View Full Version : Telepathic Sex and TF

04-03-2016, 10:30 PM
I don't know if this is a dumb question, but does your TF have to be thinking about you at the same time for this to work? I've had 3 episodes of this since connecting with my healer. She explained that my heart chakra is opening, thus allowing this to be possible.

05-03-2016, 12:41 AM
No. There is no such thing as 'time' with soul to soul experiences.
For instance if my sc has had any thoughts about me or lucid dream experiences where he's met an aspect of my soul. I can receive the thought energy the next time I go into a lucid dream or do any soul talking with him, which could range from weeks to months from when he had the original thought. As he (sc) once put it, it's like an answering machine, a metaphysical answering machine where one soul has left a message and when the other soul is ready to look in, they'll receive the message. I'm very lucky that my sc is on the same level spiritually. We both lucid dream and lucky for me my sc logs his lucid dreams and I get the proof that he's appeared in mine as I have in his.
With telepathic sex. It is only and I mean only with him that I can see it and feel it so vividly that it's better than the real life thing. And I can only feel it and see it if he has allowed it, received it and sent back thoughts. If he has not and I initiate it, It can be difficult to 'connect' and I get nothing.
Last night in the first time in ages I felt him. I'm getting the feeling that he wants an astral baby. It's odd. I don't even fall for nonsense like that but I listened to his soul and got the strongest feeling that he wanted to try it out as the least resistant soul to experiment with and see if he could make that happen. Apparently I would get all the symptoms like a phantom pregnancy in my 3d body.

I connected to Goddess Athena as I am connected to her through one of my greek lives. She put a helmet on my head and told me it was to prevent outside influence over my thoughts and to gain clarity. She then told me to never make a decision from the mind as it can be deceptive and trickster and that decisions should always be made from the heart.

05-03-2016, 12:47 AM
Wow, i didn't know people could have astral babies!This is really interesting, i'm not well aware about astral world and lucid dreaming but i bet i felt something telepathic and sexual related in my sacral (strong vibrations) and heart chakra (something moving or itching?).

05-03-2016, 01:52 AM
No. There is no such thing as 'time' with soul to soul experiences.
For instance if my sc has had any thoughts about me or lucid dream experiences where he's met an aspect of my soul. I can receive the thought energy the next time I go into a lucid dream or do any soul talking with him, which could range from weeks to months from when he had the original thought. As he (sc) once put it, it's like an answering machine, a metaphysical answering machine where one soul has left a message and when the other soul is ready to look in, they'll receive the message. I'm very lucky that my sc is on the same level spiritually. We both lucid dream and lucky for me my sc logs his lucid dreams and I get the proof that he's appeared in mine as I have in his.
With telepathic sex. It is only and I mean only with him that I can see it and feel it so vividly that it's better than the real life thing. And I can only feel it and see it if he has allowed it, received it and sent back thoughts. If he has not and I initiate it, It can be difficult to 'connect' and I get nothing.
Last night in the first time in ages I felt him. I'm getting the feeling that he wants an astral baby. It's odd. I don't even fall for nonsense like that but I listened to his soul and got the strongest feeling that he wanted to try it out as the least resistant soul to experiment with and see if he could make that happen. Apparently I would get all the symptoms like a phantom pregnancy in my 3d body.

I connected to Goddess Athena as I am connected to her through one of my greek lives. She put a helmet on my head and told me it was to prevent outside influence over my thoughts and to gain clarity. She then told me to never make a decision from the mind as it can be deceptive and trickster and that decisions should always be made from the heart.

Thank you! You made a great point about telepathic sex. Everytime I make a "connection" with my TF, we have telepathic sex. However, there was one time I wanted to connect and I initiated sex, like you said, he didn't get the "message" and nothing happened. In other words, I couldn't "fake" it. It's been an interesting experience so far...I can't believe I can have these feelings and perform such an act!

05-03-2016, 01:55 AM
Wow, i didn't know people could have astral babies!This is really interesting, i'm not well aware about astral world and lucid dreaming but i bet i felt something telepathic and sexual related in my sacral (strong vibrations) and heart chakra (something moving or itching?).

My whole body/spine tingles and my lower body begins to pulsate. It's crazy. One time it happened, and my bed began to shake, without my moving it...

05-03-2016, 02:05 AM
Wow, i didn't know people could have astral babies!This is really interesting, i'm not well aware about astral world and lucid dreaming but i bet i felt something telepathic and sexual related in my sacral (strong vibrations) and heart chakra (something moving or itching?).
IKR. It's why I needed wise advice! And am greatful for Athena. My sc is well aware that we're multidimensional beings which is why it doesn't come as a surprise or shock. We're more capable than what our 3d dimension limits us as.
The sacral is our connection to our feelings. It is the pleasure and passion chakra among other things - creativity. Having strong vibrations in that chakra could definitely have something to do with your connection to your feelings, be them sexual or otherwise. The heart chakra itching or moving could literally be how love moves through your life. It is what connects us to create loving bonds with others. If you're feeling sensations in that chakra then you can observe it and understand why. When the heart chakra is open and balanced love is easily felt and with this great healing can happen.

05-03-2016, 05:14 PM
However, there was one time I wanted to connect and I initiated sex, like you said, he didn't get the "message" and nothing happened. In other words, I couldn't "fake" it. It's been an interesting experience so far...I can't believe I can have these feelings and perform such an act!

What I have experience, is not the same if he is not connected to me at the same time, Just not the same, basically I'm just alone. If he didn't get the "message" he could be busy at the moment, like working, driving, exercising or out in a busy place. He should get the message but doesn't mean he can connect with you at that exact moment. A good example with me I have experience a couple of times that he wants to connect with me but at the moment I was driving or just too busy and I can't do nothing about it, but I still felt his energy. Doesn't mean that he doesn't want to is just means that he could be just busy at the moment. He should be able to receive your energy or feel that you are trying to connect with him instantly.

One Soul
07-03-2016, 12:53 AM
My whole body/spine tingles and my lower body begins to pulsate. It's crazy. One time it happened, and my bed began to shake, without my moving it...

I tingle too.

Also, I have felt my body swaying when I'm completely still. Like a rocking motion.

I've never told a soul, but I know it's real.

07-03-2016, 01:03 AM
One time it happened, and my bed began to shake, without my moving it...

When I was going through internal growth/changes - I had some mornings where immediately upon waking I experienced this shaking sensation... My first thought was that my bed and the house was shaking (as if by some external event).. So I would check the Earthquake monitoring sites to see if there had been an EQ in my area - and of course there never was.... Eventually I came to understand that the 'shaking' was occuring within me... How I would describe the feeling is like someone had rung a bell inside me and then the sound/vibrational waves were reverberating inside me... Quite a strange feeling.....

07-03-2016, 01:33 AM
When I was going through internal growth/changes - I had some mornings where immediately upon waking I experienced this shaking sensation... My first thought was that my bed and the house was shaking (as if by some external event).. So I would check the Earthquake monitoring sites to see if there had been an EQ in my area - and of course there never was.... Eventually I came to understand that the 'shaking' was occuring within me... How I would describe the feeling is like someone had rung a bell inside me and then the sound/vibrational waves were reverberating inside me... Quite a strange feeling.....

Yeah...I totally understand where you're coming from. It's the strangest, yet welcoming feeling ever. It can't be forced either...

07-03-2016, 01:34 AM
I tingle too.

Also, I have felt my body swaying when I'm completely still. Like a rocking motion.

I've never told a soul, but I know it's real.

Yep...I'm assuming that you're not in physical contact with your TF either?

07-03-2016, 02:36 AM
No. There is no such thing as 'time' with soul to soul experiences.
For instance if my sc has had any thoughts about me or lucid dream experiences where he's met an aspect of my soul. I can receive the thought energy the next time I go into a lucid dream or do any soul talking with him, which could range from weeks to months from when he had the original thought. As he (sc) once put it, it's like an answering machine, a metaphysical answering machine where one soul has left a message and when the other soul is ready to look in, they'll receive the message. I'm very lucky that my sc is on the same level spiritually. We both lucid dream and lucky for me my sc logs his lucid dreams and I get the proof that he's appeared in mine as I have in his.
With telepathic sex. It is only and I mean only with him that I can see it and feel it so vividly that it's better than the real life thing. And I can only feel it and see it if he has allowed it, received it and sent back thoughts. If he has not and I initiate it, It can be difficult to 'connect' and I get nothing.
Last night in the first time in ages I felt him. I'm getting the feeling that he wants an astral baby. It's odd. I don't even fall for nonsense like that but I listened to his soul and got the strongest feeling that he wanted to try it out as the least resistant soul to experiment with and see if he could make that happen. Apparently I would get all the symptoms like a phantom pregnancy in my 3d body.
That explains a lot thanks FairyDawn...especially with communication, sometimes its so easy to connect and other times nothing doing.

Talking of babies....I had a miscarriage once at twelve weeks and was pretty upset by it which I guess is normal. But I felt as if I was still carrying it through till full term. I dont mean I got physically bigger lol but that child was still in my energy. One day while I was out to dinner with family I suddenly got the impression I had "given birth"...the baby had been released and was put in the arms of a mother energy of some kind, wasnt sure who but tears welled up in me and relief...I stopped mourning for that child from then on. When I checked out the date it was the estimated day of birth.

I connected to Goddess Athena as I am connected to her through one of my greek lives. She put a helmet on my head and told me it was to prevent outside influence over my thoughts and to gain clarity. She then told me to never make a decision from the mind as it can be deceptive and trickster and that decisions should always be made from the heart. I love this....a lot of symbolic wisdom there

07-03-2016, 02:41 AM
When I was going through internal growth/changes - I had some mornings where immediately upon waking I experienced this shaking sensation... My first thought was that my bed and the house was shaking (as if by some external event).. So I would check the Earthquake monitoring sites to see if there had been an EQ in my area - and of course there never was.... Eventually I came to understand that the 'shaking' was occuring within me... How I would describe the feeling is like someone had rung a bell inside me and then the sound/vibrational waves were reverberating inside me... Quite a strange feeling.....
Yes I remember that feeling well, just after my kundalini episode....mine would wake me up from sleep.

07-03-2016, 04:43 AM
All this talk about bell ringing reminds me of fairly frequent experiences that happen to me during sleep. I'll be sleeping then as I'm waking up I'll here a sound that sounds like a "ding" and it wakes me up. The sound starts out with a sharp note, then the sound becomes lower and vibrates until I hear silence. I've often thought it was someone ringing my doorbell but no one is up in the middle of the night. Also the sound is completely different than the doorbell of my house. It's really bizarre...

One Soul
07-03-2016, 04:10 PM
Yep...I'm assuming that you're not in physical contact with your TF either?

NO. I haven't been for 2.5 years.

I resist now when I feel the sexual energy.

I literally have to push it away and not be sucked into it.

07-03-2016, 06:07 PM
Somnia, i used to hear sounds like chimes or unknown sounds, i thought i was crazy but no, probably they are outerdimensional sounds.
FairyDawn, that is good my sacral and heart are becoming more active and connected to each other, i'm not sure if some sensations are TF related, i feel inspired by creativity thoughts, feelings and i notice more how sometimes people is sensitive or the total opposite in words. It feels nice going outside of the usual relationships rules, for example i was a bit weirded to see how some people is ungrateful for their partners to not buy them gifts also expensive ones (very conditional love related), love is measured by respect also in non romantic settings not the amount of gifts you receive from them. I had horrible experiences with "generous" friends because i saw they did it for give my trust to them while instead i was treated like dirt.

07-03-2016, 06:33 PM
Sorry I don't believe this one..

Gotta experience it lol

07-03-2016, 06:39 PM
I wonder how often we have telepathic sex once asleep and don't remember upon waking but wake up feeling like there's been not much rest and a helluva lot of action during the night. Last time we had telepathic sex while I was awake I ended up distracted for two days. And also ended up seeing and feeling it from tf's perspective.

07-03-2016, 07:27 PM
Me and my twin flame tried this at the same time many times, and when we shared experiences they completely matched down to the details. It's pretty mind blowing... I agree that time really doesn't matter tho.

07-03-2016, 10:22 PM
NO. I haven't been for 2.5 years.

I resist now when I feel the sexual energy.

I literally have to push it away and not be sucked into it.

Wow...sometimes I long to be how I was before I met him. It's too much and now with my heart chakra opening, the sexual energy is greater than ever... :icon_frown:

07-03-2016, 10:24 PM
Me and my twin flame tried this at the same time many times, and when we shared experiences they completely matched down to the details. It's pretty mind blowing... I agree that time really doesn't matter tho.

Wow. That's really interesting. Are you guys together now?

08-03-2016, 12:47 AM
^ Yes we are together :)

08-03-2016, 12:50 AM
^ Yes we are together :)

Yay! That's awesome. #goals

12-03-2016, 10:48 PM
He hasn't reached out lately... What can I do to connect with him again? Thanks in advance!