divine miracle

As we thus flow in staid stillness
empty within and unexpectant
divine magnetism fills our being
making ego responses decadent


Unseeking Seeker 10-09-2020 05:03 AM

Dual sim phone

Loss of focus
a seeming disorientation
in the external
interrupting our meditation

Loss of grounding
yet will not do being resident
within mind body
so we alternate the current

Polarity rotation
between realm inner & outer
doing to be done
in as ordained by the Creator


Unseeking Seeker 10-09-2020 03:45 PM


Fear & desire
two faces of attachment
to mind body
cause of discontentment

Doer seeking
consciousness expansion
in ego craving
in domain of maya illusion

Seeking eternal
in the external ephemeral
an ego delusion
drawing in destiny inimical

Clear recognition
that we are not body entity
makes us reflect
feeling in silence tranquility

Entering stillness
silencing the flow of thought
imbibing the elixir
bliss by divine grace brought

Body instrument
aligns with our true presence
magnetised form
blissfully joyful in permanence

Devoid of identity
egoic fears & desires vaporise
as a mist of bliss
delight in each divine surprise


Unseeking Seeker 11-09-2020 02:47 AM


Recognising our stupor
in constant renewal within
holding us in hypnotic trance
as each thought train begins

Dream images self conjured
seemingly unwilled
how we respond therein
signals if attention be distilled

Likewise for the waking state
opting for a stillness continuum
yet when immersed in turbidity
begins to sway the pendulum

Trapped thus within the matrix
of illusions begetting delusion
prayerful resolve to stand erect
becomes an unending meditation


Unseeking Seeker 11-09-2020 07:28 AM

Inner bliss current

conduit open
awaiting energisation
tamas shaken
wondrous joy ignition

love magnetic
drawing in the current
bliss ecstatic
innate native element

inner silence
merging into the void
love dalliance
being-ness overjoyed

we surrender
our identity in totality
silent thunder
bliss throb perpetuity


Unseeking Seeker 11-09-2020 03:13 PM

In the dark of the night

In the gap of cessation
of polarity rotation
between waking & sleeping
we feel bliss seeping
no thoughts canter
as we shift to the heart centre
neither seeking nor resisting
thus without any doing
in stillness being
and so becoming


Unseeking Seeker 12-09-2020 05:13 AM

Allowing the happening

Bliss and inner silence
embodied in permanence
as an ever present orientation
celebrating each pulse in innocence

We get to this is-ness of being-ness
imbibing each throb in wonder
unseeking & nonchalant
in prayerful surrender

Unseeking Seeker 13-09-2020 05:35 AM

Is-ness of being-ness

Sensing inner urgings arising
taken to be of divine origin
for with all desires quelled
our latent thoughts are virgin

Burning yearning for reuniting
with our own divinity within
being flame of love eternal
throbbing as a bliss explosion

Each vibe distilled in the heart
that tranquil silence prevail
the vibrant void our refuge
where no lower impulse assails

Recognising as we be breathed
that God within is resident
focus fixed upon this truth
imbibing bliss with joy innocent


Unseeking Seeker 13-09-2020 02:25 PM

Hari Ohm

This mantra drawn in by resonation
becomes a sound current meditation

Ohm Hari
Hari Ohm
Ohm Hari Hari
Hari Hari Ohm


Unseeking Seeker 13-09-2020 02:43 PM

Element of surprise

Tranquil wakefulness
blending into dream
Continuum of stillness
the child within beams

Each moment given
as a benediction
Ego cravings forsaken
one with Gods creation

Receptor in the current
of ecstatic purring bliss
We be in joyfulness content
in a divine entwined caress

This aspect of surrender
wherein form is magnetised
We behold each wonder
agreeable to be surprised


Unseeking Seeker 14-09-2020 01:06 PM

Divine resonation

Flowing in inner quietude
upper head ovoid vibrant
our heart spacial tingling
in a wholeness exuberant

Forms appear & disappear
a few kind & others vicious
we act in loving spontaneity
uplifting our consciousness

Each doing that is enacted
is surrendered to Gods will
seeking that our resonation
is love aligned with ego still


Unseeking Seeker 14-09-2020 04:39 PM

The vaporised self

Taking each occurrence as perfect
although it may not be apparent
ceasing to weigh or measure or size
we flow in the current unresistant

Each doing that is done is with gusto
there being no stupor phlegmatic
for unendingly throbbing with rapture
bliss in renewal has us all ecstatic

We may say that we do not really exist
as the word is usually interpreted
for our identityless presence emptiness
frivolous ego agendas deselected


Unseeking Seeker 15-09-2020 01:27 AM

Burning yearning

In the still of the night
we are engulfed by
magnetic electricity
The play of bliss delight
pulsates within
throbbing in continuity

As a child receptive
we imbibe the elixir
filling our form
In a mood meditative
we feel each nuance
as love embrace warm

With no aspect seeking
we rest in stillness
in prayerful gratitude
Our heart is yearning
for a connect seamless
as we burn in solitude


Unseeking Seeker 15-09-2020 03:52 PM

The bastion crumbles

As we be steered inexorably
towards reality of our being
the illusions we held on to
slowly begin disintegrating

Even though we do recognise
all manifestation as ephemeral
old habits rooted in stagnation
causes contraction agitational

Attachments begetting clinging
hoping to dwell longer in illusion
a tale of suffering self inflicted
resolved in stillness of meditation

Even as the pendulum swings
flow of our attention rudderless
we may centre our presence
tranquil in vibrant blissfulness

All we do is to remain in surrender
moment by moment in the flow
letting go of each life offering
in humble silence & stillness slow


Unseeking Seeker 16-09-2020 05:34 AM

The bubble bursts noiselessly

as pain within swells
to a heightened level
origin belied expectation
of null love reciprocation

such contortions tainted
delusions self anointed
do not stay with us long
as we sing the love song
reverberations of our soul
keeping us joyful & whole
birthing a throb continuous
manifesting bliss fortuitous
as a current ever present
within our heart resident
as soundless bliss ignition
ecstasy defying delineation
being our native element
divine entwined alignment

thus getting to stabilisation
rapid bliss hum restoration
stuporous thoughts rested
with ego delusion arrested
the flame of joy ever alive
to the beat to which we jive
acceptance ceasing to size
recognition where we realise
that each turbid movement
depends upon attachment
to nurture its life illusionary
viewed in stillness sedentary
from the centreless fulcrum
of our awareness sensorium

the play of life thus enacted
finding we have not reacted
unfed by us the source bursts
whilst we as a mist yet thirst

for love


Unseeking Seeker 17-09-2020 04:21 AM


plunged into a conflict not of our choosing
silence & stillness of spirit loving radiance
light house holding steady path signalling
to those choosing to align with conscience

in midst of battle a few scars are inevitable
yet outer impacts not the glow of our heart
stillness continuum a God bestowed miracle
the love divine holding all within none apart

if perchance lower urgings arise & manifest
cognitive eye single views it in astonishment
vaporised presence simply takes it as a jest
still in the vibrant void in blissful contentment


Unseeking Seeker 17-09-2020 11:01 AM

Witnessing transmutation

Tranquil presence
inner sentience
in the current

Thought ripple
in spiralling circles
orbiting our attention
entrapment in stagnation

Step by step and layer by layer
veils of delusion we uncover
feeding off our life force
fuelling ferality coarse

Discarding half measure
we vaporise under bliss cover
to become the void of emptiness
divine entwined in the sea of oneness

Unseeking Seeker 17-09-2020 02:01 PM

Illusion gazing

Looking at any desire approaching
sprouting from narrow ego craving
we pause in the gap before intent
energised yet still before we vent
thus humming in latent vacuity
silence getting us to the clarity
that ego impulse thus sublimated
heightens attention in a void elated
wherein we rest in effortless stillness
ecstatic & vivified in calm blissfulness

Unseeking Seeker 18-09-2020 04:52 AM

Mukti with bhukti

There really being no such thing
as an empty space
Renewing the frame of pleasure
at a teasing pace

Form as an integral whole a void
magnetised in full
Flowing gently in the love stream
feeling a bliss pull

Scented path & lingering caress
welcome us home
All we do is follow the pied piper
playing the tune ॐ


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