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Forum |
Last Post |
Threads |
Posts |
A place for discussing, sharing, recording and practicing affirmations
Yesterday 04:08 PM
1,799 |
29,569 |
Yesterday 04:08 PM
804 |
11,554 |
Talk about angels, guides, vision quests etc.
03-08-2024 03:48 PM
4,017 |
44,455 |
Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Out of Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences
Yesterday 04:19 PM
4,051 |
38,552 |
Specific discussions on Near-Death Experiences
Yesterday 04:19 PM
163 |
2,147 |
Discussions about all-things astrological
07-09-2024 04:14 PM
2,029 |
18,823 |
This is for discussion about Astronomy - similar to Astrology, but more science-based.
19-11-2023 08:03 PM
182 |
1,540 |
A section about auras and chakras, seeing auras etc, the chakras and related subjects, discussions etc
13-09-2024 04:15 PM
2,614 |
21,871 |
This is a forum for discussing channeling. Please use the subforum 'Channeled Messages' to specifically post any Channeled Messages.
13-09-2024 09:06 PM
1,355 |
13,440 |
13-09-2024 09:06 PM
563 |
4,715 |
Discussions about Crystals and Gemstones, their meaning and uses
Today 03:28 AM
3,399 |
35,121 |
Discussions about death, the after life, heaven etc.
10-09-2024 01:29 AM
1,652 |
32,882 |
A place to talk about all forms of Divination.
02-09-2024 08:04 AM
1,211 |
9,579 |
Discussions about Numerology, Runes and other methods of divination.
02-09-2024 08:04 AM
412 |
2,891 |
Discussions about Pendulums and Dowsing.
01-08-2024 11:02 PM
279 |
2,407 |
Forum for dreams, lucid dreaming etc.
09-09-2024 07:34 AM
4,129 |
20,355 |
Discuss Lucid Dreaming in here
07-02-2024 09:40 PM
352 |
2,174 |
Discussions about the tiny spiritual beings who inhabit our natural world
14-08-2024 06:38 PM
677 |
8,401 |
Discussions about healing
13-09-2024 07:02 PM
2,221 |
26,683 |
A section for discussions about Indigo, Crystal & Star Children
26-08-2024 09:59 AM
515 |
6,017 |
Discussion about love, and all relationships
Yesterday 10:04 PM
2,177 |
27,777 |
Topics about meditation
12-09-2024 04:44 PM
3,164 |
32,046 |
Talk about mediumship
Today 01:30 AM
2,101 |
22,264 |
12-09-2024 01:12 AM
503 |
21,294 |
Discussions about Past Lives, Reincarnation etc.
11-09-2024 10:43 PM
1,915 |
22,660 |
18-05-2024 12:08 PM
86 |
916 |
Discussions about the convergence of science and spirituality
Yesterday 09:54 PM
1,054 |
21,427 |
Talk about Signs and Synchronicities, and share how they have been meaningful and influential in your life
24-07-2024 01:24 PM
1,888 |
12,662 |
Discussion about soulmates and twin flames
09-09-2024 07:13 AM
12,818 |
173,680 |
Discussion about personal and spiritual development
Today 02:35 AM
8,392 |
174,961 |
A forum for the discussion of all things Spirituality.
10-09-2024 09:35 PM
2,888 |
64,792 |
Discussions about Tarot, Oracle Cards, and others.
12-09-2024 11:21 PM
1,862 |
21,827 |
General forum for any other spiritual and metaphysical discussions
Yesterday 01:03 PM
3,766 |
99,764 |
Forum Contains New Posts |
Forum Contains No New Posts |
Forum is Closed for Posting |
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