View Full Version : Eyes

11-04-2016, 04:25 AM
: Hi everyone, I hope that this is the right place to post.
Why do I keep seeing eyes? They're eye's that float around most of the time when I try to go to sleep. Some of them are clear and some fade as soon as I realize what I'm looking at and some morph into faces of people I don't know. I also have seen bird eyes like the great horned owl, this was the first one, I awoke about 3 in the morning and there was this bird starring at me i would blink and it was still there it was very intense and seemed to stay there for awhile, just before it faded it seemed to send energy through me just before it disappeared; this happened about 10 months ago. In the last 2 weeks I have also noticed the snow owl and then the eyes of the hawk and last night the eyes of the eagle.( This is all in my minds eye. )
I also want to make clear that I don't see eyes every night or faces this happens only a few times a month. If anyone has any ideas why this happens I would appreciate it.

Love Blossomingspirit:hug3:

11-04-2016, 09:49 AM
Sounds fantastic. Got to be good signs. I am really no expert, but sounds quite shamanic. Maybe they are trying to help you in some way.

Next time you see them, can you try to ask (in your mind) why they are there. Maybe you will get an answer.

11-04-2016, 01:56 PM
My clairs are strengthening at a fast rate. Some things come through in my mind, alot I can see with my eyes when I close them. Whatever comes through sort of glows or illuminates. I too was seeing face after face as well as a animal. The animal prompted me to search for answers. I found animal totems. I wasn't sure what type. I saw the top of the head and eyes but I did see a solid black predatory bird flying. I asked myself wonder what my spirit animal is? Hour later a real american bald eagle lands in my backyard. There hasn't been one here in south Alabama in 8 yrs atleast. The faces. I'd see one right after another. I figured out what most of the faces meant being able to detect a majority of them with atleast one of my senses. Unless they are willing and have enough energy to manifest enough to show me their face, I can close my eyes and see them. I was laying on my sofa. I closed my eyes and could see the illuminated impression from the room. When I felt the vibration and the isolated cold spot from the spirit's face coming up to mine, I saw a face. It backed away and so did the face I was seeing. Several more did this. I could see them move about in the impression of the room I was still seeing. It was as if they were trying to get me to connect these things together. So maybe this is the case with you as well.

Crystal Ambassador
11-04-2016, 06:11 PM
It sounds like it could be a couple of different things. The fact you don't mention being afraid or necessarily uncomfortable is a good sign, and I have a feeling that at least the bird eyes are guides trying to come through. To me, eyes would suggest something to do with sight; perhaps they want you to develop your spiritual sight, or want you to see something. Traditionally, when people talk about keen sight, they say "the eyes of a hawk". Owls seem to be your main visitor in that regard, so I would suggest looking into the probability that you have an owl as a guide.

Regarding human faces, that seems to me like they're spirits. Either wanderers who are curious about you since you demonstrate spiritual sight and ability, or other types of guides. Possibly even ancestors of either your current self or past lives. They may simply be trying to establish a clear link with you or may be trying to give you a message.

Traditionally, eagles have been good symbols. Native American in particular, where it seems most tribes have a sacred association with eagles. The Native symbolism I am familiar with mentions eagles as the embodiment of the Great Spirit, also known as God, the Goddess, or the Source. Hawks are known as messengers of the Great Spirit and other high-vibration entities, so the fact that they're accompanying the eyes of eagle and owl are particularly noteworthy.

I also second the suggestion that next time you see them, ask them why they are there. It would be a good way to open the channels of communication.

12-04-2016, 03:10 PM
Hey Yellow,
I have been told once that I was a Shaman by a psychic medium. I will try to ask them why they are there?? I know they are trying to tell me something.