View Full Version : EQUINOX and SOLAR ECLIPSE

22-09-2006, 06:09 AM

We have just ended the cycle begun two weeks ago by the new moon and eclipse of the moon on September 7th. That began a time of purging, and letting go of what was no longer needed in our lives.

Now, two weeks later, at the Full Moon and at the time of the Equinox, there is an equally momentous event with the full solar eclipse. One which happens only every 20 years.

I've included an article from an astrology website which I think is quite helpful to see how these energies are affecting the planet and our lives at this time.

"A solar eclipse is a New Moon with tremendous impact. The Sun that gives us life and lights our path is joined briefly with the dark and mysterious qualities of the Moon. The Moon blocks the light of the Sun. In this moment of perceived darkness, spirituality and the psyche combine anew, beginning another cycle in the spiral of our personal development.

The last time there was a solar eclipse at this degree was September 23, 1987 and before that was September 22, 1968. Think back to the personal themes in your life then and review the progress of your personal growth.

"All eclipses indicate change; solar eclipses signify beginnings and usually manifest as events in the outer world. At solar eclipses we: begin something new, make promises to ourselves, commit, announce, present ourselves, show up, make plans, select events, make decisions, rise to the challenge, make an effort, change, mature, take on greater challenges, travel at a faster pace, feel restless, feel pressured by deadlines and a buildup of emotions, experience a crisis and feel excited.

"In astrology, we also note at which of the Moon's nodes the eclipse occurs. North nodal eclipses have a personal orientation and symbolize personal identity, ego and the physical body. South nodal eclipses are other-oriented and symbolize a spouse or significant other, relationships and new perspectives based on interaction with others.

"This is a south nodal eclipse, suggesting that we are being called to use previously learned skills and talents in new ways and that the opportunities to do so will come through our relationships.

"As noted in the Astronomy section above, this is an annular eclipse; the area of the Sun blocked by the Moon appears smaller, leaving a ring of Sunlight visible around the Moon's shadow. An interpretation of the symbolism of this fact is that neither the spiritual/masculine/active/yang energy of the Sun nor the Soul/feminine/receptive/yin energy of the Moon dominates. Rather, the shadow of the lunar energy - the Soul, even at its darkest moment, could be described as encircled and protected by Spirit. The joining of these two forces provides focus and promises a rebirth of spirit after a dark night of the soul.

"The heightened impact of eclipse energy can be felt by everyone as much as 3 months in advance and has subtle reverberations for as long as 3 years afterwards. Although the energies are most prominent for a week on either side of the eclipse (many feel a heightened sense of anxiety during this period), the influence on events continues. Eclipse periods are extremely active, often associated with meaningful events and public exposure.

"Tarot Key 9 - The Hermit - Virgo This solar eclipse takes place with the Sun and Moon at 29 degrees Virgo. The tarot card associated with the sign of Virgo is Tarot Key #9 - The Hermit. This card teaches us to make use of solitude to question our beliefs and to discern wholeness.

Sabian Symbol: 30 Virgo "Having An Urgent Task To Complete, A Man Doesn't Look To Any Distractions"

"The symbolic degree interpretation of this particular eclipse highlights the total concentration required for reaching any spiritual goal and the need for the conquest of illusion.

Degree Affirmation: I am completely focused on the task at hand."