View Full Version : Could it be a sign?

29-02-2016, 12:54 AM
I work in an open pharmacy located in a shopping centre opposite Coles, a supermarket. I've been working there for just over three months. A couple of months ago I noticed a guy not much older than myself working in the front of Coles, alternating between customer service, self-serve and checkouts, so being opposite Coles maybe a distance of about 10 metres away.

Ever since I first noticed the guy, I've felt drawn to him, not understanding why. I have absolutely know clue if he's ever looked at me whilst working, since we've never made eye contact, but still regardless have felt an intriguing pull towards him. After work a few times I've gone into Coles to do some grocery shopping and have seen him up close within metres. The first time I saw him up close I was shocked because he was even more alluring and attractive than from a distance. I never got close enough to see what his name stated on his name badge, but for some weird reason from the beginning I was always curious as to what his name is.

A week ago he was featured in my dream and when I woke up, this force came upon me and the name "Kevin" popped into my head. I just knew his name had to be Kevin, I can't really explain it. A few days ago I went into Coles after work to get a couple of things and decided to quickly go through self-serve. The register I chose just happened to be opposite the guy where he was serving customers. I was within a couple of metres of him. I felt the need to look at him constantly, but I felt really shy about it and I'm not a shy person. Since he was in a convenient view, I decided to glance at his name badge and to my amazement it said "Kevin". I was gobsmacked and couldn't believe my eyes.

I'd like to know others opinions and thoughts. Is this a sign? Has anyone experienced anything similar? What could this mean?

09-03-2016, 08:01 AM
That is neat regarding coming up w/ the name. Maybe your guides were helping you out. As far as the unusual draw to him, I don't know. That could be anything - maybe you are meant to know him or there is a past life connection. Good luck to you in figuring that mystery out. :)

09-03-2016, 09:11 AM
signs are something which point out a direction.
(or maybe a label, like "men's room").
since nothing exists in a vacuum (everything is connected to something),
virtually everything contains an element of "sign"...
example: a knee is a sign of a nearby shin or thigh.

it's cool that your dream provided you with that specific name,
but what is it a sign of?
you could very well have some sort of "soul connection" with this fellow...
perhaps you were "significant" in a prior lifetime.
what do you want to make of that now?

you're not shy, but i sense you don't want to be brazen concerning this
strange attraction. i suggest that you let things unfold naturally and not
seek to bring about any particular outcome.
i figure it's more important what your "higher self", soul, and gut
tell you about these events than what you might get from online.
look within for those answers, and keep dreaming!
(dreams are your subconscious speaking to you)